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File: 325 KB, 1024x685, 47663091811_f50f26590b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14179233 No.14179233 [Reply] [Original]

What 24 of beer should I get from The Beer Store in Ontario?

Something crispy for summer.

>> No.14179249

I'm gay btw not sure if that matters.

>> No.14179256

Something kosher

>> No.14179257

Homos usually have very good taste.

>> No.14179259

Nothing good comes in a 24.

>> No.14179263

Well then I can get 4 6 packs. Or variety...

>> No.14179281

If Muskoka Brewing is still doing their Detour ISA, that's a good one

>> No.14179292

What's an ISA?

>> No.14179296
File: 67 KB, 490x686, Carling_Black_Label.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they have Black Label? I love black label

>> No.14179301

What's it like?

>> No.14179318

India Session Ale
Similar to an IPA but not as bitter. Designed to be drank casually like a lager.

>> No.14179320

basic north american pilsner, its clean and basic. I like it better than Labatt.
like a fuller tasting coors.

>> No.14179324
File: 43 KB, 780x439, hops-in-a-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to like IPA but now I can't stand it. Hopps are fucking gross and a meme.

>> No.14179328

This actually sounds interesting, thank you for bringing its existence to my attention.

>> No.14179348

6 4-packs of Fin du Monde

>> No.14179360

>Used to like IPA but now I can't stand it. Hopps are fucking gross and a meme.
Why do zoomers always say this? Nobody believes that you've been drinking beer regularly for a decade plus and just "got burnt out" on the IPA fad. Just be honest. You sound like a fucking tryhard.

>> No.14179372

IPA is gross. The last one I got from the local brewery I could barely finish.

>> No.14179383

In their defense, I'm about 30 and almost entirely burnt out on ipas. I'll drink a two hearted or bent paddles golden IPA. That's it.

>> No.14179387

Lot's of people don't like hop forward beers. It's just stupid to pretend like you used to like them and then one day realized they are "fucking gross and a meme". Nobody believes you.
Being burnt out is different from dismissing them as a meme while trying to say you used to enjoy them.

>> No.14179396
File: 12 KB, 394x319, sisko-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just not even going to rebut.

>> No.14179402
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>> No.14179548

A nice apple ale actually. I personally like redds. Light, crisp, and refreshing.

>> No.14179568
File: 85 KB, 1198x564, beer_2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14179573
File: 48 KB, 512x384, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your pick, it will be very crispy, I assure you.

I will let you in on a secret. They don't actually know what hops taste like. You can give them a malty beer, a fruity beer, a sour, a saison, a smokebeer, etc.; any taste they identify as not being present in AALs is attributed to hops.

>> No.14180029

So accurate it hurts, but beer is still good

>> No.14180037

This. La Fin du monde is great

>> No.14180078

Anything you can drink 24 of. Beer is just too watery and makes me piss too much these days. I usually just buy a couple good stouts, a sixer and a mother load of wine.

>> No.14180284

>i don't like something so everyone else must secretly dislike it too.

>> No.14181360

Move out of onterrible first faggot

>> No.14181378

I like it here.