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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14178633 No.14178633 [Reply] [Original]

I assume most people go there for the girls. How is the food there is it any good?

>> No.14178642

why are you torturing me with these jezebels? i want to live in absence of the female form. why are you coming here?

>> No.14178649

Based celibate monk anon

>> No.14178650
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this nigga here

>> No.14178651

Britbong here, would also like to know if it's just for its namesake or if there are some other enjoyable aspects.

>> No.14178661

The food is lower than average pub-fare. If you want good food, go somewhere else. If you want to ogle half-dressed women, then go for it.

>> No.14178687

I want to FUCK that Hooters girl in the PUSSY and ASS

>> No.14178698

>t. femanon

>> No.14178708

>panty hose with shorts
Trashy as fuck.

>> No.14178711

girls can have penises too anon

>> No.14178714

Why do boomers like places like this?
Imagine paying just to be blueballed

>> No.14178719
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We will ascend to wizardry brother. I did get turned on by two perfect pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes yesterday though

>> No.14178725

Because they don't stay at home all day and suck mommy's dick like you.

>> No.14178859

this made me laugh good job anon

>> No.14178865

Ordered their hottest chicken wings once.
They were shit.

>> No.14178869

Your sense of humour is dumb and embarrassing.

>> No.14178879

I liked their fried pickles but fried pickles are near impossible to fuck up

>> No.14178880

their smoked wings are really good and are the only reason I visit.

the fried pickles are ok too, but its hard to fuck up a fried pickle slice.

>> No.14178884

same gay

>> No.14178900
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I came here to gain knowledge on cooking+make new friends like you.

>> No.14178906

Thanks I honestly never been there +theres 1 in my town.

>> No.14179207

There was one in my town a while back. It was there for maybe 2 or 3 years. Went there maybe 3 times. The novelty wears off pretty quick.

>> No.14179295

Yeh their hottest wing sauce is about halfway up the chart anywhere else. I usually get it because it tastes pretty good tho

>> No.14179311

I've actually been to the Beckley Hooters. It's a shithole (as is that whole town).

But yeah, Hooters just isn't good. The only times I've gone was with a group where we thought we'd at least get some laughs talking to the girls (which, to be fair, we did), but it's basically bar food, which even the most backwoods shithole has a ton of, and at which you can find just as much conversation if that's what you need. There's always a young lady bartender somewhere in town.

If you want food, there's really no reason to go. Just hit up a bar and chill, the burger/wings will be just as good (and likely better). If you want a girlfriend you can try the Hooters, not the worst place to give it a go.

>> No.14179330

I used to get hooters wings and they were swimming in grease but now they are very different and not greasy, more crispy, did they change recipes or something?

I like their wings and curly fries but they arent spectacular

>> No.14179411

not really, the steak and cheese sub is ok at best, the wings are average at best, but really the only reason I ever go there is if others want to go otherwise its not good

>> No.14179427

It looks like the Hooters in Beckley is permanently closed. My weenie is throbbing for that waitress, how do I get her bros

>> No.14179458

I guess thirty years ago it was considered kind of raunchy. With the internet porn we have now, it's just a place to get chicken wings. I've seen families(wife, kids, and all) go to Hooters.

>> No.14179465

Oh, and most of the girls used to have fake tits back in the day. They're all flat chested as fuck now. Natural, but flat.

>> No.14179469

It's subpar food and nowadays subpar tits

>> No.14179516


>> No.14179537

I can't go back, the one time I went the only thing I remember was our girl was pregnant, and not just a little pregnant either. It just made me feel dirty.

>> No.14179549

one time in high school i got extremely stoned and went to hooters with some buddies. at one point during the meal one of them asked me how my food was, and i said it was great except the tea sucked. they asked where i'd gotten tea and i pointed at the "tea bags" that were at each place setting on the table, which were of course the moist towelettes they give you to wash your hands after you eat wings, and which of course i carefully dunked into my ice water and attempted to brew like tea.

drugs are a hell of a drug.

>> No.14179552

never tried it. the singapoor editon seems to be full of ugllios who look like bad trannies. >>>/lgbt/

>> No.14179556


>> No.14179584

Should've made it a fetish. My first time going to Hooters (about 12 years old) our waitress was an Asian and I was unbelievably disappointed. But she was really good and cute and flirted around with me and by the time it was over I had a yellow fever that still hasn't broke

>> No.14179600

I used to study for community college at the mall and the Hooters was around the food court. They were always trying to get me to come in. This was like 2009.

"tea bags" that were at each place setting on the table, which were of course the moist towelettes

Lol. There's no excuse for this level of stupid. Who the fuck goes to Hooters and their first thought is "I'll have a spot of tea"?

>> No.14179613
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Thought the breaded wings were unironically good.

>> No.14179633

at least here in bay area they hire anyone.. fat.. no chest... dyke... not fun... food is ok tho.

>> No.14179729

Why would you come to an anime website full of perverts if you don't want to see women?

>> No.14179768

She'd look much better without the stupid shiney stocking that they're forced to wear.

>> No.14179778

It's probably for health reasons. I'd personally let her fart on my dinner but they say it isn't very hygienic

>> No.14179782
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>> No.14179799

Well yea cause that’s fucking liberal land and I’m sure discriminating based on attractiveness for a hooters will get them sued

>> No.14179805

I think it was more that I couldn't think past "what happened to you that you're working in a place like this in your state?" because with how far along she was she shouldn't have been working at all, she should be at home. I felt a combination of pity and disgust over the whole thing.

>> No.14179813

>most people go there for the girls
what the fuck? why?
I never understood this
It's not like they'll give you a lap dance or anything so what the fuck is the point?
You could go sit to a street corner and constantly see girls better looking than that and in skimpyer clothes.
The mind of the 1980's coombrain truly is mysterious.

>> No.14179831

I'm the oldest cousin in my large family and have taken most of my younger cousins to a Hooters when they were about 12 to make sure they weren't faggots. Sometimes I let them try some beer.

>> No.14179841

Too pure for this sinful earth

>> No.14179853

You taking them to fucking hooters has absolutely no effect in their faggotry you fucking idiot. What the fuck is that response anyway?
>what the fuck is the point of hooters?
>why yes, ahhh, I used to go there all the time with my younger cousins *sip*
Do you have brain problems?

>> No.14179865

Are you a faggot?

>> No.14179866

In Little Italty in NYC they have big burly guys pushing people into restraurants on Mott St. It's pretty funny.

>> No.14179882
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>> No.14179884

Why are you so obsessed with faggots?
I bet you going to hooters is just compensation
>look at me everybody!! I go to HOOTERS :)))))) you know the restaurant with BOOBIES :)))))) haw haw haw :)))) no faggots here, no, absolutely not, defenately not some disgusting cock gargling FAGGOT because as you can see I go to a restaurant for REAL MEN :)))))

>> No.14179886

You probably think that of anybody who respects women, so I guess I must be.

>> No.14179887

Do you have brain problems?

>> No.14179891

Maybe its drain bamage?

>> No.14180346

I used to go to Hooters in the winter--with my coat pockets lined with celery and ranch dressing bottles. I'd order wings and ask for extra celery and ranch. Then I'd secretly load up the table and only eat the celery and ranch. I would discreetly pay, leaving everything behind...never to visit that location again. Once I told a hooters girl that I have a celery fetish. Eating celery in public. Consuming it like an animal; with ranch. Wings were the excuse. I miss doing that now.

>> No.14180358

The wings are surprisingly top notch. I don't have a celery fetish, but I always have them douse my wangz in a mix of the regular sauce and the 911 sauce.

>> No.14180383

No, in that case they are not girls.

>> No.14180385

heh, see more of the world. There are so many wonders to experience.

>> No.14180709

so transphobic anon
how can you discriminate against hairy men with dicks wearing makeup?

>> No.14180714

The food is trash, the beer is trash but reasonably priced so it's a decent option if you're trying to catch a sport event with a few friends without breaking the bank.

>> No.14180750
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>> No.14180754

The wings used to be okay. Nothing special but decent. Sometime in the mid-10s they tried to change their appeal because soyboys would rather stare at a giant list of sauces than a giant pair of tits. The chicken is lower quality too. Just go to bdubs if you want that.

>> No.14180806

Went in 2010, got garlic butter wings and they were 8/10 bretty good, the thots were okay.

>> No.14180818

A funny thing is going to hooters with a girlfiend, not so much because its a place to go but because its just close to a hotel and the girlfriend is watching you making sure that you're not leering at the chicks there.

>> No.14180912


>> No.14180923

It was in Phoenix with a girlfriend and we went there to meet with some friends to go to Alice Cooper's haunted house during Halloween. My girl and I were wandering around the place one day and there was a Hooters there so went to it. It was just random but it was funny watching my girlfriend watching me.

>> No.14180930

I wasn't leering at the grills at the hooters, really truly I wasn't.

>> No.14180936

Why would anyone choose hooters over a strip club? biggles the mind.

>> No.14180941


>> No.14180942

Random location and bringing a girlfriend to a stripclub will without a doubt catch a smack. At least with a hooters if you happen to be next to one its just a pretext for a restaurant instead of going way further for another.

>> No.14180949

I didn't overthink it, it happened to be there where my girl and I were.

>> No.14181014

What are fried pickles?
What the fuck, aren't regular pickles good enough???
Let's dip it in boiling oil and use it as a diabetic snack!
Why not just drink oil then you don't have to pay so much for killing yourself.

>> No.14181105

Some of the best grilled cheese sandwiches I've ever had were at Hooters.

>talking shit about fried pickles
Someday, you will learn to experience joy.

>> No.14182098

Transphobic? Now why would I fear trannies?

Also kek

>> No.14182122

their food is terrible. unbreaded wings are ok/10. they've priced their stuff really high recently.

>> No.14182357

No. It's lousy food. Buffalo Wild Wings is garbage tier and even they are better than Hooters.

>> No.14182416

I only remember having the wings. they were really shitty. soggy, and either the sauce or the oil added a shit taste to it

>> No.14182421

Because the validity of their existence undermines the preconceptions you want to cling to.

>> No.14182437

>oil consumption causes diabetes
Are you retarded?

>> No.14183622

The only thing they undermine is their own health

>> No.14183841

This does not concern me that much. I think of it as a similar mental disorder to being gay. I assume the trannies won't be able to breed and even if they would I doubt any woman would want a tranny.. Marriage would also be hard to explain.

>> No.14183954

pantyhose have so much power over men

>> No.14184047

This plus the girls that work there are never my type judging from photos, so a total waste of time.

>> No.14184074

food is pretty shit.
girls are shit too, at least in my area. ive seen hotter girls while shopping at whole foods.

>> No.14184126
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Just imagine her fat. Her face looks like the type that will balloon up in a few years.

It depends on where you get them. If they are oily, yeah that's unpleasant, but done nice and crisp? God-like.

>> No.14184172

I worked with black people who would order delivery from there all the time which was really confusing because we worked on a street that had like 50 restaurants within 2-3 blocks.

>> No.14184368

See their bodies
Tits and culo

>> No.14184394

As always, no. Now stop making these threads.

>> No.14184397

New recipe

>> No.14184423

It's only logical that women who're relatively well-off and health-concerned would be more attractive on average.

>> No.14184430

Yes, obesity IS a risk factor for type 2 diabetes. What, you thought it was just about sugar and not about calories?

>> No.14184435

A hero

>> No.14184437

Pushy promotion is usually a big red flag for some sort of racket. Are there any cases of bar/restaurant bill scams?

>> No.14184441

Post a pix of your gf

>> No.14184442

Day hours

>> No.14184452

i want to open a place like hooters but they just walk around with their pussies hanging out. normal tops and shoes and stuff but they they don't wear shorts or panties

>> No.14185688

Exclusively serve seafood for a more ``inmersive´´ experience

>> No.14185695

But can men have Vaginas?

>> No.14185739

There’s still a hooters in Nottingham iirc

>> No.14185819

If I order Hooters food to go will a Hooters girl bring it out. How do I get her to fart or give me a hand job

>> No.14185820
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this is the only reason i go to hooters

>> No.14185906

For no-ass chicken legs in thick stockings?

>> No.14185919
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>flawless skin with factory air

>> No.14185921


The hooters sauce is actually pretty good and I like the BBQ burger, my gf goes there for the the buff shrimp

>> No.14185935

why is there not hooters but for trap yet?

>> No.14185948
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What does the place smell like?

>> No.14185959

the food is decent yeah
it's nothing to write home about but it's your standard sports bar fare that you won't be unhappy with
that and alcohol
i'd rather go to st louis or something tho or my local pub

>> No.14185971

like any sports bar, shitty beer and boomer food

>> No.14186115

>flawless skin
How can you even tell through the stockings?

>> No.14186145
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yes of course they exist, moreover I don't give a fuck haha

>> No.14186168

Twin Peaks is only breastaurant with decent food.

>> No.14186214
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>> No.14186288


>> No.14186326

Don't forget the tendies

>> No.14186334
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Wear a pilot's uniform and look official.

>> No.14186948
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You fucking bitch.

>> No.14187001

yeah i wont defend it apart from i hadn't been smoking weed for very long (i was maybe 16 or 17 at the time) and was just absolutely ripped, may have been my first time dining out while stoned

>> No.14187027

It's standard microwave franchise fare. They advertise wings, but wings are offal garbage. The beer is cold.

>> No.14187107
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I wish they'd make a hooters with a bunch of mentally disabled female toddlers and call it waddlers, so I could hang myself in the restroom and finally be free of my useless crippled legs. I'm currently smoking marijuana heavily and applying ointment to my boils.

>> No.14187134

there's nothing i want more than to impregnate julie hagerty

>> No.14187178


dude weed lmao

>> No.14187840

I have family a whole side of from family in Clearwater which is where the original is. We'd go at least once visit, whether it was a weekend, week or month. So it may be one of the restaurants I spent most hours of my life in growing up and it was fire. Still the best breaded buffalo hot wing I've had.

I never saw it as lewd and one one viewed it as tashy. 90% of patrons are there for food, drink and the game. The girl, if you're even there for that, are extremely mild fanservice.

Maybe it is viewed differently in other states. I love on the otherside of FL and everytime I've picked up Hooter on International in Datona they were 7/10 at best. I havent been to the original in over 12 years but as child is was always at least a solid 9/10.

>> No.14187864

OK maybe you should reconsider why they gave it that name. Maybe there are lots of owls there but your charming naivety makes you a bit pathetic.

>> No.14187866

I only went a couple times. I was pretty down as a young wife. I remember seeing the girls there try and teach a 5 year old girl how to hula hoop and not knowing how to feel about it, but the bottom like was that the food was too greasy and not good enough to justify going back. I did have a positive food experience at a Tilted Kilt once, but it didn't seem as bright or senpai friendly as the Hooters.

>> No.14187901

>go to hooters for the first time
>girls are wearing black slacks and a black t shirt with the logo
Feminism literally killed an easy job with big tips for dumb women. The irony.

>> No.14187914

Are people still allowed to drive on the beach in Daytona. I remember that I was with my older brother and he got a ticket on the beach there for driving in circles, it was pretty funny. He made me swear to never tell our overprotective mom about that.

>> No.14187918
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>is a bunch of greasy horseshit cooked by mexicans and served by literal whore good?

>> No.14187924

He is not a based celibate monk, he is a regular involuntary celibate fag

>> No.14188059

>Are people still allowed to drive on the beach in Daytona.
We are still able to in NSB (same county) and it I can never see it changing.We have the most consistent eaves in the world and one of the world's best fishing. It's here he to stay.

>> No.14188071

That's good to know, one doesn't want to run over some guy chilling out and fishing on the beach while ripping donuts.

>> No.14188074

Is that Linux Torvalds?

>> No.14188083

In more south Florida it's pretty illegal to drive on the beach, if only so as to not run over turtle eggs.

>> No.14188092

People who go to Hooters "for the food" are the kind of people who watch pornos "for the plot".
Which is to say they're full of shit.

>> No.14188174

I also laughed, and suspect you of being a femanon with no pp.

>> No.14188191

Insanely based

>> No.14188200

people who go to hooters are the kind of people who pay for porn

>> No.14188280

Oh that shit shut down turtle season, we don't fuck around about that, you already know.

>> No.14188676

>I never saw it as lewd

The girls used to be super dolled up, but I guess with the advent of only fans and the fact that strippers are more "accepted" now adays the caliber has dropped

but I love me some hooters sauce

>> No.14188694

Some of their apps are decent, wings are meh but the Daytona sauce is good. Haven’t seen a hot girl work there in years. They’ll higher anyone these days because they’re desperate

>> No.14188699

I'm not a boomer and I don't drive a harley so I wouldn't know. I assume they either have shitty food and/or overpriced food because they have to make up for it with dumb slutty waitstaff, and no other restaurant has to resort to those measures. I don't understand people who flirt with waitresses, I wouldn't want to be with someone who has such a shitty dead end job that puts them around thirsty old men all day. go slut it up with someone else.

>> No.14188704

people always say they have good wings but I think it's a coombrain thing retards say because they like tits.

>> No.14188718

was there literally no other place to eat?

>> No.14188732

Tons of places, that's part of the fun of NYC. The vast majority of places are shitholes but that's learning.

>> No.14188739

I also did write that I was in Phoenix at the time for the hooters and my girlfriend and I just happened to be by one so WTF. It was better than hotel food.

>> No.14188743

quit posting over and over in this thread, you've done it like 9 times now. fuck off. no one gives a shit about your whore girlfriend who is cool with you eating at hooters with her

>> No.14188744

You might want to learn to follow a thread.

>> No.14188749

No it wasn't even close to 9.
What are you some kind of stalker faggot counting posts?

>> No.14188772

no one cares

>> No.14189164

The food is Applebees tier.

>> No.14189244

My buddy and i used to go all the time like 10-7 years ago. Split 50 wings and a pitcher of beer and the price wasnt too bad

>> No.14189329

Get back to your historical novel Derek.

>> No.14189338

>factory air
What did the ESL mean by this?

>> No.14189717

Hate to shatter the illusion, but I’ve had fucked up fried pickles

>> No.14189733

Did he get the number wrong or is he counting them? Make up your mind.

>> No.14191436

love them grilled wings, just wish the girls had more revealing footwear

>> No.14191534


>what is the point of pantyhose

Based retard. Chicks in pantyhose are hot; maybe not tights like those in particular but hooters broads generally wear sheer ones

>> No.14191649

You sound like an insuferable normalshit tourist that doesn't belong here. We don't blink at this shit, it's our life. Stay on reddit, bitch.

>> No.14191691

She's wearing fucking tights, not pantyhose. Also, the point of pantyhose is to disguise skin blemishes, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and prevent skin from sagging. The dude said she had flawless skin, but her skin isn't visible under those thick as fuck tights.