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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14174758 No.14174758 [Reply] [Original]

I just graduated college and I'm about to start working at mcdonalds. I've only worked at my college dining hall before this. Any tips for me lads?

>> No.14174761

Don't forget my extra ranch dips, wagie.

>> No.14174766

always wear a top hat when you talk to girls and make sure to neg them

>> No.14174767

You have to have a degree to work at mcdonalds now? Fuck man

>> No.14175796

Yep, get a real job. If you aren't working 30 hours a week you'll be struggling once that 6 month grace period ends. Bet.

>> No.14176169

Good job using that degree you have.

>> No.14176178

find a bar or a more upscale restaurant to work in. you'll have more fun at least.

>> No.14176189

Use it as a learning experience.
Do not work harder than you are being asked to, showing you are willing to work extra hard is showing you are available to be taken advantage of.
Don't get too comfortable
Don't broadcast things in your job on social media
No matter how nice a manager is they are only interested in moving up the chain and will fuck you over to do so.
Prioritise, then work towards the most important things.

>> No.14177225

socialise. enjoy the friendships you make!

also remeber it's a totally replaceable and pointless job, so don't try too hard.

>> No.14177230

this, plus the free coke is a bonus

>> No.14177232

>I just graduated college and I'm about to start working at mcdonalds.
What a waste of your time and money. If you'd just done this straight out of high school you'd be in a way better position with an extra 4-5 years of earning/saving and no debt.

>> No.14178776
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do americans really have mcdonalds degrees?

>> No.14178790

No, our degrees are just that fucking worthless.

>> No.14178795


>> No.14178803

>hasn’t been abroad
>confirmed as American

>> No.14178820

It's an elective actually.

>> No.14178849
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>OP's alma mater

>> No.14179304

basically the only perks of being a kitchen bitch is the drugs

>> No.14179361

This is 99% of college graduates. College reps steer kiddies to easy useless degrees that are high-profit for the school (hire a shit "professor" to teach nothing, let them earn a useless certificate). Hilarious when the SJW degree courses tell you that they need more people with STEM degrees...
Like me, fucking pissed off the recruiter when I signed for classes, got my AS in drafting, then hired at BOEING, continued taking classes and credit earned my BS in mechanical engineering. Boeing went to shit (again), so I called on family and acquaintances to network and now I do mercenary engineering from custom t-shirt and restaurant menu editing to CNC programming and 3Dprinter repair.
I spend most of my days silently laughing at everyone.

>> No.14179502

no one asked faggot, you should be more silent

>> No.14179651

Which subreddit did you find this post on?

>> No.14179672
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i myself am a hygiene technician

>> No.14179764

The only college grads that start off working in the food and retail industries are the ones who didn’t do shit except go to class during their entire college experience. They’re also more often than not the ones who moan about debt and how school was such a huge waste of time for them.

The real niggas that start off making six figures put the time and effort to work on their own side projects, network with others, do internships, and/or pursue research opportunities. Pay off any school debt with your sign-on bonus and you’re debt-free.

>> No.14179775

You can stuff nuggets in your pockets for a snack later.

Line your underwear with McDonalds napkins. Shit your pants so you dont have to waste your break in the toilet.

>> No.14179776

So you're saying that actually going to college is a waste of time and you should just do shit on your own time.

>> No.14179785

Literally the opposite. Colleges give you the opportunities for all those things, but it’s your choice whether to pursue them or not. You’re gonna have a much harder time with networking without a student body, getting any research opportunities without professors, or finding good internship and job opportunities without pursuing or having a degree.

>> No.14179792

>brainwash everyone to go to college
>even if you can't afford it you get coaxed into taking out a huge loan
>go to college for 4 years
>go to work at McDonald's to pay off debt for going to college
Does this make sense to you?

>> No.14179942

is this a copypasta?

>> No.14180438

Even if this was real...youre a freelance 3D programmer and have the gall to shit on the "kiddies"? Lmao. Keep coping /pol/dit.

>> No.14180447
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>mercenary engineering from custom t-shirt and restaurant menu editing to CNC programming and 3Dprinter repair

>> No.14180478

But he didnt get fooled by the college scam artists and their useless humanities degree bro.

>> No.14180483

>I just graduated college and I'm about to start working at mcdonalds

>> No.14180484

>waaahhh college bad
Stick to your reddit conspiracy board

>> No.14180488

Yes. I never went to college, and now I'm 31 and not working at Mcdonald's.

>> No.14180491


>> No.14180518
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>> No.14180558

The issue is that people are led to believe that just going to class and getting a degree will get you what you need, when that's honestly the least useful thing you could do at a college. People don't know that you need to do those things to be successful, they've just been told that you need to go to college and get a degree and you'll be able to do whatever you want when that's a giant pile of unadulterated bullshit.

>> No.14180584
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>> No.14180607

prepare to want to murder people in a couple months

>> No.14181508

>mercenary engineering from custom t-shirt and restaurant menu editing to CNC programming and 3Dprinter repair.
Unemployed lol

>> No.14181524
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>> No.14181663

McDonalds is a student job. Get a real job with your degree.

>> No.14181671

Congrats on making it

>> No.14181714

This above all else, networking is one of the most important things in getting a job and you never know what will come back to bite you in the ass. Or where someone will end up.
Also this, even not working to hard will get you above most people, just showing up on time does.

>> No.14181732

>I just graduated college
Did u know what kind of career u wanted before u whent to college or did u just get into debt and signed up for any useless niggerology/gender degree like most retards?

>> No.14182332


>> No.14182382

Society is such a meme