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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 500x717, Connor-McLeod-Highlander-Christophe-Lambert-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14172547 No.14172547 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a noob. What kind of steak should I get? Something I can pan fry in butter.

>> No.14172559

Damn good movie with a good soundtrack as well. I remember blasting that at an aunt & uncles place when I was a kid and my little girl cousing started hollaring at me about the volume. Of course I turned it down because it was more her place than mine but damn that Queen music was good.

>> No.14172567
File: 6 KB, 301x167, Pork_Chops_and_Apple_Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get prok chops and applesauce

>> No.14172577
File: 127 KB, 750x541, 07683d253498aa0217987e738e5bcf55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat steak because I am a real man

>> No.14172640

if you don't cook it medium rare or less you will be forgotten by history and fade into irrelevance

>> No.14172673

Brisket, or shank is good, make sure to cook it to done and put ketchup or A1 on it.

>> No.14172702

You can't pan fry a steak in butter you neanderthal

>> No.14172717

OP here. The only streaks I've ever cooked are cube steak. They only have ribeye, tbone, and file minion. Which one should I get?

>> No.14172733

maybe start sirloin then move up, or a stew

>> No.14172765


>> No.14172770

new york strip

>> No.14172775
File: 34 KB, 532x509, 1590636098432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only have those three at walmart.

why not?

>> No.14172780

is there at least a costo nearby? hell, an albertsons?

>> No.14172788

There's a kroger, I could try that I guess

>> No.14172799

kroger aint too bad.

>> No.14172829

Just about anything with some marbling, avoid things like eye round with no fat in the meat. NY strip is fairly standard and relatively inexpensive. I can get a nice one for about $8, I also usually pick up some asparagus to cook in the leftover butter & juices. Make sure to use unsalted butter so you have complete control over the salt in the pan.

>> No.14172856

Start with high smoke point oil, sear it on both sides and then add butter and baste that motherfucker, don't burn yourself though

>> No.14172969

Ribeye. Get a meat thermometer while you're there. Look up temps and use it so you don't fuck the steak up. Get your pan way hotter than you think it should be.

>> No.14173089
File: 2.23 MB, 4032x1960, 20200428_185131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the correct answer.

salt and pepper the steak and put it back in the fridge for about an hour

sear it then turn the temp down and baste with butter, rosemary, and garlic.

>> No.14173159


If you want to get a better crust than this, put the steak uncovered in fridge overnight on a cooling rack/baking rack. I use the wire rack from my air fryer.

It dries out and crisps better. Then get pan ripping hot.

>> No.14173164

Chuck eye, if you can find it.

>> No.14173185

I agree with the ribeye part because it's probably the easiest steak to cook for a newbie.
I don't think getting into the habit of using a thermometer for a steak is a good idea, though.

>> No.14173281

lel, based reference

>> No.14173300
File: 344 KB, 811x454, davis-aurini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd wager $100,000 that the guy who posted this has a tiny weiner and/or is a massive cuck. Chads or normal dudes don't try this hard or put on such ridiculous affectations to be MANLY™.

>> No.14173323

Look up tastys method of reverse searing, super easy way of getting med rare without fucking it up constantly.

Also you always start a steak with oil not butter. You baste and finish with herbs and butter or the butter will burn OP.

>> No.14174510

your duck must be huge

>> No.14174520

you can hear it quack from miles away

>> No.14174540

Ribeye but use olive instead. As hot as you can get the pan.

>> No.14174591

Yo Pork Chops and apple sauce is legit.

Marinate the porkchops overnight in a tangy italian salad dressing.

Get some ribbon styled pasta, add applesauce and breadcrumbs


>> No.14174658

>why not?
butter can't get hot enough to fry a steak properly

>> No.14174855

Pork and Apples have been pair together for a while.

I personally hate it but my mum loved making variations of it growing up. Sucked for me.

>> No.14174895
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x1632, IMG_20200129_185453191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butter can't get hot enough to fry a steak properly
You don't know how to cook.

You actually start with olive oil, then after searing the first side hot as fuck you drop an entire stick of butter in your cast iron and tilt the pan so the butter collects at the edge of the pan. Then you place your caramelized onions and fresh minced garlic and Tyme and Rosemary on top of the steak and baste them in hot melted butter which actually cooks the garlic and infuses your butter with the herbs. You baste continually until the steak is done.

You absolutely pan fry steak with butter. This is cooking steak 101. You just have to know the technique.

>> No.14174915

pork steak kicks chops ass! modern chops are just too lean

>> No.14175785

Filet mignon.

>> No.14175813

Not the guy you replied to but what's with all the fancy techniques? By frying a steak in just butter without any techniques I've been able to get steaks that look pretty much the same as the pic you posted. Is my timing just very lucky?

>> No.14175813,1 [INTERNAL] 

Or it's from a blog about cigars and guns. Which it is.