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File: 1.39 MB, 1080x758, nutella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14169596 No.14169596 [Reply] [Original]

in this nutella promo from the 70's in denmark it says that nutella is healthy and full of vitamins?

isn't this just them blantantly lying or was the recipe different back then?

>> No.14169602

De lyver

>> No.14169608

I think the standard for what was healthy and full of vitamins was just different. Calorie heavy foods aren't a problem if they're something you just have sometimes and not literally every day.

>> No.14169610

Ferrero lost a class action somewhere over their health claims for Nutella. You could look it up if you're interested.

>> No.14169612

I assume the recipe must be different as even today it varies greatly by country. That said, there was probably some bullshit involved anyway.

>> No.14169617

i eat a slice of bread with nutella almost everyday
and the standard for what was healthy?

what vitamins could've possibly been in it?
the ones from the hazelnuts or palm oil?

>> No.14169624

ja men vil det så ikke være decideret ulovligt?

>> No.14169626

This, only American Nutella is garbage, European Nutella is made from organic ingredients and actually incredibly nutritious.

>> No.14169640

can't tell if joking or not

>> No.14169646

That much is probably fine, Nutella got it's 'not healthy' reputation after Americans began basically drinking the stuff.

>> No.14169692

everyone with a brain should know it was never healthy to begin with

>> No.14169706

the milk and hazelnut ingredients are healthy. but it's misleading to say nutella is healthy because it's mostly just oil and sugar. it's basically cake frosting with a couple healthy ingredients mixed in. it's not bad as long as you only have a little bit and treat it like a dessert food, but it's not a healthy breakfast spread to be giving your kids every day like the commercials try to make you think.

>> No.14169713

>organic = more nutrition

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

>> No.14169722

Americans are barely more sentient than rocks to be fair

>> No.14169730

That's why the top research universities in the world are in the US right? That's why the US has the most Nobel Prize winners, right?

Foreigner scum crawl from all directions of life to come here to study and learn because we're the ones actually pushing research forward in the world.

>> No.14169736

Go eat a burger, you fat stupid fuck

>> No.14169738

>gets BTFO
>g-g-go eat a burger!!

Absolutely seething.

>> No.14169744

>can only communicate in memes
Go shoot someone or drink a gallon of lard, retard

>> No.14169777
File: 38 KB, 555x448, this_is_why_we_can't_have_nice_thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look up Norwegian variant
>32g fat
>58g sugar
>6g protein
>Only 13% hazelnuts, 7% cacao and 6% milkdpowder
>Only 74% unhealthy filler of the wrong type

>> No.14170197

I occasionally buy a medium sized jar of Nutella and eat it with a spoon over the course of 2-3 days.

>> No.14170335

imagine being this mad your country produces nothing but shit food, americunts can't into healthy eating.

>> No.14170362

Nutella will constipate me so violently it's unnatural. I assume it's the soy lecithin but I'm just guessing. It'll keep me on the toilet straining to shit one turd for over two hours. Whatever is in it is satanic.

>> No.14170365

You are absolutely braindead. American Nutella is worse but Nutella anywhere is just pure sugar.

>> No.14170993

2 Points:

1. In the pre-WWII era, high-caloric spreads, mixes, etc. were rightfully seen as relatively healthy, as the alternative for many poorer families was caloric deficiency. For example, this is why malted milk was so popular, even if milk is already calorie-rich. This was still in people's cultural dietary assumptions in the 70s.

2. It's the whole tug-and-pull about people very much wanting to be sold a lie that's convenient for them. People want to eat as much as the want without consequence, and they'll probably not look too deeply if a company promises it up front.

>> No.14171059
File: 17 KB, 270x255, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milo is marketed as a nutritious sports drinks
its literally 60% sugar

>> No.14171067

pure sugar is organis
palm oil is organic
saturated fats is organic
high fructose corn syrup is organic

whats your point?

>> No.14171394

That's probably from it not having much water in it, and the cocoa and hazelnuts having protein and fiber. Nuts and chocolate can both be constipating, and so can any food without much moisture. It's probably not the soy lecithin. If you ever have it again just try to remember to drink a lot of water after.

>> No.14171538

Only in America though

>> No.14171634

I've been learning Norwegian during lockdown and I'm pleased to see that Danish-intended-for-children is legible to me, potato-throat.

>> No.14171666

where are you from

>> No.14171679

Of you want a better alternative check out Justin’s chocolate hazelnut butter

>> No.14171718

I love that they made a commercial saying: Nutella. A part of a healthy meal*

*The healthy meal is the whole bread, fruit and the milk you drink with it. Not the Nutella.

>> No.14171723

hazelnuts do have a lot of vitamins. the spread is like 30% hazelnuts iirc. the sugar and palm oil are pretty useless tho. the coco butter solids are ok too good antioxidants.

>> No.14171744

Cereal commercials do the same thing. "Part of a balanced breakfast" when they show it with eggs, fruit, toast, etc. They'd probably be doing the same thing with lunch and dinner if people didn't already drink soda with those meals and would realize that having that much sugar in your food isn't the best.

>> No.14171750
File: 131 KB, 954x573, 3C3B6EB000000578-0-image-a-17_1484734900425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the spread is like 30% hazelnuts iirc.

>> No.14171755

blatant lying

"vitamins" usually isn't protected from this type of use as a term

>> No.14171758

>American Nutella is worse

prove it

>> No.14171844

Nutella from the 70s, especially in Denmark, is not the same Nutella that gets pushed in America and is loaded with cacaobutter and corn fructose. Many multi international companies segment their products and sell "inferior" versions in regions with retarded people with have no aquired taste. For example shitty chocolate in Europe still actually contains cacao while shitty chocolate everywhere else in the world is masked sugar and butter. Why? Because Europeans created chocolate and have set the bar higher due to longer experience.

>> No.14171852

Corporates segment their products across regionional cultures. If you can get away with selling an inferior cheaper version for the same price to a customer base it would be seen as a profitable move in business. The average American has no aquired taste let alone a foundation of culture and history to rely on. You can peddle and sell them anything as long as you tell them its "traditional x" or "real natural x" or "ancestorial dish" while in reality its a cheap processed plastic knockoff. Take cheap hotdogs for example.... It's suppose to be an imitation of a german braadwurst on a bun with toppings. Its food for the uncultured poorr; fueling the economy as a mass feeding system.

>> No.14171872

Every time I see one of these retarded old-time adverts I hear the voice of Anthony Cumia purporting the smoothness of Luckies in my head.

>> No.14171881

our current nutella here in denmark is no different than that of the US ones
even italian nutella is more or less the same
infact i think in america they use skim milk instead of skim milk powder like they do here

>> No.14171887

Det går virkelig ikk'

>> No.14171891

Prove it...Not write an opinion essay

>> No.14172100

its the same product retard, labeling may be different but its the same stuff
they were fudging facts, you have vitamins in the hazelnuts they use in it, but they dont mention that half the bottle is sugar

>> No.14172197

>question about food advertising
>euros inevitably try to turn it into an anti-American thread
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.14172224
File: 497 KB, 699x1261, Screenshot_2020-05-30-16-04-51-71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begone corporate kike shills. This is simple business logic.

>> No.14172230

>let corporate homoglobe kikes run lose and push processed poison down people's throats.
>surprised people are anti american

Fix you country John Appleseed.

>> No.14172233

So what kind of meat is in the Polish Findus lasagna?

>> No.14173538
File: 256 KB, 1633x990, 20200412_201755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad I always hated this shit and didn't understand why the fuck everyone else loved it.

>> No.14173653

I only eat cereal when I can't be bothered to make a full breakfast. I can't imagine trying to eat both in one sitting.

>> No.14174580

Not him, but it used to be worse. Now, everywhere is just as bad as the US version. Polish Nutella was the last bastion of goodness but that one changed, too, about 12 years ago. They all taste the same now. It's fucking criminal that Nutella is such rubbish now.
I bought some German brand a few weeks ago because it comes in a glass jar, like Nutella used to. I've yet to open it. Hopefully, it's not crap.

>corporate overlord tells fibs to take my money!
>this has never happened before!

>> No.14174588

Is that a hamster or a mouse or some other animal? wtf is it?

>> No.14174723


>> No.14176648

Your so called "top research" facilites are outclassed by European Universities 2:1. Americans also have everything behind numerous paywalls and the only reason they can even continue is because they basically bribe academics to live there. The US is unironically a shithole and you're a bootlicker.
-t. thinking US citizen who despises what this country has turned into in the last 50 years.

>> No.14176671

Back in the 70s manufacturers focused on creating a good product, rather than only caring about cutting production costs as much as possible.

>> No.14176764

>Your so called "top research" facilites are outclassed by European Universities 2:1

This is some serious cope. Go look at the objective data and you'll find that Europe lags behind in research output in comparison to both USA and China. Afterwards you can continue to consume American culture and media while you curse under your breath about your distaste for America.

>> No.14176813

>Sweden and Switzerland (EU countries fyi) produce the most highly cited publications, followed by the US [...]and China.
And China has also numerically overtaken the US. So what do you have going for your "academic" system?


>> No.14176849

Funny how the article you posted still specifies that the US is still the leader in science. Not to mention Chinese research is filled with plagiarized trash. Also, please see the following: https://www.natureindex.com/institution-outputs/generate/All/global/academic/n_article

>> No.14176958

moving the goalposts there buddy?
I think I dont have to go on, it's pathetically obvious that you've not only lost your supposed "argument" but that you can not accept your defeat either. The US is nothing but a freeloader, sucking up human resources from all around the globe by continually minting trillions of dollars out of thin air, backed only by their perceived "superiority". A hollow suit of arms filled with nothing but individualistic egoistic pursuits and narcissists from the rural flyover hicks up to the President himself.

>> No.14177005

Of course they're blatantly lying. It's advertising.

>> No.14177032

Hardly a move of goalposts. I spoke of research output, and you moved the posts by bringing up some spurious claim regarding citations followed by a claim regarding China, in which their episodes of research plagiarism and falsification are well-documented. Not to mention, if you were to look at this from a per capita standpoint, the point is moot anyway. So yes, we are more productive. You're clearly low-functioning; one standard deviation below the mean at best. Amazing statement regarding us being freeloaders while our foreign aid continues to prop up countries throughout the world and our military provides the world for an environment in which free trade can safely operate. Keep quiet and maybe we'll drag one of you lowly Euros to Mars with us.

>> No.14177123

>US is clearly lagging behind EU countries and China in terms of quality of research (citations being the best indicator) and quantity of research
>b-but China is ebul and does bad things and they also copy everythang!;_;
Fuck off amerishart, go vote for Daddy Drumpf, surely he will show those evil chinks and silly euros.

>> No.14177177

Show me the data then, sweaty.

>> No.14177444

I dag ville det. Der var knap så mange regler i 70erne, så det var sandsynligvis lovligt dengang.

If you have a rudimentary grasp of one of the scandic languages, you can usually make sense of the other two as well. There's some not so lucky overlaps though, like "porre" and "porr" which is why internal communication in businesses that employs more than one scandic nationality tends to be in English, if there's no room for misunderstandings.
Porre is leek in Danish, and Porr is porn in Swedish and they sound more or less identical.

Og dog!

That's about that recent thing with Biedronka (Polish supermarket chain) being caught repacking imported foodstuffs, labeling them as Polish after the prime minister encouraged the poles to buy polish goods, isn't it?

>> No.14177482

>trusting portuguese people to be honest
that was your mistake right there.
i dont trust any of my own people why would you? I'd give a eastern european far more trust than a portuguese

>> No.14177500

Did you even try to read the parantheses after Biedronka?

>> No.14177540

>he doesn't know who owns that polish supermarket chain

>> No.14177546
File: 253 KB, 1010x522, Screenshot from 2020-05-31 19-42-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today you learned

>> No.14177591

Well shiet. I visit Poland occasionally, but I didn't know that.

>not about:config disabling pocket and similar useless bloat

>> No.14177602

It is a live linux environment, I don't use the internet without it, ever
>inb4 pedo
I like privacy

>> No.14177618

Explain why the url bar still have the Pocket icon then. Or was all that just a fancy way to say you run vanilla firefox in a virtual machine?

>> No.14177624

>virtual machine
Everytime I get online, I boot through Live USB Porteus LXDE and use it that way. The default settings are good enough for me. Who cares about having the pocket icon there?

>> No.14177646

>Who cares about having the pocket icon there?
I do. I hate bloat and other visible clutter.
I was absolutely furious when they fucked up about:newtab with all the dumb shit it has now. Took me hours of fiddling to get rid of the bullshit and get the tiles back to the 8x4 I'm used to have.

>> No.14178248

Yes, advertisers are allowed to lie for some reason.