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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14169323 No.14169323 [Reply] [Original]

straight from the chicken
they used to just give these away but now even small butchers get their chickens without the skin
turns out you can just order the skins, but they come in giant boxes. fwiw i live in a mostly white area and i suspect if you live in a place where they eat chicken feet and cow tongue you can probably get chicken skins easily. don't care. it's none of my business.
pic is obviously not OC but a shallow fry with your favorite seasonings is great
reheat in the microwave is fine, just let them rest so they crisp up again

>> No.14169366

I ordered 4 skins. 4 skins of chicken.

50 pound box of delicious hot foreskin.

>> No.14169495

That's pretty based I like eating the skin of chickens

>> No.14169538

yeah it's a crispy treat. better than pork rinds, really. and way cheaper. my guy told me his cost for a 10lb box is $.99
naturally i asked what the price would be and he was like yeah it doesn't matter
can you imagine what 10lbs of chicken skins would look like? i asked him if i should bring my trailer and he was like haha yeah man i don't know

>> No.14169562

isnt it supposed to be a butcher's job to...butcher
seems like they are just meat retailers now

>> No.14169571

Lockers kill, butchers shops just buy and carve cuts into smaller cuts.

>> No.14169613

one would think
i called around. small places, too
they all just get their chickens ready and it's a cost issue
and frankly it's because it is cheaper to ship a dead bird to china for processing, and then ship it all the way back here ready to go

it is honestly fucking disgusting. i am not wealthy by any stretch, but i would gladly pay more for food that is entirely processed by my people so they might be able to do that job and support a family
oh god forbid the tomatoes are $.25 more expensive
fuck you devils. burn. the most important thing is eating good

>> No.14169631

my bad, i meant carve, not kill(for which i would usually refer to as slaughtering, not butchering)
i know places that literally just ship in meat, and sell it, sometimes not even cutting it up, its already preportioned

>> No.14169643

i am coming into possession of 10lbs of chicken skins and knowing that with the right seasonings they are better than pork rinds and can beat beef jerky, i'm now looking at the cost of a food license, as i already own a business and can just add that in, and then it's a new sensation
support these places. they do not exist around here. i live in new england. there are some hobbyists, but the closest we come to this is an asian market near the capitol where it's just hanging corpses right when you walk in

>> No.14169708


>> No.14169745

not really dude
not in light of how many chickens get made ready for eating
the skins need to come to me so i can fry them and season them
i got ten fucking pounds for a dollar. i can turn this around for untold profit once people realize how good they are as a snack
think about how many chickens get harvested daily and then what happens to the fucking skin?

>> No.14169789

How long will chicken skins last after being cooked? Obviously they're best fresh. I usually roast my chicken and if I have any skin that's not crispy, I remove it and bake that separately. The rotisserie chickens at the store have soggy skin and this works perfect for them.

>> No.14169799

couple days in the fridge but they come back to life easily in a microwave
1min on high and then let them sit for another minute so the hot juices settle back in and dry out for a complete re-crisping
it sounds like i'm goofing but i'm not. they come back to life unbelievably

>> No.14169810

>new sensation
Every izakaya I have been to has chicken skins, they skewer and grill them until crispy. Nothing new there.

>> No.14169824

yeah ok but the thing is i don't know what izakaya is, and i bet the immediate market here doesn't either
i would call them "chicken skins"
and if some izakaya comes up and tries to muscle me out of the business, i'll take care of that in a biblical way, if you catch my drift
if you see what i'm driving at,
big rig

>> No.14169826

>but i would gladly pay more for food that is entirely processed by my people so they might be able to do that job and support a family
Loads of people say this when there is no one to actually hold them to it.

>> No.14169837

I throw a bunch of chicken skins into a wok and slowly render the oil out. Then throw leek and ginger in. Boom, flavored chicken oil. If you're making fried rice that shit is magical. Plus you can take out the fried leeks and chop them up for a great garnish

>> No.14169840

ok. time to put them to the test!
i do. i go through all sorts of inconveniences for this type of shit. i don't expect most people to behave like i do, but that's immaterial. this is about the chicken skin business i'm going to make a gofundme for. and the benefit for you is that you get to name the business. hitler did nothing wrong chicken skins is already taken so don't bother

>> No.14170183

ffs just tell us where you bought the 10lb if chicken skin, you know you want to

>> No.14170240

some butcher shop in massachusetts
problem is i dont live in the state and the guy did me a favor borne from some family connections
he has to store it for a couple days and nobody knows how big of a box that is going to be. and even if it is smaller than one might think, it's still taking up real estate in the freezer until we pick it up
just out of respect, sorry. really. ask your local butcher

>> No.14170253
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They sell them in gas stations were I live

>> No.14170269

my problem with those is i bet they are too thick and too dry
not going to pass judgement though. can you tell us how they taste?

>> No.14170279

It taste exactly like picking the skin off publix fried chicken

>> No.14170313


>> No.14170349

smallest amount they come in
can't imagine how many skins i'm about to get for a dollar
this is the fucking thing. problem is i'm not getting them until next sunday so this thread isn't even good but i will post sunday evening just diving naked into a kiddie pool of chicken skins

>> No.14170382

Not the same. Stay mad.

>> No.14170438

a few questions

How did they come packaged? Did they come flat and separated with wax paper the way frozen burger patties are or did they come in one big frozen mass that you have to defrost and individually separate?

What are you gonna make with them? I love me some deepfried chicken skins covered in a spice blend like blackening seasoning or something but what else can you make with them? Wrap them around a sausage and deep fry?

>> No.14170515
File: 355 KB, 447x445, 2019-08-23 16_05_29-Shit my LPO says 4 - Operation Enduring Memes - Home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post, bump

>> No.14170634

Tortured but underrated

>> No.14170879

Wow, and here I was thinking I was hot shit for saying they should just sell the skins of chickens so you can fry them up.

Apparently I'm retarded.

>> No.14170982

Never heard of this, but when I get a rotisserie chicken for chicken soup or whatever, I always fry the skin in a frying pan until crispy. Yummy snack.

>> No.14172204

An actual decent /biz/ idea

>> No.14172842

I swear if you could buy KFC's chicken skin I'd be dead in a week.

>> No.14173267

that was my biggest weakness as a line cook at a buffet style place, I'd be roasting 25 lbs of thighs on high and end up snacking on all the skins. so much that my stomach would ache during dinner rush but I still couldn't stop eating it
props man that 99 cents is unreal for all of that.
do you think you could form it a certain shape in the fryer? Imagine a flat bowl of crisp chicken skin filled with something greasy like fried rice. or maybe using them in place of onion straw garnishes. there's a ton of possibility with that much chicken skin

>> No.14174132

you could do little tart cups too. duck rillette with a chicken skin tart

>> No.14175042
