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14166862 No.14166862 [Reply] [Original]

I've been trying to get a reservation at Noma for years without succeeding, mainly because I couldn't really afford it and I've had to enter the student lottery for a half price seat. Now that the chink virus made them open a bruger bar i finally have the chance to eat at a 2 star Michelin restaurant and former 4 time best restaurant in the world.
I'll be going next week. How should I prepare myself for this experience?

>> No.14166869

Based I’d completely sober up on alcohol and stop smoking anything for sure. Also it’s only 400$ a person, can’t save up 1000$ over years?

>> No.14166886

I'm really bad with money anon. I could have gone, but I wouldn't be able to justify it. It would completely crush my finances and I'd have to sacrifice too much. Anyway I'm getting a nice degree so those troubles should be over soon. I bet in gonna blow my whole income on just eating out at nicer places than I am now though. I'm not a smoker so nothing to worry about there. Good idea laying off alcohol. I was actually planning to get kind of pissed at the winebar which they also have.

>> No.14166912

Only do that after your meal imo, drunk eating is fun but I’d be expecting nuances and flavor that being drunk would reduce to WOW THIS ANDUCKING GOOD BURGER RIGHT on DUDE

>> No.14166930
File: 51 KB, 625x325, Noma-opens-a-burger-bar-100-meter-long-queues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're wondering about the burger itself, I've been piecing together information from different sources and podcasts. I haven't been able to find a complete recipe. It supposed to be a "normal" cheeseburger, i.e. no avocado or mango chutney or any yuppie shit like that. However, it's of courses Noma'ed up. The patty is made from local organic dry-aged flank steak chucked with butcher's steak and beef garum. 15% fat. The bun is made partly with potato to increase it's starch content which makes it springy and prevents sogginess. It's a bun recipe they got from Gasoline Grill in Copenhagen which has been rated as one of the best burger places in the world. And the sauce is some magic shit cooked up at Noma's Fermentation Lab. There's also a vegan tempeh version, but who cares. Pic is the 100 m queue from the opening day. Gonna be hard to forgo a beer in the sun as I wait.

>> No.14166934

I completely agree, thanks for the tip. I'll post a review on /ck/ afterwards.

>> No.14167004

Expect some hilariously overrated food for people only eating it for the prestige.

>> No.14167005

I hope its everything you want it to be, but dont get your hopes too high. There is a limit of what you can do with burger.

>michelin star restaurant in my city, with a jap head chef, made a karage takeout in my city
>cost me 40€ for a meal for 2
>karage is alright and sauces are boring af
>can do better at home

>> No.14167057

hahahaha, you sound like a fuckin loser.

>> No.14167193
File: 94 KB, 601x508, ERkxn-TUcAAN2If.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound jealous

>> No.14167201

That's disappointing desu. But Noma isn't any old Michelin starred restaurant so I'm expecting it to at least be the best burger I've ever had. Anything else would frankly be disgraceful. I can live without a life transforming experience however.

>> No.14167270

please tell us about the garum

>> No.14169459

how much are you spending on this burger anon, tell us so we can laugh at you

>> No.14169461


>> No.14169657

It's like $20 for a burger

>> No.14169661

oh i rescind my comment then, i thought it was gonna be something ludicrous