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14163554 No.14163554 [Reply] [Original]

Did high fructose corn syrup cause the obesity epidemic as we know it today? What are some solutions to the huge number of obese people in the US and the growing number of obese people in Europe? It seems like short of complete government intervention the problem is only going to continue to grow

>> No.14163590

Tell the gov to stop subsidizing (aka using your taxpayer money) to make it cheap

>> No.14163598


no, its processed sugar in general

>> No.14163599

it wasn't HFCS alone, but it definitely played a part
the trend in the 80s-00s of demonizing fats in favor of shoving more corn/grain/sugar into your diet is what clinched it
consume your cereal
don't stay full
be afraid of eggs

>> No.14163604

No it's the over abundance of unhealthy food combined with a lack of proper education on nutrition and a rapidly growing lower class. Poor people are generally more stupid than not poor people

>> No.14163605

Capitalism means squeezing every penny and making products as addictive as possible. An unhealthy society is inevitable

>> No.14163626

no, that's just cope, poor retards also smoke like chimneys and buy lottery tickets, and eat massively sugary things without hfcs or other massively caloric processed bullshit. they make bad decisions in general. while hfcs is gross and should be avoided, if you deleted it this instant america, mexico, UK etc. would remain on the same retarded fat track for a million reasons.

another answer is animal products, since industrialization and especially within the last century the average person went from being a paycheck-to-paycheck subsistence eater who ate animal products including just eggs or dairy a few days per week at best to eating beef and chicken literally every meal which means calories shot way up, I'm not here to vegan preach because I dropped that fad a bit ago but this vegan doctor explains why first worlders are fat now even if you don't like his overall message:


>> No.14163628

Yes, sorta. As >>14163599
Explains, the late 80s-00s "It's low-fat. It's healthy" craze caused immeasurable damage to people's health and completely fucked up the American diet. We aren't going to eat bad tasting fat free gruel, so load it up with salt and sugar. Sugar is expensive, but corn syrup ain't. It was in EVERYTHING. Even in shit it had no business being in.

>> No.14163636

Education yes, but do you remember when Jamie Oliver came to the US to try to educate families and schools about just what they were eating and how bad it was? Many outright didn't care what it did to their bodies or how much it was, "it taste gud n make me happy". I see it as an apathy problem as well, a lack of self control (I wish i could lose weight.. Well a shake wouldn't hurt I had a hard day at work), and some just an outright addiction to high carb and sugar foods.

>> No.14163658

Apathy also comes with being poor. You just want to get by and don't consider long term problems from short term answers. Also that was a tv show. They ham it up. No pun intended

>> No.14163676

>Did high fructose corn syrup cause the obesity epidemic as we know it today?
if you stop ingesting it you will have withdrawls.
after the withdrawls you will lose weight.

>> No.14163722

I don't buy the animal products thing since the Mediterranean diet has included large amounts of animal products (both dairy and meat) for a long time and they don't have weight problems. The issue comes down to overconsumption of sugar, lack of physical activity (you can walk around in places like Italy and public transportation is way more available), and increase in portion sizes.

>> No.14163734

it's in fucking doritos

>> No.14163738

>corn syrup in corn chips

>> No.14163749

The vast bulk of corn isn't even used as for food products, let alone corn syrup. It's a highly versatile crop with huge industrial value. Dropping corn subsidies is retarded shortsighted thinking.

>> No.14163758
File: 30 KB, 504x376, 3lrOdDo5jjn_gKVVP2ndEwcSnzWSfK7U5k_lLQCCsMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mediterranean diet

>> No.14163788

not him but this just makes you look retarded. it’s not a weight loss diet. it’s the foods commonly eaten in the region. you should stop being so fucking stupid before you try to call others stupid. also your dad bottoms.

>> No.14163798

It's probably the carbs. Most of the crap carbs put in food these days causes your body to hold onto the fat you have in your body instead of expending it like it should for energy. By doing a low-carb diet, it switches from using a lot of sugar to using mostly fat to fuel the body.

The trick is having good protein in a diet to not feel hunger and less carbs so your body doesn't just get the dopamine addiction and cortisol created from sugar overloading.

It's made me lose like 20-30 lbs this year without even working out.

>> No.14163808

>it’s the foods commonly eaten in the region
Now I know you're retarded.

>> No.14163836

an increasingly-sedentary lifestyle is also a major factor.

>> No.14163838

it played a role but americans just eat a lot or like shit and dont workout. fixing the obesity "epidemic" is shaming fat people for what they really are. sad slobs that lack self control.they might say "i have health issues" no, youre just lazy and your body is a reflection of it.

>> No.14165389

>Did high fructose corn syrup cause the obesity epidemic
It most likely did, before the 70's 90% of all soda and sugary drinks had Sucrose in it. then they started pushing HFCS because it was "cheaper" but HFCS is processed by your liver and turned straight in to fat. Sucrose is burned by the body.

Corn and corn byproducts are one of the worst things you can ever eat. Why do you think they use it to fatten livestock?

>> No.14165392

it's honestly just a cope desu. corn syrup certainly isn't great but it isn't much worse than refined sugar in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.14165408

Yes and no. HFCS isn't the cause of any more obesity than cane sugar. But it drove down the expense of food. All food. Everything from sugary junk food, to meats, and breads.

People like to eat. It's an instinct. If they can afford to, even if they're poor, people will overeat. Thus, obesity.

>> No.14165430
File: 2.95 MB, 3300x2521, united-states-top-sugarcane-producing-areas-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corn syrup isn't used because corn is cheaper, it's because the government has levied massive tariffs on foreign cane sugar, in order to "protect" our basically nonexistent domestic sugar industry.

>> No.14165558

No. Fructose in of itself is not bad, it just so happens that besides fruits, all the foods that contain high levels of it are devoid of micro-nutrients and fiber.

Lack of micro-nutrients, lack of exercise, too many calories are the root causes

>> No.14165761

Fat fucks caused the obesity problem

>> No.14165848

Fat fucks are the obesity problem

>> No.14165861

There is nothing wrong with buying lottery tickets as long as you have self-control. Throwing away 5 bucks once or twice a week is not a big deal, everyone does it, and doing it on scratch-offs is no worse than chucking it at gas station coffee or a cheap pint of vodka or a Taco Bell box or some mobile game shit or whatever else you might have as a vice, and you certainly have something that qualifies, you're not a Tibetan monk

>> No.14165888

Obesity had been rising steadily since long before HFCS was a thing but it certainly didn't help

>> No.14166514

HFCS is mostly an American phenomenon and there's an obesity problem everywhere. HFCS is probably the reason the US is the poster child for it though.

>> No.14166524

>lottery tickets
Poor people buy scratch offs. Rich people play actual lotteries.

>> No.14166854
File: 47 KB, 612x612, 1578630482412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what the endgame is for the obesity trend. Will we figure out a definitive solution? I don't think "just have self control" will ever work on a large scale. Legitimately need some food science magic to make things lower cal or get android bodies.

>> No.14166866

Lack of exercise more likely. Automation of everything to make people move around less.

>> No.14166870

Crazy over-consumption of sugar and carbohydrates is to blame.

>> No.14166881

Apparently there is some electronic device that can mimic flavors on your tongue without calories. Maybe we'll eventually get some kind of VR thing where people can binge on food without actually affecting their body. There are already a lot of zero calorie foods but they generally seem to have side effects and don't actually stop excessive food cravings.

I do think telling people to have more self control is probably the best first choice, because it does work if someone wants it to. But I guess there are too many people who are weak in that aspect and they'll just end up dying with no alternate solutions. Would be nice if the VR thing works for that.

>> No.14166891

I like how this chart and your post completely ignores the massive sugarbeet crop in the US.

>> No.14167103

HFCS is almost the same as sucrose a.k.a. sugar, the difference is in glucose-fructose ratio, there is more fructose in HFCS

Dr Lustig makes good lectures about this, why would you get health information from retarded, obese mcchicken eaters who know nothing about chemistry and physiology

It is not necessarily the sugar that causes obesity, there is also eating carbs with fat, fat with sugar, engineered hyperpalatable processed food, frequent eating ( driven by sugar spikes and insulin ) and low nutrient density. Fat and protein provide supreme satiety, until carbs, or even worse, sugar are added.

>> No.14167114

Watch out, vegan shills are here.

>> No.14167129

Lack of self control comes from unnatural diet, when you eat fatty meat, eggs etc. but no carbohydrates, real satiety comes quickly and makes it very hard to over eat or gain weight.

I used to eat multiple bowls of pasta or similar grain product until there was no room to stuff more in, yet the hunger was still there. Now a single bowl of fat and meat is enough food for a day. Lost 40lbs this way, stop eating the cursed, manmade plants and you will see health and satiety

>> No.14167139
File: 116 KB, 1100x737, karat_stl_6_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK, but was watching The Karate Kid for the umpteenth time the other day and was struck by how skinny every single kid in that movie was, like they show big group shots and not a fat person in sight. Def worth a watch just for that.

>> No.14167153

>stop eating the cursed, manmade plants
most animals people eat now are also manmade in the same way. unprocessed carbs are fairly satisfying though. you still need some extra fat and protein, but there's a big difference between unprocessed carbs and the refined stuff most people eat now.

>> No.14167180

It's a major contributor.

Really the movement came when megacorporations were able to reduce costs by adding adulterants.
It wasn't until food production hit an industrial scale that the cost of Sugar, Salt and Starches became low enough to undercut the cost of ordinary goods- but when it crossed that line the effect was explosive.

The base cost of any product could be reduced by 5% by adding 7% sugar.
Overnight every single product had sugar added with immediate cost savings.
Then companies looked at how to put more sugar in products, pushing for more soluble sugars that wouldnt crystalize, and anti-caking agents and emulsifiers to stop people finding a small piles of sugar at the bottom of their boxes.

new fats and oils were part of this as well, and so was the addition of refined starches and hormone laced chicken

>> No.14168005


Sounds cool, if we can directly jack into our senses that would solve a lot of problems (and introduce a lot of new ones). But I wonder if just feeling the taste on your tongue would replace the full set of sensations; smell, taste, texture, chewing, fullness, etc. I think many would still opt for a Dominos pizza over VR pizza.

>> No.14169151

I'm pretty anti-HFCS but that is some weird science you have there.

>> No.14169286

>just an outright addiction to high carb and sugar foods

Holy fuck, I'll second this one.
I went from eating pizza, hamburgers, and soda all day er day, to just a spoonful of sugar in my coffee in the morning.
I went cold turkey as hard and fast as I could because I was curious what would happen, and the cravings were insane.
And it wasnt just hunger, I had to have *those specific* carbs and nothing else would satisfy.

>> No.14169312

Food went from like 50% of the average person's spending to 3% over the 20th century in first tier countries

Same reason the third world is obese now: food is now dirt cheap fun that's accessible to everyone, and the negative effects creep up on you.

>> No.14169456

People in my country literally eat nothing but yogurt, milk and meat. Vegetables are like a once a week thing and our country has low as fuck obesity rates.

>> No.14169484

Wait, are there seriously corn subsidies? Man, I thought the EU was retarded with our farming subsidies. Why the fuck should taxpayer money go towards this? What's the positive externality?

>> No.14169526

you shot your whole post by saying that and then denying HFC isnt a problem when it exists in almost all products we consume

It is a massive fucking problem

>> No.14169533


Car culture and white collar office culture also contribute. Driving everywhere and minimising physical activity such as walking or cycling (because roads aren't cycle friendly to begin with and distances are too far to make walking a time-friendly option for most). Sitting on your fat ass for X hours every day in an office and then going home to sit more and watch TV also minimises physical activity. Also, a loss of homemade cooking being a regular part of the diet means people resort to take-aways and instant foods with high caloric content and unhealthy macro profiles whilst constantly snacking throughout the day. Easy food access also means constant snacking and the relative inexpensiveness of food combined with people who have more money than sense means they spend it on snacking among other worthless passions such as driven by consoom culture.

>> No.14169543


To follow on from this you can compare cultures which are similar such as the UK but also doesn't consume HCFS so much in their diet. Fatasses everywhere - highest rate in Europe and close to USA levels among adults. This despite the fact cities are more walkable and its a bit more cycle friendly.