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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 225x225, Phish Food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14161132 No.14161132 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit

>> No.14161138

Did your cherry garcia get popped anon?

>> No.14161170 [DELETED] 

>Orange man bad

>> No.14161223

So Ben and Jerry's doesn't have any orange based ice cream flavors, but if they did, I'm pretty sure it would be covered in cream and probably also ketchup, and the ashes of jews killed in the holocaust.

>> No.14161720
File: 131 KB, 823x1024, 1581052639274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Ben and Jerrys)))

no thank you

>> No.14161989 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 700x734, 1584580126143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy Shit

>> No.14162009

It's not going to get any better than this post.
See you tomorrow guys.

>> No.14162278


>> No.14162362
File: 44 KB, 850x567, 1575192411092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite flavour of icecream is all whites are racist pigs by ben and jewry. That, or choc chip immigration.

>> No.14162460
File: 663 KB, 1400x1637, Tillamook-Ice-Cream-Publix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*It's shit

They went full capitalist swine, ingredients are much lower quality and full of more fake chemical shit while calories per pint shot up and taste quality went through the floor.

Make way for the Once and Future King.

>> No.14162587

yeah hard pass on (((kosher))) certified foods. nice try rabbi.

>> No.14162714

>use lower quality ingredients to save cost
oh no no no!

>> No.14162732

ITT: lardos who eat ice cream

>> No.14162787

at least I don't drink it...shakes are for even bigger fatsos imo

>> No.14162804

For me it’s the Tonight Dough

Tbh I’m thin and like Ben and Jerry’s because it’s small and I try to make it last by eating it 1/3 at a time and then I don’t buy it for again for a few months

>> No.14163731
File: 41 KB, 640x480, B9318489271Z.1_20150817140146_000_G5VBLCQ6B.1-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it isn't blue bell miss me with that fagget shit

>> No.14163751


>> No.14163843

their best flavor is unironically that new "netflix and chill" one with like peanut butter ice cream, but the name is so cringe, buying it makes me want to kill myself.

i grew up in texas, so i used to be a big blue bell fanboy, but goddam tilamook is way better, by far the best store bought ice cream i've ever had.

try >>14162460

>> No.14163855

when i was a kid we got the cantaloupe flavor of this shit. usually ice cream lasts like three days in our house, but i think that shit made it all summer in our freezer before my dad bit the bullet and finished it, fucking terrible

>> No.14164634

If theres more than 4 ingredients, why bother?

lol you can see that novel of ingredients from here

>> No.14164670
File: 155 KB, 493x418, 1589166340186(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ice cream makes me realise how much I regret sexually abusing my baby sister.

>> No.14164680

I rarely buy it but when I do I eat the whole pint. I really like ice cream but its not worth the cals. I'm fat enough.

>> No.14164838

That's what dad's are for son

>> No.14164955
File: 67 KB, 374x479, cherry-garcia-detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat ice cream a few times per year but I almost bought a pint of Cherry Garcia today but the gas station was out of milk (which was the whole reason I went there) so I didn’t get any.

Hate that they’re commie-pinkos and anti-gun fundies but their Cherry Garcia is fucking good.

>> No.14164960

Take your (you)

>> No.14165014

No one did unless they had bots.

>> No.14165505
File: 81 KB, 560x560, 1590367888060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oregon Strawberry

>> No.14165514

do you think kosher food is infused with jew magic that'll make your foreskin fall off

>> No.14165684

Yes, and?