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File: 166 KB, 455x637, prisoner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14160535 No.14160535 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it the best alcohol?
>Contains antioxidants
>contains compounds that fight depression and anxiety
>increases blood flow to your scalp, preventing hair loss
>Good for your heart
>Cheap. You can get a good wine for 5$ if you know what to buy
>tastes great
>prevents liver damage
>good for digestion
>Huge mood boost, one of the "happiest" buzzes in terms of alcohol
>Good for sex
>Sleep aid
>Preserves the body. Some of the oldest people to every live (100+ years) drank red wine daily
Why aren't you drinking a glass of red wine right now?

>> No.14160544

I'll just say this: Caduceus Cellars

>> No.14160570

where is caduceus?
and why

>hurr OMG dur prisoner

>> No.14160580

It's definitely good, but the price is too high because too many people will pay what ever price for Maynard's wine.

>> No.14160588

It's good. I'd ask what you mean by "good wine for $5" but... the prisoner lol.
>Why aren't you drinking a glass of red wine right now?
But I am though
I think it's the same marketing firm that was paid to spam the weird looking ham geezer

>> No.14160659

Prisoner has an eye catching bottle, it's pretty iconic even though it's basically reached meme status it is an excellent wine with a great presentation.
I've tried some 5$ South African red wines that were incredible for the price

>> No.14160738

Its good for cooking in a lot of various things.

>> No.14160749

Always remember and I know most of us do.
Never buy or use cooking wine.
Only use wine that you would drink for yourself.

>> No.14160762

South African friends bring in Klippers, I supply the Cokes. Klippers and Cokes is classic, much better some hoity toit wines.

>> No.14160911

you are now aware that all the studies that purport that red wine is super nifty good for you were all made up by a guy trying to drum up sales for his wife wine business.

google it.

>> No.14160968

I like red wine a lot, it's the only alcohol I drink.

But it's well known that these "health benefits" are from association studies. In reality, any consumption of alcohol is bad for your health. Don't drink it for you health.

>> No.14161229

>any alcohol consumption is bad for your health
This isn't true, excess is where the harm lies.
Balance is where gifts are found. if you can live a healthy life of fasting, healthy diet, nofap, frequent exercise, etc, drinking red wine will be beneficial if you use it properly.

>> No.14161237

I made some AR wine labels for a company called rabble. IDK about their wine though. My boss stole a lot of money and should be in prison.

>> No.14161246

Given that its rabble, then hang the bitch boss from a yardarm. Better, report him to the IRS and other legal authorities, make sure you have some proof and they'll investigate his sorry ass to kingdom come, make sure you're right.

>> No.14161263


>> No.14161265

... even if you are right, unless you have some direct legal responsibility, like you're a bookeeper, accountant, and officer of the companym etc, then it's none of your business as an hourly wager.

>> No.14161267

clinton territory, that would figure.

>> No.14161290
File: 270 KB, 900x1600, burke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk anon, this is actually just a portion of the money he embezzled. But that doesn't have much to do with me. My real proof is in the unsigned invention agreement, that he forged using the signature from my employment agreement. Being printed on a Xerox printer owned by the landlords of our rented office space, my unsigned version has microdots, embedding original date printed, which will be before any forgery he tries to provide as evidence.

>> No.14161293

what are you a quaker?

>> No.14161298

Augmented Reality.

>> No.14161309

reminder that all american wines under 20 dollars are heavily manipulated with chemicals and additive acids
reminder that most american wines are made by the same 5 wine conglomerates
reminder to support small wineries

>> No.14161313

First off, what's your personal interest in it?

>> No.14161316

u r mum was manipulated with chemicals and shit, hence it pumped out u

>> No.14161325

Seems more like a freaked out hippie than a quaker.

>> No.14161330

i live in a nice state with a wine region feels good driving an hour for some wine i know was made on site and instate

>> No.14161333
File: 286 KB, 1200x1600, 1200px-CremantAlsace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, this is better.
Red wine is too heavy on the stomach.

>> No.14161337
File: 20 KB, 338x223, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mmm, fanks for da gwape juice, Mommy!

>> No.14161345

My personal interest is that I had the best job I ever had in my life. I was fired, along with my best friend, who was my supervisor, for discovering the CEO's embezzlement. My best friend owns 15% of the company, so he's been unwilling to do anything about it. The CEO own's 45% of the company, and he convinced the board to give him an opportunity to sell off the company. He's had a year now, and he's failed to sell it.

I knew, when I quit my previous job in December of 2017, that the CEO had previously embezzled money. Spending $10,000, on a stripper in New Orleans for one night. So I didn't sign my invention agreement, so that I would have ownership of the code I wrote, which is now in some rather large museums. Midway in San Diego. MOPOP in Seattle. Field in Chicago. Nelson Atkins in Kansas city. Dali in St Petersburg, Florida. When I was fired, he forged my signature using my employment agreement(with something amounting to MSPaint, there are obvious artifacts), but I kept the unsigned papers, with the microdots, so I can prove it.

>> No.14161355

Seems like a creepy company, the kind I'd never work for as a writer or/and management/directorate. If you're skillful you can pick and choose, just like companies think that they can.

>> No.14161357

half glass gets my bladder just full enough to make my prostate stick out for deep anal

>> No.14161359

Fuck off in San Diego, that's for cultists.

>> No.14161366

Prolapsed? That's bad times.

>> No.14161372

I've been unemployed for approaching a year now. I haven't even managed a single call back, a single interview, for jobs I've applied to in the field. Granted, I changed industries to work in AR/VR, for the 18 months I did, but I was really good at it. So, while I can't prove that this is due to anything besides my inexperience, due to the praise I received for the products I made, I have a hunch that my former CEO has poisoned the well for me, at least in some cases.

>> No.14161379

Yeah, Heaven's Gate was in Rancho Bernardo though, it's a bit outside of town .

>> No.14161405


i live in wine country and love Tool. Maynards wine is shit

>> No.14162024

This reads like one person having a psychiatric episode and talking to himself for hours

>> No.14162072

I don't drink for taste. I drink to get drunk.

I hate red wine. Sorry bubs, it taste bad every time.

I've tried dozens of red wines and they are torture to drink.

Here's a bonus, the grapes make you shit diarrhea and it gives you a hangover.

The health stuff is bullshit that lonely whores who hit the wall use to justify getting drunk.

>> No.14162097

nigger I am an alcohol and I drink red wine because it causes less hangover and I shit better. You are broken or drinking bad red wine.

>> No.14162329

Absolutely based. Tons of different flavours too considering the fact that it's literally ~3 ingredients.

Also, what do you look for on wine bottles ? I usually take one that's bottled on the propriety and the flavours described on the bottle match the occasion and between 4~6€.

>> No.14162513

>considering the fact that it's literally ~3 ingredients.
What are those ingredients?
I count grape juice and yeast (if you want to consider yeast an ingredient). Besides that, though...?

>> No.14162517

Scratch juice actually, just say grapes since you ferment red wine on skins.

>> No.14162518

colorant, sugar, anti-freeze

>> No.14162540


>> No.14162551

There's nothing good in fermented grape juice that isn't much more abundant in whole grapes or raisins. There is no benefit to moderate alcohol consumption unless you misinterpret data by counting sick ex-drinkers as non-drinkers. Drink if you want, but don't jerk yourself off about it.

>> No.14162556
File: 11 KB, 161x235, HEHHEHHEHHEH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger I am an alcohol
Checks out

>> No.14162559

go eat your soybeans

>> No.14162574

The only soy I have here is a bag of miso (I don't buy the white people stuff that comes in tubs and costs much more)

Are you really triggered by someone saying grapes are more nutrient dense with the solids not sifted out?

>> No.14162611

Best way to drink a lot without getting a hangover is to befriend moonshiners (or become a moonshiner yourself) and make sure they give you moonshine that is *only* the hearts of their run so there is little to no methyl alcohol in what you are drinking.

>> No.14162635
File: 29 KB, 720x404, eight_col_beers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would drink wine but I am a sucker for beer

>> No.14163568

Red Wine hangover are the worst and makes my poo poo black.

And so called "good wines" are too expensive, I may as well buy a bottle of liquor for the same price.

>> No.14163576

Good wines are $4 at Trader Joe’s retard

>> No.14163619

Yeast, grapes and sulfites I guess ? Some wines don't have sulfites but it's really a minority

>> No.14163625

Try some sparkling wines

>> No.14163868

Why old world wines are way better than new world? I mean, argie malbec and chilean blends are fine but even those lost to some regular $10 Alentejos or Riojas

>> No.14163895

Imagine you're starting a new wine making business. You need to get attention. How do you get attention? Cute animals on the label. Edgy names. Bold, obvious, aggressive flavors that stand out in a side by side tasting when someone's been drinking all day and maybe bored. Then what. You've got your attention. Who buys your stuff? People who fall for gimmicks like that. Why change? It's risky, you'll alienate your customers, and it will take a lot of work to get new ones.

>> No.14163942

Prisoner is grocery store swill and you should feel bad for enjoying it.

>> No.14164025

Thank Jesus for wine-searcher and vivino. Imagine buying your stuff based on "points" by robert parker or james suckling

>> No.14164087



>> No.14164135

tl:dr strict laws on what you can and can't put into wine + winemaking pedigree + older vines

>> No.14164144

Shit always just tastes like straight up wood to me, port is alright though

>> No.14164148

>instead have millions of midwits scanning every lable at the store for the highest ratings

wow, so much better
vivino is trash because nobody rates savory pinots highly

>> No.14164235

I only use vivino mostly for finding the best deals on a particular kind of wine. Interesting that everything that doesn't taste like Belle Glos or Prisoner is always under a 4.0. There are incredible burgundies which are extremely subtle and delicious wines yet have 3.5 ratings. If you want real ratings use cellartracker.

That being said I think Parker is a hack and his lasting impact on both the American and French winemaking industry has been a negative one.

>> No.14164248

Winelet here, does my country (Switzerland) have wine worth trying?

>> No.14164293

Yes, you make very nice wine. I assume being Swiss you can afford it, because I sure as fuck can't.

>> No.14164303

Which one would you recommend? I know we have gubmint subsidies for winemakers so only a small fraction of Swiss wine ever gets exported. Not sure what to think about that desu.

>> No.14164306
File: 196 KB, 908x1210, 40th anniversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the oldest wine in your collection?

>> No.14164351

I've only had the fendant. It's like $40 here. Nice but not $40 nice. If I had a basement full of nazi gold I'd want to try some of the $100 bottles of pinot noir that probably taste like $40 bottles of pinot noir except they have to pay the field hands $175,000 a year because that's the minimum wage in switzerland.

>> No.14164389

Because it tastes like fucking garbage.

>> No.14164443
File: 2.47 MB, 2040x2689, 1543253901298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard of Fendant, I think I'll check that out, thanks. I'll leave the rest of your comment up to debate.

>> No.14165531

that's a good image.

>> No.14165538

it's every information known to man ever crammed into one diagram

>> No.14166730

i drank like 16 cases of 12 year old Napa Valley cab last year.

good times

>> No.14166745

>contains compounds that fight depression and anxiety
Bullshit. Alcohol itself is a depressant. It completely fucks with your gut biome and brain chemistry.

>> No.14167257
File: 3 KB, 125x125, ggee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prevents liver damage

>> No.14167275
File: 64 KB, 640x425, disgusted-face-640x425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you steal them or are you just a boomer who drank 16 cases in a row of the exact same wine without wanting to blow his brains out because all you eat is medium-well steak and baked potatoes?

>> No.14168694

Great thread

>> No.14170173

I have a 15 yr old Riesling somewhere

>> No.14170528

true, eurofag here but lived in california for a semester and his wine tasted like our bottom shelf wine

>> No.14170534
File: 88 KB, 1000x667, red-wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking based

t.red wine drinker

>> No.14170549

what's good wine to bang thots to?

>> No.14170558

crane lake petit sirah, art hoes love it and it only costs 7 bucks where I live. I've banged so many women while drinking it. Straight out of the bottle of course.

>> No.14170563

thanks based fellow sex haver

>> No.14170571

if youre not getting laid with red wine then you truly are an ugly fuck lol good luck sexually active anon

>> No.14171170

my googling skills are not great, send me a link or a phrase I can look up. All I'm seeing is "red wine is healthy according to recent survey" on X site.

>> No.14171186

have sex after youve dilated enough and paid someone to hate fuck you

>> No.14171189

based wine country

>> No.14171313

If I make a women to drink a fuckton of alcohol will her breast milk taste like booze?

>> No.14171337

no 4 real i am russian videographer

>> No.14171421

I'm a sommelier. I have 75 and 85 Bordeauxs that were gifted to me at an old job. Unable to verify if they have been stored properly for the entire duration.

>> No.14171451

favorite Napa subappellation?

>> No.14171543

>one of the "happiest" buzzes in terms of alcohol
every single girl that never did drugs but had a tantrum fit and acted like totally fucked up schizo had it triggered by red wine
oh fuck off with a meme winery made by a rIcH cElebRiTy hE'S RIch sO IT's goOd, you probably hadn't had an actual good wine in your life

>> No.14171869

I am drinking a whole bottle for the last 6 hours. Chilean dry red. Got into them lately. Shit's pretty interesting. It's a great Saturday. Wish I bought one more for the evening, but there is also a cheap Spanish one I bought for marinade, so there will be another 2/3 of a bottle, just maybe not that good.

>> No.14171909
File: 79 KB, 940x529, 18488347_304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stolen then, cool. well since it's n*pa '''wine''' it shouldn't really count as stealing anyway. it's closer to dumpster diving. one might even say you did your "victim" a favor.

also, reminder that 700x28 is the patrician tier, there is a 98% chance that if you are riding any other tire size you are wrong and stupid.

>> No.14172206

post link or die

>> No.14172208

why are wine drinkers only rarely strong, assertive and dominant types?v

>> No.14172243

Can we get some recs going?

The prisoner is great, but too expensive for everyday drinking. I like the Michael david petite petit. Conundrum is okay. I don't know a whole lot about it though