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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14158981 No.14158981 [Reply] [Original]

>non-stick cookware
Use seasoned stainless or cast iron

>fluoridated drinking and cooking water
Use refillable jugs, get an RO system, dig a well or move somewhere sane

>baking/roasting in foil lined pans
use ceramics or pyrex cookware

>baby formula and canned baby food
just drop your baby on his head instead, it's faster

>> No.14158997

>do x from redneck karen echo chamber y
How about no, faggot? Kill yourself.

>> No.14159082

Alex Jones get off my board

>> No.14159096

Which of these do you object to?

>> No.14159124
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>objecting to fluoridated drinking and cooking water

>> No.14159133
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>> No.14159145
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>> No.14159161

>pump animals full of a chemical
>find low IQ
Alt-right Wingers everyone

>> No.14159169
File: 879 KB, 1440x2049, 20200527_140030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being illiterate
left wingers everyone

>> No.14159177

what percent

>> No.14159188
File: 799 KB, 1439x2181, Screenshot_20200527-140329_Bromite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just click the link man

>> No.14160397

Do I need to use glass tupperware?

>> No.14160442

Not a great correlation, I'm not the guy who replied but there are stronger deviations in IQ when comparing different ethnicities or people in different socioeconomic castes. There's not a lot of good data supporting the detrimental effects of fluoride (at the level that is recommended) on child development. Yes I clicked your link.

>> No.14160461

>but there are stronger deviations in IQ when comparing (x, y, z)

>There's not a lot of good data supporting the detrimental effects of fluoride (at the level that is recommended) on child development.
There are, and even if you're skeptical you should err on the safe side. There is no way to control dosage when medicating drinking water.
You can get all the benefits of fluoride for teeth by using fluoridated toothpaste which you don't ingest.

>> No.14160604

Not that you really give a shit, but the study referenced in that article alongside the other studies linked on the bottom are all focused on drinking water that naturally contains fluoride. None of it was added fluoride. It's one of the reasons why you should support water treatment, because untreated groundwater/well water has the potential to have high concentrations of potentially dangerous elements. The only reason to err on the safe side is because you live in a decrepit city like Flint where water treatment is horrible. As a matter of fact, you know you can test the water yourself to check the element ppms and report it if necessary? And don't start with "there's no safe level of fluoride" shit either. Every single element/compound can be diluted to a safe ppm/ppb/etc.

>> No.14160929

ah memories, I remember when I had my first beer. I to went on the internet and posted made up bullshit. good times... good times...

>> No.14160964

Yes I support water treatment
I drink treated city water and we deliberately do not add fluoride unlike most of the country but like most of western europe.
There is a safe level of fluoride but the process of adding it to the water supply for the purpose of medicine violates medical ethics and is not beneficial.

>> No.14160976

>As a matter of fact, you know you can test the water yourself to check the element ppms and report it if necessary?
I don't personally do any tests but I have enough trust in the reports my city provides. There is nothing concerning in my case.

>> No.14161207

>Nutrition and Health thread
Oh this should be good.
>If you ever drank from a solo cup, you already have cancer.