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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14155382 No.14155382 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ make perfect rice on the stove?

>> No.14155384

Rice cooker.

>> No.14155388

buy a rice cooker

>> No.14155405

Weigh 90g rice. Without resetting the scale, wash the rice then add water until scales read 240g (so add 150g water). Bring to boil without boiling over, then gradually reduce heat to a simmer and simmer on lowest heat for 10 minutes. Leave lid on for another 5 minutes.

Or buy a rice cooker, I have a small apartment so I have to do it this way.

>> No.14155417

In a pot.
I don't use the 2-1 ratio though. I use a little less water. Maybe 1.75 cups water to 1 cup rice. Bring to boil then cover and reduce heat to simmer for 20 minutes. Then set aside covered for 10 minutes before removing the lid and fluffing it.

I guess it depends on what kind of rice you're making though. I make Spanish rice 95% of the time.

>> No.14155442

Take notes on what you did dissent each time. Rice is so fucking cheap even if you totally dick it up and it's inedible the next one should be better

>> No.14155502

sure thing, weeabo who can't even cook rice

>> No.14155532

add x amount of rice to pot, wash 2-3 times and massage it with my hands. Fill with water up to the first knuckle in middle finger. high heat until I see bubbles then low heat. It's fucking crazy how many people don't know rice. Friend went to culinary school and and was talking to me about "Trying to understand rice" like its a mathematical equation or some shit.

>> No.14155543

>on the stove?
gas range? if electric buy a rice cooker instead.

>> No.14155550

You say that like there aren't plenty of asians in asia that use rice cookers because it lets them focus on other shit. Hell all the best rice cookers are sold primarily in Asia.

>> No.14155569
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1) Watch this video:

2) Measure your rice in a standard 1qt pot and use the "knuckle trick". Bring your rice to a boil, then turn to low, cover, and simmer for about 19 minutes. Remove from heat, and leave for another 5-10 minutes. Fluff before serving.

The "knuckle trick" works because rice and water cook at a 1:1 ratio. 1 cup of rice absorbs 1 cup of water. The extra water is for what you lose in evaporation. The amount you lose in evaporation when cooking a standard amount of rice (1-4 cups) is roughly one finger-knuckle's depth above the surface of the rice.

Note: Make sure to rinse your rice before using it. It removes the extra starch and will result in a pot of rice full of tender individual grains rather than a pot of starchy mush.

>> No.14155651

stay mad, weeabo tranny

>> No.14155664

rinse the rice first

>> No.14155675

multiple times too.

>> No.14155697

do you have an oven. The Way to Cook, i think, has the perfect rice recipe. in sauce pan, combine rice with oil, heat and stir till you get a good aroma coming from it. then, having preheated oven to i think 400, and boiled water, combine toasted rice with boiling water in a oven dish. cover. cook for 20 min if white, 40 if brown. perfect rice. but DONT USE THE SAUCE PAIN IN THE OVEN, CAUSE YOU WILL FORGET ITS HOT AND GRAB THE HANDLES. LIKE I DID. BURNS WERE NOT SERIOUS BUT SIGNIFICANT. SO ITS THE MOST DANGEROUS WAY TO COOK RICe but also pretty good taste and texture.

>> No.14155703

Every Asian family I know uses a rice cooker you retarded cuck. Only a moron cooks rice on a daily basis instead of having a cooking tool meant to keep rice decent for a couple of days.

Stay mad though tranny cunt.

>> No.14155704
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This is a slightly different more pilaf-like style of making rice and will cook it almost perfectly every time, but you won't get any stickiness that you might want with your rice.

If you're a weeb, it's a challenge to eat rice this way with chopsticks, because every grain is coated in oil and they don't stick together.

Chef John has a good video about this method.


>> No.14155717

why you so mad about you can't even cook rice? you're still a weeabo tranny anyway

>> No.14155722

>Not cooking a week's worth of rice at once
Who's the real retard tranny here.

>> No.14155732

I have to agree. I tried a dozen times to cook rice on my electric stove. It's relatively easy to get a cup or two to come out perfect but any more than that and it's a fucking disaster.
For such low amounts of rice, why not use a rice cooker?

>> No.14155736

>heavy bottom pot
>a cup of rice to two cups water r cup of rice to cup and a half of water depending on the rice
>bring the water to a boil with salt and or aromatics
>add rice
>close lid
>turn heat down as low as possible
>10-15 minutes perfect rice everytime

>> No.14155754

>>a cup of rice to two cups water r cup of rice to cup and a half of water depending on the rice
Fucking no
This is wrong do not do this.
See >>14155569

>> No.14155766

This is accurate and very simple. Have fun fucking it up when you try making your own rice!!

>> No.14155774

>it's wrong
It fucking works dumbass and is essentially just a more accurate method than sticking your finger in your water like some old grandma.

>> No.14155790

It's not accurate at all it's fucking fucked and you can't scale it.

It doesn't work for more than a cup or two of water, and even then only in the right pot.

Use your fucking brain instead of not paying attention to your ingredients whatsoever.

>> No.14156280
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There is only one way.

>get basmati
>rinse it under cold water until water runs clean
>use a 1:1.5 rice to water/stock
>stock is best
>cover it in a pan over high heat starting from cold water
>when it hits a boil reduce to low and leave for ten minutes
>turn off heat and leave for another ten minutes

Any other rice or method is simply a meme and can be disregarded. This is the only serious answer in the thread so far.

>> No.14156304

Depends on what you want
If you want individual grains of rice, rinse it first and stir periodically as long as the rice is still fully submerged by water so none stick to the bottom of the pan.
I use my kettle to heat the water first and use a little less than 2:1
probably 1.75-1.5:1
but too much is better than too little
Also you do want to simmer on the lowest heat setting unless adding another dish.
If you'll be adding it to another dish, i like to cook the rice for 10-15 minutes then throw in the dish that it's going with and simmer until half the liquid is absorbed or until the rice is the consistency I want. Whichever comes first.
Rice cookers are a meme.

>t. east asian

>> No.14156306

holy shit anon, are you me? I do this exclusively (I do use water with a dab of butter though)

>> No.14156334

i follow this and trust Dan
but when asked by my Chef teacher, and i used this info to answer, saying 1:1 + 1/2 Cup he basically went
"for what kind of of rice?"
"all kinds of rice chef, its almost universal"
"thats completely incorrect"

>> No.14156352

>Heat kettle
>rinse the fuck out rise
>add some butter, oil, maybe some truffle oil if im feeling fancy
>wait until I hear some sizzles
>Add boiling water from kettle
>seal po
wala, rice in under 10 minutes

>> No.14156355


Put rice cooker on stove and cook rice in rice cooker.

>> No.14156362


dont want to fucking rinse my water every time so i just give it three swooshes of water in the pot im going to cook it in to make sure theres no black dots in the rice

>> No.14156381

the black dots are the rice poop

>> No.14156383

>Bring your rice to a boil, then turn to low, cover, and simmer for about 19 minutes.
I discovered this trick by accident. I usually make pasta so I put my rice on the highest setting without thinking. It started boiling over so I turned it to low. I was worried it was ruined but it turned out perfect.

>> No.14156397
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Can I just replace water with chicken stock for easy pilaf or do I need to actually do some real work?

>> No.14156439

this is what saffron or yellow rice is
they just throw in seasoning
you can't rinse it, or you'll lose the seasoning and end up making white rice

>> No.14156440

1/2 onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic
150g rice
225ml HOT chicken stock

sweat the onion, then the garlic
add the rice, i usually dont rinse for this version cause you want to toast the rice in the pot for a bit and the wetness would stop that
add the stock
put a paper cartouche on the rice
seal top with double layered foil and a metal lid
braise in the oven at 180C for about 20 minutes
let stand for a bit ad then mix through some flavour, i like tumeric and chopped parsley, gonna try it with saffron next time

you dont NEED to seal it up super tight but that how i like to do it, i dont have a metal lid so the double foil is kinda important
i was originally taught to finish it with butter but ive stopped doing that
you also dont need to worry about rinsing your rice hear, thatll just stop it from toasting and you want it to stick together a bit for this

>> No.14156464

i've done this many a time
sticky rice has it's place

>t. same east asian as above

>> No.14157714
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, nonononono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rinse your rice


>rinse it under cold water until water runs clean

>If you want individual grains of rice, rinse it first

>>rinse the fuck out rise(sic)

>> No.14157720
File: 1019 KB, 500x245, Welcome to the Pleasure Grounds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Alton Brown method. It unironically works every time and is braindead foolproof.

>> No.14157737

Put rice in pot
Pour roughly 2x as much water, cba washing
Turn stove to lowest
Enjoy perfect rice in ~20minutes

Works every time, washcucks btfo

>> No.14157745

50 g rice, 85 g water, 1 g salt into a double boiler, cook 20 min, remove from heat and rest 5 min.

>> No.14157751

Based. This is exactly how I do it.

>> No.14157814

this lad can rice

>> No.14157847
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>water and rice, in
>stock cube/butter/salt/coconut oil, in
>heat, low/medium
>lid, partially on. leave a 1inch gap for steam
>leave and come back when it's done

Perfectly fluffy and good texture. No fuss. Simple as. If you wash the rice you won't have as many crunchy bits on the bottom.

>> No.14157868

As long as you rinse it before cooking, until the run off water is completely clear, you will find that the ratio of water to rice is irrelevant.

>> No.14157900

Usually making jasmine or basmati
1/2 cup rice
3/4 cup water
Melt butter in small pan, I use cast iron 6 inch
Add scallion whites and minced ginger cooking until fragrant (optional)
Add rice and water and bring to a boil
Reduce heat and cover, simmer for 15 minutes
Fluff and serve, season with salt and pepper t taste
Sometimes I add spices before covering, like curry powder or stock concentrate

>> No.14157913
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Use one of these

>> No.14158690
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>wash rice until water is clear
>put less than an equal amount of water in pan (cold)
>salt and butter
>Cook on low heat for about 20 mins
>remove, fluff, eat

>> No.14159067
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1 cup rice, 2 cups water (or broth/stock), plus any extra seasonings I want. Bring it up to a boil, cover, reduce to low heat, let cook for 20 minutes. After that, turn the heat off but don't uncover, let it rest for 10 more minutes, and then you're done.

>> No.14159086

Rinse it til the water is clear
Rice in pan, fill with water to just past your first finger joint when you dip it in.
Bring to boil, cover and turn off. Leave 20 minutes til all the water is soaked in.

>> No.14159462

>rinse rice until the water is almost clear
>put rice in a pot
>stick your finger in the rice and measure how far up it the rice reaches
>fill with water until the water reaches twice as far up your finger as the rice does
>put on the stove and let it come up to a boil
>boil for 5 min with lid
>take it off the heat and let it sit with a lid on for 17-20 min
perfect rice every time

>> No.14160848

I legitimately don't understand how you mess up rice? What goes wrong?

>> No.14160868

rinse your rice. 1 to 1.3 ratio water to rice. Get the water boiling first. put the rice in and cover the living shit out of it while it simmers for 15 minutes. Stove off. Let it sit for another 15 and flake it. It will be better than any rice cook you can buy.

>> No.14160876

Guess I need to pull this old dog out. after fucking 10 years


>> No.14160879
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>this is how people do rice
what are you people even doing?

>> No.14160880

follow the directions on the minute rice box

>> No.14160910
File: 151 KB, 1200x600, delish-spanish-rice-still003-1544641098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basmati rice is the only rice i usually dont fuck up
i want loose, dry rice like spanish style rice but mine comes out mushy sometimes.
Also, I've seen different ratios of rice to water from different brands of basmati.
WTF senpai?
I can make decent rice when its plain with just bouillon, but it get dicey when I make Arroz Con Pollo or Spanish Rice.
Do tomatoes fuck up rice's consistency?

>> No.14160915

Absolutely wrong. First, make sure the stove is off and that the coils are cool, THEN put the rice cooker on the stone. With your method you could end up starting a fire or ruining your cooker.

>> No.14160925


1.5 to 1 max, and you need to seal the cooking chamber at a specific temperature.you need to see bubble holes on the top of the rice.

>> No.14160932

You people are fucking stupid and should eat Uncle Bens.

>> No.14161547

I'd say that quantifying your ingredients constitutes "paying attention" way more than sticking your finger in the rice like a dumbass goober. A cup is always a cup but fingers are different sizes. How can you sit there and tell me that the finger trick is more accurate than a measured ratio? Think about what you're saying before you go off on your next nonsensical rant you autistic aspergers fuckshit nigger.

>> No.14161682

1 mug or cup of rice 2 mugs or cups of water will result in perfect rice I also add a stock cube in to give it some flavour

>> No.14161698

yeah I never wash rice? is it bad? idk

anyway heres how I do rice:
-add rice to pot, add butter and some spices
-brown the rice
-add cold water, bouillon recommended but optional
-bring to a boil
-when it comes to a boil, put on lid, set heat to low, simmer for 10 minutes
- after 10 minutes, take rice of heat, and let it sit with the lid on for another 10 minutes
- fluff up rice with fork when its done

rice/water ratio depends on type of rice

>> No.14161849

>t. Uncle Ben

>> No.14161852

I cook it like pasta.

>> No.14161864

We used to cook rice on stovetop while our rice cooker was broken. Nureungji bap everyday.

>> No.14161865

Not even the chinese chain I worked at bothered using a stove. They used a rice cooker. Stop being a faggot and buy one.

>> No.14161868

>Buy short grain rice
>Wash it 7 times because the tism
>Sometimes 9
Add a cup of water for every cup of rice
>Add a bit of salt and vinegar
>Bring to a boil
>Put the lid on, lower to minimum
>Let it simmer for 9 minutes
>Turn heat on and let it rest covered for ten
>20 minutes of cooking if it is long grain but I'm not a fan

>> No.14161895

Former ricelet here, i even nearly bought a rice cooker but i was saved by this technique
Wash basmati rice very thoroughly
Dutch oven or a pan with a tight fitting lid
Double the ratio of cold water as rice
Cook on high heat til water is bubbling
Turn heat down to simmer, put a wet teatowel over the top to form a seal then put the lid on as tight as you can
The ides is so no steam escapes
Simmer for 17 minutes
Take off heat then leave to steam for a further 7-8 minutes

Or just make a pilaf where you fry the dried rice first then follow these instruction again but add some spices and simmer for 55 minutes depending on how much of a crust you want

>> No.14161902

I've always wanted to try mine with rice but never bothered to figure it out, I'd assume you'd put in slightly less water
having to go through a couple of test runs to get it right has put me off using it
when I want large quantities (>500g uncooked) I usually just go for my cast iron pot/dutch oven (not enameled)
or a regular small stainless pot for smaller quantities

>> No.14161934

Look at this aggressive schizo. What's his deal?

>> No.14161944

This is good, but
At that point you're basically making risotto.
Which is great too, but not interchangeable with white rice.

>> No.14161967

> stock
Enjoy your slimy faux risotto faggot

>> No.14161971

Shut the fuck up and never post again