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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14153101 No.14153101 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday had sushi for the first time and i really don't get what all the fuss is about.
Me and my flatmate decided to treat ourselves to mixed platter from a local place which is very highly rated. Was expensive as shit but it was his birthday and he's a fucking weeb so of course he wanted some japanese shit.
Anyway, ye. It's just raw fish and rice. Why do people rant and rave about it? Why do people spend extortionate amounts of money to eat it? I feel like i'm missing something.
Don't get me wrong, it was alright, especially when dipping into soy sauce or the wasabi, but really nothing remarkable. And the amount of fish you get for the money doesn't seem like good value for money at all.
I'd much rather a bit of smoked salmon.
is sushi a scam? or am i an uncultured swine?

>> No.14153113

>inb4 some retards make comments about you having a flatmate/roommate/etc

>> No.14153150

Yes you are a uncultured swine, and americanized sushi filled with imitation crab cream cheese and avocado is trash.

Get some nigiri and sashimi. Sushi is suppose to be simple.

>> No.14153168

I felt this way the first time I tried it, when I was 11. As an adult I've come to learn the value of simplicity. Adding soy sauce actually spoils the experience.

>> No.14153192

i actually have 3 flatmates, 2 hungarian girls and a polish guy (the weeb).
welcome to life in a major British city.

I can afford to rent by myself but I find living alone really depressing. plus the hungarian girls cook a mean goulash and paprika chicken.

>> No.14153205

it wasn't americanised.
it was from a proper japanese place which has actual legit slanty eyed chefs.

>> No.14153214

Doesn’t matter, was it in the US? If so, it is.

>> No.14153218

Maybe i should say its westernized.

>> No.14153238

well there was no cream cheese in it.
it was nigiri, sashimi and hosomaki, made with tuna and salmon plus various rolls, including chicken katsu rolls which were the nicest thing.

>> No.14153248

A big part of sushi is ceremony and presentation, the Japanese are big on that. Food rolled in rice is a big thing in all of Asia and if you go to your local Asian markets you can find some good shit for not much money. There's a Korean market near me that does bigass rolls for $4, they're kind of sloppily cut but delicious and at least rolled well so they don't fall apart. Note that different places will treat their rice differently. What makes sushi is the rice which is treated with vinegar, kimbap is treated with sesame oil.

>> No.14153263

Generally if you are not going into it actively looking to taste the differences in fish, high quality sushi is more or less the same as low quality sushi. Based on your story you want something to fill up on with your room mate and sushi wasn't to your taste preference, which is totally fine and respectable.

>> No.14153268
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1. He never said what country he was in
2. Everything that isn't Japan =/= America
3. Go be a weeb somewhere else >>>/a/

>> No.14153280

I lived in Japan for a couple years, the sushi there was sublime compared to Americanized garbage.

Simple, delicious, worth it every time.

I've had plenty of sushi here in the U.S. that just didn't cut it. Like someone else already said, have some sashimi or nigiri. Authentic if possible.

If you still don't like it after that, it's probably just not up your alley, which is whatever. You do you.

>> No.14153290

Should've said *****Non-Japanese***** sushi, not "Americanized". For you faggot ass edgelords out there. (You know who you are)

>> No.14153316

>sashimi or nigiri
thats literally what i had.
like i said, raw fish and rice.
whats special about sashimi?
it's just a bit of raw salmon/tuna.
why is that so fucking expensive or special?

Maybe it's because i grew up on west coast of scotland where fresh salmon is readily available that i find it unimpressive. As i said, to me, a nicely smoked bit of salmon is a greater culinary experience than sashimi, and significantly cheaper, which is strange since there is more preparation involved.

>> No.14153422

>Going out with the Polish guy
>Not going out with the Hungarian chicks

>> No.14153427

Special yamato technique makes it taste bad only to redditards who use the word "ye"

>> No.14153433
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Reminder that if you don't eat your sushi off a naked person it isn't really sushi

>> No.14153497

Hungarian women are either current prostitutes or former prostitutes, depending on if they are older than 22.

>> No.14153511

>Body hair, sweat and acne
no thanks

>> No.14153514
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Sushi is all about the rice's quality. Most sushi places I've been in were of a pretty trashy quality (France and Ireland). Whenever you're going to a restaurant with chefs that know what they're doing and want to do right it's quite an exquisite experience.
You're not supposed to dip the rice into the soy sauce, only the fish. If you dip your sushi in the sauce so much that you don't get the taste of the fish you fucked up. Get multiple types of sushi, fish, veggies, try out a variety of them and it's recommended to eat a bit of pickled ginger in between them as a palate cleanser in order to get the maximum of each fish's flavour.
It's considered a luxurious food so it's overpriced everywhere, even when it's amateur-made using shitty ingredients.
I would recommend you to steer clear of the usual tuna, salmon and california-style ones and try out mackerel and local fishes sushi if at all possible. Eel if you're a picky eater.

>> No.14153522

ur killing the fishes normie. i heard somewhere that sushi is about as authentic as debeers

>> No.14153536
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a good sushi buffet is a decent enough value and is pretty refreshing but you won't catch me paying for those artisanal by the roll places, those ones really are a scam
its a good option when you wanna get stuffed with friends but don't want hot food

for the same price as the 10 piece plate i can go to a sushi buffet and get 6 plates the same size and the fish will be fresher by virtue of production volume

>> No.14153544

Sushi is the Chinese martial arts of food. Pretentious as hell because they make some guy wash rice for 50 years before he can even touch fish.

>> No.14153602

its literally raw fish and vinegar rice. you can easily make it anywhere if you have fresh fish

>> No.14153687

It's clean and easy and different. When I have good sushi I feel cozy. But yes, kill the weebs.

>> No.14153689

To hear British are this multicultural is depressing.

>> No.14153700
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literally wasted his entire life "mastering" putting raw fish on rice.

that would be like me being a master at grilled cheese.

>> No.14153720
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Deep fried sushi is good
Fight me weebs

>> No.14153846

You're having the worst ingredients anon. Don't fool yourself.

>> No.14153877

I don't get what the big deal is with sushi either. It's not bad as a snack food.

Japanese food is good though. I like the fried eel in sweet soy sauce.

>> No.14154067

>Master grilled cheese
>Sell them for $300
I'd hardly call that a waste. You could probably get away with that in certain places.

>> No.14154087

People from around the world living in harmony with each other makes you upset?

>> No.14154110


Sushi is literal trash tier bar food, designed to be consumed by drunk people in bars. Japanese equivalent of nacho chips and cheese.

Food snobbery surrounding sushi is an American thing.

>> No.14154137



>> No.14154280

you've having it either place

>> No.14154303

Naruto roll is best unironically

>> No.14154319

I like the combination of the greens, rice and fish. Its a mellow complimenting taste.
And diluting the wasabi in soy sauce for exactly the right consistency tastes awesome.

Yes, and that is the wonderful part.
I've had sushi 2 times before my sister and her fiance made sushi in a cabin far off the grid.
Served somewhat more properly with proper usage of wasabi and a bit more folkish vegetables turned out great.

Consistency and taste is great. Condiments makes is a lot better.

>> No.14154328

Gimbap is nice, the koreans love to eat spicy rice cakes and dip gimbap into the sauce

>> No.14154489

Been to $100/meal sushi joints and $12/all-you-can-eats and have even intentionally tried "dubious" sushi from gas stations and Walmarts. Usually I find if your meal cost you more than $30 to get comfortably full you're overpaying.

Don't listen to sushi elitists. My personal favorite sushi place serves buffalo wings. Authentic, academy trained sushi masters are a meme.

>> No.14154586

How embarrassing. Kill yourselves while you can.

>> No.14154794
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Based north Korean flag-owner

>> No.14155021

Sushi is about the quality of ingredients.

If you have mediocre fish, you have mediocre sushi.
If you have mediocre rice, you have mediocre sushi.

You can't mask the quality behind countless spices and sauces.

>> No.14155039
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>> No.14155042

As much as I want to love Japanese food, I can't. Outside of Ramen and Okonomiyaki most of the food has the same flavor. It's not bad by no means but it isn't isn't on my bucket list when I think of foods to try out. Why is Japanese food taste the same?

>> No.14155059

Because they're a tiny island nation with almost no farmable land because of all the mountains.

but then again every nation's cooking taste the same. American food just tastes like sugar, French food just tastes like butter, British food tastes like WWII rations, etc.

>> No.14156437

No, people have skewers in bars.
Sushi has been considered luxurious food since they started to season the rice with sake and vinegar, which was ages ago.

>> No.14156444
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It doesn't.

>> No.14156591

Don't go to sushi places. Sushi is trash, especially for the western palate, especially in the west. It's literally just rice, vinegar, raw fish if you're lucky, and whatever imitation crab shit they put in it. Your flatmate's an idiot and I hope he learned his lesson instead of deluding himself. If you really want to try weebshit, go look up how to make tuna mayo onigiri, that's 90% of the good part you can easily make at home.
t. asian weeb

>> No.14157005

muh nigga

>> No.14157019

>I'd much rather a bit of smoked salmon.
Then why didn't you get smoked salmon nigiri sushi?

>> No.14157030

>Fight me weebs
Why would they? Godzilla rolls are delicious and popular, and are literally maki sushi tempura.

>> No.14157037

Fellow bonglander here who has been eating sushi for years. It's very hard to get good sushi in the UK; expensive Sushi outside of London is at best edible.

You'll get much better sushi at the same price in many other countries, and sushi in JP is a different ball game.

So chalk it up to quality (and I'm well aware of how expensive itis despite being bad).

>> No.14157057
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>> No.14157068
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>> No.14157942

My colleagues would fill inari pockets with wasabi, and play russian roulette with us waiters when they packed the nights leftovers for us.
We'd get back at them by switching the coffee in their iced coffee with soy.

>> No.14159224

It's about enjoying the taste of the fish in as simple a form as possible.

>> No.14159279

Don't worry, you'll get weebs on here talking all sorts of shit about 'authenticity' because you didnt travel to Okayama to eat. If you weren't that bothered it's fine, sushi does get overrated a lot.

>> No.14159306

this. i've had a lot of mediocre sushi and never really cared about it until after becoming weeb, which is when i realized you can't just grab gas station or buffet sushi and say you've had sushi. having it made fresh for you at a sushi bar to be eaten immediately or as soon as possible seems to be the best way to experience sushi. i had to try various things before i found combos i really liked tho.

>> No.14159629

>It's very hard to get good sushi in the UK
May I ask why? You're an island nation, fresh seafood all around, and some of your most iconic meals are things like fish & chips and jellied eels so it's not like it's this radical new concept.

Are the cooks just like cooking the rice in a microwave or something? They put sugar instead of salt in the rice? Worcestershire sauce instead of soy sauce? What's going on?

>> No.14159682

Maybe im buying into some western bullshit, but isnt it actually insulting to a sushi chef to dip his meal into sauces? Or is that sashimi? Also, is the correct term sushi "chef"? Since nothing is being cooked.

>> No.14159689

post pictures of the hungarians

>> No.14159692

It's just not your thing. For me, it was an acquired taste, and now the only thing keeping me from eating it every day is the exorbitant price.

>> No.14159697

nigger the sushi in japan is literally exactly the same, in fact I would prefer to eat at the american places because there's some more variety

>> No.14159735

It entirely depends on the place, even in Japan. in the higher tier sushi places it's however the chef says it should be. Anywhere else you always get the option of soy sauce and extra wasabi and it's fine.

It's not just sushi but a lot of food in general where Japan has the opposite attitude of "the customer is always right", it's all about letting the chef guide you into their culinary world and trusting their skills and experience.

>> No.14159754

In other words, pleb filters.

>> No.14159781

Dunno why this isnt adopted more widely. Im not a fan of squash, but if a top flight chef prepared it id definitely try it trusting that even if it doesnt change my mind, i at least know ive had it made very well. If im trying something for the first time, id trust the chefs judgement in its preperation. And if its something ive had and like a certain way, i certainly wouldnt make my "changes" after its been made differently

>> No.14159798

>Dunno why this isnt adopted more widely.
We in the west we have a very Karen approach when it comes to food where everything has to be exactly the way we want and even when recipes call for specific things we still demand that we swap out one thing for another and add an extra bit of that while making sure that there's not a single trace of this, etc.

>> No.14159807

i've been making sushi at home
once you figure out the rice, it's easy as fuck, cheaper, and you can stuff more ingredients in the roll

>> No.14159865

Defeats the purpose of enjoying food in my opinion.

>> No.14159898

Yup. We find our comfort zone when we're like 7 years old or something and a lot of people just stick to that.

Like somehow I must have had a bad experience with pickles as a child and I wouldn't sit down and eat a whole pickle to this day, but for 20+ years I would always throw the pickles out of whatever I was getting from McDonalds just purely out of muscle memory at that point. Then one day I forgot to take them out and I ate them and I was like "oh whoops this is fine actually". if McDonalds sold like 800 trillion hamburgers that come with pickles in them by default it means that they taste good with pickles in them.

>> No.14159962

If he said flatmate its pretty obvious he isn't eating American sushi....

>> No.14160329

They have cheap sushi in Japan, but they get very excited about the good shit.

>> No.14160351

There are a lot of "proper Japanese places" that are just run by Koreans because they look the part. My favorite is this place my sister likes, you walk in and the guy tries to yell IRASSHAIMASE at you, but he doesn't actually speak Japanese so it's just some weird jumbled attempt, but he yells it with confidence, so I'm sure it's convincing to people.

>> No.14160379

Gross, the fish is all raw and shit

>> No.14160758

Quality of raw ingredients is the main issue - penny pinching chefs and a lack of discerning customers, a lack of highly skilled sushi chefs outside of a few restaurants. Also, no locals - England doesn't have any Japanese areas really.

By way of contrast Frankfurt has some very good Sushi (despite being in-land), well known and expensive, but found in its Japanese area and always filled with a mixture of Japanese customers and Europeans. The impact of a discerning local community cannot be understated.

Also, regarding fresh sea food, unless you're at the sea and knpw the fishmongers all seafood of quality is very expensive in the UK. For example, Scottish lobster and Dover sole is cheaper in France than in England. This is true of most produce and goes a long way to explaining the perception of UK gastronomy; excellent at a high level but much less accessible than international counterparts when related to quality. I theorise this is consequent of a 'cheap and cheerful' culture among much of the working class, but that's another conversation.

>> No.14160766

Protip: Crab meat and cream cheese signify a shitty sushi roll

Buy squid, eel, and salmon rolls for the best rolls possiable.

>> No.14160775

When did whites start sucking the collective Jap dick so much?
I don't get it either anon.
For that money you can have a steak dinner with all the fixins
And chinese food is even worse because they'll add any meat ....and I do mean any meat they see to your dinner.
And the cooks are all dirty greasy nerds that pick their nose and then touch your plates.
At least Japs are clean tho.

>> No.14160781

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.14160795
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>> No.14160825
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is today opposite day?
Why didnt anyone tell me! sheesh!

>> No.14160903

for me it's the Philadelphia Roll, Eel Roll, and Spicy Tuna Roll.

>> No.14160916

I, too, enjoy Kroger Sushi

>> No.14160923

gross. i get those 3 basic rolls at any sushi joint and they're usually good. if they're not then that place isn't worth going too.

>> No.14160952

I dunno man a good salmon roll with a dab of soy sauce is just near the ultimate food for me. only time I'd use the term "mouth feel" and feel justified in being a pretentious shit.

tuna belly tops it but cant get a lot of that.

>> No.14161167

If you don't get it then you forgot to order yellowtail.

>> No.14161178

Yeah shushi is bland, it's all about the soy sauce, wasabi and ginger.

>> No.14161185


>> No.14161187

Okay, tastelet.

>> No.14161192
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Ceviche is the better raw fish dish, OP.

>> No.14161247

>Ceviche is the better raw fish
It's not raw, brainlet.

>> No.14162633

It's great because of its simplicity, your taste buds have been burnt out by fatty foods.

>> No.14162639
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I wish I could deliver this Japanese sushi to you.
It's about $25 and it's delicious but nothing special.
We Japanese avoid using sesame and oil in sushi.
I'm not denying this sushi, but I want you to remember.

>> No.14162677

can't believe i've finally read an accurate post about british food on /ck/
well put

>> No.14162860


>> No.14163470

>I ordered shitty sushi made by chinks and did not like it.

>> No.14163647

Fuck i miss japan, sushi everywhere else is jacked up in price and not as good.

>> No.14163757

I think you mean exorbitant

>> No.14164632


>> No.14164958


>> No.14165091

I once had the singular embarrassment of asking a chef at my local teppanyaki what part of Japan he was from.

Vietnam. for those wondering. To be fair, the owner is a little old Japanese man who is a first generation immigrant.

>> No.14165227


>> No.14165753

Take me there pls

>> No.14165846

chicken katsu!?
it is a not japanease sushi.

>> No.14165862


The sushi you ate were not authentic sushi at all.
I recommend you go to Japan and try it there.
more yummy and cheaper than in your country.