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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14149802 No.14149802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Say your goodbyes, shitposters

>> No.14149807
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Based jannies

>> No.14149860

I come to this board to get away from the stale BASED COPE DILATE WOJAK WOKAK SOOOOY bullshit threads. Not every board on this shithole of a website has to be saturated in the same shitty low political bait and bullshit.

>> No.14149902

stupid janni

>> No.14149922 [DELETED] 

I will be the best janitor of our time. You will learn to fear me, frog posters

>> No.14149941
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>> No.14149951

Jannies deserve a 70% raise.

>> No.14149972

jannies can suck me but only if they want to and give consent

>> No.14150026

Kill yourself

>> No.14150486
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>> No.14150670
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>> No.14150677

same. this is one of maybe five boards where you can have a semi coherent conversation

>> No.14150698

Jannies are the fucking best. I love them so much!

>> No.14150719
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 63e0ea8bb1bac1a320d0c3e0121fdebb_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies here aren't as bad as on /asp/

>> No.14150810

Wojacks can leave but when people are having fun then jannies can fuck off

>> No.14150817
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>> No.14150818

>Those numbers.
>That resolve
>The message.

>> No.14150838

seethe cope dilate cuck trany incel simp [wojak soy edit #'s 124, 144, 347, 996]

>> No.14150894


>> No.14150897

still doesn't stop pol from spamming the n word in every other thread

>> No.14150909
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>> No.14150922

Dear Jannitor,
Why do my posts get deleted here when they broke no rules? Why am I banned from boards I have never posted on?
Thanks, Anon

>> No.14150928


Who is this thot