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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 100 KB, 1080x1002, 8237159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14149050 No.14149050 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you plan on tipping now when dine-in restaurants re-open?

>> No.14149070

18-20%, like normal.

>> No.14149074

Zero, like always. They don't have to do the job.

>> No.14149077
File: 87 KB, 625x751, 1ismnug3t0rz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the kids of people who go to those protests are like the "I give god 10% why do you deserve more" meme boomers

>> No.14149085
File: 143 KB, 1004x769, tipped wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none, like normal

>> No.14149087

Nothing. I only tip for service that I deem was good.

>> No.14149088

Im sorry, but, do they really?

>> No.14149089
File: 687 KB, 1288x548, 1ecf438335c2e1b434bf33eef850b1e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never demanded anyone do anything. I've been sitting quietly in my home as always. I may go to a restaurant when they re-open but that doesn't mean I ever demanded anything. You didn't deserve tips then and you don't deserve tips now, you entitled pieces of shit. Here's a tip: Get a better job.

>> No.14149097

I leave printouts of that as a tip.

>> No.14149098

Nah. The money never gets to the cooks. I tip bare minimum or "forget" to tip.

>> No.14149116

Based if true.

>> No.14149125

bait thread.

>> No.14149140

This. Your tips fund your waiter's drug habit.

>> No.14149141

I still do the five $1 bill method. Lay them out on the edge of the table and remove one each time the server messes up

>> No.14149154

Why does the OP image sound like a nigger?

>> No.14149158

Black people don't know how to conjugate simple verbs

>> No.14149159

>angry entitled wait staff share photo of printout on social media
>general public becomes more aware of how unnecessary tips are
Flawless victory.

>> No.14149160

we should take this shutdown of the restaurant industry to end tipping culture, not fucking increase its hold

>> No.14149175

Absolutely based.

>> No.14149178

Tipping is for liberals. I only want the restaurants to be open up so that way less of my tax dollars are going to irresponsible cucks who didn’t plan ahead for an “emergency” like this Coronavirus bullshit.

>> No.14149189

It's the business owners who were demanding. Maybe they can start paying their staff now that they know their value?

>> No.14149195

I hope not. If they paid them a proper wage, food prices would go up. I think the current system is perfect; cheap food that you don’t have to tip for.

>> No.14149200

>Maybe they can start paying their staff now that they know their value?
Then every small restaurant you frequented before is going to go out of business. At least you stuck it to the man and owned the libs though.

>> No.14149204

Always nothing. Break the cycle

>> No.14149205

I always tip big since I was a server in my 20's.

>> No.14149250

I don't go to restaurants, it's a fucking waste of money.

>> No.14149254

I always order take out and grab it myself

>> No.14149266

>dining in the restaurant ever again

>> No.14149276

when all the restaurants go out of business because they cant afford to pay their staff, the only restaurants that will remain will be staffed by the owners themselves.
How it should be.

>> No.14149286

I dont plan on tipping at all

>> No.14149298

If they can't find a business model that doesn't depend on blackmailing the customer, they don't have any right to stay in business.

>> No.14149443
File: 59 KB, 720x960, 1584943901001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14149479

I've seen this picture hundreds of times over on this site over the many years and I just know fuckin realized this was a woman and not a man.

>> No.14149548
File: 296 KB, 578x2655, 1558990651386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a certain size, gender becomes irrelevant.

>> No.14149555


>> No.14149577

Hello, yes, is this the White House? I would like to nominate someone to receive the Congressional Medal of BASED

>> No.14149590

>the kids of people who go to those protests

>> No.14149603

These are always written on the customer copy lmao

>> No.14149606

I just sign the top one and chuck the rest. Sometimes it's the customer copy, sometimes it's the merchant copy. It makes no real difference to anyone, they're identical.

>> No.14149612

God, americans are disgusting freaks

>> No.14149617

Americans don't measure prices in weight.

>> No.14149619
File: 82 KB, 362x263, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14149620


>> No.14149622

Tips fund Mr.Shekelberg cutting corners

>> No.14149625

Same shit different toilet
Go eat butter and beans fatasses

>> No.14149654

Your country doesn't even have toilets

>> No.14149683

I live right down the street from them, what a fucking based anon

>> No.14149719

>They don't have to do the job
yeah you totally get to pick and choose where you get hired and not the other way around

>> No.14149725

Basically yes. I turned down two offers before accepting my current one, and could easily be hired at any time at several other places I've looked at.

>> No.14149731
File: 591 KB, 832x1000, 1584441676893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paying extra money when it's not mandatory
Fuck off kike, pay your employees I will be tipping Zero


>> No.14149757

Of course it's a woman, only a woman could lack any and all shame like that

>> No.14149758

I love how dumb men just do some shit like not tipping so blindly just because they saw it in a fucking Tarantino movie.

>> No.14149768

Most people don't actually have that luxury. You seem to live in a bubble and you think just because something happens to you, it must be happening to everyone.
That's just your experience.

>> No.14149770

Fuck you, we're in a depression! I'm tipping less than ever!

>> No.14149771

Actually I didn't tip before that either.

>> No.14149779

I don't eat out much so I don't have the chance to tip. When I do I always tip male waiters more. The real question is do you tip when you do pickup/to go orders?

>> No.14149781

oh yea, how old were you back then?

>> No.14149782

Don't apply for a job if you don't want to do it. Pretty simple. If you have to take a job you dislike to make ends meet then keep searching for jobs while you work in the meantime. It's a numbers game, you just have to get out there and look and apply until something clicks.

>> No.14149793

Why shouldn't I? I know I'm not exceptional, don't even have a college education. Why shouldn't I believe that most people's miserable lives aren't mostly their own fault?

>> No.14149794

I was 2 years old when that movie came out but I never saw that clip until I was in my 20s. I've never actually even seen the whole movie. Stay mad, though.

>> No.14149820

No one wants to face the idea that their actions (or inaction) may directly be responsible for where they are in life. It's much easier to blame external forces outside of your own control. The fact is that most poor people stay poor because they're bad with money, most people stuck in jobs they hate are not doing anything to find a better job, and so on. But if they admit to that then they have to face up to their failures. The cognitive dissonance of blaming everyone else is much easier. Those people then insist that everyone much employ such cognitive dissonance and that no one should ever be put at fault for anything in their lives, either, because to admit that someone else might be at fault for their own failings would be to admit that the same could possibly apply to yourself, and under that burden the protective shell of cognitive dissonance crumbles, so they create reinforcement and feedback loops among each other and lash out at anyone who doesn't follow suit with their self-pity and blame games.

>> No.14149852

>Pretty simple. If you have to take a job you dislike to make ends meet then keep searching for jobs while you work in the meantime. It's a numbers game, you just have to get out there and look and apply until something clicks.
>finally get a good job, move up in the company
>get laid off in big lay off where the company gets cut in half out of nowhere
>have to hear shit like this and >>14149820

>> No.14149853

The exact same thing applies to people who want to believe their successes are 100% their own work, and didn't require the help of sheer luck and/or inherited advantage.

>> No.14149861

>Stay mad
Where are you even getting that from? Nothing I said indicated a tone of anger.

>> No.14149867

>get laid off in big lay off where the company gets cut in half out of nowhere
This is extremely rare, and will happen MAYBE once in your life unless you're jumping from one shitty venture capital startup to the next.

>> No.14149872

>inherited advantage
This. I know someone that actually gatekeeps anytime they get a good job. They fucking make up stories about how they can't refer people. They only help their own friends get jobs.

That's the reason only certain people get famous. You basically have to be accepted into the cool kids club if you actually want big paying parts.

>> No.14149879

Most based post on this entire site

>> No.14149883

Obviously either extreme is bad, but there are a fuckload more people who think everything is someone else's fault than there are people who think they did everything themselves.

>> No.14149884

>This is extremely rare, and will happen MAYBE once in your life
It actually happened to me back to back but at least the first time there wasn't all kinds of other economical bullshit going on that I was able to quickly find a job.

If we're talking about in terms of today? Then no. What that anon is saying is dumb as hell and only applies to people who have already made it financially and are secure and didn't lose shit when this quarantine stuff started.

>> No.14150162

Zero. It's not even legal to accept tips in Japan, if you try they will chase you down to give you your money back, and if they don't catch you they will give the money to the police.

>> No.14150177

As the old saying goes, "Make hay when the sun shines". If you haven't prepared by making as much and saving as much when you can then we're back to the "you're poor because you're bad with money" idea.

>> No.14150279

I did say MOST people. I know that there are edge cases, but the point is that there are usually steps you can take in the right direction.
Have a good job? Save up money and build an emergency fund, that way if you lose your job you have a safety net that gives you time to find a new job. If you can't afford to take 3-6 months without pay then you should consider that a crisis and work as fast as possible to correct it. If you can't save money toward that goal then you're likely living outside your means or otherwise mismanaging your money in some way.
Lost your job and need money to make ends meet because you don't have savings? Then go out there and hustle and take any job you can get. Beggars can't be choosers. I've known so many people who would whine and moan about how they can't find a job and they need a paycheck, and to an extent I do sympathize with their shitty situation, but then when I point out restaurants or grocery stores that are hiring or mention some labor work I saw advertised, they always make excuses and find reasons that won't work for them because they clearly see that work as "beneath" them even though just days prior they were saying how they just need ANYTHING to fill the gaps.
Hell, even in these last few months I knew some people who got laid off because of the COVID shit and said they need a job immediately. Well guess what? Kroger and other grocery stores in my area started hiring like crazy right when this all started because they needed more stockers to handle the demand caused by all the panic buying. But did they apply for those jobs? No, of course not, but then they also don't want to accept blame for not doing everything possible to help themselves.
So yeah, some things are out of your control, but a "poor me, there's nothing I can do" defeatist attitude is the most damaging possible thing you can do to yourself.

>> No.14150300

This is some serious boomer shit.

>> No.14150306

>expecting anyone to read this giant wall of text

>> No.14150330

cry more waiter cuck. you are a literal servant and i will treat you as such. now refill my coke.

>> No.14150351

will purposely give mediocre service to these kind of people and try to get you out as quick as possible - you and your five dollars can fuck right off

>> No.14150360

I'm not a waiter, you dumb ass.

>> No.14150366

>fiscal responsibility, risk management, and preparation for emergencies is "serious boomer shit"
Society is fucking doomed.

>> No.14150374


>> No.14150422

not that i suppport tipping in the slightest but this logic is flawed because
>implying the minimum wage is a living wage

also, what really grinds my gears is when restaurants have a sign somewhere that says "we're adding a 4% surcharge to all orders in support of the minimum wage increase law voters passed, [optionally: be sure to let the wagie know if you want to opt out of this surcharge :^)"]. why don't these cunts just integrate the increase into the menu instead of adding their dumb passive aggresive message. this is really common in california and you can't even always opt out

>> No.14150427

No, thinking that it's just super easy to save up a good amount of money in this economy is the boomer shit. Saying people are just "bad with money" as a justification is the boomer shit.

>> No.14150430
File: 87 KB, 640x757, tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED, a lot of butthurt eurofags ITT compensating for their tiny dicks while their wives are get rammed by BBC in the bedroom. If you don't tip, stay at home moron

>> No.14150435

I only tip in $5 increments

>> No.14150468

That is because profits from food NEVER go to the waiters, only whoever is in charge. I work at a restaurant where we have increased prices twice over the last 4 years and none of those profits went to the staff. They also added a delivery fee which went straight to the higher ups pockets.

>> No.14150474

>▶being dumb enough to go to college

>> No.14150477

I dont know anyone like that. Sounds like you're projecting or you hang out with a stupid group.

>> No.14150480

>don't go to college
>expect to live a luxurious life
lol do euros really ?

>> No.14150483

they should be thankful they have jobs. we owe them our tab and nothing more.

>> No.14150484
File: 24 KB, 300x230, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit mexico
>can only eat packaged food for fear of getting sick
>visit the USA
>can only eat packaged food for fear of getting shot for not leaving the correct tip.
terrible vacations

>> No.14150488
File: 69 KB, 637x429, 516771e8-9634-4dce-92fb-32e25a8d6746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pay ~50% usually, lowest I've gone recently is ~25%.
I'm not poor and I like to dispense my largesse on those who are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.14150489

Let's say you're paid biweekly, so you get 2 paychecks per month. Save 10% of every paycheck into an emergency fund. In 9 paychecks (4.5 months) you'll have a month's worth of expenses saved up and set aside (since you're only actually spending 90% of your monthly pay on expenses).
In 12 months, you'll have saved 2.5 months worth of expenses from that 10% savings alone, plus if you budget your expenses to only rely on 2 paychecks per month then there will be 2 months where you get a THIRD paycheck which you can just save away as well, meaning you now have 3.5 months worth of expenses saved in an emergency fund in just 1 year.
Get a tax refund? For most people that's worth about a paycheck as well. Congratulations, in a 12 month period you saved up enough money that you could live without any pay for 4 full months! Have you had your current or most recent job for more than 1 year? Then why don't you have at least 3-4 months of expenses saved? Why are you spending 100% of your pay and why do you not see that as a problem?

Can't save 10% of your pay into an emergency fund? Treat THAT as an emergency and start cutting fucking corners until you can; 10% is a bare minimum savings amount you should not be skipping. Once you've cleared that 10% budget space for savings, you should be able to maintain that indefinitely, so once you have 6 months worth of expenses saved you can start doing other stuff with your savings, like investing in retirement or preparing for big upcoming expenses.

Not sure what percentage of your pay you spend? Do you just live paycheck to paycheck? Start writing that shit down! Record where your money goes! Plan and budget it! It doesn't fucking matter what "this economy" is, stop making excuses and start making a budget and saving some money. 10% per paycheck, that's all you need to build a solid emergency fund in a single year.

>> No.14150492

I live in America stupid. I'm doing just fine. Most people I've met who went to college are fucking idiots.

>> No.14150494

>stop making excuses
Rent isn't an excuse.
You sound like a fucking boomer and look how fucking deep you're going into this shit.

>> No.14150497

lol sure you do eurangatun

>> No.14150501

I tried giving a tip to the girl bagging my groceries in a supermarket in Sri Lanka and she looked around to other employees and didn't know what to do and returned the money, since it was the same as a candy right there I motioned her if she wanted one and that was cool with her.

>> No.14150504
File: 2.92 MB, 3264x2448, 20200524_162838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually usually tip 40 percent or more. Even with delivery. But thats because i dont order food and giving an obcenely high tip disincentives me from depending on others cooking for subsistence. I didnt go to a resturaunt or order delivery at all this year nor do i have any plans on doing so for the rest of this year.

>> No.14150518

>Rent isn't an excuse.
Your rent isn't 100% of your monthly pay, otherwise you wouldn't be able to afford food, electricity, clothing, internet, phone, car, gas, whatever else you spend your money on. Save 10%. That's it, just 10%. You'll have an emergency fund in no time if you just find a way to save TEN per-fucking-cent every month. If you can't save that amount, you have a problem that you need to fucking solve. It is an emergency and your longterm wellbeing is at stake. Make a goddamn budget, man, do it right the fuck now. Don't say nobody warned you.

>> No.14150519

>14150422 (You)
>That is because profits from food NEVER go to the waiters, only whoever is in charge
??? what difference does it make to the restaurant if the 4% price increase comes from a surcharge vs adding it to the food price? it really feels like they're just trying to make a political point/manipulate customers when they add a message like that and it throws off my whole vibe. plenty of people don't even notice there's a surcharge until it's time to pay up. it's a manipulative business practice

>> No.14150532

The difference is that the 4% surcharge is treated as a gratuity which must legally be given directly to the employee, whereas a 4% increase of the menu prices would simply equate to a 4% revenue increase for the business. Since tips are percentage-based, an increase in food prices should mark an increase in absolute tip amounts, but in reality it's not so perfect. I agree it's scummy, though, and I would never frequent a restaurant that did such a thing.

>> No.14150545

My usual 30%.

>> No.14150551


>> No.14150572

>Your rent isn't 100% of your monthly pay
It isn't now but at one point it was.
Even though I get by ok now, I wouldn't say I was able to pick and choose where I got hired.
Even when I got to somewhere good, I was still laid off.

Why can't you just admit that sometimes life is shittier for others than yourself.

>> No.14150582
File: 29 KB, 720x599, 1590328200935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat at restaurants.

>> No.14150609

>It isn't now but at one point it was.
Then how did you pay for food? Serious question. If 100% of your pay was going to rent, that means you could not have been buying food or paying utilities. So how did you not starve?

>Why can't you just admit that sometimes life is shittier for others than yourself.
I have never said otherwise, I have only said that people in shittier life circumstances can still make positive changes and take positive steps for their own wellbeing and security. Many don't, and that's what's so disheartening.

>> No.14150621

>Then how did you pay for food? Serious question. If 100% of your pay was going to rent, that means you could not have been buying food or paying utilities. So how did you not starve?
Sublet an apartment - utilities are usually included with rent. Where I live, it's only different if you live in a house, where they're separate from rent and aren't always paid monthly.
Also, Food stamps. Makes your food free. You get more food stamps if you have a job than you do if you don't have a job.

I agree that you can make positive changes but that doesn't make you rich or give you the ability to pick n choose who hires you.
You can apply to places and THEY choose to hire you or not.

>> No.14150627

didn't read

>> No.14151189


>> No.14151249

>Get out of military
>No higher education
>0 experience in desired fields
>Four applications
>Three job interviews
>Two successful ones
>Get job in tech world paying above minimum wage
>Decent conditions
>Satisfaction of creation
Literally no excuse.

>> No.14151264

I plan to. Everything is gonna be taken home from now on and the waitstaff can get fucked.

>> No.14151273

That just supports the inequity argument. You obviously didn't achieve that via merit.

>> No.14151279

Get fucked neet.

>> No.14151341

In my job interview I was questioned and required to show capabilities. In one interview I displayed my knowledge of computer hardware, in an other I installed a CPU onto a motherboard or something like that. I proved that I was the right man for the entry-level job.
It wasn't a pristine job, but it was better than being a waiter.

>> No.14151346

And to this day you still believe you were the only one to pass a test as simple as being asked to tie your shoelaces.

>> No.14151351

Why should the waiters pay increase along with the food quality, or be affected by everything that affects food price?

>> No.14151353

>I installed a CPU onto a motherboard or something like that

>> No.14151396

Companies benefit greatly from retaining employees that understand the company. The dispisability of employees directly correlates with the wane of good service. CEOs don't care. They get their bonuses and move on to another business within ten years, leaving their successors to pick up the pieces.

>> No.14151406

This website has degenerated to having threads with 100+ replies to posts that are literally from Facebook

Let that sink in

>> No.14151789

Tipping culture is baffling. Couldn't fathom going to a restaurant and paying not only for the food I eat but for the waiters' salaries as well

>> No.14151799

i only tip my fedora and pay a reasonable wage, mericunts!

>> No.14151805

>Couldn't fathom going to a restaurant and paying not only for the food I eat but for the waiters' salaries as well
americunts love corps ripping them off. sad.

>> No.14151808

I’ll stick with homecooking or takeout. People are gross.

>> No.14151816

Have Mommy scoop you an extra helping of dumb tonight

>> No.14151998

unbelievably based

>> No.14152009

ITT: faggots who've never worked as a waiter or delivery driver

>> No.14152015

Why is Kelly cheating on Ryan with some cholo?

>> No.14152018

there it is

what an entitled cunt, tipping culture is fucking cancer

>> No.14152021

I'm a Bong chef on a decent-ish salary and I like getting tips, but that's all it is, a bonus. I'll always tip 10% when I eat out out of courtesy because I like getting the same. Large tables should tip well though, no excuses.

>> No.14152074

I hope all restaurants go out of business, and all females who would work as servers turn to prostitution.

>> No.14152078

i made a post like this yesterday and was warned for it, wtf jannies???

>> No.14152115

>I am so much le smarter than all the other applicants!!!
Now we see why they hired you, gullible and easy to manipulate.

>> No.14152119


>> No.14152323

>wedding ring
she gets married and I'll die alone, man I must be way more repulsive than I realise.

>> No.14152337

>Get out of military
That's a pretty cool short cut not everyone can take. Congrats on being special.

>> No.14152348

where I live, you aren't paying their salaries, you're paying them extra for the good service.

>> No.14152352

I'm not forcing anybody to open their restaurant. If they want to stay closed they're allowed to.

>> No.14152358

the tips should be taken out of boomer's social security desu

>> No.14152400

>N-no, you couldn't have gotten that job based on merit! It must have been privilege!!!
Jesus, this cope.

>Wow, it was so easy! You're not special!!!
That's literally his fucking point, that anyone with half a brain and some motivation could have done exactly the same as he did.

>> No.14152438

as much as the amount of jews that died in the holocaust

>> No.14152504

Why don't you start a restaurant and keep all the extra fees instead of expecting the business owner to give the profits to you?

>> No.14152514

>anyone with half a brain and some motivation
You have to be able to pass a physical which not everyone can do.

>> No.14152537

I'm still only getting take out or delivery, but when I do I tip $5-$10. For grocery deliveries $20-$30. The people putting their health at risk to provide me food should be properly rewarded. I've still got a decent middle-class job, so I may as well.

>> No.14152541

Guys she is outside, she is clearly trying to loose that weight

>> No.14152542

Granted I'm only getting delivery or take out a couple of times a week and groceries delivered every 10 days or so.

>> No.14152556

Why is there a food trolly in the obesity ward?

>> No.14152588

Yeah, fucking this.
Way to make the taxpayers feel they're not being pissed and shat on.

>> No.14152691

Yes, he was definitely the only one who thought to apply for that job that others were more qualified for.

>> No.14152779
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1534356411528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a few job listings online that required no prior experience, in roles that I was fine performing. Sent my rather empty CV, and responded by like 4. I went to their interviews. Some went better, others went abysmal. In one of the better ones I appeared to be qualified and knowledgeable enough, but they went for someone else. In the other, I was accepted, and so did like 3 other guys. I wasn't special, I didn't pass a really complicated sorting procedure. I didn't score the job of the century. But I did fairly easily got a comfy no-experience job that wasn't waiting that didn't rely on tips.
Waiting is not the only easy-to-grab job out there. People who argue that waiters have no choice but to eat the shit they're handed by their employers are wrong. The waiters can quit and get a normal job that pays well within a month.

>> No.14152854

I had a few tables like yours when I was a waiter years ago. Always gave the lowest effort service, let food sit in the expo window while I prioritized other tables, glasses filled to the brim with ice, slow refill service, etc.

While I dont agree with demanding tips, people like you are just cunts, so you get cunty service. I bet you snap your fingers at waiters too, dont you cuntarella?

>> No.14152882

>The waiters can quit and get a normal job that pays well within a month.
Not always. Quit talking like you know everyone situations just because of your own personal experience.

>> No.14152888


>> No.14152897
File: 142 KB, 512x512, resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put money where mouth is
i already do, buddy.

>> No.14153727
File: 1.09 MB, 499x499, 1580484294528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny that y'all thought I was serious. What's even funnier is that, based on your responses, there are people that actually do this. But what's funniest of all is that you willingly work in an environment where you are subjected to such treatment and apparently it happens often enough that you've developed a personal strategy to cope with it!

>> No.14154667

None, mostly because I don't eat out. But, I've tipped cooks before since they actually do the important work.

>> No.14155364

heh based.

that said i've been tipping extra @ the lil coffee shops and stuff that stayed open. it's a tough tme for them.

but when shit's back to normal you'll get your 15%

>> No.14155404

>installed a CPU onto a motherboard during a job interview
lmao America is a joke

>> No.14155424

>go out to eat
>diarrhea immediately after


>> No.14155557

You do realize businesses get tax credits for hiring active duty military/ veterans, right? That's why every job application asks for military status.

>> No.14155560

I'm not setting foot in a restaurant or theater for the foreseeable year at least if not longer. Certainly until there are NO corona cases anymore.

>> No.14155580

Corona is several strains of things, not just the wu flu. You won't be going in them ever again with that.

>> No.14155596
File: 52 KB, 527x578, 1590519201519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably less than usual since I am risking my life by giving you my business.
Thank me for my patronage.

>> No.14155622

Between 15-20% depending on their service, same as usual. Not gonna be much either way since my bill tends to be low

>> No.14155632

Originally it was meant to reward the server for being a good host. Once companies realized everyone was getting tips for being good waiters, they purposely cut wages on the grounds of "you still make above minimum wage thanks to tips so I'm not doing anything wrong"

>> No.14155643

I demanded you have the right to go back to work if you choose. You're welcome.

>> No.14155658

Kek, this is actually a good point.
>restaurants are struggling
>can't do business
>laying off staff
>closing doors
>"Y-you better t-tip us super good w-when we reopen!!!"
lmao nah, you need us more than we need you.

>> No.14155673

I pay proportionally to how long I was in the restaurant, $7.50 for every hour, which is effectively double their wage, regardless of meal price. I don’t understand why waiters are so entitled when the staff in the back of the house work just as hard if not harder. Refilling my drink honestly isn’t worth a tip; you had nothing to do with the quality of the food

>> No.14155910

Tipping is retarded and you shouldn't be allowed to pay employees less than minimum wage, but I tip well anyway because I like being nice to friendly people and sharing

>> No.14155958

I live in California so they get $15 minimum on top of a bonus if it's determined that they didn't make enough in REPORTED tips. As we all know nobody actually reports their tips earned unless they work at ihop or dennys where employees are required to pool their tips together and evenly distribute them among all staff members, so the average waiter in my state is in reality making more than most teachers and government workers.

>> No.14155964

>paid in card
better get your shit changed before somebody tracks it down and sends you to the twitter mob

>> No.14156376

do boomers think that a 15% tip means 15% of their, the customers, income?