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File: 2.26 MB, 3000x2002, 190517113420-17-breakfast-around-the-world-eggs-and-sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14144681 No.14144681 [Reply] [Original]

I love breakfast foods but don't understand how anyone can possibly want to stuff themselves this much this early in the day.

>> No.14144688

Ask your mom.

>> No.14144702

>I don't understand fat people

>> No.14144706

I used to eat that much (and still could) but I'm not 15 anymore and so now I have something like 2 eggs and 2 pieces of toast.

>> No.14144717

If I do breakfast, I never eat less than 5 eggs. Usually with some kielbasa or ham or bacon to go with. If you're going to eat, eat.

t. 130lb dude

>> No.14144736

Sorry, meant kg not lb.

>> No.14144741

>three eggs and three sausages
>stuff themselves
Aww poor baby have a tiny stomach?

>> No.14144750

It is for people who work

>> No.14144761

They're a full meal meant for the lads finishing their night shift. They also became popular in the states because of some real faggot advertising campaign.

>> No.14144772


>> No.14144816

how fat are you

>> No.14144833

Not at all
Don't worry. Someday you'll grow up and even be able to eat a whole meal all by yourself.

>> No.14144854

Yeah nothing like eating half of your daily calories before even getting to work. Makes sense.

>> No.14144920

Manlet detected.

>> No.14144991

i'm the same, i dont like to eat much in the morning. a cup of coffee and a granola bar is enough for me.
lunch is the meal i go nuts on though, then I usually only have a light dinner.

>> No.14145024

>don't understand how anyone can possibly want to stuff themselves this much

Healthy people don't.
A big breakfast is one thing, I often do and skip lunch. That as a daily breakfast with lunch is absurd though.

>> No.14145548

the lie that certain foods are for certain times of the day is a social construct.

>> No.14145553

>half of your daily calories
proof of my daily caloric need?

>> No.14145569

I just wait until it's lunchtime and then make them.
I only eat breakfast and dinner.

>> No.14145568

Found the tranny

When you get a real job you'll understand

>> No.14145580
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My breakfast is the biggest meal of the day. With the rest of my meals being small and snacklike throughout the day. I like to eat foods that will give me bad gas so I can shit my pants around my coworkers all day and get off knowing my asshole shot particulates into their airways inside their bodies. It's almost like if they swallow my particulates that make it to their stomach and in turn help create a feces and farts of their own which is kinda like my form of impregnation

>> No.14145598

I'm also not Joe Rogan btw

>> No.14145651

If you're ploughing the field you'd better make sure your stomach's full.

>> No.14145664

When I used to work construction I needed a breakfast like this. Metabolism gets crazy high and your body starts craving ahead of time.

I'm an AD in a hospital now and I skip breakfast. Lifestyle makes a big difference.

>> No.14145667

fat people don't eat breakfast

>> No.14145743

When you work a real job you need fuel to get the job done.
I'm not hungry first thing in the morning, but I'll gorge myself anyway because I know I'll be starving well before lunch break otherwise.

>> No.14145894


>> No.14147053

>dinner at 6/6:30
>no breakfast
>lunch at 12/12:30
I just skip breakfast to have a solid 18 hour fast every day.

>> No.14147392
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>No sausage for me, thanks. This salad and fruit juice gives me all the energy I need.

>> No.14147400

You’re not even supposed to eat breakfast. You’re supposed to eat once per day. This is why the West will always be fat.

>> No.14147422

that's why brunch is popular

only weirdos and fatasses go out early morning for a breakfast like that

>> No.14147438

>real job
we get it you have to work the chain gang

>> No.14147463

only for hangovers. on regular days i can't think right if i eat too much for breakfast.

>> No.14147511

I'm fit, former competitive athlete even as an adult and stay at a roughly 10% body fat year round, I genuinely wonder what sort of delicate fellow anons we share this space with who think that a few eggs and some sausage is some sort of gut busting extravaganza. When I was wrestling, I could eat 3 4x4s with 3 orders of fries and a milkshake and still lose weight, if you exerted yourself even 20% as hard as we did in practice and ate even a rather large daily diet, it shouldn't be too much of a problem unless you're just genetically inferior

>> No.14147575

>Don't eat breakfast
>My regular lunch and dinner is enough to keep me sated for a day
>Eat breakfast
>I'm famished before lunch, and it's not nearly enough to keep me sated
>I eat twice as much for dinner as usual

>> No.14147604

it makes sense when you consider eating it before having to go do 8-10 hours of manual labor without a lunch break

>> No.14147613
File: 108 KB, 750x1096, american sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Americans defend being fat fucks
I believe heavy breakfasts are only really meant for heavy manual workers and athletes.
I barely ever eat breakfast and if I do it's just a random fruit with an espresso.

>> No.14147627

1 in 3 British adults are obese. Shut the fuck up, Nigel and go eat another chip butty.

>> No.14147669
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I never said I was british you stupid mutt, try again with something that actually hurts.
I just hate fatties all around the world anyways. regardless of their countries, they deserve to be shot down.
t. Someone who used to live in the same house as a 200kg American NEET.

>> No.14148749
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Every morning before work.

It's hardly stuffing myself though. My biggest meal isn't until dinner.

>> No.14148780

What is it? Fried cheese?

>> No.14148811
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 0019732737_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast food culture is fucking gay and retarded. Breakfast food always consists of the worst food of the day. No what my last breakfast was? Fucking leftover soup. I see no appeal to stuffing myself with eggs, muffins, toast, pancakes, or fatty bacon that makes my skin crawl. Even a sandwich is preferable.

>> No.14148824

then don't eat it, you little faggot

>> No.14148841

>I love breakfast foods but don't understand how anyone can possibly want to stuff themselves this much this early in the day.

It's because a long time ago, before humans all became fat lazy fucks, you'd wake up and have a big breakfast because you'd need all that energy throughout the day while you did crazy shit like WORKING.

>> No.14148880

the thing below gives me trypophobia

>> No.14148920

I really think that breakfast is one of the anachronisms that people look past because of pseudo-science. If you aren't doing blue collar/agrarian work, breakfast doesn't make sense.
I work in a law firm so you better believe I'm not having three eggs and three sausages before I sit down for 3 hours straight and shart myself

>> No.14148933

>real job
this is the "I'm too stupid to do anything other than blue collar job" cope

>> No.14148954

Big breakfasts are nice because they fill you up for a long time. Useful if you're working all day, or if you're long distance hiking or something. One thing I've noticed is that fat people don't eat healthy breakfasts, they just get a donut on the way to work it sonething.

>> No.14150124

God, get those overcooked eggs away from me. How do you spot an American? Just ask 'em to cook up some eggs and you'll see!

>> No.14150139

rent free

>> No.14150157
File: 604 KB, 1132x1540, IMG-0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can eat all that for breakfast and feel just full enough to make it to a late lunch and im a skelly

>> No.14150160

Literally one guy in the 1920s turned bacon and eggs into a meme to increase the sale of pork products for his bros in the pork industry. Same guy made smoking popular with women by making them think it was a 'rebellious feminist act'.
For the bacon thing he basically called a bunch of doctors and just asked them two questions. 'Would you say it is better to eat a light or a hearty breakfast?' and if they said hearty he'd ask 'Would you consider bacon and eggs to be a good part of a hearty breakfast?" Then he shipped all news agencies press releases that said something along the lines of 'Hundreds of doctors prefer people eat bacon and eggs for breakfast.'
tl:dr Edward Bernays is a marketing genius.

>> No.14150166

how's the crystal treatment going, anon

>> No.14150174

what is that

>> No.14150201

Inherently based. I can't wait to shred all my fat so I can train aggressively through the day.

>> No.14150240

He's implying you look like you're dying of cancer like steve jobs and seeking proper medical care.

>> No.14150264


three large eggs are 280cal. Sausage depends wholly on size and content but a quick look shows one serving of three breakfast sausage links (small ones like you get in the states at a Bob Evans or something) is 170-200 calories. Pair that with a cup of black coffee and you're at a whopping < 500 calories depending on what you fry the eggs in. That is pretty low my man.

>> No.14150268


>> No.14150932

Yeah, just some shredded tasty over the top.

Surprising fucking good when you let the cheese burn a bit. Gives a similar taste and consistency of nachos.

>> No.14150944

Black coffee? I'm thinking I'll have a heckin frappacino!

>> No.14150947

I really want to believe this is shopped
I'm post you replied to: You don't have to believe me anon but I believe you're going to make it

>> No.14150992

Chinks/Japs eat 3-4 times a day. Yet they're thin.

>> No.14150999

Eggs aren't supposed to be rubbery. The one in that pic doesn't have a good enough crisp - most likely due to them placing the eggs in a cold pan.

>> No.14151002
File: 19 KB, 200x200, 1590303334464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was pretty fat, it was my favorite meal to look forward to. an assembly of grease and refined sugar is a horrible way to start one's day, of course, so i was mostly always lethargic and snacked because of it, i guess.
i'm in great shape now and i don't even eat breakfast anymore. i eat a big lunch for energy and a small dinner to end the day with snacks of fruit in between

>> No.14151004

You are aware that it tastes good right? Has nothing to do with some faggot in the 20s advertising something.
t. ex muzzie who tried said combo at 24 and loved it.

>> No.14151023

>3 eggs
>3 sausage
>stuff yourself.
the fug do you do 0 physical exercise ? that's 600-750 cals which isn't much even for a 5'7 manlet that lifts.

>> No.14151257

>pic related
You're supposed to have some left to bring home unless you're full on obese. I'll never understand why Euros always complain about getting two to three times the food for the same amount of money they'd pay back home, it's a plus imo.

>> No.14151277

>this early in the day
I prefer to eat a large breakfast, 1-2 hours after waking up. Feels much better than having dinner be the largest meal of the day.

>> No.14151304

As a fatass who eats breakfast every day, I can attest that your statement is inaccurate.

>> No.14151358 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 599x733, 1590119635750(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awful lot of anti white racism here, I'm not too happy about it honestly.

We aren't racist democrats here guys. We aren't hateful against Europeans and people of white descent. So cool it okay.

>> No.14151382

>not starting the day with a sick ass muffin, or a fancy french omelette with creme fraiche and smoked salmon

>> No.14151408

>not getting rid of the egg whites beforehand
>processed meat without butter or lard to compensate for its low quality
Yeah I don't know how anybody can eat like that.

>> No.14151415

>sunny side up eggs W. brown edges
>paste sausages
Are you from the UK?

I had two poached eggs, ham, hot mustard and muffins for breakfast.

>> No.14151461

Our ancestors literally did that. They would eat a giant meal for breakfast then spend the rest of the day surviving

>> No.14151652

Those sausages look disgusting, what are they?

>> No.14151828

I too was a college freshman once

>> No.14152204

Prior to Bernays the default breakfast was stuff like toast with jam and a cup of coffee. Once he made the push people got more into it and it became a norm.

>> No.14152232
File: 44 KB, 600x623, 1585810185788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do southerners really?

>> No.14152240


The kid's meal doesn't dictate the size but rather what you're eating. Hence nothing but macaroni and fries on that guys plate.

>> No.14152266

I just eat a McMuffin, a hash brown and a cup of coffee every morning. That's good enough to last me until lunch.

>> No.14152401
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>> No.14152455

>implying the only REAL "work" is your literally anyone-can-do-it tier job of moving heavy stuff x to empty hole y

The average person doesn't lift or do much exercise, anon. And you know the three eggs and sausage isn't coming without a side of toast and coffee with milk and sugar.

All of ya'll took my image too literally. I'm just talking about any big greasy breakfast. But no surprise here that half the board is either fat or works in jobs designed for people who have zero value the moment they get an injury.

>> No.14152465

where are you getting this information?

>> No.14152700

I do believe you anon, and my post was genuine. I want to make it.

>> No.14152753

that's more like brunch to me, if anything at all

>> No.14152806

>But no surprise here that half the board is either fat or works in jobs designed for people who have zero value the moment they get an injury.
You forgot gay and retarded

>> No.14152809

Each morning for me starts with a slice of pizza, a big cup of black coffee, some sour milk with berries smoothie and a half liter of water. Has been like this for 6 years now. No need for variety I get up at 5 am and work 10-12hour days six days a week. Other meals have variety but breakfast just needs to be automatic and the same so that it causes no lost time or effort.

>> No.14152893

How do you always have a single slice of pizza prepared for every single morning?

>> No.14154513

Eat pizza for dinner everyday. Save one slice for breakfast

>> No.14154561

>stuff themselves this much this early in the day
Easy. I have a full day of work ahead of me.

>> No.14154565

I literally do this exact work all the time and don't eat anything until 6PM.

>> No.14154654

masterful post

>> No.14154690

i never have an appetite in the morning and almost never have breakfast. do manual labor and rarely have lunch, but it's nonstop eating from like 4pm until a few hours have passed. absurd amounts of food, and this results in picture-perfect shits every morning and no bogged-down feeling during the day

>> No.14155212

Breakfast is for slaves. It's does the exact opposite of giving you energy unless you starved yourself the day before. The Romans used to keep their servants docile by feeding them early.

But sure, Mr Kellogg knows best.

>> No.14155254

This literally never happened. Big breakfasts only became a thing with 20th century marketing.

>> No.14155295

urbanite just outed itself

>> No.14155326

All the blue collar posts in this thread are LARP
Eating in the morning ensures that your body dedicates most of it's energy to digestion and not actual work. Your heavy meal should be at the end of the day, when you're resting.

>> No.14155339

It's called breaking your fast you God fearing degenerate

>> No.14155377

even if i wake up early i don't eat until 12 or 1. today i had a 3-egg omelet with feta and american cheese, and the leftover pierogies and sausage, as well as coffee. then i don't eat until dinner.

it took me a while to finish the omelet though, felt full after finishing only half of it but i need the protein

>> No.14155392

>microwave and dice a potato
>scramble an egg
>add 2-3 slices of canadian bacon
>mix in one pan and brown a bit
the perfect breakfast

>> No.14155851

>Wake up early for shitty hard labor job that works my hands to the bone
>Wife makes pic related so she doesn't get featured on Monday Night Raw Hell in a Cell
Life is a perfect balance.

>> No.14155874

nigga i'm 200 pounds
3 eggs is 270 cals, a squirt of pam is negligible, and 3 sausage links would be 600
have you never heard the phrase eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch, and a pauper at dinner?
5 days a week I eat a decent breakfast, I eat a sandwich for lunch, a Clif bar in the afternoon, and a TV dinner before I go to bed. Even 2000 calories. Not fucking hard.

>> No.14155882

seems like you eating more like a faggot at breakfast, a homosexual at lunch, and Greta Thunberg's mother while she was pregnant at dinner.
Fuck you.

>> No.14155900

>kids size meal of carbs, carbs, and more carbs
ah yes, the epitome of health

>> No.14155907

Good one brotha

>> No.14155956

If i get up early i might have toast so belvita cookies
I only ever eat break fast like that if im eating like brunch, which is often with this corona shit

>> No.14156073

As OP am I supposed to be impressed you're 200 lbs? I have no idea how tall you are or if you lift, but on average I'd assume you're 5'9 at best and just a little chubster. It's what I'd imagine if you eat nearly 1000 calories to start the day.

>have you never heard the phrase eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch, and a pauper at dinner?
I've heard it, but it makes no fucking sense. You're just a chubby kid eating off old adages.

>I eat a decent breakfast, I eat a sandwich for lunch, a Clif bar in the afternoon, and a TV dinner before I go to bed. Even 2000 calories. Not fucking hard.
This breakfast is 870 calories. I typed in "calories in a sandwich" on Google, and got 340 calories, but I bet you're probably eating worse. Let's still go with 1210 total. Clif bar is 240 calories. 1440. Assuming a "light" TV dinner, you're having a 180 calorie lean cuisine.

Is this your eating habit? Because I'm guessing you're full of shit.

>> No.14156400

I like to eat a big breakfast or lunch then no or small dinner.
That said if I'm not working and just sitting around at home I eat like shit. Like 3 big meals a day because I love cooking random shit I see on YouTube so I end up eating burgers then pasta then curry or cake or whatever I see on YouTube that day or earlier in the week.
Like 2000 to 2500 a day then on days off it's like 4000 of random unhealthy shit.

>> No.14156634

>talking shit about manual labor
IT here. Kill yourself you stupid fucking retard.

>> No.14156760

Its usually not a daily thing.
At most its usually weekly with shit like cereal and oatmeal the rest of the time. Or maybe muffins.

>> No.14156768

> I typed in "calories in a sandwich" on Google
Are you over 60?

>> No.14156781

>Working on a full belly
That's not balanced at all. It's an inversion of nature. You're supposed to do your work first THEN eat afterwards to replenish the energy you have spent.