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14143290 No.14143290 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to get in to sake?

>> No.14143337

drink it

>> No.14143342

sake is unironically better than grape wine

>> No.14143352

Purchase enough to fill up a bathtub

>> No.14143359

Better for what? The two are completely incomparable.

>> No.14143390

for drinking faggot

>> No.14143443

cheap sake is vile. you need to find a decent supplier. if you have access to Japanese grocers you can get semi-decent bottles.

good sake is served chilled. if you want hot sake then stick to the cheap stuff.

there's several layers, but for right now look for bottles that indicate "junmai daiginjo" it's a shortcut to indicate a quality product.

if you want to learn more after that, start another thread later and I'll hop in.

>> No.14143448

Not this. It's a meme. Had it once and its really nothing special

>> No.14143452

you're nothing special

>> No.14143461

by watching reservoir dogs and taking a shot every time they say fuck or mention a color.

>> No.14143479

Holy smokeroos! I seriously just entered this thread to make this exact same post! I guess great minds think alike, eh fellow anon? Hahaha. Well, I'll let you have your minute of fame in any case. Guess I'll just have to be quicker next time! Heh, but seriously - congrats. That is one prime zinger.

>> No.14143485

I know. But at least I'm not an overpriced bottle of sake with meme flowers and food colourant.

>> No.14143507

this but unironically

>> No.14143528

Seething but wholesome and kind of based but dare I say it, bluepilled

>> No.14143536

Holy smokeroos! I seriously just entered this thread to make this exact same post! I guess great minds think alike, eh fellow anon? Hahaha. Well, I'll let you have your minute of fame in any case. Guess I'll just have to be quicker next time! Heh, but seriously - congrats. That is one prime zinger.

>> No.14143539

I love ironic shitposting

>> No.14143549

On a scale of oofers to yikowzies? Gonna put this one straight up in the seethies. Maybe try a little less hmmmmmmmmmmmmm hard next time kiddo? Might do ya some favors champ, and by favors I mean my're's mammy

>> No.14143564
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>What's the best way to get in to sake?
Probably a shrink ray.

>> No.14143572
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>> No.14143596

Hakutsuru junmai is cheap as fuck and very decent for its price.
Try it and get fancier daiginjo and such if you like it

>> No.14143602

Sorry bud, jokes already been made in this thread. I'll give ya a (you) anyway though. Hope it makes your day a bit brighter.

>> No.14143841

Find a place that sells sake and seems to keep good care of it, ask for a beginner's recommendation, get some Jap snacks and work through a bottle.

>> No.14143851

live in japan for a year.
try everything you can at the supermarket and liquor store.
not gunna have any hope of trying much variety of sake, shochu, umeshu etc living overseas.

>> No.14145049

find someone who's down to sit down and take shots with you over dinner. it's the best way to drink rice wine.

>> No.14145056

>What's the best way to get in to sake?
you see that top bit there? grab that and twist

>> No.14145085

you know anon, it might be easier to get the sake into you than the other way around :)

>> No.14145130


>> No.14145233

Hourin sake is currently my favorite. Simple, subtle sweetness, and no artifical tastes. It just costs so fucking much.

>> No.14145264

Buy a few different bottles at different price points from different producers. Try them as the producer intended, figure out what you like, then keep buying that and branch out occasionally.
Same goes for wine and whiskey.

>> No.14145280

Get into Soju instead. Cheaper way to destroy your life.

>> No.14145287

Remember that sake isn't meant to be aged like wine. If a place doesn't sell much of it and the bottles sit for months you're going to have a chance of getting some that have gone bad.

>> No.14145359

Im no alcohol drinker but is it true that you can get fucked up fast on soju because its almost flavorless and you cant tell when to stop?

>> No.14145414

Anon I’ve never had a single Japanese beverage but I can tell you with 100% confidence as an alcoholic that there is absolutely no alcohol that you can drink without realizing its alcohol

>> No.14145683

Soju tastes like gasoline, not that I know what gasoline tastes like haha

>> No.14145693

Hot sake, get the bottle that doesn't look like chickwine, and heat it good.

Cold sake is for hipsters and clubbers, if they don't have hot sake, you should literally walkout cause it's likely that food is not their main concern.

>> No.14145702
File: 286 KB, 1280x853, sake and sashimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pair it with good food, traditionally it's sashimi

>> No.14145740

Makis are also fair bet for Sake.

Sake+Miso? Absolutely.

>> No.14145882

Why? Is it part of your job?

>> No.14145898


>> No.14145908
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are traditional cups mandatory for heated sake?

>> No.14145916

Weirdest thing I've noticed is how sake tends to creep up on first time drinkers, though. You think "basic alcohol someone left out for too long" and hour later you're gone because you drank it like it was flat beer or something.

>> No.14145943

if hot sake is radiating pure alcohol smell too strongly it means you've warmed it up too much, but yes. wider shallower cups let you take in the aroma more easily.

>> No.14145975
File: 393 KB, 510x680, sake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually drink heated sake in small, 'shooter like' cups.

the way im holding it right now is a trick I found out a while ago, you keep a finger under the glass (the small bottom rim) and one above, on the lip, it helps to hold the hot glass without burning yourself.

>> No.14145983

wide sakazuki cups are largely ceremonial these days or used as drinking "openers" as you taste sake before moving on to bigger cups

>> No.14145987
File: 86 KB, 1365x1243, Sake_classification-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting into Sake
Is like saying you're getting into beer.
There are multiple different kinds of Sake like there are different kinds of beer.

To name a few. Find out what each type does and try to find a complementing dish to pair with. Sake is all about that pairing.

>> No.14146011

as far as i can tell from this graph, anything but junmai variations is for plebs

>> No.14146029

added alcohol is for plebs?

>> No.14146033
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Some people like to down a Pilsner style beer with a pizza or some light snacks.
It's a beer style you can just down without really needing to appreciate it, just a light drink to drink alongside your meal.

The same could be said for Daiginjo, it is best paired with overly sweet or salty things. Fruit salad, pretzels, salted peanuts, profiteroles and such.

Junmai typically are for a more rich dishes like steak or sashimi

There are more layers to Sake than just the finish and alcohol level though.
It is right up it's own ass with pretentiousness, but there is a rhyme to it.

>> No.14146065

yes, adding anything that isn't water or rice is a sign of low quality.

>> No.14146088


Do you want to drink sake, or the "consistency of cum" shit-tier fucking nigori shit? Because that's what you posted you fucking doublenigger.

>> No.14146250
File: 276 KB, 854x1280, IMG_6607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious sake is polite to be delicious.
No theory required.

>> No.14146254

eh I dunno about that I know of several ways to cover alcohol well. hot and spicy beverages are one

>> No.14146293

judging by the absence of fancy presentation, this is probably top tier shit

>> No.14146405

how does it feel to be a pussy

>> No.14146542

I'm sure there's plenty of smooth sojus out there that mix really well, but I'm pretty sure most of the stories about it come from the fact it's super cheap for what you get and the fact that Koreans drink like fish, but pretend they don't.

>> No.14146774
File: 978 KB, 3024x4032, Jinro soju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the soju. It can range from ~17% to ~50% alcohol and some are downright vile regardless of ABV. I bought one a while ago that seemed like it's be a step up from my usual and it tasted like I was drinking carrot peelings. Jinro is my go-to, here in the US it comes in slightly different bottles (surprisingly hard to find a proper pic) and the label is perforated so you can take it off and pretend it's something else. The clear ones look like water and the green bottles look like Squirt soda.

>> No.14146929

sometimes you untwist the lid, other times you’ll need a cork opener.

>> No.14147831

Trim your ogre nails. No girl or girl (male) is gonna want those talons scraping about their guts.
Neat trick though.

>> No.14147856

open the top of the bottle

>> No.14147951

Who cares what women want?

>> No.14147959
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>> No.14147967


>> No.14147978

The sooner you realize that your psychological need for companionship can be satisfied by close friends and your sex drive can be satisfied by masturbation, the better off you'll be. Romantic relationships are not biologically necessary for happiness, you can supplement everything they provide by other healthy means. It's not about "evolving beyond the need for companionship," it's about broadening your definition of companionship.

>> No.14147986

If you want recommendations as a first time drinker:
sawanotsuru has one called “genshu” that’s really “””versatile”””. It’s dry but not too dry pleasant taste and it’s a decent price
Momokawa Pearl is another one though I’m not so sure if it’s available everywhere. It’s pretty creamy and the taste is mild

>> No.14149831

Yes lad you're not having sex we know that already. There's no need to give us this wall of cope

>> No.14149837

I'm not seeking sex, either, and I'm quite content in life. I have friends for companionship and that's quite enough for me. Hell, sometimes it's too much and I have to take a break from them. I don't like living with other people because it's too much social interaction and too hard to take a break from.

>> No.14150152
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*Nihonshu. Sake is just alcohol. Beer is sake. Wine is sake.

>> No.14150291
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I'm aware 酒 means alcohol in Japanese. But we're speaking English.

>> No.14150321

Unscrew cap, squeeze into the bottle.

>> No.14150607

Go to your local bdsm club on golden night and pair it with the real stuff.

>> No.14150628

>not biologically necessary for happiness
Because happiness isn't biologically necessary, not because relationships won't make you happy.
Romance does pay serotonin dividends.
And if we're talking "biologically," sex is needed. You have failed at the macro level if you don't procreate.