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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14140668 No.14140668[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do leftists eat?

>> No.14140672

The rich, according to their beliefs.
Organic soybean products that are far too expensive and help destabilize third world economies and environments, according to their actions.

>> No.14140673


>> No.14140680

if i saw him wearing that shirt i would demand his glasses from him just to prove the point.

>> No.14140689

B-b-but that's personal property and it's totally different!!!

>> No.14140700

then i would call him a fascist.

>> No.14140711

Is just rape him. His asshole is public property now.

>> No.14140714

you just KNOW if he ever got arrested for doing antifa shenanigans he's going to lose his shower shoes within the first 30 minutes in lock up

>> No.14140728

>lose his shower shoes
you have to buy those from commissary.
they don't issue them any longer.
he would have a used pair quite quickly from all the knob slobbing.

>> No.14140784

look, cows take up too much room and resources and fart and that kills the ozone. what we need to do instead is just cut down more of the rainforest that was already clearcut mostly for soybeans and plant more soybeans so we can use billions of gallons of water and fossil fuel to harvest and process it and package it in plastic then ship it to eat. It's more eco friendly and you only hurt the animals that don't exist any more because now there's a soy plantation there instead.

>> No.14140808

Gonna give a legit answer as my roommates are all pretty hardcore left.

One of them is vegetarian and non-dairy.
She makes enchiladas a lot. And grilled cheese sandwiches with fake cheese. Also enjoys making brownies but I wish she'd stop cause I'm trying not to eat sugary shit like brownies.

One of the guys is non-dairy but will eat other things. They usually help with cooking all the times the girl isn't cooking.

The other guy makes orzo pasta all the time with different ingredients but almost always includes mushrooms because all three of them seem to love putting mushrooms in everything.
He's also jewish and brings home random jewish food from the local market all the time. He brought home an interesting jewish candy the other day. It was really good but very crumbly. Can't remember what it's called.
He also drinks a ton of juice.

They all really like drinking wine except the Jewish guy cause he doesn't drink or do any drugs.

>> No.14140814
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Leftist here. Business owner to boot, so make of that what you will.

Dinner was chickpea curry, lunch didn't happen as it was crowded out by baking some traditional German breads, breakfast was some plain yogurt and homemade granola by way of Alton Brown.

Some good dishes from the last two weeks have been homemade udon noodles with braised short ribs by way of Dinner for Everyone, plus seared corn and summer squash from The Food Lab. Lots of pumpernickel with cream cheese and jams, salads since the spring harvest from my garden is at its peak, bitter greens gratin, homemade sourdough pizza...yeah, that's what's noteable.

Currently slightly inebriated on Bulleit Rye and some Botanist martinis.

>> No.14140816

Their young.

>> No.14140822

Thats what you already do. 90% of the worlds soybeans are fed to animals. The meat industry is the biggest driver for soy consumption.

>> No.14140830

The candy is called halva. Its not great but its pretty good.
t. english grandpa spent a couple years on a kibbutz in israel around the time the kikes still loved the english for giving them clay.

>> No.14140832

yea that's the one!
I thought he brought home tofu at first.

>> No.14140833

You have great taste in food. I think if you could get over the cultural appropriation thing i could turn you libertarian over sushi rolls and sake.
Btw i learned how to make grocery store tier sushi and i just couldnt be happier about it.

>> No.14140834


>> No.14140841

Again not great but pretty good. I'm a crossover from /pol/ and ive been there since it was /new/. But ive been cooking since i was 12 and i turn 30 this year. Does your inmate ever make any other kike food? No arrac and matzo binges?

>> No.14140843


>turn you libertarian

I'm actually as anti-State as you can get. Mutualist in the Tuckerite more than the Proudhonian tradition. Don't ask me too much about it, though. It's one of those things where I spent a lot of time doing a lot of reading and discussing to form my opinions, but it's been years since I engaged with it so I still have my very staunch opinions, but am much less adept at explaining why I believe those things. tl;dr on it is markets are pretty rad, and actually free markets have a naturally centrifugal force on wealth that self selects for smaller, flatter firms competing in the marketplace in contrast to actually-existing-capitalism's State sanctioned focus on concentrating wealth in as few firms as possible.

>> No.14140851


>thinking back on the time /pol/ had really interesting threads on Anarchism and anti-Statism and people actually discussed things and changed their minds

Shedding a tear right now, y'all.

>> No.14140850

Sorry roomate inmate whatever you live on a concentration camp or some shit? God i hate kikes and niggers.

>> No.14140857

I liked it after I tried it. I just didn't know what it was until he explained - it looks kind of like tofu int he packaging. But it tasted pretty good and they all ate that shit pretty fast.
He brings home all kinds of sweets though, mostly chocolates and they all fucking devour them in like an hour.
The other guy who isn't jewish loves to eat everything in sight.

He doesn't make any traditional jewish dishes as far as I've seen. There are some local markets here however that sell a lot of jewish stuff and he'll bring home things from those places often.

>> No.14140860

what is the with the fucking roommate meme on this board? I've seen it posted way more than once and I still don't fucking get it.

>> No.14140861

dunno if I'm a leftist; I'm just a liberal whose policy preferences cluster around the American left

I eat lots of salmon, boiled vegetables, and steamed basmati rice.

>> No.14140864
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Lol, you should reingage with economic study. I recommend the chicago school. And youre absolutely right, a lot of the high minded visions of equality are realized within a free market. Its not a matter of opinion, historically it has been the market that has been least likely to engage in discrimination.

>> No.14140871

Salmon on rice is so fucking good.

>> No.14140874


>Lol, you should reingage with economic study

Right now I'm focused on keeping my food-industry-adjacent business afloat through all this that's going on. Looking good so far but things are generally much more up in the air then they've ever been. In a few years, assuming shit doesn't go horribly wrong, I should be in a good position to sell the business and start a homestead up in Wisconsin close where the rest of my family is settling. I'll take that time to re-read my Proudhon and catch up on anything that Carson and Wilbur have put out.

>> No.14140878

>Sorry roomate inmate whatever you live on a concentration camp or some shit?
are you drunk?

>> No.14140880

>so make of that what you will
you're a hypocrite champagne socialist that believes in communism for thee but not for me
the same type that will demand we take in migrants and move them into other peoples neighborhoods while you live in a gated community

>> No.14140887
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Heh, hehehe yee im pretty not sober right now hehehehehaha
Im that guy who keeps making the short lived cook along threads that begin with fuck niggers and fuck jannies every two weeks after my ban expires. I made sausage pizza with pesto sauce recently. Was good.

>> No.14140889

>Im that guy who keeps making the short lived cook along threads that begin with fuck niggers and fuck jannies
Wow, you're famous dude. Can I have your autograph?

>> No.14140890


>you're a hypocrite champagne socialist that believes in communism for thee but not for me

To my credit I was the second in command employee in a company of 3 plus the owner, and when the owner offered to sell it to me I tried to get the other most senior employee to go in on it as a workers' co-op, but he just wanted to do his 30 hours, grab his paycheck, and peace out every week. I decided to buy it as a sole owner and my lowest payed employee gets 15/hour, with the average converted hourly wage being closer to 17.

>> No.14140892

no need to be passive agressive. you can call him a faggot if you want

>> No.14140894

He might just be a little misguided. Weve all been there.
Yeah its pretty brutal out there right now. I hope your business pulls through provided youre not running an applebees franchise or some shit. Read the anatomy of state sometime. Its short and pretty concise if youre trying to get your feet wet.

>> No.14140895

Nah, he's an attention whore. He'd enjoy that.

>> No.14140896

then why did you give him attention?

>> No.14140898

Pffft. Ive only made like 4 of them but they get to about 60 posts before theyre deleted. Sorry if i came on too strong.

>> No.14140901

I don't know who you think I am but I haven't replied to him since >>14140878
and it's because he felt the need to fly off the handle since I live with someone who is Jewish. Typical edgy retard shit, honestly.

>> No.14140902
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Anarcho-syndicalist here. For me, it's the pb&j.

>> No.14140904

please stop replying to this fucking loser who thinks he's actually well known on /ck/ like anyone here gives a fucking rat's ass.

>> No.14140905
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Can we talk about food now? The other day i made pan seared tuna patties with a dill heavy tartar sauce. What you guys think?

>> No.14140908
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Fence sitter here.
I had Little Caesar's today.

>> No.14140909

Im not tripfagging or anything i only mentioned it in passing. And Its all just banter, relax

>> No.14140912

I'm also trans if that matters.

>> No.14140915


>Anatomy of State

I actually have a lot of overlap with the likes of Mises and Hayek. I dunno, it's weird to recognize that these are all dudes who are significantly more intelligent than me but I also think they reached ultimately erroneous conclusions.

>He might just be a little misguided

Refer to my other post, plus, I lived on a literal commune for three years, so as someone who actually likes markets, I feel like I carry more commie cred than a lot of actual commies.


Hell yeah. I did shrimp patties the other day - basically just shrimp, chives, hot sauce, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and garlic in a food processor, mix together with bread crumbs and an egg, form into patties, chill, fry up in a pan.

>> No.14140916
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Those look pretty good.
here's some stir fry I made the other day.

>> No.14140918

You wouldn't do shit.

>> No.14140921

>you have to buy those from commissary
Where did you hear this? I just got out of county in March and shower shoes were standard.

>> No.14140925

No one said you were trip fagging.
Go sober up you drunk dillhole.

>> No.14140928
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>> No.14140933
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>> No.14140938

Those shrimp patties sound delicious. I keep wanting to make spicy seafood when i start improvising with these sorts of things but every time i do it turns out less than great. My wife hates most hot food too which has led me to keeping things closer to the middle of the road.
Oooh that looks tasty. I normally cut my mushrooms really fine when i make a stir fry but maybe i shouldnt. That earthy and rich flavor can be nice in chunks like that. For some reason i am reminded of beef wellington, chimichurri and tapenade. Im pretty inevriated rn lads.

>> No.14140948


Can always make it mild and then add more heat to taste on your own serving.

>> No.14140957

>I normally cut my mushrooms really fine when i make a stir fry but maybe i shouldnt.
yea I always use thick cut mushrooms. I'm a big fan of them - I've met a lot of people who can't stand them for some reason.

>> No.14140961

Btw if you read hayek and friedman and sowell you might better understand how they reached their perhaps erroneous conclusions and become a better more well rounded commie for it. Also ive noticed that the whole pilpul thing with jews seems to transcend politics. Ive watched milton weasel out of so many arguments where he appears cornered where he comes back with " no you see when i said that, thats not what i meant because when you blah blah blah etc etc."
Smart guy. Economic stradivarian. But first and always first a man who knows how to debate in such a way that hes never wrong. Hayek and hoppe never did that.

>> No.14140972

I should. I deserve something spicy once in a while.
When you spend your life cooking for others sometimes you forget to treat your palette with what YOU want now and again. my wife comes from a mrs dash family and ive been trying to tickle her fancy with traditional cuisine from all over as best i can manage. But i havent had goat curry in ages.

>> No.14140988
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I have done some reading of them and interfaced with their arguments a lot through debate. I still ultimately think that people like Tucker and Carson have a more accurate analysis of what a free market would look like. It's interesting, because it's not like I think society as envisioned by the Austrians should be outlawed or anything like that, I just think that if you implemented their policy goals you'd end up with an economy that was largely organized along traditionally socialist lines, which is to say small firms, mostly co-ops and individual ownerships, competing in largely local marketplaces. As I said, though, I'm not at the point anymore to actually argue any of this shit. I'll get back into it one day.

Anyway, I'll post some more food pics.


>When you spend your life cooking for others sometimes you forget to treat your palette with what YOU want now and again

Tell me about it. I own a bakery and my ex-who-is-now-becoming-my-partner-again is gluten free by doctor's orders.

>> No.14140997

>Alton brown
how could you listen to a baby killing white supremacist neonazi who committed the parkland shooting I’ve reported you to the dnc and you will be executed post haste via two shots to the back of the head in a “robbery gone wrong”

>> No.14140998

>baby killing white supremacist neonazi who committed the parkland shooting
can you please just go back to /x/