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File: 153 KB, 1600x1066, Riso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14136669 No.14136669 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make some risotto but am concerned that I might be too retarded to make this notoriously high-maintenance dish.

Anyone have any good risotto recipes/suggestions? Any easy preparation techniques or helpful tips?

>> No.14136701

>high maintenance
you just have to stir it
risotto is retarded easy to make

>> No.14136707

Just buy a Thermomix if you really like Risotto that much.

>> No.14136719

Notoriously high-maintenance what? You just have to stir it regularly and add broth when it dries up too much.You're using broth and wine right?

>> No.14136723

The main thing with risotto is that it requires a copious amount of liquid, but the liquid has to be poured in slowly. That's the big tip, you have to stay close to it. Pour in stock and wine, let it reduce, repeat the process until the risotto is creamy. As for what you put in it - a good pork sausage and onion never fails. Mushroom's a classic. Butter is good, a bit of parsley goes fantastic with it.

Really, the big tip is that you have to be on top of it, and don't turn the heat on too much. Generally you wanna lowball the heat. Mid to mid low is probably your best bet.

>> No.14136725

I mean i can make a tasty risotto easily and I'm generally not that great at cooking

>> No.14136729

You're right for everything,except for the parsley and the onion

>> No.14136746

Risotto isn't high maintenance. It's just a savory rice porridge. Just saute some veg, are in the short grain rice, fry until the edges become clear, and then start adding liquid. Start with a glass of white wine and then continue with stock/broth until all dente. Kill heat and stir in cheese. Everything else is just to taste.

The first risotto anyone should master is mushroom risotto. It's as simple as

>3 shallots, minced (a red onion will do)
>1 celery stock, minced
>100 grams mushrooms
>75 grams risotto
>300 grams stock
>1 glass dry white wine
>25 grams butter
>Tablespoon olive oil (can be substituted with more butter)
>Salt, pepper, nutmeg, and thyme, to taste.

>> No.14136782

Garnish with fresh parsley. Maybe celery leaf, if you have it.

>> No.14136815

listen to energetic music on headphones while stirring the shit

>> No.14136852

I believe any dish that requires constant stirring and monitoring for extended periods of time can fairly be considered "high maintenance."

>> No.14136861

Half an hour is enough in most cases

>> No.14136939
File: 1.98 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20200523_180801894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a recipe that's even easier than normal.

>> No.14136947

does that actually work? I like risotto, but it's rare that I can be bothered to make it.

>> No.14136957

but it doesn't require constant stirring
risotto is the scrambled eggs of rice

>> No.14137001

Works surprisingly well actually. Out of the oven there's quite a bit of liquid, but the cheese really thickens it.

>> No.14137010

Might give it a shot sometime. No reason I can't use that for the lazy version then keep the real technique for a treat.

>> No.14137091

It's really not that hard man
>heat up stock in another pot and keep it hot
>saute vegetables and meat and stuff
>add rice and let it heat up a minute
>add stock
>stir until it's mostly absorbed
>repeat until it's done and feels creamy
You can do basically the same thing with orzo, I like that even more than with rice.

>> No.14137183

Never had a Rissoto in my life, is it any good?

>> No.14137260

Bad risottos are bad
Good risottos are good

>> No.14137663

This. I've only watched Gordon Ramsay nearly murder people over it about a thousand times.

>> No.14137678
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It's easy to make if you have a stock pot going and just ladle it in.

>> No.14137690

Risotto is easy to make at home and all you've to do is keep your attention at it, relax and enjoy a drink as you cook

>> No.14138139
File: 184 KB, 1200x800, Mushroom-Risotto-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone have any good risotto recipes

God-tier mushroom risotto incoming. Takes hours of prep, but the payoff is well worth it.

>4-6oz dried wild mushrooms
I should add here that these are usually available at Meijer/Walmart grocery stores near the deli counter where they have the cooler full of premium cheeses. Any whole foods or trader jack or similar should have them just laying around somewhere. (It's usually a mix of shiitake, porsini, chanterelle, morel, and oyster mushrooms.)
>Arborio rice
>Homemade beef stock. Kitchen Basics brand is a good substitute.
>Shallot (onion if shallots unavailable), finely diced
>Carrot, finely diced
>Garlic, minced
>Butter, 2 oz; 1/2 stick
>1/2 Bunch of parsley, chopped

Prep Work:
>Put mushrooms into a seal-able container. Tupperware, a mason jar, whatever. The important part is that you can put a lid on to seal it. The container should be just big enough to hold the mushrooms, even if you have to pack them in.
>Fill the container with water, making sure the mushrooms are completely submerged, and put the lid on.
>This needs to sit on the counter for at least 2-4 hours. 4-6 is ideal.
>Finely dice shallot/onion
>Finely dice carrot
>Mince garlic
>Chop parsley
>When mushrooms are done soaking/reconstituting, pour them into a strainer - but ***save the liquid***
>Chop mushrooms into roughly 1/4" pieces.

>> No.14138158
File: 13 KB, 100x100, tumblr_inline_p0nf9h3VBw1r1g8u3_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ex used to ask me to make risotto, maybe every other week - except he preferred it overcooked and "stodgy" as he put it

ive recovered my cooking abilities to an extent but i feel that i will forever be in the habit of making my risotto's a sort of heinous gloop

>> No.14138174

i'm gay btw not sure if that matters

>> No.14138177

Why soak the mushrooms? also;
>save the liquid
Why, is there a follow up?

>> No.14138208

literally made risotto yesterday. High maintenance my ass. You're pouring flavoured water into rice and stirring - it isnt even remotely hard.

>> No.14138221

Now if you wanna be autistic about it, do you actually need to stir all the time or only after you add more broth?

>> No.14138230

Anon, don't overthink it. Use short grain rice like valencia or proper risotto or japanese rice, and it'll have adequate starch. And, as long as you will be having some delicious cream or cheese at the end, you'll be fine and creamy enough. If you want to play it even safer, use a nonstick with your nice silicon or wooden spoon.
Wine, too, not just stock. Watch the salt if you're using some boxed stock.

>> No.14138237

why are you responding to me with this

>> No.14138266
File: 62 KB, 600x338, 051026-wild-mushroom-risotto-thumb16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down to business:
>Put your favorite deep skillet on medium-high heat
By medium-high, I mean hotter than medium, but not hot enough to brown/scorch the butter. You know your stove better than I do.
>When pan comes up to temp, add butter.
>If you see it browning at all, you're a little too hot. Take it off the heat, turn the burner down a cunthair, wait a minute for things to cool down, and get back to it
>Once butter is melted, add carrots and sautee for 1-2 minutes
>Add shallot/onion; sautee another 2-3 minutes or until onions are translucent around the edges
>Add garlic and mix well.
This is a critical step. Let it stand long enough to cook and release its flavor, but don't let it sit in one place for too long, because once garlic browns or starts to burn, it gets bitter and shitty.
>Once you can really smell the garlic, add the mushrooms.
>Keep it all moving the whole time, though.
The mushrooms will have to release a lot of their moisture that we added back to them. As long as there's lots of steam coming out of the pan, they're not quite ready. Once they are:
>Add Arborio rice.
If you're cooking for one, 1/2 to 1 cup. If cooking for two, go with two cups. It's a lot, but there will be no leftovers either way.
>Stir vigorously, making sure all the rice is coated with all the oils in the pan. The pan should look dry at this point. Once it does:
>Add the mushroom water from before
>Stir everything around, make sure the rice is mostly covered in the water.
>It has to come up to a boil fairly quickly for all this to work. If it doesn't, adjust your heat in 1/4 or 1/2 click increments.
You'll immediately see the "sauce" start to thicken as it boils. This is from all the starch in it, which is slowly leeching out of the rice. From here on out, it's constant motion that makes it come together.
>Once the sauce is thick and starts to "pull away" from the edges, it's time to add more liquid.

>> No.14138282

> all this effort into a basic mushroom risotto post and you dont even tell them to use boiled water for the dried mushrooms and to use the mushroom stock for the rice or to squeeze the liquid oit of the shrooms before you cook them
Your a fraggle and your recipe is basic bitch shit

>> No.14138290

I tried making risotto and it just tasted like overcooked rice :(

>> No.14138294

welcome, newfriend.

>> No.14138305
File: 25 KB, 488x488, GUEST_581348c3-3ed4-44bd-b451-834d0f58cb59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.5/2 sorry
This is the cycle:
>Add beef stock.
>The whole pan will slow down a second, the liquid will come back up to a boil, thicken, and start to pull away from the edges again.
>Add more beef stock.
I can't tell you how many times exactly you will have to do this. I can say that the process last for about 20 minutes once you start adding liquid.
You'll want to taste the rice occasionally as you cook. As long as it has any "crunch" to it, it's not done. Once it's in the "tough"/"chewy" state, you're near the end.

Here's the trick:
Stop cooking it when it's about 90% done.
Take it off the heat. Stop adding liquid.
Cover it and let it sit for 5 minutes or so.
Don't let it sit too long or it all just turns to mush. And it's still really, really delicious mush, but it's mush.

This risotto goes wonderfully with any quality steak, beef wellington, even a roast if you like.

Try it out and post results.

>> No.14138326
File: 79 KB, 634x581, 3ae2b4a08d6f1571ce09b6723121216c8c7ce54ac2afeb0b66d3af3067adf5cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why use boiled water? I told him to let it soak for hours. You're not trying to cook the mushrooms, just reconstitute them.

I literally put "save theliquid" in the first post and "add the mushroom water" in the second post >>14138266

But you knew all that, right, basic bitch?

>> No.14138333

>notoriously high-maintenance dish.
nigga its just rice

>> No.14138339

no sweetie, gentle pan shakes produce a higher quality gravy

>> No.14138342

Sorry, here's the complete saga:

>> No.14138359

you can shove that recipe diagonally up your akimbo asshole, your gravy is tar, mine is velvet

>> No.14138375

I have seen your effort anon and I will try your recipe.

>> No.14138384
File: 25 KB, 480x600, ebecd6ba5f5a5ed212ac0543233ef87e658e6f8ae0beccea5fd9dddd057cf0eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey everyone look how cool i am

>> No.14138386

admittedly confused but ok

>> No.14138387

What is your opinon on white wine/ white vinegar in risotto?

>> No.14138416

Wine is useful for deglazing the pan and can add a wonderful flavor. I'd stay away from vinegar, personally. It wouldn't take much excess to completely ruin a dish.

>> No.14138557

Onions, mushrooms, etc. - whatever you need to cook first, cook first in the pan to whatever your liking.
1 cup of rice into the pan, cook em til a little translucent, for, reasons i guess. Only takes 30s-1min so just do it anyway.
If you got wine, pour a cup in. White's the usual but i tried red once and i kinda liked it (dont judge). If not, use a cup of broth.
Pour your stock/broth bout a cup at a time to cook the rice till it's done to your liking.
Finish with butter, parm, garnishes, salt, etc.

1 cup of rice needs at most 4.5 cups of liquid broth/stock. For me, I always use between 3 and 4. The extra .5 is just because other people arent me. Keep 4.5 on hand ready.

You stir the rice because some areas in the pan get cooked in the water while others are high and dry, so you want to prevent this. Stir more in the beginning cause all the rice is dry at this point. At the end everything is wet, so they'll cook well even without stirring. Please, dont stir too much though unless you have nothing else to do. Do a few dishes while waiting.

Pour the next cup of liquid [and stir] when most of the previous cup has been evaporated/absorbed. It's easy to tell when there's a lot of water, but knowing when it's gone too far takes a little practice. If you let it go too far, you're really just wasting your time. You got 4 cups of liquid to evaporate/absorb. Do you really want to spend 45 minutes on this?
Take your stirring utensil (spoon, fork, chopstick [im asian, so i use this]), and make a streak/line in the rice, exposing the bottom of the pan. You want to see how thick or viscous the liquid is as it pools into the streak you made. At the end, a finished risotto on the plate has a creamy liquid cause of the rice you're using, which gives it that creamy taste and texture. Near the end of cooking, you know when to add more liquid when it feels and looks like, idk, hot gravy?


>> No.14138567

In the beginning though, the rice hasn't had time to starch-up the water, so instead, you'll know when to add more when you get something close to a slightly thicker water, rather than gravy. Never let it be close to dry, else again, you're just killing time. Gravy is always wet.
Remember to taste your food. You know when the rice is done by tasting it. A little firm-ness tastes good. If you want mushy, fuck you. Turn the heat off and remove the pan. Add your butter, add your parm, etc.

But hold on! Is there a little too much water in the pan? That's great, cause A LOT of it will evaporate, and when it hits the plate it'll be perfect.
Is it the perfect consistency? It's gonna get real dry real fast. Pour more liquid in and mix. You can do this after it gets dry if you want (i.e, it starts getting dry, so you add more liquid till it's not. If it keeps drying, add more, etc.)
Is the A LOT of water, like you just put in a cup on accident? Heat it off a little bit. It's easier to add more liquid than to heat it off.

>> No.14138577
File: 2.60 MB, 4128x3096, 20190727_162235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make risotto with anything, even with apple like my chinese cartoon cooking show

>> No.14138588

Half an hour standing over one pan is absurdly high maintenance.

>> No.14138613
File: 54 KB, 500x454, arancini_balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright now lemme get yer arancini recipes

>> No.14138637

fucking waste of risotto

>> No.14138841

Risotto is easy, just let it boil for a long time, adding a little broth, stirring til it's absorbed, add more broth, stir, til its ready. Do some onion and garlic in there too. I use lemon juice instead of wine.

I make it with borlotti beans, rocket lettuce and parmesan cheese. And pour a bit of extra virgin olive oil in.

>> No.14138977

How can your last name be Risotto and you don't even know how to make it?

>> No.14138993
File: 753 KB, 450x520, product-shop-picture-nwot-smaller_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get one of those German Risotto Makers.
It's way too annoying to make it yourself.

>> No.14139297

Imagine pasta but it's rice.
None of you faggots @me you know I'm right.

>> No.14139302

That's called orzo and it's delicious.

>> No.14139387

Did it actually taste alright or was it purely a meme?

>> No.14139445

It's actually really good

>> No.14139454


>> No.14139467

>maek risotto
>use apple instead

>> No.14139504

After questioning what apple juice would be the least sugary and disgusting I had the horrifying idea of using apple cider vinegar. If I decide to go through with it I’ll report my findings

>> No.14139581

ACV and some cheap calvados made a very nice risotto. Cant go full ACV, but apple juice is garbage

>> No.14139597

What ratio roughly, 70/30 in favor of the vinegar?

>> No.14139852

not that high maintenance, you actually don't need to stir it the entire time, just frequently. make sure your stock is hot. onion/shallot should be diced finely and sweated, not browned. the onion should be about the size of the rice grains so it kinda dissolves. at the end, you can finish with cheese, butter, cream, olive oil, or a combination. you can just stir it in or you can whip or beat it depending on how you want the final texture. some people like it thicker or you can make it thinner, creamy, and flowy, so if you shake the plate it evens out.

>> No.14140939

Holy fucking newfag, Batman!

>> No.14141683

>sautee onions in butter
>add rice
>add white wine
>add apple juice
>add diced apples at the end
>black pepper and thyme on top

>> No.14141685
File: 163 KB, 907x941, promo-apple-juice-50.7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I used

>> No.14141704

Only way risotto tastes nice instead of some shit savoury porridge

>> No.14141710

Nigga no one cares about your basic bitch shit wet rice escapade

>> No.14141793

It's a meme.
a good one desu but just a meme.

>> No.14141798

Are you a girl?