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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14136157 No.14136157 [Reply] [Original]

Made some banana bread

>> No.14136160
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Had it with coffee, cream and marmalade

>> No.14136165
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Some pierogi I made earlier

>> No.14136173
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Made some pistou to top a ratatouille

>> No.14136178
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Nice classic omelette

>> No.14136286
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Some cookies

>> No.14136290
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Garlic scampis

>> No.14136296
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Green & red curry noodles

>> No.14136300
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Goat cheese, honey and bacon quiche

>> No.14136494

It all looks delicious, Anon.

>> No.14136516
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Anon, learn me your ways.

>> No.14136538
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>> No.14136548
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pebut nutter nd jely sedwich

>> No.14136799

do am*ricans really eat corn with ketchup?

>> No.14136821

why the fuck is there so much corn?

>> No.14137080

that looks fucking amazing

>> No.14137097

It really wasn't that good actually

>> No.14137111

Well to be honest making a perfect quiche is not that easy also I'm not a native english speaker and you are using cooking terms that I don't understand you also use a stupid autistic measurement system so no.

>> No.14137117

what was the problem? I'm tired of resorting to PB&J every time I get the munchies.

>> No.14137150
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Hey nice, I made pierogi with kielbasa and broccoli the other day. Admittedly they're the frozen kind, but the rest was purely me.

>> No.14137172
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I just made these sausage rolls for the first time today. It was the first time I ever tried to make a puff pastry dough by hand. You might not be able to see it but there are layers in there, I think it came out pretty good. I egg washed the top and put everything seasoning on it, the sausage inside was just plain loose ground with some spices in it like pepper and cayenne and sage and thyme

but what can I improve on fir next time? I dont think the dough fully cooked through, I followed a recipe and it said to use the oven at 375F for 30min until fully cooked and browned.

but I was coming up on 35min at 375 and it wasn't getting any more done than this. and I didnt want to over cook it. what should I do different next time? I'm thinking less or thinner dough and a hotter oven at say 400 or 425 for about 20min

>> No.14137195
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I made scrambled eggs earlier

>> No.14137225



>> No.14137229

this looks delicious

>> No.14137262
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This one was a really strange experiment I made and totally unusual but it was surprisingly good

Beef patty
Roquefort blue cheese
Onion caramelized in port wine

>> No.14137268

Thanks mate

>> No.14137276
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Nice op.
Heres my banana bread.

>> No.14137316

looks fucking great. only unusual thing is the apple but I'm sure it worked.

>> No.14137334
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>> No.14137342

lol that dog

>> No.14137348

it's probably an entire can. They don't know how to proportion.

>> No.14137628
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>> No.14137632

Damn that sounds good.

>> No.14137645

Would absolutely smash that, good job.

>> No.14137675

Top notch m8

>> No.14137732


>> No.14138277

That guy wasn’t me. It was actually great

>> No.14138288

I was gonna say, it's pretty hard for cream-and-preserve to go wrong. I assumed you weren't too fond of the banana bread.

Speaking of which, salted golden syrup on toast is ready.

>> No.14138322

Yah it was like old cream that had slightly clotted on the top so it had a really good texture and the marmalade is homemade with lots of different types of citrus. The banana bread had dark chocolate and walnuts in it

>> No.14138335

Fuck yer. I need to get into making preserves at home.

>> No.14139281
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Second pizza attempt. Going to start deviating from the dough recipe to try to get a flavor more to my taste. I also need to get better cheese, since all I have right now is shitty store brand pre shredded bulk mozzarella and it's seriously holding the pizza back. I've got the crust basically perfect, but the cheese just tastes like shit.

>> No.14139318

You know pizza is supposed to be round? Do you have cerebral palsy?

>> No.14139319


>> No.14139341
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I mean the shape is a bit fucked up and the cheese looks overdone but it's a start. I use pre shredded mozzarella and it turns out fine. One thing I've learned is to put honey or sugar in the dough, it'll encourage it to get that nice blackened quality that you get from a pizza oven.

>> No.14139361

Fuck off liar - you didn’t cook or decorate that. Explain how did you acquire perfect cutout cardboard box to store it ? You cut that cardboard ? You bought the box and made cake to exactly fit the box?


>> No.14139402

Yeah it was in a bit longer than I wanted because I goofed and forgot to prepare a place to cut it so I was scrambling to find a good surface. Shape is so fucked in part because I was only making one and couldn't be fucked to cut it into a nice shape after stretching it and because I'm not great at launching it and it gets a little stretched when I put it in.

>> No.14139424
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Yogurt chicken skewers and roasted cauliflower, chickpeas and aubergine, kinda all middle eastern spiced. Was fucking banging.

>> No.14139439
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Cured and oven smoked pastrami and giardiniera. Think it's my favourite thing I've ever made.

>> No.14139456

it's the vegetable

>> No.14140611
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Egg salad sandwich with Japanese mayo

>> No.14140620

god I fucking hate goat cheese but that does look really good.

>> No.14141799

Yeah pretty much, borrowed a bunch of stuff from me mums bakery to make it, the cake wasn't anything special to make it was the decorating that took forever.

>> No.14142414
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Hoisin burgers

>> No.14144314

I have an almost visceral need for this. Gib best recipe pls

>> No.14144601

Basically followed the recipe from amazingribs.com. Basic brine with brown sugar, salt, mustard seeds, curing salt and water, left brisket in for a week in fridge. Remove and rinse in fresh water overnight, pat dry and coat in black pepper, paprika and ground coriander. Let sit in fridge a day for rub to get stuck in. Then just in a roasting tin with smoke chips, on gas hob until it catches fire and cover with tin foil, then slow roast for a few hours, I put it back on the hob every hour or so to keep the wood burning. Or just oven roast without, or bbq. Giardiniera is Brad Leone's recipe.

>> No.14144611

Damn I bet they were good.

>> No.14144781
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Chicken caccitore over lentil pasta with green beans.

>> No.14144797

Based. I love banana bread cooked that way.

unfortunately this as well. I haven't had banana bread or any bread in years. I torture myself by forcing myself to eat nothing but healthy shit for my gut. It's worth it not only in the long-term but also in the short-term. I wake up every day feeling good. Carbs fuck me up even worse than alcohol. I don't know why I was born into this world when my gut is this sensitive.

>> No.14144804
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>> No.14144813

not bad

>> No.14144846
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Bone in ribeye 3.5 lbs gave 1/3 to wife
Olive oil ,fresh garlic , with mushrooms
Ribs with jalepeno Joe's sauce Scottsdale Arizona with garlic butter shrimp and cheesy potatoes/fresh sausage

>> No.14144859

I usually bread the chicken when doing cacciatore but I'm a fat italian American but looks good

>> No.14144927
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>> No.14145060

This looks so nice. Good job anon

>> No.14145062

Smoked some brisket. Wrapped it in foil and I'm not gonna cut into it until tomorrow after it's cold, gonna slice it and put it in ramen.

>> No.14145066
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Forgot pic

>> No.14145069

This looks nice even though it's not round. Truthfully, I also like when the cheese is a little burnt like that.

>> No.14145299

why...please delete this off of your computer and ask for forgiveness...

>> No.14145986
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Chocolate Cheesecake swirl fresh out of the oven. Tastes amazing. Put it in the fridge and it'll taste even better tomoz.
Mad sit out of my botched home made chocolate which I didn't wanna throw in the bin

>> No.14145988

That's some sexy banana bread OP, nice job

>> No.14145990
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Dunno how I fucked the chocolate so bad. It's very very soft even though it's been in the freezer for days now. It's kinda nice but it tastes like cooking chocolate

>> No.14145994

how did you make it?

>> No.14146001


>> No.14146003

Got a veiny hog's foot right there

>> No.14146044
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La'zagna, forth attempt. I messed up the layering, to much filling on bottom layers. Maybe I'll get it right on the fifth try next time. My second try I mistakenly added bay leaves instead of basil. So I am getting better.

>> No.14146053

I think it looks alright. I'd eat that.

>> No.14146070

Sweet Jesus...

>> No.14146084

That runoff suggests not enough solid component to emulsify with the liquid, ie needs more cocoa powder.

>> No.14146085

why is it red?

>> No.14146096

Did you use steamed buns for it too? Looks banging

>> No.14146101
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>bay leaves instead of basil

>> No.14146164

Oils from the cocoa I'd imagine.

>> No.14146192

Been a hot minute since I've seen that

>> No.14146642

The run off was from me taking it out to make This >>14145990 I added 2 cups of Coca powder and it's very strong (too much Coca) I feel like it was missing an ingredient.

Shitty camera.

>> No.14146674

> I feel like it was missing an ingredient.
flour maybe?

>> No.14146681

did you use cocoa butter or normal butter

also adding liquid milk is a big wtf

>> No.14146691
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My first dessert, went way better than expected
A vanilla cake, butterscotch sauce and almond praline + icecream

>> No.14146899
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Made some ghetto breakfast ramen

>> No.14148599


>> No.14149121


>> No.14149216


>> No.14149267

looks like a scrumptious chode

>> No.14149277
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Thumbprint cookies

>> No.14149280

they look tasty but those are not thumbprints, or you're an ogre

>> No.14149310

Just normal butter that I mixed with cocoa.
I was looking for a recipe that used lots of milk because I had 2 liters that was going to go out of date. I feel like yeah, that's what the problem was. I used a lot of milk
I still have another liter that goes off tomoz. Dunno what to do with it

>> No.14149364

Normal butter is also softer and melts at a lower temperature than cocoa butter. You just won’t get the same texture using it.

>> No.14149372


>> No.14149528
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>> No.14149540
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Korean rib meat. Made from the trimmings of spareribs I turn into at Louis ribs for smoking.

>> No.14149546
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>> No.14149558
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Potato wedges fresh from the oven

>> No.14149559
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First pizza in this style. Learned that basil gets real tough, will dice before topping next time.

>> No.14149564
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Lamb curry, not too shabby.

>> No.14149569

looks awesome

>> No.14149574
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Don't have a finished pic but pork belly burnt ends here.

>> No.14149575

got a recipe for that pizza thing? looks like a calzone

>> No.14149599
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These are smoked beef short ribs. Came out perfect. I can smoke most things very well but am having trouble nailing down brisket. It's so expensive so I have only done a couple, can't practice too often.

It is a calzone! I had leftover ricotta and decided to make one with some pizza dough I had. Just make a standard pizza dough (bread flour, salt, sugar, olive oil, water) and keep it in the fridge till it rises. The important thing about calzones is to leave out the sauce, keep it on the side. I know my pic has sauce inside but that's how my gf likes it and hers looked nicer. I like to put mozzarella, pepperoni, and ricotta inside. They also need to cook like 5 min longer than a regular pizza.

>> No.14149608
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I like to fry chicken livers like I would for regular fried chicken. Here I added tomato sauce and parm, went well with polenta.


>> No.14149614
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>> No.14149626

got a recipe for this? only had lamb curry once and it was fucking amazing, unfortunately it was in a camp so I couldn't get the recipe. all your food looks great.

>> No.14149643
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my mozzarella and my oven both sucks so much :(

>> No.14149675
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I pretty much follow this recipe each time I make it. The cinnamon can be a little strong so maybe use less than she does if you aren't into that.

Here's another one of my favorite cheap dinners. I but a whole fryer chicken for like 7 shekels, debone it, and grill it in this basket thing.

>> No.14149712
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Two bone - in ribeyes.

>> No.14149714
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Pretty good. Here's my pizza.

>> No.14151210
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Cooked up some loose burgers today, but unfortunately, my friends and I ate all of them before I thought to take a pic myself. They came out pretty well, though; browned some ground beef, soaked it in boiling beer, stirred it in enough mustard to coat it and let it dry over heat, and then served it up with some jack cheese and raw chopped onions. Great memorial day dinner, and it wasn't hard to make at all.

>> No.14151601

How many people does that feed?

>> No.14151619

I want to vomit

>> No.14151658
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Spanish style omelette I made today

>> No.14151968
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>> No.14152037

I ate a lot of this with mayo when I lived there also tostadas con tomate, big asses marinated mejillones and jamon of course, a lot of jamon, pata negra was incredible.

>> No.14152038

I'm curious and want to try your fried chiecken liver.

>> No.14152049

nice dude I like the capers in the salad.

>> No.14152063
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Smoked Ribs and Jalapeno Cheddar Sausage and Elotes yesterday

>> No.14152067
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>> No.14152448
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I made the most fucking overkill breakfast sandwich possible and it was awesome
>sausage patty
>a parmesan bagel fried in the bacon grease on both sides
>egg fried in bacon grease and butter too because why the fuck not
>a large amount of grated smoked swiss
>green onions because i like them
>a lot of sriracha
My heart already feels noticeably less healthy
i'm gonna do the same thing but with sausage gravy too next time wish me luck

>> No.14152452

btw i added more sriracha after the picture so dont say it's not a lot

>> No.14152518

Nice! What rig do you use?
Do it! I don't rinse them or trim them or anything. Just a quick check for gall bladders then straight into flour, then egg, then seasoned flour, then fry. Most of the time I just eat them out of a bowl and dip them in sauces, like popcorn chicken. But they do well in other applications, too.

>> No.14152776

myself, snack in between dinner and fourthmeal

>> No.14153547
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Feast your eyes on this

>> No.14154192

Chiffonade the basil and put it on after cooking the pizza, not before

>> No.14154296

>cold-looking ham
>soggy cheese
>too much sauce

This looks really awful. Low-quality ingredients or just not enough cook time?

>> No.14154441
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I was in the mood for one of them vietnamese sandwiches, but dont know any place close by. So I made a deconstructed plate version

>> No.14154501
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Looks so good. What is that in the small bowl below the skewers? Tofu?

I made roll cake yesterday

>> No.14154616

Looks really good, what's the sauce?

>> No.14154639

Thank you
It was a chipotle mayo that looked more orange in person.

>> No.14155903

I did put it on after, I think it was still too hot because it became very tough. I'll do what you said though.
What the fuck is this?

>> No.14155979
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go home boys

>> No.14156035

is the white stuff devonshire cream or what ever you brits call it i forget the shit that goes on the scones with cream tea

>> No.14156039

is that prosciutto on top? looks good

>> No.14156059
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yes. and it is.

>> No.14156255

>know i have to experiment if i want to become better at cooking
>but fucking up or making something shit means wasted food and i'm not exactly swimming in cash

>> No.14157543

Thabsk anon, it's grilled halloumi with some honey dressing.

>> No.14157661

>but fucking up or making something shit means wasted food
no it doesn't

just eat it

>> No.14157817

How hot does your fucking oven go?

>> No.14157865

Not hot enough, by the looks of it.

>> No.14158050
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>> No.14158069
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>> No.14159767
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Paneer wrap