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File: 30 KB, 665x665, Best-Cheesecake-Recipe-2-1-of-1-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14134737 No.14134737 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand the appeal of cheesecake, it's like eating a block of sweet butter, rich, fatty and disgusting

>> No.14134744


>Needing some kind of elaborate excuse to do that

People have eaten raw sugar and lard for lesser reasons.

>> No.14134745


>> No.14134781

It's vomit-inducing.

>> No.14134812

Gonna go ahead and agree with you here, anon. Cheesecake belongs in the trash

>> No.14134813

>mommy I don't like it that means nobody is allowed to like it!

>> No.14134845

>sweet butter, rich, fatty and disgusting
Well that is the appeal

>> No.14134855

stop triggering yourself

>> No.14134859

I used to agree with you anon, but then I had the most delightful strawberry cheesecake. The strawberry jam was so fresh and sweet, and the cheese was so fluffy and complemented the sweet of the strawberries. And the crust added the right amount of texture to balance out the softness. From that point on cheesecake went from being a block of fat with no taste, to a perfect dessert to a nice meal.

>> No.14134862

>I don't understand the appeal of cheesecake
>it's like eating a block of sweet butter
you understand the appeal of cheesecake.

>> No.14134864

>I don't like (common food) thread number 4885768493987
Oh I've seen this thread before. It will be quicker if you fill this out

>> No.14134868
File: 72 KB, 994x559, creamcheese2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you don't like cream cheese, and your taste is shit

>> No.14134884

want some BAGEL with that cream cheese?

and WHATS the deal with these portions? they give you just enough cream cheese to make your pack of bagels barely enjoyable enough, gotta make me buy two whole packs over here then what the hell do I do with the rest of it!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14134911
File: 286 KB, 1220x490, 20200522_174721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to regularly buy cheesecakes and devour them by myself. My eating habits used to be so bad...

>> No.14134913

honestly... i agree

>> No.14134917

New York>Italian>Hungarian>>>>>>>>California

>> No.14134963

My guess is you've mostly had New York cheesecake, and I agree.

I'd give you my mom's recipe, if I had it written down, but it's kinda a hybrid between New York which is too sweet and dense, and Japanese cheesecake which isn't creamy enough, with a Nilla wafer crust.

The difference is, you use a higher flour to sugar ratio, sour cream instead of heavy cream, you use more egg whites than yolks and you whip the whites separately with the sugar to make a meringue before incorporating it all together. Makes for a much more airy texture thats not so cloyingly sweet.

>> No.14135017

have to disagree. I myself am a sucker for cheesecake. Made one last week. Hella good (perfect for me) for my first time. But from what yall are describing, sounds like you wouldnt like it

>> No.14135233

What does it taste like to you? Doesn't eat taste like eating pure fat?

>> No.14135236
File: 809 KB, 1913x1341, sernik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american style cheesecake is shit-tier tbf.
try a proper polish sernik and get back to me

>> No.14135241

make a ricotta cheesecake, has a slightly grainy texture that i prefer to the perfectly smooth cream cheese version. and ricotta has more protein so it doesn't just feel like you're eating butter.

>> No.14135244

>polish sernik
I can't promise I'll get back to you, but theres a good chance I'll try making it.

>> No.14135258
File: 43 KB, 575x383, Key_Lime_Pie-FL-USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You folk haven't lived until you've eaten proper key lime pie. Very few places do it right.

>> No.14135384

>artificial green color

>> No.14135471

isn't that what the standard cheese for it was before it became cream cheese?

>> No.14135510

i think so, or at least something similar, since modern american cream cheese is fairly recent while cheesecakes have been made for thousands of years

>> No.14135522

American cheesecake is gross and cloying. Try japanese.

>> No.14135526

get off my board weeb

>> No.14135596

do you know where you are? Are you sure you meant to come here?

>> No.14135631

why do you retards always post the same stupid comment every single time

>> No.14135705

Its like the universe is trying to tell you something.

>> No.14135707
File: 152 KB, 1500x1200, quark-substitutions-141-of-150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tang of the cream cheese cuts it's inherent richness so it's not like eating a slice of pure buttercream, and then you have differing flavors like fruit in >>14134859 or bitter coffee/chocolate varieties that add complexity and again tame the richness. Also the usual press-in cookie crust provides a crunchy textural contrast that offsets the ocean of smooth creamy filling.

American cream cheese on it's own isn't even the apex of sugary fatty decadence compared to other dairy bases like buttercreams, Clotted (Devonshire) Cream, or Italian (Mascarpone) cream cheese which can be upwards of 60-70% fat compared to the USDA mandated 33% fat minimum for most US cream cheeses.

Both aren't wrong tho.

>polish sernik
>The concept of cheesecake has been known since the times of antiquity, but Polish sernik, which stems from the word ser meaning cheese, doesn’t seem to have such a well-documented history. Its predecessor arka was a simple cake made with twaróg cheese, sugar, saffron, and rosewater, while sernik itself was allegedly brought to Poland by their 17th-century king Jan III Sobieski who defeated the Ottomans in The Battle of Vienna in 1683 and had a soft spot for this particular cake.
In time, sernik evolved into numerous varieties and is nowadays one of the most popular Polish desserts, commonly enjoyed during Easter. Traditional sernik is sometimes called sernik Wiedeński (Vienna-style sernik) and can be made with a bottom crust or without it, while its twaróg-based filling may or may not contain raisins.

>While traditional recipes insist on using twaróg cheese (Polish cow’s milk cheese with a crumbly texture similar to Italian ricotta), contemporary recipes often suggest replacing it with farmer’s cheese, quark cheese, or ricotta, which are more available but lack twaróg’s typical, grainy texture and slightly sour flavor.
Interesting, never knew about this.

>> No.14135715

anon, that pie is yellow. Are you okay?

>> No.14135838

faggot. nature programmed you into liking sweet and fat, you're literally against human nature. like faggot, faggot.

>> No.14135912

it depends on the amount though. too much sugar especially can start to be sickening. and most desserts use way too much sugar because people have basically built up a tolerance to sweetness.

>> No.14135915

imo it works best with a tart fruit like blackcurrants, lemons/limes or raspberries for example.

>> No.14136168

Fair enough, but I don't understand why you would crave cheesecake when you could have actual cake, which is 100x more delicious.

>> No.14136365

Quark is a funny word.
Quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark quark.


>> No.14136456

>it's like eating a block of sweet butter, rich, fatty
Stop! my penis can only get so erect!

>> No.14137939
File: 43 KB, 670x670, 1505441372507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than real cake thats for sure. I couldnt imagine a worse fate than eating dry bread with frosting on it.

>> No.14137942

Cake is neither dry nor bread.

>> No.14137949

Wrong its both retard. Its just "not dry" because of all the frosting that forces you to salivate like some dog. It being moist is just an illusion.

>> No.14137956

I've had unfrosted cakes that were plenty moist.
Try eating something other than grocery store pound cake.

>> No.14137960

>The most commonly used cake ingredients include flour, sugar, eggs, butter or oil or margarine, a liquid, and leavening agents, such as baking soda or baking powder
>not cake
imagine being this retarded.

>> No.14137965

>not cake
meant not *bread

>> No.14137967

I agree OP. You're gonna get a lot of reddit replies "NOO NOT MY CHEESECAKE IT'S SO LUXURIOUS AND DECADENT AND AND AN-"

But, it's fucking gross. The texture is trash, it's just pure fat and sugar. The cream doesn't nearly "cut" the sweetness enough to make it something worth eating, it's just sickening.

>> No.14137972

>had a wedding cake (which costed $500) and thought it was too dry
>hurdur muh store bought cake

>> No.14137978

>eating a block of butter
Sounds good to me.

>> No.14137986

based quarktistic poster

>> No.14138005

As others have said, that's the appeal. Ultimately comes down to personal preference. I don't really like desserts with more cream than crumb. I'd enjoy a cheesecake that isn't too sweet, but I'd take a moist cake over that any day.

>> No.14138051

Pie will always be better than that disgusting shit. At least pie doesnt have sugar, vanilla, and breading as its default flavors. And dont you lie and talk about muh "different varieties of cake tho". Everyone who likes cake as their favorite desert likes it exactly like this and vanilla breading with vanilla frosting is the most popular cake people buy. Its primitive super sweet slop that only a retard can enjoy. Anything with vanilla as a main flavor is de facto fucking garbage.

>> No.14138059

>bread isnt dry

>> No.14138086

most wedding cakes are store bought cake mixes

>> No.14138095

debate >>14138051

>> No.14138100

>I had one structural cake in my life ipso facto all cakes are shit

You might finna wanna boutta get a bigger sample size than that

>> No.14138115

>muh sample size >>14138051

>> No.14138116

Not including the crust, but it's a firm, sweet cream. Like, a creamier, sweeter ice-cream that isn't as cold.

One slice has about 13 grams of fat. That's from 2 servings of cream cheese plus a fourth of an egg. That's about the same as a serving of ice cream, i just looked this up so i guess its not unwarranted for me to say it's similar to ice cream.

>> No.14138120

That's not a sample at all he's just ranting about pie for no reason.

>> No.14138129

>muh pie
EVEN brownies are better and brownies are disgusting.

>> No.14138130

I love strawberry cheesecake

>> No.14138143

>brownies are disgusting.
Alright you are officially a crazy person and your opinions are not valid.

>> No.14138152


Except that cant be right. The people from the cake tribe dont like brownies.

>> No.14138156

I don't ascribe to any tribe, I like cake and pie and brownies.

>> No.14138179

Cake is primitive so you are apart of the tribe and are trying to subvert the other nonprimitive groups of people

>> No.14138191

wtf. Chewy brownies are hella good! Cakey brownies is just cake though

>> No.14138194

Nobody forms tribes over cake.

>> No.14138224

what are you taking, anon? I want some.

>> No.14138318

I generally agree. I dont get why the fuck someone would subject themselves to eating a vanilla cake when you can have a vanilla ice cream cone that is at the very least is not dry and just tastes plain better.

>> No.14138352

my favorites were always soaked cakes like tres leches, or something like tiramisu. you could also just pour any kind of flavorful liquid onto a cake as long as you don't overdo it.

my grandpa would take a slice of cake and put it in a bowl of milk before eating, which was pretty good too as long as they cake wasn't too light and disintegrated.

>> No.14138381


A real, fresh, Key Lime pie is a unique dessert. World class.

>> No.14138392

I don't like sweets, in general

>> No.14138402

I bought some on a whim for this exact reason, turns out it's delicious too. Absolutely god-tier on pumpkin bread,

>> No.14138404

Literally just the lemon pie from Eagle brand condensed milk company cook book but with limes instead.

>> No.14138462

>tres leches
>soaked breading
>whipped cream as a topping instead vomit inducing frosting
>strawberry on top
Now this actually looks tolerable unlike the vast majority of cakes.

>> No.14138506

>it's like eating a block of sweet butter
that IS the appeal.

>> No.14138601

Every cheese cake i've ever tasted has had a fucking horrible texture and taste. How do people even eat that crap?

>> No.14138701

I think it's more like eating a cake of sweet cream cheese. But you do you.

>> No.14138766

If you said that in real life I would punch you

>> No.14138783

Shut up, Slavic Jew.

>> No.14138818

I've already had it. It tastes like standard cake but with cardboard mixed in. Slavshit food is disgusting.

>> No.14138821

I'd flatten you in a Macca's parking lot, cunt

>> No.14139056

Your picture shows a cheesecake with way too thick a layer of cheese-mix filling and not enough sharp berry mix on top. Of course its overwhelming. Make it in a more balanced way and it'll be delicious.

>> No.14139573

basque>hungarian>>>>>california>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bhapa doi

>> No.14139600

If bhapa doi is a cheesecake you might as well call creme brulee a cheesecake.

>> No.14139628

Agree you just get idiots that insist on calling it an
"Indian cheesecake" which is a vile fucking lie for a vile food

>> No.14139632

i can literally tell that you got bullied on your school's toilet

>> No.14140311

Japanese cheesecake is fucking horrible, all show and no go, pretty much every Japanese dessert is like this. Asians in general are poor at making desserts and this is especially true for the japs.

>> No.14140336
File: 228 KB, 2249x1593, p703y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Japan is better at anything food related. You better take that back.

>> No.14140384

the japanese videos are going through way too many hoops and got some of the nichest tools for the job on the market, plus it makes me cringe when they put the mic next to the bowl they're mixing on purpose. i'd rather have gordon ramsay guide me through making a cheese cake with a burnt dome

>> No.14140399

>i'd rather have gordon ramsay guide me through making a cheese cake with a burnt dome
>when they put the mic next to the bowl they're mixing on purpose
Are you not entertained?

>> No.14140738

Make banana bread
Put cream cheese on it
there you now arent wasting food

>> No.14141096
File: 108 KB, 1102x966, 1589909451911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand the appeal of cheesecake, it's like eating a block of sweet butter, rich, fatty and disgusting
it tastes good
its my fav cake

>> No.14141401


>> No.14141463

Anon, confess to us.
You've only ever had supermarket cake before, haven't you?