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14129090 No.14129090 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Energy promotes communism

>> No.14129099

wtf I love Monster Energy now

>> No.14129116

everyone knows redbull is the conservative energy drink brand
monster is the child of a california based organic juice company

>> No.14129130

They're just really happy the planet goes around the sun on a yearly basis.

>> No.14129139

>Monster Beverage
>Key People: CEO of Monster Beverage (((Rodney Sacks))) and vice chairman, president, and chief operating officer (COO) of Monster Beverage (((Hilton Schlosberg)))

>> No.14129437

can't even be called a fucking energy drink kek

>> No.14129453

They're all large corporations that have no political agenda

>> No.14129473

some corporations have a very clear political agenda

>> No.14129962

no they don't they just pretend they do for marketing and PR purposes
all corporations are capitalistic / neoliberal by default

>> No.14131686
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You mean Satanic Jews whose company logo mocks the Lord Jesus Christ are communists? Wew!

>> No.14131693

That... is a political agenda, based retard

>> No.14131704

Bottoms up.

>> No.14131708


>> No.14131713

Wow im so offended

Go virtue signal somewhere else

>> No.14131730


>> No.14131752

>virtue signal
I don't think you know what that phrase means, dimwit.


>> No.14131764

Oh fuck off. We got good with money because christians were afraid to touch it. Now you're all "BOO HOO THE JEWS OWN EVERYTHING WAAAAAAAAAA"

>> No.14131858

I’d smash your skull on a hot sidewalk with zero remorse

>> No.14131876
File: 75 KB, 500x610, attacking-the-1-is-attacking-43-of-the-jewish-community-18579801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fractional reserve banking
>Good with money
Doh ho go!
Race of criminal sociopaths.
Tell us how to recite the Kol Nidre, Vile Shlomo.

>> No.14131910

Enjoy jail.

>> No.14131922

Pay me first, consumer.

>> No.14131934


thank for reminding me

>> No.14131976

right wing virtue signalling is still virtue signalling, it's still retarded and obnoxious
but that post was probably bait anyway, only soccer moms believe that shit

>> No.14131992

You will now live out the rest of your life with the knowledge you’ll never get the chance to do it.

>> No.14132084 [DELETED] 
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This. Fuck (((monster)))

That's pretty fucking funny that you left wing parasites think you roam on the blue boards with being called out. Back that fucking cancerous shit hole you go.

>> No.14132099

then what's rockstar?

>> No.14132109
File: 138 KB, 400x666, 32777A1C-60F6-4BC4-8AD3-D8BF224C34DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the o in monster. It’s one of the alchemical symbols for vitriolum (bottom right in pic). In alchemy it is known as the green lion, a poisonous substance resulting from acid eating metal. It was important in alchemy as it was critical for creating the philosophers stone. In other words, consumption of the poison in this product by the masses grants immortality to those who peddle it.

>> No.14132122

t. 300lbs libertarian retard

>> No.14132124

Based. Redbull is the only choice.

>> No.14132163
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>That's pretty fucking funny that you left wing parasites think you roam on the blue boards with being called out. Back that fucking cancerous shit hole you go.

>> No.14132167

The number is actually 616. 666 is a mistranslation that got corrected a long time ago. But it's not like you'd do actual research about any of this

>> No.14132183

>r/theDonald migrant so stupid he falls for soccer mom satanic panic memes calls everyone else reddit
is this what this has site become in recent years?

>> No.14132203

>Muh r/Donald retort
Lmfao you have no power here faggot.

It made you asshurt, didn't it?

>> No.14132210

A company ran by Michael (((weiner)))Savage's son.

>> No.14132229

Other way around.
Nero is rendered as "Neron" in Greek and Hebrew, the gematric value of Neron Caesar or "nron qsr" is 666.
Transliterating from Latin changes nron to nro, reducing the value to 616.

>> No.14132241
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No, it’s a letter of the Greek alphabet. When using the Roman alphabet it can be written using three different letters as Phi. Those letters represent the funny sound I make when your mom’s pubes tickle my nose. In other words, the sound I made just now.

>> No.14132243


>> No.14132262
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For the love of God, get me the BASED department ASAP

>> No.14132268

Lol, talk about research, that little factoid was discredited as soon as it was brought up. There are far more manuscripts listing it as 666, and all the earliest ones agree. The discrepancy of 616 is likely based on interpreting the Latin form of emperor Nero’s name which is 616, rather than the Hebrew which is 666.

>> No.14132270

>monster "zero"
>actually labeling rule changes force them to put 10 calories per container on the label
they are liars. You can't trust them

>> No.14132271

The official drink of people named Kyle or Tanner.

>> No.14132278


>> No.14132279

Just dilated my balls in your moms throat lmao

Keep signaling and have consensus sex

>> No.14132299

You dilated your balls?!

>> No.14132300

You don't?

>> No.14132308

>The number is actually 616. 666 is a mistranslation that got corrected a long time ago.
That is absolutely false. The KJV is the inspired word of God in the English language and is without error. All your (((mistranslation))) shilling has been pushed by Kikes for the purpose of blaspeming Jesus Christ and creating division amongst the Goyim. The Textus Receptus and the Masoretic texts are what we hold to, and the yids can keep (((discovering))) scrolls all they want buried in that desert shithole but it will never change the fact that we have had the correct and pure word of God since Moses first wrote it down continuing with the Prophets and culminating with the Apostles. But you wouldn't understand what it is to have faith in the Lord anyway, so you don't know what it's like when all the pieces fit. The comfort that knowing (((they))) can lie cheat and steal and murder and genocide to their heart's content, but they can't dodge the oven that God made without humbling themselves before Jesus Christ and asking him to save them.

>> No.14132313
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>his energy drink doesn't yell nigger

>> No.14132340

>only soccer moms believe that shit
The Christian Life has always been counter culture. Tattoos and degeneracy is so blasé and peak bourgeois.

Enjoy your Hot Topic (((individualism))) Karen.

>> No.14132425
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Oh shit you just roasted his ass!! Well done

>> No.14132448

Imagine being a comservatard in 2020 lmao be either a fascist or a communist fucking normie

>> No.14132456

not every christian is the kind of retard who believes that a stylized letter M is somehow connected to the hebrew number for 666 because it's also made up of 3 basic shapes that might as well be an arabic 111
I can't believe there are now people on this site who unironically believe this kind of shit

>> No.14132497

>that might as well be an arabic 111
Except for the fact that the owner of the company is a Kabbalist and member of the synagogue of Satan and knows exactly what he's doing, with the added "unleash the beast" slogan printed on the side of the can.

You're not a Christian anyway, so why does it trigger you so hard Karen?

>> No.14132505

Bottoms up and the devil laughs

>> No.14133118

be more self-aware

>> No.14133121

red bull is promoting fascism

>> No.14133440

That smellycunt bitch was so proud of her little mic-drop.

>> No.14134412

Don't you need to go outside to do that?

>> No.14134453
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>> No.14134991

based, comrade

>> No.14135080
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, 5060337500005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have been confronted by the can of energised satanic communist nostalgia beverage. What's your next move?

>> No.14135152

>In other words, consumption of the poison in this product by the masses grants immortality to those who peddle it.
I was with you until that leap of logic

>> No.14135340
File: 54 KB, 432x640, 3367A372-2098-4C9F-9495-982270469B25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, There’s gotta be a final flourish or this conspiracy shit is pointless. Nothing worse than a sinister significance without a monstrous motive.

>> No.14135360

>be either a fascist or a communist
those are the same thing

>> No.14135370

grip N sip

>> No.14135383
File: 9 KB, 234x234, yerb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chug 250mg of caffeine in the form of a mild, pleasant, refreshing, clean and natural tasting minty probiotic hippie beverage, and reject your gut destroying cloyingly sweet swill that only has a pathetic 140mg of caffeine. Feels good to have taste

>> No.14135557

buy in bulk to support the proletariat cause

>> No.14135572

It would be very painful.

>> No.14135583

Do milfs really dig it?

>> No.14135608

>let alone the name 'marnster'
They really can't speak English, can they?