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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14124457 No.14124457 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>at a diner with 3 other friends
>waitress asks who wants appetizers
>everyone but me says no
>"i'll have an order of mozzarella sticks"
>out comes 6 mozzarella sticks
>"hey anon can I try one"
>everyone trys one
>now I have to pay $8 for 3 sticks

Why did they take from my plate when they said they didn't want any appetizers?

>> No.14124470

The main was delayed for everyone because of you.

>> No.14124473

You should have stolen some of their meal when it came out. Balance it out. Steal a shrimp. Steal a tendie. Steal some fries. Whatever. It's only fair.

>> No.14124479

U must kill them

>> No.14124483

>"hey anon can I try one"
wow that was hard

>> No.14124492

Try having a generous spirit, you fat fuck.

>> No.14124509

Because they thought that nobody would have an appetizer after one guy said he wouldn't have one, and then you said you wanted an appetizer but it was too late for them to change their mind without appearing weak so instead they started internally blaming you for them not having an appetizer and they repaid themselves with one of your mozza sticks
simple as

>> No.14124521
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This would work if ur autistic
Its just mozzarella sticks u fat fuck

>> No.14124524


Repeat after me: "I AM ALLOWED TO SAY NO TO PEOPLE."

Repeat over and over and over again until the words sink into your thick ass skull. Tell them to fuck the fuck off and get their own. Also, why are you paying $8 for only 6 cheese sticks??

>> No.14124530


>> No.14124534
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>Also, why are you paying $8 for only 6 cheese sticks??
Ahaha spotted the virgin who never went to a bar

>> No.14124845

Friends, sure bud

>> No.14124878

>be the only guy at the table that orders apps
>act surprised when people inevitably ask for a share

Next you'll tell me no one else ordered dessert but you and you were just as shocked when people asked for some.

The fuck do you expect your friends to do when you're the only tard eating? Next time you're curious about ordering apps, vocally say something before the waitress comes over so that you guys can agree as a group about getting 2-3 apps and splitting the cost. This way anyone that says no can suck your dick when you tell them no later since you had an open conversation open it. It's a win-win for you - either no one else wants apps and you get your sticks, or other people do and you save some money while getting some extra plates.

>> No.14124896

what does my sexual conquest have to do with not paying more for less product? it's string cheese covered and fried.

>> No.14124906

don't do what this faggot says, he's not properly socialised. The propper response is to make them aware of their hypocrosy in a way that's not threating. Make an over the top joke about how they said no, but meant yes. Ask for something ridiculous from them and when they say no "oh well we all know you really mean yes" etc. They'll get the idea.

>> No.14124926

but you forgot "cheap"

>> No.14124930

I am allowed to say no to people

>> No.14124997

>>everyone trys one
>>now I have to pay $8 for 3 sticks
>Why did they take from my plate when they said they didn't want any appetizers?
There's a few lessons to be learned, from this anon. And, yes, it's happened to everyone too. Ultimately, you do want to have friends, and dine with them, and there's a fine line between being fair with proper etiquette and being polite and generous when it comes down to all of this, or else you ruin the good times, or even the friendships.
You could take 1 friend aside and talk this out so you can have an ally for getting separate checks or at least sharing your check with just that person. This gives a tad more freedom over splitting some food that is clearly going to be just you 1 on the charge for it.
You can also get the question down in advance "hey is everyone pretty hungry are we doing apps tonight or nah?" and get that before the waiter arrives. Or toss out a comment like "I'm superhungry tonight, and I'm getting chicken wings for myself, just so you know, we'll have to double and triple our apps if anyone else is interested too.
If the waiter beats you to it, and in the spot you find out you're alone, then change your mind and don't do it. Oh no one is getting an app? That's alright, i don't want to be the only one, I'll skip it. And, you stick firm to that no matter what, unless..someone says "I'll split it with you man, let's get 2" and now you have fuel to get 1 of them on their check. If you did want the app all to yourself, get it as a side with your dinner.

Realize it's nice to just suck up the extra expense with certain people and dine with them anyway. They have different manners than you do, tight/cheap or no home training. Be the nice guy.

>> No.14125475

I see you've never dated a woman.

>> No.14125494

that's what happens when you post frogs, beta faggot

>> No.14125604

ok incel

>> No.14125653

>be a pussy with no backbone and let people use you as a doormat

GREAT advice, m8. Passive aggressive behavior gets you everywhere in life.

>> No.14125665

stop avoiding the question

>> No.14125673

Girls on dates do shit like this all the time.
>get mine with a side
>she gets hers without side
>eats almost all of my side
>why didn't you get a side?
>too many cals, anon
>you do realize that you gain the cals when you consume it and not when you order it, right?
This happens all the time

>> No.14125708

>the guy who paid for a product that everyone else ate is the cheap one
Let me guess; you're part of the (((tribe)))?

>> No.14125771

What a loser, make them pay partially and order more or say no you can’t have one.

>> No.14125846

He's probably young and cares about what other people think of him. Its the same when you were good in high school but some of your friends weren't so they expect you to let them copy your shit and if you don't that means you're the asshole somehow. They're not being the asshole for risking you failing an assignment for plagiarism or cheating on a test because they were unprepared! Op will learn, one day.

>> No.14126658

Everyone hates assholes like you.

>> No.14126679

They wanted appetizers, they just didn't want to pay for them. Appetizers are also shared with the table, that is the social norm. The lesson here is to not buy unless you're willing to share.

>> No.14126873
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Well that "social norm" is retarded.

>> No.14126902

So is autism. Social retardation.

>> No.14126966

people are also allowed to think you are a social retard

>> No.14126980

what happened was completely fair, and you would be a faggot if you didn't offer to split your appetiser with the rest of the table for holding up their orders.

>> No.14126984

you went out to dinner, this is part of it
sharing is normal

>> No.14126995

You are either a woman or a tranny. it is feminine to feel this special over your mental illness. how does it feel that you will never perceive life the way it is intended.

>> No.14127018

They avoid the question because they have no response.

>> No.14127070

>go to dinner with friend
>everyone is relaxed and getting along
>time to order, we figure we should just get the main course
>"c-can I g-g-get some cheese sticks"
>who invited this retard?
>giant plate of deep fried cheese sticks arrive
>he starts digging in while the rest of us wait for our meals
>"hey anon, can I try one. they do look alright"
>sperg fucking growls at us and hunches over his food like he hasn't eaten in a week

>> No.14127104

I've never gotten the concept of an appetizer. it sounds like you want something to build an appetite, but it really just sits in you and ruins your eventual meal.

That said I only eat once a day and don't get the rest of you fuckers who want to waddle around with a full gut all day.

>> No.14127775

>order an appetizer that's $8 but 1/4 the size of an $11 entree
I hate restaurants for this

>> No.14127790

What kind of r*ddit level scum do you have to sink to before you ask to taste someone's order.. This has never even crossed my mind.. 5'10 245lbs btw.

>> No.14127793

Fuck you.

>> No.14127806

Same people on food stamps

>> No.14127826

My friends and I would often let each other have a small piece of our entrees, just so we can all try different things. We have the mindset of wanting to try different things, so we dont order the same thing over and over again. Nobody gets hard feelings if someone says "no". You paid for your food, you can do what you want with it. Go make some friends.

>> No.14127978

It's supposed to be something to munch on as you wait for the main.

>> No.14127987

does it really work this way? how does frying tom mozz keep them from making a sandwich?

>> No.14127994

I've had this happen to me too but I was having a salad with the meal and everyone asked to try some. get your own salad bitches

>> No.14128015

so the better response would be to say NO and be the only one eating while 3 other people watch you?

>> No.14128042

It's there so you don't wolf your main dish in under 10 sec.
It's not good to feel hunger as you start eating the expensive stuff

>> No.14128062

Similar to your gf vis a vis sexual climax.

>> No.14128112

>not calories
I'd be more mad about this.

>> No.14128131

Bullshit. Cheese sticks take ZERO time to cook. Get killed.

>> No.14128219

Mains don't get cooked when the starter is on the table, they get cooked when the waiter brings the dish back and tells the cooks "table x's starters are done"

>> No.14128223

>I've never worked in a restaurant
Then stop speaking out your ass.

>> No.14128225

nobody orders appetizers because they are a sacrificial purchase. only a fat fuck or an idiot buys them expecting to eat it all by himself.

>> No.14128232


anon, you bought a meal to eat, that's separate from the main meal. you bought TWO FUCKING MEALS. the appetizer is meant to be fucking shared.

>> No.14128234

I worked as a waiter to help pay my way through uni

>> No.14128567

So if I order a soup that comes early, seperate from the meal, is that to be shared too?
Is soup a meal too?

It's peak bugman to vigorously defend arbitrary social norms.

>> No.14129196


I don't like eating with you anyway

>> No.14129253

I like how you spent time on such a long reply that no one needs.

>> No.14129270

I worked in 4 restaurants actually cooking the food. You don't know anything.

>> No.14129591

"Please send them out at the same time as the main"

Wew lad, that was hard. Almost fell out of my chair.

>> No.14129608

>why of course other people would want your food! Just tell them it's yours before hand and they won't want it then, idiot
Great advice

>> No.14131221

If he didn't feel like sharing them, then yeah.