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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 1-Welcome.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14119654 No.14119654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey Anonymous! How are you d-doing during the pandemic?
I've got a sweet treat for you tonight t-that you can make at home, since chicken is apparently haram on 4chan!

Shall we cook together, my friend?

>> No.14119686

hi alice! how sweaty are you under that pleather?

>> No.14119692
File: 1.88 MB, 1280x720, 2-TodaysDish.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to worry <4 This is real leather.

Today's dish is.... CBD Gummies!
Surely you've seen these before somewhere.
Well now I have a recipe for you to make thme at home!
Not sure if they actually aid w-with anxiety or not, but can't hurt to try during these dark times!

>> No.14119694

Fuck off, tranny.

>> No.14119697


Cock and Ball...Dorture?

>> No.14119710
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, 3-Ingredients.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay! So for the ingredients and what you'll need:
Cooking Pot
Gummy Bear Molds
Crock pot
About 2-4 hours

And for the actual ingredients:
1/2 Cup Cannabis-Infused Coconut Oil (Refined coconut oil, solid at room temperature)
1/2 Cup Cold Water
85 Grams Packet of Flavoured Gelatine *One Jell-o Pack
2 Tablespoons Plain Unflavoured Gelatine (20 Grams)
1/2 Teaspoon Sunflower / Soy Lecithin (liquid lecithin) (Optional)
Cornstarch (storage)

>> No.14119717

real leather can still get very sweaty alice, let me lick it off for you

>> No.14119726

When can we finally get a face reveal? It's hard to simp you currently

>> No.14119730
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x720, 4-MakeCBDOil.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I d-don't want you to simp n-nor do I desire attention. So I w-will never do a face reveal <4

Okay! So for the very first step, I'll teach you how to make the infused oil!
What you'll need:
7-14g of your favorite flower
1 cup MCT oil, butter or coconut oil (though MCT works best here)
(Very easy)

Then you'll take your flower and oil, combine them in the crock pot and set it to "low" (or even "warm" if you're doing it for longer, 4 hours), then when the time comes, strain the oil and use it for whatever recipe you need!

>> No.14119734

No it isn't.

>> No.14119746
File: 1.10 MB, 1366x768, 1588814655876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real reason she started wearing a mask btw

>> No.14119750

She's too cute?

>> No.14119751
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 5-AddWaterOilAndLecithin.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've b-been wearing a mask with Celty outfits since...forever <4 Try again~

In a pot, on low heat, add the water, oil and lecithin.
Give it a good stir and let it cook a bit on the burner. Warming this up will help the liquids combine properly.

>> No.14119769
File: 80 KB, 786x602, DxtJG4BW0AA-8tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weed is haram! Where's my halal option?

>> No.14119771

As I s-said, this is CBD not THC <4
Totally fine, non-intoxicating~

>> No.14119775

what an insufferable faggot

>> No.14119784

Would this method still work with already vaped herb? I usually do it with butter in a bowl sitting on boiling water

>> No.14119785
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 6-ShowMixed.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice t-to meet you <4

If it h-has canniboids in it, it s-should work!

This is what it will look like when you've got them combined correctly!
Make sure to keep the pot on the stove, on low and keep stirring!

>> No.14119786

Celty is the best cook on /ck/ and we should all be ashamed

>> No.14119794
File: 22 KB, 462x357, heathcliff2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you consider doing a Cleo from the Catillac Cats cosplay? Many of your fans enjoy catgirls, or girl cats.

>> No.14119800

Alice hates catgirls.

>> No.14119801

i cant watch webms on my browser can you make these into gifs instead?

>> No.14119804

L2 webm instead

>> No.14119807


Upgrade from IE11

Ah? T-thank you, but I'm s-sure /ck/ has many better cooks <4

Sadly no, sorry <4

>> No.14119810

>i cant watch webms on my browser
Brazilian using win 95 detected

>> No.14119811

Why would she downgrade her threads?

>> No.14119820
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 7-AddGelatinAndStir.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add the gelatins!
Both of them. To the pot.
Now stir! Don't stop stirring for the next 15 minutes. I mean it!

S-seriously, a full 15 minutes! It hurt my arms a bit....

>> No.14119822
File: 19 KB, 280x214, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a shame. There's a real demand for catgirl/tuba cosplay that isn't being met, but I respect your decision.

>> No.14119823

Where's the narration??

>> No.14119827

I liked your Gensou Skydrift stream Alice! I don't like most of your streamer guests but that one was pretty alright. When can we expect a cooking stream?

>> No.14119835

Most of her guests? She only has two

>> No.14119836


I t-think my cat ears suffice <4


W-when I can magically find a way to reduce the risk of exposure sufficiently.
I also just don't really have sufficient of an audience to make that a good idea <4

>> No.14119846

That's correct. The dude is insufferable.

>> No.14119851
File: 1.88 MB, 1280x720, 8-FillMolds.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay! Time to do the fun part!
Fill the molds!
Fill them completely, but not so much so that they spill over.
I had a lot of fun with this part, to be completely honest.

>> No.14119855

Try not being so insecure and maybe you won't find him to be so threatening.

>> No.14119888
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 9-FreezeMolds.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, we pop them into the freezer!
They stay in the freezer for about 20-25 minutes and when you take them out, be sure to have a little cornstarch ready!

>> No.14119903
File: 115 KB, 752x960, 1585057905414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times have you been banned from /ck/? Jannies keep deleting the threads

>> No.14119927
File: 1.95 MB, 1280x720, 10-Serving.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thread I make gets me banned.
Doot do doo!
Order up Anonymous!
These t-taste like orange creamsicle, g-got to make sure not to eat too many!
Probably the softest and most delicious gummis I've had, and I've h-had a lot of edibles!

>> No.14119965

cute wormy

>> No.14119991
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 11-Outro.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks <4

Well Anonymous, that was my thread and I hope you enjoyed it!
Short, sweet (literally) and to the point!
Thank you for joining me today <4

If you n-need food, medicine, supplies, or other things, please email m-me at loveoverwhelming@gmail.com and I will attempt to assist you <4
Even as w-we open back up our countries, states, and localities, that doesn't mean things will g-go back to normal instantly, both for those who still have jobs and t-those who have lost them.
So contact me if you are in need.

I'm here for you, as always, Anonymous <4
Have a good one~

>> No.14119995

looks satisfying

>> No.14119997

I f-found them very tasty <4

>> No.14120009

here we go again

>> No.14120026

This gigantic homo trans faggot again

>> No.14120029

OP is a woman, you are mistaken

>> No.14120039

Put a consistent word or phrase in your original posts so I can filter you, you detestable attention-whore tranner.

>> No.14120041

Fucking kek

>> No.14120045
File: 166 KB, 600x750, 1371461408410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove I'm trans or desire attention, and I will <4
Until then, I'll m-make them as unique as possible.

>> No.14120054

I want to punch his homosexual head until he dies. This gigantic transexual deserve death for attention whoring like that.

>> No.14120059

you post your face online on an anonymous image board... you want attention.
>no I don't :) <5

>> No.14120062

The fact that you are actively preventing me from filtering you shows that you crave attention- specifically, the attention of people who want nothing to do with you.
Here's that attention you ordered, you broad-shouldered, cleft-chinned, flat-chested, swole-trapped, stubby-fingered lanklet.

>> No.14120068

S-sorry, I'm neither a homo, trans, nor attention whoring <4

S-sorry, I don't post my face n-nor do I want attention, nor is anyone posting their face desiring attention <4 Try again.

Incorrect <4 I'm from /b/; I don't want your attention.

I just like seeing you mad <4

>> No.14120072
File: 98 KB, 1181x664, DYvOykxUMAIA8BH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the haters Celty! I really like these threads, though I admittedly never tried any of your recipes. :)

>> No.14120076

Negative attention is still attention. You're here baiting for (You)s because your daddy didn't love you enough, tranner.

>> No.14120080


>> No.14120081

Incorrect, I j-just think it's really funny when you, in particular, g-get mad at a thread you can easily just avoid <4

>> No.14120084

Yes OP is obviously a man and he is trying really hard to hide it, this attention whore homosexual deserve to be beheaded.

>> No.14120090

It's really funny that you, in particular, crave my, in particular, negative attention so much that you refuse to make it easy to ignore you.
You are an attention whore, you are biologically male, and you had neglectful parents.

>> No.14120091

S-sorry, can you prove it?
If so, I'll leave <4

>> No.14120095

Sorry, the fact I find it fun to make you m-mad doesn't mean I want attention <4
I just enjoy you getting angry at a thread you can easily just avoid <4

>> No.14120115

The only ones interested in alice dude threads are obviously manga incels who never fucked a woman in their entire life.

>> No.14120116

>the fact that I find it fun to [get negative attention from you] doesn't mean I want attention
I hope you get hit by a car.

>> No.14120124

>the fact you get mad at things that shouldn't make you mad tickles my fancy
Try again <4

>> No.14120126

Everyone knows that you are a man.

>> No.14120154
File: 167 KB, 575x332, Celtrans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but you can't prove I'm t-trans!

Oh yes we can...

>> No.14120157

I achieve unbelievable levels of contentment through simply knowing that I am not you

>> No.14120162

I'm not sure what you think you're seeing there.

>> No.14120171

S-sorry, I'm not <4

That picture doesn't prove your point <4

G-glad to hear it!
See? I am helpful <4

>> No.14120177

Please use a keyword in your threads so we can avoid your faggotry tainted threads, thank you.

>> No.14120179

As I s-said previously, no <4

>> No.14120181

Did you get the molds online or are they something that department stores carry?

>> No.14120184

Thank you, Alex, I appreciate it.

>> No.14120188

I b-bought em from Amazon!

>> No.14120204

I hope he'll jump from a roof or bridge really soon, he is literally forcing us to see his homosexual threads by not using keyword in order to hide them automatically

>> No.14120208

Stop stuttering.

>> No.14120209

Oh no :(

>> No.14120211
File: 79 KB, 463x448, 1371462706427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I c-can't, too nervous <4

Again, prove I'm a man or a homosexual, and I'll l-leave /ck/ forever <4

Until then, feel free to not come into a thread you dislike and moan about it <4 Try just ignoring it~


>> No.14120218

Please be my gf ;_;

>> No.14120219

>Again, prove I'm a man or a homosexual
>a homosexual


>> No.14120240

No t-thank you <4

S-sorry, that's not evidence <4

>> No.14120287

It's not. Neither is heroin. That's why muslims are massive hashish and heroin users. They inject both, and they have huge problems with hepatitis and HIV because you can imagine how clean they are.

>> No.14120294

Amphetamines as well. Huge problem.

>> No.14120307

Anon that's not a female

>> No.14120309

Lol so only alcohol is haram?

>> No.14120324

Yes I am.

>> No.14120338

Yet to be proven

>> No.14120345

It's been proven quite conclusively.
Where's the evidence I'm male?

>> No.14120359

Look, there's only one way we can solve this mystery for good
Post your genitals

>> No.14120360

Fuck yeah. Good thread.

>> No.14120361

Happy to be of service <4

>> No.14120367


>> No.14120374

Yes you are.

>> No.14120385
File: 118 KB, 486x481, ef7sjafpczv31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go type in "vagina" or "penis" or whatever you want to see on Bing. Stop trying to get Alice to expose herself to you in every thread.

>> No.14120410

You mean "himself"

>> No.14120414

No, it's a woman, so "she" and "her" are the correct pronouns.

>> No.14120416

hi ugly tranny i'm going to beat you to death. btw i know your name isn't alice... david

>> No.14120428

shes fuckin' HOT in that catsuit bro

>> No.14120432


>> No.14120436
File: 87 KB, 226x223, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw instead of a based tranny gf to cook for you, you have just a based regular gf to cook for you

>> No.14120439

Yeah. You are.

>> No.14120444

who would prefer a tranny over a woman

>> No.14120446

>I know you are but what am I?

>> No.14120451

It claims to be female but I have reasons to doubt it's claims

>> No.14120454

>injecting hashish

That's impossible.

>> No.14120455

Yeah, you. are.

>> No.14120466


>> No.14120470

Just blew a fat load to this thread, thanks Alice

>> No.14120481

What are those reasons?
What is your evidence?

>> No.14120482

Same here. She makes me cum so much. She really is the most helpful person on 4chan and 4channel.