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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14116490 No.14116490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

After twenty years, I had to close my restaurant down permanently. I already laid off most of the staff to a skeleton crew, and it wasn't enough.
I'm sitting alone in my restaurant, chugging wine and crying. Please, feel with me.

>> No.14116496


>> No.14116502

God works in mysterious ways.

>> No.14116504
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Sounds frustrating.

>> No.14116514

I'm sorry OP. I'm here if you need someone to talk to

>> No.14116521

I hope this isnt your only outlet. Because lots of people are going to be big meanies to you as is tradition.

>> No.14116526

Did you get PPP loans? Seems like a good way to keep afloat. Can even still cut wagies pay and live off it.

>> No.14116527

Time brings trouble, one must remember not to forget the times, beautiful in the past, their not over, and just as real as now and in future. It will never be lost but a remnant in time. Marcus Aurelias(I probably spelled it wrong) said something along the lines- that in achieving all the goals and prizes in life is not a straight and narrow path, in fact, the obstacles and objects obstructing our goal IS the path. And it must be overcome. So please, drink your wine freind, and tomorrow is a new day, whether you spend it with family, or your pet(get one) don't forget ever to enjoy the beauty of now

>> No.14116546

I know this isn't a good outlet, but I have nothing else, no one else. I dedicated every aspect of my life to this place. I'm divorced, no children, no friends because I couldn't devote time to anything else for twenty years. I went home and got my gun, came back. Hoping that I don't bitch out of spraying the walls with my brains.

>> No.14116574

Yikes! What kind of food did you serve?

>> No.14116585

lmao asking the real questions
op the dramaqueen post your menu so we can talk shit

>> No.14116599

Do you have insurance? How good do you think zoud be at starting a fire?

>> No.14116607

You should go all John Wick on China

>> No.14116613

I know what you're talking about. Not the restaurant thing but throwing your life away in pursuit of something. Just know and understand this isn't the end. I really hope your gun jams or something, because right now your thought process is stuck in the negative side. Just know that with time and hope, you'll eventually be able to see things much more clearly. Please, don't give up yet!

>> No.14116619

>spraying the walls with my brains
Don't leave someone to clean up your mess, faggot. If you're going to off yourself be a man and spend the last of your money on going out in a roaring blaze of drugs and whores before riding the sweet fentanyl spike of freedom out of this shitworld. Then they can just zip you up and toss you in a hole nice and clean instead of giving the poor fuck who finds you Bestgore PTSD.

>> No.14116623

Are you totally broke or do you have some money to try something else?
Maybe you could buy a food truck and make a traveling restaurant.

>> No.14116645

It's just your average steak dinners and burger lunches. Basic flyoverland shit, not exactly bleeding edge of haute cuisine. Nothing I've done has ever been special.

>> No.14116658

See it as liberation. 20 years experience made you better and stronger. Now you are free to pursue other options. See if you can find a way to take your skills abroad, try a new country. Make it exciting.

>> No.14116673

After the government shutdown last year took away most of my clientele, and a brutal winter where no one was on the roads, and this, I'm out of money. I haven't taken home a dime in over a year, all of my money went to payroll and food and keeping the lights on. I'm a broke old failure.

>> No.14116676

Do you resent the Chinese for taking away your livelihood?

>> No.14116679
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Remember who did this to you

>> No.14116685
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it would be really special if you didn't kill yourself, don't let the goddamn world win like that.

>> No.14116690

There's more to life. Don't let the posters here try and turn you into a racist and pointing the blame at others. You know as a business man that the potential to fail is always there. There's more to life!

>> No.14116715

fuck restaurants and fuck you, foodpusher.

>> No.14116722

Agree. Keep up OP, you can do it.

>> No.14116751

all over a fake ass made up flu too

>> No.14116770
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Cant you burn down the place and get insurance money?

>> No.14116772

this smells of larp

>> No.14116790

Turn your story into a social media phenomenon.

You'll get assloads of free press from certain threads of rightish-wing media and Twitter.

Play the hand you're dealt. Defy the lockdown and get some publicity. Don't fold and blow your brains out. If you do this right you'll be more successful than ever.

>> No.14116964

Weird. Most restaurants are booming right now. They've just had to get rid of wait staff because they can't do dine in.

>> No.14117147

food truck?
secret restaurant?
back yard ?

get the fuck up
(after a good week of drinking)

>> No.14117158

you forget the fact that the "restaurant" of a dumbass ck poster was probably run like a garbage dump and was barely hanging on by a thread in the first place

>> No.14117201
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>Bestgore PTSD

>> No.14117277

I always wondered this. If you’re gonna off yourself why not set a house on fire or murder some folks? Who cares when you wanna die.

>> No.14117361

I'm so sorry anon..
can you post a pic of your menu?

>> No.14117381

Come on you're not going to commit literal suicide and end up in hell over the loss of your restaurant.
Seek God, ask Jesus to save your soul and I assure you 1 gorillion% He will provide for your every need

>> No.14117402

Post menu

>> No.14117404

Why did you close OP?

Bad inspection or low yelp score? Grubbub/doordash eat into the margins? New local competition?

>> No.14117436

“Never contend with a man who has nothing to lose.”
― Baltasar Gracián

>> No.14117437

Condolences. My parents had to close theirs down like 40 years ago, that was because mafia folk wanted to buy them out. Apparently that was a pretty famous restaurant which is why mob folk wanted to buy them out.
(BBC2 broadcast live from Wembley 8th June 1984)
Billy Joel Scenes from an Italian Restaurant

>> No.14117450

because when people are like this hurting others is not usually a prospect.

>> No.14118348

Are you fucking retarded? Or a kike?

>> No.14118402 [DELETED] 
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Just do what I do

>> No.14118429

Pasta la vista baby!

>> No.14118460

even suicidal people don't have to be malicious towards others explicitly. I used to plan a lot of scenarios where it would look like an accident where insurance still got paid out or at least wasn't a huge mess for responders/didn't require a massive search. It's actually pretty difficult to find a plan that satisfies all three of those. I know longer usually feel this way. I would second the anon who suggested escorts and fentanyl, if you can find it.

>> No.14118474

> things totally out of your control
> “I’m a failure”
Seriously, OP. You need a hug, man. Then you need to go home and get some sleep. It’ll be the same story tomorrow but it will feel a little easier. You’ll get through this and your better days are still to come.