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File: 195 KB, 849x565, honey vs sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14116444 No.14116444 [Reply] [Original]

Is it healthier or better for you to use honey as a sweetener than sugar? I have a sauce recipe that uses a fuck load of sugar in it and I would like to make it healthier if I can.

>> No.14116450

It's literally just sugar.

>> No.14116451

not really. agave is a better option is it's low GI or whatever
honey might fuck up the taste of your dish, depends what you are making

>> No.14116456

>It's literally just sugar.

>> No.14116459

The original recipe calls for 4 tbsp of sugar which i have cut to 3 tbsp. Would 3 tbsp of honey basically be the same?

>> No.14116460

>The forager bees then return to the hive, where they regurgitate and transfer nectar to the hive bees. The hive bees then use their honey stomachs to ingest and regurgitate the nectar, forming bubbles between their mandibles repeatedly until it is partially digested. The bubbles create a large surface area per volume and a portion of the water is removed through evaporation.[16][11][13][17] Bee digestive enzymes hydrolyze sucrose to a mixture of glucose and fructose

Glucose-fructose. Sugar.

>> No.14116461
File: 36 KB, 480x360, Honey_Ant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14116479

>literally just sugar
>ignoring the water, vitamins, minerals and other non-sugar carbohydrates
>saying literally
no retard
if it was 'literally sugar' we'd call it sugar, but we call it honey because it's not 'literally sugar'

>> No.14116482

From a health perspective it is literally, genuinely, wholly, objectively, quantifiably no better than sugar.
You're still poisoning yourself with the fructose.

>> No.14116483
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>> No.14116489

>From a health perspective it is literally, genuinely, wholly, objectively, quantifiably no better than sugar.
That's not the same thing as saying it IS sugar, fuck tardface
you started it

>> No.14116491

Whatever health benefits honey has are lost when heated to around 40 degrees celcius. So the only reason to use it would be for the taste.

>> No.14116495

In the context of "is honey healthier or better for you than sugar" it is LITERALLY just sugar.

>> No.14116498

ok it's clear you can't speak or understand english properly so i won't waste my time anymore

>> No.14116499

also this, however if you add it later to a chilled down dish it does have some health benefits

>> No.14116501

Well neither of us are speaking here so if you're such a stickler for being literally literal then you're now a hypocrite.

>> No.14116513

dont care im not even here anymore

>> No.14116522


>> No.14116523

the autism is strong ITT

To answer OP's question: honey is a BIT better than refined white or brown sugar because it has some vitamins and minerals (provided it's not supermarket honey, which has lost most of its benefits due to the heating process), but it's MOSTLY the same thing.

Changing sugar for honey will give you a different taste and results, depending on what you're making. So, provided you're not making this recipe all the time, just use sugar.

My advice to you is to cut back on sugar somewhat or at least stop drinking sodas, if you do. That stuff is poison.

>> No.14116532

>My advice to you is to cut back on sugar somewhat or at least stop drinking sodas, if you do. That stuff is poison.
I already don't drink soda, I just want to cut back on sugar elsewhere if I can.

>> No.14116570

The tiny amount of vitamins and minerals in some honey makes no difference to your health.

>> No.14116683

You’ll still be fat.

>> No.14116697

Imagine spending this much time and energy arguing semantics

>> No.14116705

honey is still 49% cornsyrup

>> No.14116720

it doesnt matter they're both unhealthy. just stick with the recipe. you can try cooking without any sugar and using artificial sweetener after. everything you've read/heard about artificial sweeteners is a myth.

>> No.14116737

My gf likes her tea with honey and it always seems like I have to add a shitload in order for it to become discernible. I'm not certain if its just because of the shitty clover honey I use or what

>> No.14118264


most agave in stores is just a little agave and HFCS. Agave is not regulated like honey and so who knows whats in it. In large amount agave is not good for you.

this is correct

it's called honey when bees barf it up. but it's still basically sugar.


>> No.14118335

This is the reason why artificial sweetener exists

>> No.14118369

Exactly this. It's like someone bragging about the number of minerals in their overpriced himalayan salt. Shit's negligible.

>> No.14118430
File: 9 KB, 275x183, Honey_Bee_Suite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14118960

>most agave in stores is just a little agave and HFCS
just because standards are so low in your shart marts, doesn't mean us civilized peoples drown everything in HFC

>> No.14119014

ya but those are gross

>> No.14119056

Good honey is probably a little better than white sugar. You could get cane syrup, jaggery, etc. or any other unrefined cane sugar product if you want it to be a little healthier too. But the healthiest thing to do would just be to limit the intake of any extra sugars, I think it's like 25-30g per day max recommended, which is about two tablespoons of either.

>> No.14119188

Honey has less calories (315, sugar has 400) and on top of that you need less of it because it's sweeter. But honestly it's such a small difference you might just want to go with the one you like more

>> No.14119366

go look at your agave ingredients.

>> No.14119548

Look up low glycemic sugars. It's all still sugar but at least its 'healthier'. I like apple syrup and coconut palm sugar but there are many out there

stevia is okay if you find it in alcohol and not cut with fucking erythritol

>> No.14119651

Could be worse, it could be methanol.
That methanol shit makes people go blind.

>> No.14119917

Whats with all the diabeetus threads lately? A tablespoon of sugar is like 12 grams, what are you making, brownie sauce? Just fucking use sugar, fag.

>> No.14119926

just get sugar-free sugar retard

>> No.14119949
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pic related, pure agave, costs around £3 a bottle. every supermarket stocks it.

>> No.14120180

Glycemic index is a meme metric though
Of course, nutritional science is a bad field as well

>> No.14120197

Barely, like 2 or 1% better than sugar