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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 425x300, 188693-425x300-picky-eater-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14112290 No.14112290 [Reply] [Original]

There is literally nothing, not one FUCKING thing on this earth that I hate more than people who are picky eaters. I even hate the children, but I ESPECIALLY hate the adults.

If the fucking food in front of you is prepared properly and physically edible, you should be able to eat ALL OF IT, even if you "don't like the taste" it's such a disgustingly spoiled and entitled thing to reject edible food, the manifestation of an all encompassing narcissistic individualism brought about by our commodified hedonistic "culture"

>> No.14112301

Picky eaters are shit, but the worst people are the ones who sperg out when you don't have the same food preferences as them.

>> No.14112379

There is literally nothing, not one FUCKING thing on this earth that I hate more than people who are either too stupid to check the catalog, or so starved for attention that they start duplicate threads

>> No.14113472

fuck you

>> No.14113486

my wife hates onions and meat off the bone but we're married so whats she going to do divorce me over it

check mate bitch

>> No.14113494


>> No.14113512
File: 854 KB, 320x217, faggot op.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I curse thee with picky offspring. for there is nothing more stubborn than a small child that does not want to eat something. any attempts to force them is child abuse.

There you are cursed.

>> No.14113547

you can not force a child to eat something they do not want. Are you going to beat them OP? Starve them? really? the child you are supposed to love and care for?

no OP you cannot out stubborn a picky eater they will starve to death and I hope you are the cause. Enjoy your jail time.

>> No.14113609

There are degrees of picky eating.

Some people have mental illness, legitimately, a form of OCD that makes them only eat certain things. Others in the mid ground are just stubborn, and these adults are ok to make fun of, but they shouldn't bother you as it effects you zero percent. On the other side of the spectrum, is intelligent people who simple KNOW some food wasn't meant to be eaten, like fucking barbaric crap like living octopuss, or bugs, or disgusting shit like oysters and mussels that smell like hot garbage and menstrual waste.

>> No.14113642

picky eaters almost always have a greater sense taste and smell than "normals".

many people think the because they can eat anything and like foods that are horribly bitter like beer, and coffee that they are somehow superior when the opposite is true they have inferior taste buds and a terrible sense of smell.

My wife can eat almost anything yet she can;t smell when the orange trees are in bloom. she can't tell when milk has gone bad and will happily eat a bowl of cereal floating in rotten milk (that I can smell from across the room).

Some people are hyper sensitive to textures.

I was once a very picky eater it took years for my sense of smell to degrade to the point that I could eat common things like mushrooms or ham. Both were foods that had such over powering smells and tastes as to be inedible to me.

Basically to a picky eater many foods are seen by their brains and instincts as poisons. Bitter foods usually indicate alkaloids and that's poison.

Picky eaters are less likely to be poisoned, but also less likely to eat nasty off tasting foods in a survival situation. Picky eaters are a result of evolution it was beneficial to be picky in some instances.

>> No.14113679


>> No.14113682
File: 823 KB, 762x988, gfds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are degrees of picky eating.
>Some people have mental illness, legitimately, a form of OCD that makes them only eat certain things. Others in the mid ground are just stubborn, and these adults are ok to make fun of, but they shouldn't bother you as it effects you zero percent. On the other side of the spectrum, is intelligent people who simple KNOW some food wasn't meant to be eaten, like fucking barbaric crap like living octopuss, or bugs, or disgusting shit like oysters and mussels that smell like hot garbage and menstrual waste.

>> No.14113685


>> No.14115657

my dog's a picky eater and it's cute because dogs are normally garbage disposals

>> No.14115728

I share your sentiment, but, honestly, that's not food in that picture.

>> No.14115738

Just stop spoiling it, it'll revert back to eating what you give it.

>> No.14115947

Picky eaters, germaphobes and glutenshits have ruined 90% of restaurants. Fucking vegans are better.

>> No.14115959

If I'm in a position to choose what I want to eat, why is this such an offense to you? If you offer me food and I prefer something else that is widely available to me, maybe the problem is you getting offended by this?

>> No.14115960

My dad and uncles used to make me and my cousins sit there all fucking day and night until we ate what we didn't touch on our plates. Wasn't even about finishing it, but about not being a picky eater when you're poor to begin with. It worked too.

>> No.14115962

Would u eat some poo

>> No.14116113

>the manifestation of an all encompassing narcissistic individualism brought about by our commodified hedonistic "culture"

Way to be a pretentious dick snap there Theodore Thesaurus

>> No.14116133

If what you say is true, it's interesting that you people only eat processed shit and not real food.

>> No.14116139

>ambush OP in a dark alley
>politely serve him a dish of surstromming and fermented liver
>watch him sob while he eats ALL OF IT

>> No.14116154

>Picky eaters are superior for being more sensitive to taste.

Just like people with ME are superior because they are so sensitive to light and noise that they have to hide in a sound proof light proof room all day.

>> No.14116168

My ex was a pretty bad picky eater:

>Could not get anything with any form of sodium in it, which made shopping hell sometimes and limited what we could get.
>Would not eat anything with regular flower in it: so pizza, bread, etc was out unless it was something like a cauliflower crust.
>Would not eat meat that wasn't from the freezer, so no lunch meats, etc.
>Would not drink normal milk and could not make anything with it.
>Didn't know what the fuck she wanted most of the time, so I ended up having to repeat recipes a lot.

Oh, and she was a NEET and couldn't cook for herself outside basic stuff like scrambled egg and would literally starve herself until I would make dinner after work. Honestly, it was pretty bad all around.

>> No.14116178

should have take her on a ride and beat her shit up

>> No.14116197

There is a strong correlation between picky eaters and racists. They tend to be ignorant and sheltered people.

>> No.14116278

I'll eat what I like and try new things. But if it tastes gross I'm not eating it again. Such as olives. They suck all kinds of chodes. But I'm a grown fucking man and I'll eat what I want

>> No.14116286

Yeah, chodes.

>> No.14116289

>I'm a grown man
Demonstrably untrue, olives are delicious

>> No.14116296

Sorry I'm not a swarthy medjogger.

>> No.14116298

There are things I don't really like, but I'll eat them anyway.
Fuck it, still food.

>> No.14116531
File: 43 KB, 500x739, properg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you going to beat them OP? Starve them?

I usually start with the beating.

>> No.14116746

Your opinion matters

>> No.14116760

There are few things that disgust me more than someone who doesn't eat olives.
You should KYS immediately. Do it now!

>> No.14116798
File: 127 KB, 750x541, 07683d253498aa0217987e738e5bcf55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I eat fish heads and overwhelming spices on everything? In my country we have man food because I am not a cat lady or a self hating collegecuck marxist, let alone poor. My parents pull down over $48,000 a year before the liberals take away half of it to make this country into venezuela

>> No.14116803

Good irony post

>> No.14116833

>Man food
>My parents pull down over $48,000 a year

>> No.14116865

MAKING your children eat all what's on the plate is fucked. it's not just bad parenting, it's teaching them permanent unhealthy eating habits, like eating until the food is gone not until you're full.
also, many parents are terrible cooks, cant blame the little shits for refusing to eat muh veggies boiled into a dull mush

>> No.14116887

>go to a new place or party
>try new food
>dont like it
>expected to keep ordering and trying it in the future
why? if i know i dont like something im not going to keep ordering it on the menu

>> No.14116890

What if I'm allergic to something?

>> No.14116909

If you're unfamiliar with a flavor it can take several tries to appreciate it, or your tastes may develop over time and you discover something you used to not enjoy you now do.

That happened to me with raw tomatoes, gorgonzola/blue cheese, and sushi. Now those are some of my favorite foods, even though I used to hate them even into my 20s.

>> No.14116932

Why not just eat whatever the fuck you want

>> No.14117140

kek, my 65 year old mom just texted me that she ordered some sushi rolls from a Japanese restaurant, thinking they were egg rolls. She threw them in a dumpster and got Wendy's.
My mom is the stereotypical white boomer female and it's sad.

>> No.14117179

Usually the problem in my experience is that when someone's first or only experience with a food is prepared terribly, they'll grow to hate it so much that just the smell or thought of eating it actually drives them to nausea. That's how it was for me, mostly with various kinds of cooked vegetables. Turns out my mom just isn't a very good cook. I've since reclaimed a lot of foods I would have otherwise picked out of my plate, mostly by actually preparing them for myself. Starting with the fresh ingredient and handling it all the way through did a lot to break the stigma. There's still some vegetables that I think are just garbage plant trash like eggplant and zucchini, but they don't make me retch violently the way they used to.

>> No.14117194

>Starve them?
if they would rather starve to death than eat some vegetables then that's their choice, and they're also fucking retarded and unfit for life

>> No.14117197

I can eat most foods but can't stand anything with a puke like texture because I'll probably throw up on the table. Ex: non fried liver peices, boiled Brussel sprouts

>> No.14117209

Try to make a lecso with zucchini cut into cubes. You'l grow to like it. I also recommend adding kielbasa to it.

>> No.14117283

I've given zucchini more than enough chances. It's a bland, mushy, sluglike vegetable. It can't contribute texture or flavor to a dish. You can make it edible by chopping it till it's a flavorless slurry, but why put in the effort of preparing a worthless filler? Unless you're just desperate to dispose of the things cause your garden is full of them, I don't see the point.

>> No.14117292
File: 62 KB, 480x480, 1-text-550-grilled-zucchini-kalynskitchencopy-480x480[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slice it on a bias and grill it.

Grilled zucchini is delicious

>> No.14117295

What if you're not

>> No.14117301

This shithead never tried Greek zucchini

>> No.14117311

I love the flavor of charcoal too, but I don't have a grill.

>> No.14117363

If you don't have a grill you can get a similar carmelization by roasting your zucchini on a preheated baking sheet right on the floor or bottom heating element of your oven (if electric).

The idea is you want to actually develop some color on the zucchini while cooking it through but not reducing it to mush.

They have a lot of water in them so you can make this better by salting them generously beforehand and letting the water drain out.

>> No.14117428

I've tried them oven roasted before and they're still bland and mushy. At the end of the day I'd be okay with very nearly any other vegetable instead for any possible preparation. Since I'd never buy them and I'm not going to grow them, unless someone gave me a basket of zucchini as their dying act and I felt morally compelled to do something with them besides composting, I'm not going to force myself to try to find some redeeming quality in the things.

>> No.14117457

This is a step above oven roasting. You preheat your cookie sheet on the BOTTOM of your oven. Right up against the heating element. It's like a 450 degree sear in a hot, dry environment AFTER you salt and drain the zucchini. Doing this concentrates and develops the sugars in it.

It's a delicious vegetable. Deserves a proper shot.

>> No.14117474
File: 274 KB, 736x1444, 1564754827611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14117477


Processed food typically doesn't have that much of a smell.

>> No.14117656

kids are retarded though, its your job to develop their palate, other wise theyd eat nothing but chips and sauages

>> No.14117692

Picky kids probably had shit cooks for parents.
We've been feeding our 8 month old solid foods (purees and very soft finger foods) for about 2-3 months now and she gets a really wide variety of spices and flavors. Whenever possible she eats a blended and undersalted version of what we're eating.

It's very good for them nutritionally too. Picky kids probably had their brains half-formed by eating preservative-packed baby foods from shelf-stable jars and shit like those teething biscuits that have ground up Flinstones vitamins in them to make up for the deficiencies the kids are getting in their regular diet.

>> No.14117801

that's good, kids wont know to be stubborn and picky if they never know that snickers exist.
but often they'll just gravitate to whatever sweet, energy dense stuff there is available
even if its not junkfood

>> No.14117824

Yeah, people who keep candy and cereal in the house like they were staples are insane. Usually the sweetest snacky things we have around that aren't homemade are chocolate chips or dates. Occasionally the wife will make cookies or a cake, or we'll have a pint or two of good ice cream.

It sounds better to me to have Halloween and Easter be like special annual candy fests and just don't fuck with it the rest of the time.

>> No.14118029

Greater but not better.

>> No.14118042

> ex
At least you wised up.

>> No.14118046

The key is that you try new things. A lot of picky eaters are, well, prejudiced.

>> No.14118050

>even if you "don't like the taste" it's such a disgustingly spoiled and entitled thing to reject edible food, the manifestation of an all encompassing narcissistic individualism brought about by our commodified hedonistic "culture"
I'm autistic and some flavors and textures in foods induce vomiting in me to a degree I can't control. Since I'd rather not purge all the other food I liked, I'll avoid the foods that make me physically ill. Yeah, it fucking sucks, but I have a broken brain so what the hell am I supposed to do? People like you make it really hard for me to enjoy having meals with others.

>> No.14118066

You are not your parents' favorite.

>> No.14118085

Critics can say what they want about low-carb diets but it enhances sweet flavors and brings out the sweetness in foods that you never realized were sweet before.