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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14110049 No.14110049 [Reply] [Original]

You think you could do it /ck/?

>> No.14110064


>> No.14110066

I'm a 5'6'' and 63kg stoner.

This is fucking nothing dude. Give me a real challenge.

>> No.14110068

couldn't do all the drinks but I would fucking smash the rest. easy. I usually down a double quarter pounder with cheese and a double mcchicken two lrg fries, six nuggets and two lrg vanila thickshakes in about 15 minutes.

>> No.14110071

I'm a 5'2" and 74kg stoner.

This is fucking nothing dude. Give me a real challenge.

>> No.14110073

stop making this thread

>> No.14110080

I'm a 4'9" and 82kg stoner.

This is fucking nothing dude. Give me a real challenge.

>> No.14110087
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>> No.14110103

Let's break this down

x3 mcdouble = 1170 Calories
x1 cheese = 300
x2 10 piece nuggets = 960
>But I'm counting more nuggets?
x2 medium fries = 680
x4 medium coke = 880

3990 calories. Just under 4k calories, maybe a little over due to nuggets

The other day I ate a whole pizza to myself, which was 2,700 calories. That actually cost me 11 bucks as well. You be the judge

>> No.14110106

Dude weed lmao XDDDD -huuuuuuffffffff-

>> No.14110118

Fitting lmao. Also those seem to be double cheeseburgers, not mcdoubles. So an extra 150 calories. And there seems to be 13 nuggets in each tray, so let's just say 30% more calories from the chicken. So 288 calories. A total of 4428 calories for $3.5k

>> No.14110124

The worst part is those fuckin drinks

>> No.14110128

I’ve eaten mass amounts of fast foods like that before so it’ll be a piece of cake. Just every time I eat a lot like that I get weird feelings in my chest but I think it’s mostly from eating too fast.
5’9 155lbs

>> No.14110135

thats ez my normal order is that minus the drinks + a few chicken sandys

>> No.14110175

I could do it, I think, but it'd fucking hurt.
t. 50kg

>> No.14110199

I once ate 60 Mcnuggets in one sitting so I could manage that for sure.

>> No.14110202


>> No.14110207

Yeah it's not healthy at all but it's feasible to down all the food without the drinks. Just the carbonation alone is too much for the body to handle.

>> No.14110208

maybe if i ran all day but i doubt it

>> No.14110217

no, i'd probably manage two burgers some fries and some nuggets

>> No.14110222

I’m a 4'5'' and 93kg stoner.

This is fucking nothing dude. Give me a real challenge.

>> No.14110227

90 minutes is easy I could eat it in 3 meals with 20 minute breaks

>> No.14110242

I’m a 5’4 girl and 54g stoner.
This is fucking nothing dude. Give me a real challenge.

>> No.14110251

This. They'd fill you up more than the food.

>> No.14110289

yes, but I'd there's a variant of this challenge without the cokes. After not touching that stuff for a year, it causes me to gag.

>> No.14110296

I'm a 3'9" and 103kg stoner.

This is fucking nothing dude. Give me a real challenge.

>> No.14110311
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>I’m a 4'5'' and 93kg stoner.

>> No.14110314


>> No.14110371



>> No.14110373

I'm a 3'4" and 111kg stoner.

This is fucking nothing dude. Give me a real challenge.

>> No.14110378

give me a nug of weed and it's ez, except the sodas. i only drink water and salty milk tea, no bitch ass sugar water

>> No.14110386

I feel like the sodas are the hardest part about this.

The nuggets and fries I could down pretty quick, that's basically a meal. The burgers would be a fucking struggle after that, but over 90 minutes I could probably space them out enough (I imagine the last 1-2 would be disgusting and there's a good chance I puke).

The sodas though would suck. I can barely down one of those with a regular meal, trying to swallow 4 just sounds terrible.

>> No.14110392

The sodas aren't a problem if you drink them fast, because they fill it 80% with ice then never fill the cup

>> No.14110496

I'm 2'3" and 143kg stoner.

This is fucking nothing dude. Give me a real challenge.

>> No.14110500


>> No.14110504

irks me how the one burger isnt a double

>> No.14110516

Most Americans men are that height, what are you giggling about?

>> No.14110685

Scull the drinks, wait 80 minutes, piss and munch down the rest. The fuck is this retarded shit?

>> No.14110696

I'm 1'5" and 182kg stoner.

This is fucking nothing dude. Give me a real challenge.

>> No.14110717

I'm a 6'10'' and 120kg athlete.

This is fucking impossible dude. A real challenge.

>> No.14110758 [DELETED] 

I'm a 5'9'' and 90kg average Joe.

This is fucking reasonable. A moderate challenge.

>> No.14110784

I'm a 5'9'' and 90kg average Joe.

This is fucking reasonable dude. A moderate challenge.

>> No.14110823

I'm 32' and 1400 tonnes great wall.

Where's the salsa? Disappointed!

>> No.14111071

Nah I can't. I could finish half of that at best.

>> No.14111137

That's a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of nuggets in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.14111149

I'm 18 hands high and 16 stone.

The hardest part would be 4 sodas.

>> No.14111214

Im a 3"6 and 137kg stoner
This is fucking nothing dude. Give me a real challenge

>> No.14111243

those aren't mcdouble's those are double quarter pounders and one regular

>> No.14111300

9.7 millifurlongs tall and 2 Dutch casks.
This is fucking easy dude. A simple challenge.

>> No.14111368

The difficult part would be the sodas since that carbonation will mess you up

>> No.14111374

Too fucking kek

>> No.14111444


>> No.14111464

literally perfect

>> No.14111468

>post is 7 minutes apart

I wish I was easily amused, it's boring being jaded

>> No.14111469

maybe if i didnt eat for a day and had it after work

im mailfag and haul bullshit on foot for 15 miles everyday and im starving when im done

>> No.14111534

I'm a 3'0" and 450 kg stone.

This is impossible for me. I have no mouth.

>> No.14111538

No, I eat healthy

>> No.14111579

6'8, 395
This is lunch.

>> No.14111586

Do I get sauce, and will it all be hot/fresh?

>> No.14111605

no have not set foot in a McDonalds since 2006

>> No.14111611

If you don't eat the day before, the insulin blowback is going to be brtual after you eat this.

>> No.14111633
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this is ck humour

>> No.14111659
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>> No.14111695
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>> No.14111696

i don't think i could

>> No.14111702

I'm 4'8" and 39kg stoner.

This is fucking nothing dude. Give me a real challenge.

>> No.14111743

I'm gay

>> No.14111802

Yeah, but change the soda for water.

>> No.14112159

Equines are not allowed to eat McDonald's

>> No.14112165


>> No.14112364
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If I was fatass diabetic movie reveiwer, than yes.

>> No.14112427

I'm a 4'3" and 84kg stoner
This seems pretty hard honestly. I've been trying to lose weight

>> No.14112446

Sure more than i eat normally but no problem man.

>> No.14112449
File: 52 KB, 700x467, 1556872229592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fill those cups with whiskey and it's a date

>> No.14112463

>movie blob doesn't consider that a lot of food

>> No.14112467

We know.

>> No.14112475

The drinks are the real killer here. I could probably keep on pace with the food but I couldn't drink four drinks on top that.

>> No.14112483

if it is coke zero no problem that shit is basically colored water

>> No.14112489

If i was distracted by a movie or something sure i could.

>> No.14112508

I'm a .5mm and 1.75*10^-12kg tardigrade.
This is fucking nothing dude. Give me a real challenge.

>> No.14112520

i did two or three weeks ago when this stupid meme came out. gave me the shits the next morning is all

>> No.14112579

Did you get the 3.5k?

>> No.14112651

My husband could easily down this in half the time

>> No.14112693

>fairly small amount
This is always horrifying
>isn't much density to it
I don't know exactly how he means this but it is dumb as hell.

>> No.14112706

>I don't know exactly how he means this
What he means is that he's used to stacking several sandwiches and compressing them until they fit into his mouth Scooby style.

>> No.14112719

Those are double quarter pounders and a quarter pounder. Hence the sesame seed bun.

>> No.14113146

I could do that in 10-15 minutes, no sweat.

>> No.14113237

See you lads on /r/4channel!!

>> No.14113282
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>> No.14113296

>Onions on burgers
No thanks

>> No.14113313

188cm and 82kg here, no I couldn't. Take out two drinks, the double patties and maybe some of the nuggets then I'd have a chance. Not only is it a lot of food, but I'd be disgusted by it all. Would probably have a better time if the burgers were mcchickens

>> No.14113340

Fuck me whats the purpose

>> No.14113346

It's exactly the challenge shown in OPs picture. That particular image got a lot of traction on social media so Matt decided to actually do it

>> No.14113365

That's essentially his job. Speed eater.

>> No.14113420

There was not a single moment in this entire video in which he looked like he was enjoying any of this.
>You wouldn't want to be a famous youtuber!?!?
Not if it means doing this kind of fucking shit to stay relevant. Selling your fucking soul, jesus christ, he looks like he's dying as he's eating it AND he's literally killing himself.

>> No.14113423

He doesn't think it would be very filling, which says more about him than he intended.

>> No.14113426

>he's literally killing himself.
Yet he's more fit than you. Interesting...

>> No.14113477

>$3500 to eat double my regular order?
my nigga

>> No.14113503

10 million views.

>> No.14113506

Projecting much?
1. He's not /fit/. At all. He's thin, but he looks out of shape. It's no surprise that I have just slightly more muscle mass and about the same body fat %, so I'd say we're in similar shape.
2. You really must think everyone here is some kind of fat neckbeard. Does that make you feel at home, tub-tub?
3. He is literally killing himself. Not even slowly, like smoking a cigarette every day, but in large bursts, by putting this much unhealthy shit into his body all at once and having to process it all (assuming he isn't just purging it all out once the cameras stop recording), and then doing it again every so often, for a (short) living.
If anything, the fact that you think he's /fit/ should make you sad that he's wasting such good genetics and rigorous exercise by blasting his body with that much garbage on a regular basis.

>> No.14113520

Perhaps. I would be hurting like mad, though. The most I've ever eaten from McDonald's was Trump's usual meal of 2 Filet 'o Fish, 2 Big Macs, and a large chocolate shake and that sent me into a coma.

>> No.14113536

No one cares, faggot.

>> No.14113641

My hometown has a diner with one of those 5lb burger challenges. 3lb patty, 1lb of bun/condiments, 1lb fries, and a large chocolate malt. I'm 6'1 and 280 and after more than a year I'm still the only person out of hundreds that beat it. Yeah I'd be ok.

>> No.14113655
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>> No.14113698

Fat cunt here, 90 minutes is such a long time to finish all that. I'll take my 3.5k please

>> No.14114163

Hey idiots, this tweet was specifically designed to get people to say how easy this challenge would be. Appealing to people's ego is a marketing strategy and it clearly works. They know it's easy, and you fell for it. Good job

>> No.14114185
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>> No.14114194

I'm a 2'1 and 110 kg heroin addict
I might be able to finish the fries

>> No.14114195

>he wouldnt want to eat a double helping of nuggies
why? nuggies are the only thing mcdonalds does right besides fries

>> No.14114208
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Based Blob and neo liberal appetite

>> No.14114245

of course

>> No.14114350

He's a competitive eater and started the YouTube channel as a side hustle.

>> No.14114360

>assuming he isn't just purging it all out once the cameras stop recording
Why would you assume that? You're a dense motherfucker

>> No.14114404

Substitute the burgers for more nuggets and I'd certainly go for it.

>> No.14114650

6'3" 176 lbs
Would demolish

>> No.14114842


>> No.14115048

Yes I would take this challenge right now and I just ate 3 ribs. This pic is giving me the munchies

>> No.14115135

top zozzle

x3 Dble Qtr Lb = 2436 Calories
x1 Qtr Lb = 530
x4 6 piece nuggets = 980
x2 Large fries = 810
x4 Large coke = 864


>> No.14115180

I'm bulimic, I could do it in 15 minutes if not quicker

>> No.14115217

people still trying to push this shit lmao

>> No.14115361

Coke is the real problem in this deal... Maybe with sprite or minute maid...

>> No.14115373

I could do the food but I doubt I could handle more than 1 coke

>> No.14115451
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I only use it on special occasions