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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14098944 No.14098944 [Reply] [Original]

>that guy who keeps his butter in the fridge


>> No.14098970

No need to make a thread for that you absolute stupid nigger.

>> No.14098983
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I hope u get lynched OP.

>> No.14099076

Memes became so fucking shitty even rage guy looks appealing again.

>> No.14099091

just microwave your butter then

>> No.14099098
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>> No.14099102

>he doesn't cut thin slices of butter and place them on his bread
What is this spreading meme anyway?

>> No.14099126

Live somewhere warm.

>> No.14099130

I only butter toasted english muffins so by placing little pieces of butter they melt and coat the whole surface without mechanical spreading

>> No.14099343

butter also tastes worse cold

>> No.14099830

>he does not heat up his knife
Never going to make it.

>> No.14099856

spaghetti-os are made of butter?

>> No.14099864

>he doesnt use a cheese slicer to get thin even slices

>> No.14099893

Betcha can't believe it's not butter

>> No.14100500

Do you not have air conditioning in your shitty country?

>> No.14100507

You're supposed to microwave it first

>> No.14100513

>put stick of butter in the microwave for 10 seconds
>still too hard to spread
>10 more seconds
>still to hard
>5 more seconds
>the center of the stick collapses and oozes out melted butter everywhere, wasting half the stick's volume in just melting away
>the ends are STILL too hard to spread

>> No.14100526
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How does this make you feel?

>> No.14100532

Put the butter on the bread and microwave the buttered toast. jesus christ.

>> No.14100540

wojaks and retarded baby frogs are the west's last great hurrah, deal with it.

>> No.14100543
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>he doesn't have a butter dish

>> No.14100552
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>> No.14100574

>microwave the toast
>underside becomes soggy from condensation
This defeats the purpose of toast.

>> No.14100659

I live alone, idgaf

>> No.14100708

microwaving doesn't make things soggy unless there's water present already, doofus. It makes fried food soggy because the water from the inner material (meat, etc) steams out into the crust.

if you really think micowaving toast makes it soggy, do it right now. you're 100% wrong. i do this every day.

>> No.14100735

it always makes my bread soggy dude

>> No.14100746

the bread crumbs add a delicious and unique yet subtle taste and texture to whatever you are using the butter for :)

>> No.14100777
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I remember when reddit ruined this meme.

>> No.14101303
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>> No.14101333

did reddit fuck your wife too?

>> No.14101337

I don't think reddit is into fucking women.

>> No.14101387


Those two are just low-effort stencils. Those are OC that r*dd*t "made'.


Troll and rage-face orginaly came from here, 4chan. Anything that requires a bit of effort, r*dd*t steals.

>> No.14101604
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>tfw all my uni flat mates were confused and questioned why I keep butter outside the fridge
they acted like I was crazy for keeping it on the side

>> No.14101675

what is this tool called

>> No.14101710

Only women and faggots use it. Especially through the entire house. If there were no women or faggots, climate change would not be a thing.

>> No.14101736

a hot carl

>> No.14101769
File: 105 KB, 1000x1000, 61sWDByPQDL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we need to go through another butter bell phase on /ck/ again? I thought we all got thoroughly indoctrinated the last time around but seems like people are forgetting.

>> No.14101800
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>that retard who tries to spread butter straight out of the fridge onto bread

>> No.14101816


You're supposed to put it under your armpit for 30 seconds to equilibrate to the human body temperature. This is scientifically proven to result in the ideal temperature where butter is at its tastiest.

>> No.14101827

The stupidity of the practice was made apparent by the fine educated people od this board. No need to revisit the topic.

>> No.14101846

agreed, so annoying
just keep it in room temp, it won't melt and if you're afraid it'll spoil you can always keep just a smaller portion which you will eat more quickly

>> No.14101860
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I don't fucking trust those things!

>> No.14101863


>> No.14101878

Slightly chilled butter on a hot overdone toast sprinkled with spiced salt is one of the few things that makes life bearable.
OP should smear his warm rancid outside-the-frindge, yellow crusted butter on his fat hairy stinking ass and use it as lube while his male fuck friend's rough worker hands are inserted deep into his rectum

>> No.14101936

Just put butter on first then toast it, brainlet

>> No.14101961

>Not putting the butter on a thin plate on top of the toaster to warm it up while it toasts

>> No.14101973

Do americans really eat so much butter that they need a dish for it?

>> No.14101993

>microwaving shit kept in plastic

>> No.14101998

That shit gives me flashbacks to when we had an ant infestation in our house and I though there was just breadcrumbs on the stick of butter because I didn't have my glasses on. Then I looked closer and the breadcrumbs were moving and all over the counter.

>> No.14102051

Oh not this