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14096408 No.14096408 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw my vegetable stocks and broths just end up bland all the time
How the fuck do i improve them? Someone tell me please
I put in most of the standard stuff (Onions, carrot, celery, some parsley, salt and pepper), but i cant get it to get enough flavour

>> No.14096416
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stop being a vegan faggot

>> No.14096429

Take meds schizo.
Add soy sauce or coconut aminos, the aim of broth is to be savory but vegetables will not have it on their own. MSG is also helpful. Make sure you are using a fuck ton of onion skins as well.

>> No.14096437

What do the skins add, besides colour?

>> No.14096443

Chuck some bones into it.

>> No.14096448

Mushrooms / mushroom stems add a lot of good flavor.

>> No.14096458

I have a bag of dried shiitake mushrooms that I throw in my veggie stock. It gives it some body and umami flavor. Also you could probably mess around with soy sauce or marmite. Don’t forget to add bay leaves, cardamom seeds, some fennel seeds or star anise, mix up the spices a bit. You could also try roasting the vegetables under a broiler and see if that adds any flavors you like, just experiment.

>> No.14096469

Mostly color but a lot of complex earthy flavors which do not come through as strong with the interiors

>> No.14096472

haha fag

>> No.14096491

Your standard veg stock isn't a finished dish. It's supposed to be unseasoned, so that it can be further reduced/added to a soup base/made into veloute etc. The flavour will come out with seasoning and with reducing. As long as you've simmered carrot, onion, celery, leek and maybe garlic with herbs like rosemary, thyme, bay leaves and parsley stalks with some white peppercorns for a good hour (occasionally skimming), you should have a pretty solid stock.

>> No.14096793

put some fookin herbs in, maaaate. also reduce it like a mofo.

>> No.14096832
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>> No.14096917

The devil's urine

>> No.14098099

Keep a scrap bag in the freezer for veg trimmings like onion, garlic ends, carrot, celery, zucchini/squash, tomato. Bones as well if you're not trying to be straight veg. Then use a crockpot and cook all that for a long bit, then use that as the base of your soup/stock.

>> No.14098105

Good doggo

>> No.14098127

roasted mushrooms and dried mushrooms are good, roast all your veg too, savory herbs like thyme, rosemary, and sage
bones do help a ton, that's why I love oxtail stew, it's basically beef stock with a roux

>> No.14098132

>t. ignorant hicks

>> No.14098842

Salt, bland stocks are almost always due to too little salt. You'll know you have enough salt when you get thirsty drinking it. They're not drinks to quench one's thirst, they're liquid food, and they should make you thirsty. That's how you know there's enough salt.

>> No.14099011
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You need to be using those veggies scraps and not the veggies themselves you fucking poser.
The onion hairs, the carrot tops, the celery roots.
Then you need to add more salt.
You're making all of this on a bone stock base, right? Otherwise just go home.
>adding MSG chemicals to your broth
Get fucking real and do it right. Stop purposefully making stock and use scraps. Freeze them until you have enough. Use bones with meat and cartilidge attached, don't throw your bones out.

Sheesh you fucking spoiled brats.

>> No.14099015

Yep, add more salt like I said.
Stocks are one thing you can dilute when cooking, I only use straight stock when Im full up of it. You can easily dilute stocks in your dishes unlike most other too-salty situations.

>> No.14099019
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I'd strongly suggest starting your bones way early and only going less than 4-5 hours on your veggies or the get washed out.
Not a single onion paper should ever be wasted until you suck the flavor out in stocks then it can finally make the compost pile.

You Elites making stock out of bought vegetables need to be put up against the wall.

>> No.14099200

How do you save enough scraps to make broth then? I dont use enough onions, carrots and celery to get enough scraps for broth/stock before they start to get moldy

>> No.14099298

Freeze them. Freezer burn doesnt matter.

>> No.14100167

>some parsley, salt and pepper
Yeah that ain't gonna cut it senpai.
Get some of that complete seasoning mix (find one you like) preferably with garlic, onion, herbs and spices, salt and msg and be liberal with it. I like this one with some oregano. Also keep in mind that the more wet your food is (liquid vs solid) the more it will taste like water.

>> No.14100174

Same guy also try adding some beans or something with carbohydrates like a pasta or rice. If not that at least add some kind of sweetener.

>> No.14100177
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Forgot pic related. Aroma is a large component of taste.

>> No.14100189
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>he doesn't add vegeta to his broth

>> No.14100218


>> No.14100233

Dry some veggies and grinds them
Same with mushrooms, mushrooms can add alot of flavor to a veggie stock

Also, for the love of god, roast your veggies first, get some nice browning and that flavor will carry over to the broth

>> No.14100303

absolutely based, maillard your shit before it goes in the pot

>> No.14100341

What a stupid meme response. That's about as useless as salting pasta water. No need to waste your time roasting vegetables when they'll already get cooked from boiling, dumbass.

>> No.14100378
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go boil a steak then faggot

>> No.14100620

add meat

>> No.14101791

mushroom and sweet potato

>> No.14101799


>> No.14101869
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He's right for the wrong reasons. There's no real reason to roast your bones or veggies, you should be using cooked bones not bones bought specifically for stock.
The ingredients and maillard on the bones are more than enough to add flavor.

You fucks need to get off mom blogs and learn how to cook traditional. Jesus.

So obsessed with making shit pretty you spend a ton of time and money doing things that are better accomplished by living with your food.

I hate foodies, fuck.