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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14095624 No.14095624 [Reply] [Original]

today on the show: deep fried sugar fat and salt

>> No.14095632

who is this slampig?

>> No.14095633

Who /Amberlynreid/ here

>> No.14095646
File: 493 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2020-05-09-21h22m34s908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comedy gold

>> No.14095761


>> No.14095807

I have a urge to find both Solo and a wookie, when I look at OP's pic.

>> No.14095819


>> No.14095831

corporate the mehnnaise

>> No.14097121


>out of breath just by fucking turning around

>> No.14097158

oh oh oh oh

>> No.14097288

Why do most of her comments always read like bot accounts made them?

>> No.14097291

I thought back in like 2012 she had maybe a year to live. I can't believe she's still alive.

>> No.14097297

i'm really triggered by that hamplanet.

>> No.14097303

this is so morbid

>> No.14097326

It's important to eat well

>> No.14097327

sickening, just look at that pig.
and people wonder why I like trannies.

>> No.14097360

Google beefneck mcgillycuddy, thank me later

>> No.14097383
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>> No.14097400


>> No.14097599

i bet 9/10 comments are deleted and whats left are tumblr-tier faggots trying to sound nice

>> No.14097608
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i took a look at her earlist videos and she put on a good 200-250 pounds in 7 years

>> No.14097681


I'm Brazilian and have no idea what the fuck she's doing.

We don't have sour cream here

We don't eat avocados with savory dishes

We don't have tortillas

>> No.14097691

i hope the rona takes her

>> No.14097700

wait are you calling her a liar?

>> No.14097716
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she's so fat i'm pretty sure she has enough blood in her capillaries to do a full body transfusion

>> No.14097731
File: 1.66 MB, 1302x837, 2020-05-16 19_50_12-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have questions

>> No.14097743

Jesus christ, can you imagine having such a huge double chin that you have to bend over just to look down?

I'd kill myself, but she looks like she's well on her way to doing that too.

>> No.14097765
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You dont have to pit tortillas and sour cream on there if you dont like that.
You make it how your gonna make it with ingredients that you have on hand

>> No.14097814

coRONAry artery disease inducted heart attack

>> No.14097823

im just going to stop eating for a whole week after seeing this. i need to lose 100 pounds... i cant imagine needing to lose 500

>> No.14097856
File: 218 KB, 1280x720, mgtow ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is only a few hundred pounds overweight you guys.
she is not 500 pounds . stop being mean
She is a nice person and some of her recipes are nice

>> No.14097872

what a terrible nose job

>> No.14097880

The gift that keeps giving

>> No.14097907

thats bullshit. shes at least 500 pounds

>> No.14098106

Will she be next on my 600 lb life? God I hope so. Her or Boogie anyway.

>> No.14098113

she is very short, she is well under 400, probably 350

>> No.14098115

I ain't calling her a liar, I just think she's mistaken.

>> No.14098657

i have made 2 of her recipes and they were good i might even say delicious but unhealthy. i cant remember one but the other was a chocolate eclair recipe and wow it was amazing. also.. no im not a american or fat.

>> No.14098661

ONLY.... few hundred lbs overweight

>> No.14098666

She needs an intervention led by Dr. Now.

>> No.14098667 [DELETED] 

Onions and bell pepper


>> No.14098668

hoarder hell behind her

>> No.14098671

She is married and has her own house.

And you?

>> No.14098676

this is america, imagine being patriotic when all ur ppl look like this

>> No.14098691

looking at the thumbnails posted it looks like most of her food would be pretty tasty

>> No.14098699

>married to a man with learning disability
>Owns a mobile home

I own a 3 bedroom 2 bath HOUSE, and I'd rather be married to my hand than be married to a literal retard. Try harder kiddo.
I do enjoy some deep fried corn at the state fair.

>> No.14098705

Some of them are good but she is really bad about teaching the recipes.
>you can put some ____ in it if you like or even put some ____ and _____ and ______ if you want it that way or you could leave out all of the ______ however you like ittttttttt

>> No.14099073
File: 282 KB, 2000x1125, D3664FA9-C178-4FE5-B9FA-B55409B7973F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have a lot to say about Sarah but what about Alvin

>> No.14099127

Hot guy. Channel name?

>> No.14099131

>Over 220lbs
>Not obese
You're american, right?

>> No.14099149

I hate fat people so much

>> No.14099152

fuck I havent watched her in years. she looks even bigger than I remember.

>> No.14099245

some of it ain't bad but that macaroni salad went off the rails

>> No.14099278

Imagine wearing her tanned hide as a duster.

>> No.14099289

Was he on masterchef?

>> No.14099306

I'm 300lbs, how do I not become like this necrotic beachball? I think simply watching her videos will give me motivation.

>> No.14099364

you can lose weight without changing what you eat as long as you reduce portion sizes. if you actually want to be healthier then minimize processed foods and eat more fruits/vegetables. get enough protein and don't binge on carbs all the time. stop drinking soda, drink seltzer, water, tea or coffee with little to no sugar, and even whole milk is actually fine since the fat and protein makes it more satiating than soda and it's harder to overdo.

>> No.14099370
File: 64 KB, 299x252, lmao lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sara's comments section is full of female boomers. Real ones, not the 30-year-old meme ones.
They will swarm on you like feral dogs if you dare suggest that she's living an unhealthy lifestyle or even if you just say that she's obese because of her diet. It's a medical condition, apparently, and the deepfried 5-person portions she cooks every day are coincidental. And yes, her equally obese husband just happens to have the same sort of condition, you hateful bigot.

It's fucking painful for me to read that bullshit. These people would rather encourage this sweet woman to eat herself to death than risk looking intolerant by saying her diet is unhealthy.

>> No.14099458

At least she can cook, right?

>> No.14099472


>> No.14099489

try OMAD. after a week or two your hunger basically completely disappears. start intermittent fasting maybe, but the jump to full omad isn't that hard if you drink coffee/diet soda.
I've been doing it on and off for like 3 months and I usually just eat if I get really bored. It's like 4pm before I even realise I should eat something and I eat like a fat fuck normally. also because all your calories are following a fast and you're only permitted a short window you can eat pretty much however you want and you'll likely still be within a calorie deficit. as a former fat loser i recommend it.

>> No.14099508

I want to do IF/OMAD, my issue is I get very nauseous when I'm hungry so it's difficult to keep it up. I imagine it will go away if I stick to it though. I also work at a maccas, so if I center my OMAD around my break it'll be easier

>> No.14099547

that's why you gotta keep the pepsi max by your side. $2.10 at woolie brooo. it sounds counter intuitive but it's a crutch for a lot lot of people on restrictive diets. if you check out reddits for keto or omad they practically live off the shit. I try not to, but it's definitely good in the beginning when it feels like you're dying in between meals.

>> No.14099551


Still makes me sick.

>> No.14099598

Who said she is not obeast?
You are obsessed anon.
Do you see how your brain is making things up that are not there?

>> No.14099651
File: 102 KB, 500x375, 8A369A6A-6287-4E33-9AB2-372575430B79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter Griffins mother or sister, or sister mother bepis autism reeee taxi </rabi>

>> No.14099688

>my issue is I get very nauseous when I'm hungry so it's difficult to keep it up. I imagine it will go away if I stick to it though.
Yeah if you've gotten used to being able to eat multiple times a day whenever you start to feel any amount of hunger it can seem a bit overwhelming at first. But it doesn't take long for you to get over that and realize it's not a big deal if you don't have food right away. And it helps you learn what it actually feels like to be hungry and not just eating because you're bored or your stomach isn't completely full.

>> No.14099696

you're not supposed to have any artificial sweeteners while fasting

>> No.14099711

Unlike Sarah, this dude is pretty annoying. Not offensive but just irritating as a host

>> No.14099858

How is that being bad at teaching? She's just answering questions about substitutions, which people will inevitably have.

>> No.14101339

Jesus christ I thought this picture was a shop

She was already hilariously overweight before

>> No.14101473

I think her husband(?) used to edit out the sounds of her wheezing and layer stock music samples over the videos. Pretty funny desu

>> No.14101826

Okay, I know some of you on this board are this fat, if not fatter, so please answer: is the neck pillow comfy?

>> No.14101845

this is like some david lynch shit

>> No.14103227

Alvin made money off hipster retards. Can't hate on him too much really.

>> No.14103257

>As much as you'd like.
I actually really like her videos. I was scared she would get the Rona. I really wish she would get healthy but it won't happen.

>> No.14103287

She's not a Slampig she's pure Gluttony

>> No.14103304

He's pretty cool

>> No.14103474


>> No.14103555

It's a shame that our culture has empowered fatties, and tricked them into thinking that their way of life is okay, and anyone who says otherwise is a piece of shit. She isn't just a little chubby but still perfectly healthy, she's morbidly obese. Slight movements of her immense frame exhaust her, and leave her out of breath. I let myself go long enough to get up to 230, and I have had immediate health problems as a result, gout and hypertension. I got those diagnoses last week, and I've eaten a strictly ovo vegetarian diet, and even the eggs I allow myself are just egg whites, nothing to drink but one black coffee and then water the rest of the day, and I started jogging to and from work, a mile, two miles each way. I lost fifteen pounds and already the gout went away and my blood pressure is down. I'm 28, how old is she? Even just a few years older than me, she'd be at a massive risk of a fatal heart attack. Yet she's conditioned to attack anyone who points this out. Even if you love food and cooking, as I do, you can still take the opportunity to branch out and try healthy options for cooking. I made a no cheese vegetable pizza today, with a cauliflower base instead of regular dough, and it was pretty dank. Would've been actually good if it had cheese but I have to take drastic measures. Healthy food isn't necessarily just salads and unseasoned, unbreaded baked chicken breast, is the point I'm getting at.

>> No.14103561

>It's a shame that our culture has empowered fatties
it's mostly the food companies that are behind this.

>> No.14103565

I'd love to try anal with a woman like her but my peen is too small to pierce her asshole through her pillowy butsack

>> No.14103569

Why would you want anal specifically with a large woman like her?

>> No.14103597

Ironically both you and her are mentally ill, just different types.

>> No.14103607

Lanklets BTFO by a kitchen tank. How will they ever recover!?

>> No.14103630

people at that size literally have no control over their bowels so she'd probably shit all over you

>> No.14103679

what's really fascinating is that she looked vaguely middle aged here (while in her 20s) and now she looks 55 or so and she's in her mid 30s.

>> No.14103700

Me in the back

>> No.14103735

At one point she shows the living room and theres a guy in a recliner who looks like hes licking something repeatedly thats wrapped up in a cloth or paper?...

>> No.14103740

maybe it was a salt lick
b-because they're like livestock

>> No.14103749


>> No.14103776
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That neck...

>> No.14103795
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Holy hell you weren't kidding

>> No.14103803

She can lose weight, both fat people, sex addicts, and even drug addicts have something else that's not the choice of addiction

>> No.14103814
File: 13 KB, 1005x104, accellent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell whether some of these comments are trolling her

>> No.14103817

This wheezing cancerous growth triggers me so much. How is this thing permitted to live and fill the world with shitty recipes and arterial disease when a million worthwhile humans go to their graves every day?
Fucking despicable bloated pustule of a person.

>> No.14103829

>out of breath just by fucking turning around
It's a trip if you live with people fat enough to have this problem. When they're sleeping it sounds like they're dying.

>> No.14103901

Morbidly obese

>> No.14103961


>> No.14103968

So kindly things such as >>14103630 could happen.
I'd have her use me as a human toilet for a week straight with no other food source for me.

>> No.14104672

bump for obesity

>> No.14104679

But dude think of your cholesterol levels

>> No.14104998

It takes a strong beautiful woman like Sarah to wake up from a coma, squash bullies left and right and pursue her life's passion.

>> No.14105019

It's her obese husband writing those replies, man.
I bet the old boy got winded doing it as well.

>> No.14105030

walk a mile a day. eat fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. pounds will melt

>> No.14105074
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People actually enjoy this guy? He's always doing the same shit eating burgers

Fucking hate hosts who literally give a 10 to every fucking item they try out. A good food show host should always be criticizing to some extent.

>> No.14105565
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>> No.14105709


>> No.14105772


I've been doing OMAD for 10 years. It does keep me about 60lb below the weight I would be at otherwise, but ideally I'd like to be about 30lb below that, which requires cutting even more.

>> No.14105776

Take note, non-Amerifats. This is what we're talking about when we call someone a "flyover". They look like this and everything they eat is some horrendous globular mass of deep fried butter and sugar and can cause diabeetus just by inhaling the fumes it releases.

>> No.14105780
File: 117 KB, 750x738, 5C016EEA-1E04-4982-B289-B6AD1BDB1FCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like/dislike ratio disabled on every video
>comment section sanitized or turned off entirely

>> No.14105794

Is Kentucky considered a flyover state?

>> No.14107156


>> No.14107162


>> No.14107255

Are there seriously people fucking defending her lifestyle and cooking in this thread? Fuck me, I knew we had retards here but didn't realise so many were fucking braindead bootlickers too. Go lick the sweat off her rolls.

>> No.14107299

>bring me Han Solo

>> No.14107309

don't fuck with Big Ed, he's actually a chad

>> No.14107639

>trying to groom a wife less than half your age from southeast asia
that's the polar opposite of a chad

>> No.14107976

would you ever want to land there?

>> No.14108090

Gonna be real, she can lose weight easily if she just fasts. if you look at documentaries of fat people most of them were skinny before and just ate as a cope. No one is born fat

>> No.14108104
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>> No.14108114

the fuck are you on about, babies are fat as shit

>> No.14108153

As a chef....

>> No.14108165
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OH nonononononnoo

>> No.14108189
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or when he bought her a toothbrush and mouthwash because she stank

>> No.14108249


>> No.14108278
File: 1.21 MB, 634x843, 1565579795729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit what happened (this is him)

>> No.14108779

he transformed from a fit mexican into a fat white sexpat

>> No.14108789

>Are there seriously people fucking defending her lifestyle and cooking in this thread?
who the fuck cares, white knight

she's a fat fucking pig, I find her kind of disgusting to even look at, but its her life and if she dies she dies. I literally couldn't care less about this if I tried

>> No.14108933

>barely taller than the bike
he was never a Chad

>> No.14108945
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Modern society is doomed. I can't wait until 1 in 5 amerilards are severely obese. Just a few more decades to go.

>> No.14108984

>it's mostly the food companies that are behind this.
Seems like it's mostly all the companies behind today's many social hot topics. As if groups with special interests fund a never ending media circus to somehow profit off of it.

>> No.14109069

How the fuck is she still alive? I first saw her like 5 years ago and she's gotten even fatter.

>> No.14109193

42% of Americans are already obese.

>> No.14109196

>rejected by a SEA mail order bride living with rats

>> No.14109207

At least he is out and walking around

>> No.14109218

Phew I need to lose 10 or 15 pounds and I already feel like shit and am struggling

>> No.14109222

Imagine looking at the mirror and seeing this one day. Oh my.

>> No.14109234

how did you do the cauliflower base?

>> No.14109252

My daughter is 3 and eats a ton of food and is definitely inclined to be naturally bigger while her 4 year old sister is not.
She’s only 3 and I hate to do it but I have to really get strict with her because I’m worried . So I would say yes, some
People are born with a propensity to overeat or eat certain types of food. Or maybe I should say some
People can self regulate better and it is inborn

>> No.14109256

I believe he has a congenital muscular disease

>> No.14109750

Naw, the spelling errors are too uniquely stupid to be a troll.

>> No.14109758

>no neck
>same size as a bicycle
>facial deformity
>what happened?
Not much, he just got fat.

That's not what was said, Anon. What was said was "no one is born fat", which is only true for ultra-prems.

>> No.14109902

>white knight
Did you even read what was written? Who the fuck is being protected?

>> No.14109968

Do Americans really?

>> No.14109981

if you want to reduce the number offat people you have to make them feel guilty.
easiest way to do it is when you walk past one say haaambooone and it will break them. I guaran god damn tee it will make them put the fork down and start shovelling less shit down their gullet

>> No.14110046

rigby?? lmao
no insulting people won't make them feel guilty

>> No.14110101

if its a woman? yes. Insult a woman and she will never forget it. Eternally seething.

>> No.14110607
File: 25 KB, 288x456, Screenshot_20200519-150114-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a time to be alive

how do you amerifats afford all this food?

>> No.14110614

Having a flab of skin from my jaw constantly rub against my chest would seem incredibly irritating.

>> No.14110621
File: 8 KB, 236x189, c4970859c1a29fe67178512e2d94e08f--pigs-tv-series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14110666

he needs a wheelbarrow for those massive balls

>> No.14110840

>they told me stripes were slimming

>> No.14111121

>She is a nice person and some of her recipes are nice
I made some of her macaroni salad to troll /ck/ once but it was so delicious I finished the whole bowl before taking pictures

>> No.14111456

Crappy food is cheap in 'murica. They literally subsidize HFCS.

>> No.14111490

You made that thing that required two tubs of mayo and a sack of sugar?
You're a trooper, a real lover of southern comfort, and a braver man than me. Though you might be an idiot.

>> No.14111592
File: 12 KB, 480x640, 1573000942512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her or boogie anyway
>he doesn't know

>> No.14111600

Good. Stay out. We're full.

>> No.14112022

That’s right. Full of fat.

>> No.14112031

drink only water for a month, after that most sugary slumps will disgust you after a few sips

>> No.14112048

Imagine being so fat your body thinks it's a good idea to store fat in the FOREHEAD

>> No.14112124

I wonder how Wanda looks like

>> No.14112148

>hating on based simply Sarah
Special place in hell for you faggots

>> No.14112341

See >>14097383

The majority of fatties, I'm convinced, are shit-flinging retards.

>> No.14112676

Criticism isn't "hate", zoomer.