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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14094833 No.14094833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>won't even eat chicken unless it's been drowned in bleach and burned to ashes
>says "god gave me carnivore teeth for a reason" and rages about "the vegan conspiracy" at the sight of a raw vegetable
Why are A*******s like this?

>> No.14094849

Who says that?

>> No.14094852

El Diablo Negro

>> No.14094922

Op here btw im gay not sure if it matters

>> No.14094963

/ck/ pre "/soc/ on /ck" purge:
>"cool recipe!"
>"ewww! Why would you cook that?"
>"hey, how about I make [wild food idea]?"
>"do it, faggot!"
/ck/ post "/soc/ on /ck/" purge:
>"here is a 150,000 word essay I totally made on my own that I promise isn't AstroTurf about why [food, drink, or ingredient everyone knows is unhealthy] is good for you and if you disagree you are a dumb fat retard"

>> No.14094995

/ck/ pre-your reading about 4chan on reddit:
>blue rare vs well done
>wat knife is gud
>my regional shitty fast food chain is better than your regional shitty fast food chain
/ck/ post-your reading about 4chan on reddit:
>blue rare vs well done
>wat knife is gud
>my favorite uggo on BA

>> No.14095066

you don't need quotation marks if you're greentexting, meme arrows are quotes retard.

>> No.14095119

We’ve been over this. Mechanical planting and harvesting kills between twenty and thirty thousand small mammals per acre, every year. These animals are not instantly killed with a captive bolt gun, but they are crushed to death in their shallow burrows or ripped to shreds by whirling blades. Their atomized gore ends up permeating every single pulse, grain, bit of rice you eat. Unless you believe that somehow a cow’s life is worth more than a vole’s or a rat’s, which is totally stupid thinking as I’m sure you agree, you’re causing more suffering and animal death than if you exclusively ate beef, where you could easily kill only one cow per person per year.

It’s not the meat industry that kills the most animals per year. It’s big grain and soy.

No, only a sick freak of a vegan would eat grains and pulses and beans. It’s absolutely cruel! This is why, as an actually ethical vegan and not just a slave to big grain, you shouldn’t eat mechanically harvested crops of any kind. Imagine this little animals getting crushed, mangled, their guts spurting out in wormlike coils as they are crushed, entire families of them! Tiny little baby bunnies and voles, their eyes just opened for the first time, and the only thing they EVER saw was their poor mommy’s skull getting smashed and her brains coming out, right before that soy harvester kills them too.

Vegan people are sick freaks and they’re in a Satanic death cult - lying and saying they’re saving the planet when their soybean hunger is deforesting the Amazon and they deal much more death than a strict carnivore. All the while lying to themselves and everybody else.

Veganism is positively Satanic unless you do it like the Jain.