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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14092578 No.14092578 [Reply] [Original]

Why are most people so unimaginative about food?

I was receiving a friend at home and shes vegetarian. I wasnt prepared for that so I make pic related, which is just bread topped with cheese, tomato sauce, whatever I had at the fridge and baked at the oven. Pretty Basic stuff, but It blew her mind. She said to me that she never thought about using bread as a base for a quick pizza thing and would be doing it for now on.
That got me thinking why are people uncapable of doing simple stuff so on their own

>> No.14092634

Did you fuck the shit out of her?

>> No.14092646

she must be rich. bread pizza is pretty standard poor people food.

>> No.14092655

I've found that most rich people are pretty stupid.

>> No.14092657

Did you slap dick to her mouth?

>> No.14092666

The NPC meme is actually real anon

>> No.14092679

Yeah, but thats besides the point.

>> No.14092694

Thats what Im thinking. I just feel thats Impossible people cant put 2 and 2 together, and not only that, get impressed by trivial shit.

>> No.14092695

Well done and thanks for documenting the most important part

>> No.14092696

he quite plainly said he was receiving

>> No.14092699

Why did you take a picture of your food? Do you think it looked good? If it was pretty basic stuff, then what is the thought here? Are you insecure and wanted to be acknowledged on an anonymous forum about cooking? Are you actually proud of this pizza bread thinking you came up with something cool and new but downplay it because you think you’re hot shit? OP, your Image, your demeanor, the way you write and the whole atmosphere of this thread you created screams „FAGGOT“ at me. It reeks of dicks, cum and tranny. I don’t think there was a girl involved, OP, there probably wasn’t even any food. Just you, OP, with a fat cock deeply embedded in your asshole. OP you are truly a faggot.

>> No.14092700

that sounds pretty good anon, though I would personally add some SPAM to really take it off. And as far as normies go yeah, I mean an artist can look at a blank canvas and see a masterpiece, I think you've honestly got that same gift but with food

>> No.14092742

No you fucking idiot, I took the picture because she said she was impressed by It and inspired me to make this post. Thats exactly what Im asking, why some people are so uncreative and get blown out by a fucking pizza bread.

>> No.14092747

She was vegetarian, the bacon ones i did to myself

>> No.14092761
File: 1.52 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20200516_022514450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her sleeping at my couch while I watch MadMen, fag

>> No.14092780

My gfs mind was blown when i made her homemade hummus and eggs

She talks about it to this day


>> No.14092779

So youre an asshole on top of trying to humble brag?

>> No.14092786

absolutely based and chadpilled

>> No.14092798

No im gay

>> No.14092799

I remember the first time my dad told me that "stupid" phrase, and to this day it will still apply to even the most bullshit of instances like this one.
My fiance grew up with a lazy set of parents so yeah the concept of using what you have in your fridge sometimes blows his mind much like OP's fuck buddy. For whatever reason cooking skills/basic common sense is a dying thing.

>> No.14092803

In her defence you copied bread pizza and thus were not acting creatively.

>> No.14092813

You did one little trick and now you think everyone around you is retarded

>> No.14092818

Never said I wasnt an asshole

>> No.14092820

op doesn't have a fuck buddy or he'd be fucking or not posting stupid threads about food he took a picture of

>> No.14092823

Wo ist ihr Kopftuch, du Schwuchtel?

>> No.14092824
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1577001611197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he literally fucked her kek

>> No.14092826

When I want to low effort as possible with a diner date I make pasta with gorgonzola sauce and serve It with bruscheta and white wine. You can literally do all of It in 15 minutes and women still gets impressed everytime.
I blame feminism. Theyre all useless now.

>> No.14092883

Btw im a man as well and also gay, not sure if that matters

>> No.14092977

OP puts jarred tomato sauce and cheese slices on hot dog buns and thinks he is the next Jacques Pépin.

>> No.14093059

>be autistic
>not able to notice someone just being nice to me
>this praise is not logical
>guess ill post my confusion online
I wouldn't worry about it anon, maybe just focus on programing or statistical mathematics.

>> No.14093132

Come to think of it I never knew a woman that was any outstanding at cooking. They all are only serviceable at most. Even my mom can only do basics and when she tries a recipe its usually those crap posted on Facebook pages.

>> No.14093139


>> No.14093161

Your post reeks of insecurity.

>> No.14093214

We can't give your blogpost likes on this website, fren. Maybe try posting it to facebook or something.

>> No.14093475

I have to agree with this, OP is clearly impressed by melting cheese on bread, so much he had to take a pic and show off to anonymous people with this humble brag, his insedurity shines through by putting a non timestamp pic of some chick he found on the internet, passing it off as some thot he is pretending to bang.

>> No.14093887

>mad men

well now we know you definitely didn't fuck her, fag

>> No.14093915
File: 430 KB, 704x528, vlcsnap-2019-12-07-00h03m39s156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was receiving a friend at home
what the fuck does this mean?

>> No.14093922

This is why I don't sleep with men, they do shit like this.

>> No.14093924

The Internet has dictionaries on it my dude. Give them a go.

>> No.14093938

This. I don't sleep with men either but mostly because I'm not a faggot.

>> No.14093990

Based, she's kinda ugly but mad men is great, rewatching season 1 right now

>> No.14094330
File: 19 KB, 601x601, 14D06369-DB49-4C8C-8CD7-58028287D03E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his grandma isn’t the best cook he knows

>> No.14094333 [DELETED] 

>receiving a friend

Fuck off my board, Euro trash

>> No.14094365

A dictionary won't explain your odd usage of that word.

>> No.14094372

I'm not a faggot but mostly because I'm woman

>> No.14094378
File: 498 KB, 720x544, vlcsnap-2020-03-29-20h54m56s828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH. it's some euro trash stinky asshole. No wonder he took a picture of a girl sleeping and posted it here. He's probably inept as fuck.

>> No.14094478

>roastie seethe

>> No.14094514


>> No.14094614

>only OP speaks English
Incorrect. Oh sorry... uh You. Are. Wrong.

>> No.14094635

Sort of, she pegged me after she ate my recipe.

>> No.14094983

Lol fucking roastie wont ever even have a guy do a basic bread pizza for you

>> No.14095002

I miss the times when women would be scorn at this forum

>> No.14095024

She never thought about putting cheese on some toast? Is this bitch tarded?

>> No.14095247

>receiving a friend

Fuck off my board, Euro trash

And fuck mods and jannies. Do it for free faggots.

>> No.14095285

she probably made a grilled cheese, but never expanded on it or altered in a way because they just never needed to be creative about it