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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14091331 No.14091331[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop eating /CK/ I'm at the 325lbs mark now

>> No.14091336

I hear drug addiction works wonders. Maybe try meth.

>> No.14091365

Just start Intermittent fasting. Push yourself to not eat as long as possible. So a fatty like you that may be 1pm.

Once you stop withdrawing from your cum brain sugar high try aiming for a later time. After a while you'll likely consume less calories overall and help decrease your craving

>> No.14091372

Stop buying quick food. Buy ingredients so you're forced to put effort into a meal. I made a stupid tomato sauce that I let simmer all day while I did yard work. Now I'm making baked ziti with it

>> No.14091378

Opinion disregarded I wouldn't trust advice from someone who would talk to me like that

>> No.14091422

Your loss, dead man

>> No.14091472

Put away the soda. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Start by getting some light exercise in the morning right after you wake up.
If you drink coffee, no sugar. Half&half/heavy scream is fine. No sugar. Eat a non sugary, relatively high protein breakfast. 2~3 eggs, whole grain toast, some cheese, ham or bacon. Eat light meals throughout the day. A small sandwich here. Some high-fiber fruits and veg. Peanut butter, etc. Minimal sugar, fast food.
For dinner eat chicken, lean beef, pork chops with some veggies and very few carbs. Skip desert. Do not eat at least 3~4 hours before bed.
Try to eat in the realm of 2300~2500 calories. If you aren't eating processed garbage/fast food, this will be a decent but of food. Slowly decrease the amount of calories as you loose weight. Make sure to regularly exercise for 30min a day.
Once a week allow yourself a treat. Cheat days are dumb AF, and starvation is also just a way to make yourself quit.
Just slowly start ramping up the intensity of your exercise and slowly decreasing the calories you take in. Pretty easy in terms of what to do. You just have to want to not be fat.

>> No.14091477

Start smoking copious amounts of cigarettes.

>> No.14091479

Nice excuse, fatass. How many excuses have you made in your life that kept you from doing what's best for yourself?

>> No.14091487

>Try to eat in the realm of 2300~2500 calories
a week
do it or die

>> No.14091492

How far along did you get with this post before you got winded fatty?

>> No.14091508

smoke smokes
do drugs
go for a walk once in a while

wa la

>> No.14091543

That's not me

Also thanks for the advice so far.

>> No.14091557

Chrystal meth, in measured quantities

>> No.14091600

went from 250lb to 190lb by eating one huge meal every other day

>> No.14091609

ps that was 4 years ago and ive maintained 180-190 range since and i eat normally now

>> No.14091611

Count calories, dont eat or drink anything just made of sugar or carbs, work out every day for like 45 min. You’ll start noticing progress in like a week and then it’s all easy from there.

>> No.14091650

Babysteps is the key.
Trying to change your diet drastically will fuck you.
First start by getting rid of your high calorie drinks. Cut down to one drink a day, switch to tea and water.
Add more healthy things to your diet

>> No.14091704

Kill yourself.

>> No.14091714

Based as shit

>> No.14091736

Keep going those are amature numbers, call me back when you reach 500.

>> No.14091751

Work out, don't eat garbage, portion control, drink water, get adequate sleep.

>> No.14091752

Lift weights. Muscle burns more fat than any kind of cardio.

>> No.14091760

>desperate to make fatphobia a thing so you imply only fat people get tired
Pretty sure that getting tired while writing posts is in the realm of a internet addict, not a fat person

>> No.14091834
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legit end your life you fat fucking pig. the reason you are 325Ibs is becuase no one loves you enough to tell you to stop. stop eating sugar and just stop eating all together but you wont you fat faggot keep shovling twinkies and apple pies down your face until you can no longer feel half your body you degenerate. god I fucking hate you so fucking much making me look at your gross fat fucking body. fuck you fat ass

>> No.14091869
File: 53 KB, 957x621, Angry apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing you can do. Staying fat is a mental thing. Only the mentally weak get fat. You could start losing weight today but you won't because you are a little bitch. You want the easy and fast fix. You want it handed to you. You don't want to be outside your comfort zone.

NEVER do meme diets. Dieting is a short term fix because in the end you will fail and eat something you shouldn't. The best way to change your eating habits that got you fat is adding small incremental changes to your daily routine. Let me explain it to you. Let's say you drink 5 cans of coke every day. How do you change that? instead of prohibiting yourself from drinking coke you gradually replace it with something healthier THAT YOU LIKE like orange juice. Do the same with all the shit food you eat. Find food that you like that it's less calorie dense. All you have to do to lose weight is eating less calories.

>> No.14091872

Seriously, it will change your life and ease you into a healthier weight and lifestyle.

>> No.14091901

punch yourself in the dick before every meal
eventually you'll associate eating with the pain and you'll be less inclined to eat other than when absolutely necessarily
or maybe you develop a weird kink but you won't be able to reproduce with your mangled dick so it's fine

>> No.14091931

I was a skeleton before but then I got fat, what does it mean then if I was formerly skinny?

>> No.14091962

>>>14091869 (You)
>I was a skeleton before but then I got fat, what does it mean then if I was formerly skinny?

It means you are eating to fill the void of something in your life. It also means you ate less when you were skinny lmao.

>> No.14091964

Stop shoveling 5k calories in your cocksucker, you fat cocksucker.

>> No.14091979

why dont you keep going and add me on snapchat ;) lemme see that big piggy gainer belly jiggle

>> No.14091986
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>there is nothing you can do
>goes on to give nonsensical rambling advice
>thinks orange juice is healthy

>> No.14091987

>orange juice
Please don't listen to this retard.

>> No.14092002

You can be my big little sub. I'll whip you back into shape.

>> No.14092003

Found the americans that think that fruits are unhealthy.

>> No.14092044

Put the fork down, fatty.

>> No.14092048

See you in 5 years when you're 400lbs+ OP

>> No.14092060

Fruit is healthy, fruit juice is not. You get all the sugar with none of the fiber. You might as well drink soda.

>> No.14092080

>Fruit is healthy
Every single fruit grown today has been genetically altered one hundred times over to maximize sweetness/flavor. Modern fruit has so much sugar in it that whatever health benefits they provide are mostly invalidated. Vegetables... specifically leafy greens and other low glycemic varieties are where the true health resides.

>> No.14092111

>Every single fruit grown today has been genetically altered one hundred times over to maximize sweetness/flavor.
They've stopped giving fruit to zoo animals because animals were getting the beetus and getting fat.

>> No.14092290

Like you deserve any respect after what you've done to your body lmao.

>> No.14092365

I used to date a girl who's mom got a band clamped around her stomach and she said that it helped her loose a ton of weight. A clamp is really last resort though if diet and exercise aren't working.

>> No.14092398


>> No.14092564

> Uses the word fatphobic

Neck yourself

>> No.14092580

you make excuses for yourself too easily. you'll never make it.

>> No.14092619

Walk for 1 hour per day, every single day. You don’t have the right to eat until you walk. Similarly, you don’t have the right to eat a shit, huge, unhealthy meal meal until you have eaten healthy for a day. This right here will get your exercise where it needs to be and cut down your shit meals to 50%. Also the day after you eat a whole large meat lover’s pizza for dinner, you will feel noticeably worse walking and this will eventually cause you to only have two slices when you’re a bad boy. You’ll also realize water is important and drink more of it, which fills you up in a way very temporarily.

>> No.14092952

>do it to die
Edited this for accuracy

>> No.14092969

Unironically this but with less edgy Language

>> No.14092994

That's a load of retarded pseudoscientific dribble. You're the kind of retard who thinks all fats or all carbs or all proteins are the enemy.
You know how much sugar is in a cup of strawberries? 7 grams. Know how much sugar is in a coke? 44grams. AHA suggests no more than 37 grams of added sugar a day. Let's imagine that's not added sugar (which is not fruits) but instead includes fruits. You'd have to eat 5 fucking cups of strawberries to reach your limit. Who the fuck eats 5 cups of strawberries?

>> No.14093063

You don't "stop eating", you buy healthier food. Less sugar, lower carbs, weight's gonna melt without trying.

>> No.14093096

Hahahaha you would never survive fit. Have fun being fat

>> No.14093530

>using strawberries
Alright. Stay butt blasted sugar fag. My point can't be refuted because it's the truth. All modern fruit has been modified over countless years to maximize sugar content (with exception to some like tomatoes, lemons, etc).

>> No.14093540

Oh and in case you were too retarded to do a simple search based on what >>14092111 said:
>Zoo Weans Animals Off Fruit Because Its Increased Sugar Makes Them Fat and Rots Their Teeth.
>Zookeepers in Melbourne have had to wean their animals off fruit -- which is now so full of sugar that it has made them fat and rotted their teeth.

>> No.14093588

I'm 325lbs too.

I woke up last night and immediately puked all over my bed because I was drunk and smoked a cigar too quickly. The experience disgusted me so much that I don't want to drink anymore. Hopefully I will lose weight from cutting out booze from my diet.

>> No.14093685

Cut all sugar out, and start intermittent fasting. Just this made my body start burning fat, at first visceral which I did not realize I had lots of ( now I can exhale and pull in my stomach and not see my arm below my ribcage, so much fat was hidden inside. Now I'm on HFLC diet, lost about 15kgs in three months, and because I am finally satiated and have no sugar crashes it's so easy to stay on it. I'm pretty sure I had diabetes developing already because of horrible symptoms of insulin resistance: unbearable weakness and brainfog, never really satiated with food and generally feeling like a dying old man. I went onto HFLC after I fainted after eating a rice and pineapple salad. Loosing fat also revealed my shriveled muscles, I realized that my daily protein intake for many years was about 20-50 grams, like a 1/3cm thick cutlet breaded, served with a bowl of nasty rice or potato or nutrient void soup with a few cubes of kielbasa or beans, I believe this is quite representative of my national eating habits, no wonder disease is growing faster than mold on fruit.

If you try it, you will see it prove itself in performance. but do some research first not to do dumb mistakes. the result is fast and encouraging. Because this diet makes your body burn fat for energy all the time, staying in calorie deficit does not cause weakness and slowing of metabolism, all the deficit is taken from body fat, impossible in a eat-low-fat-five-times-a-day scenario (insulin blocks fat burning) See you in the world of the lean and non-diabetic,

Dumbass, juice is sugar water, just as toxic as soft drinks

Only some fruit is healthy, most is just sugar, water and some fiber.

>> No.14093696
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Try immediately eating something healthy for breakfast with coffee when you wake up. Then try eating either a big healthy lunch or dinner. Choose one. Then force yourself to not eat after dinner. Be miserable for a little while. You will make it fren.