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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14090371 No.14090371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's time for dinner son

>> No.14090376

I want to see a box of kraft mac & cheese made beside a box of kraft dinner and see if there are any differences.

>> No.14090549

mom said Tyrone is my dad now

>> No.14090774

ManlyTears buying the first half serving box of Kraft mac & cheese.jpg

>> No.14090778

My father made my sister and I plenty of Kraft as kids and we both liked it just fine

>> No.14090799

can't go wrong with KD

>> No.14090859

for those that don't know...
canadian thrash metal.

>> No.14090872

Well, the ladder is a full meal, where as the former is a side

>> No.14090893
File: 300 KB, 1300x1300, Salibury_Steak-Family_Size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add that to some Salibury Steak, Family Size for a proper meal.

>> No.14090900

Don't forget to share with the wifey.

>> No.14090908

She said I have to eat mine in the cuck shed.

>> No.14090963
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Velveeta shells and cheese shits all over your gay smiley pasta with tasteless powder

>> No.14090983
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>> No.14090988

i like Annie's shells and white cheddar the best. I'm pretty sure it's mostly nostalgia.

>> No.14090992

my dad said i have to go to his room to eat

there arent tables there

>> No.14091005
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>> No.14091014

Velveeta has the texture and taste of plastic. It's so disgusting. At least get >>14090988 white cheddar. That's the patrician's mac

>> No.14091021
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I have these, would it be a bad idea to add potatoes to them?

>> No.14091033

I'm sure that this is still the only thing my father knows how to "cook". Always kino when me and my brothers heard dad was making dinner though. It was either this, mcdonalds, taco bell, or pizza on the way. Love you dad.

>> No.14091109

only in America....

>> No.14091114

>you have to eat ALL the mac and cheese

>> No.14091115

Literally just read the nutritional info the Kraft USA and Kraft Canada websites, there's already some difference

>> No.14091119

I can deal with that on a friday night with a bottle of vodka.

>> No.14091122

Damn straight!

>> No.14091124

I'd say sausages and peas, maybe tuna and peas.

>> No.14091127
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feed me ddy

>> No.14091132

The Clash/Mikey Dread - Bank Robber/Rockers Galore

>> No.14091147
File: 380 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-05-15-16h22m30s528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peas can fuck off

>> No.14091148

Burger mac and cheese is superior. I say this as a leaf.

>> No.14091150

Give peas a chance, beotch!
What is you racist?

>> No.14091157
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Yea, you'll need that vodka for when the family comes over for those family sized dishes

>> No.14091159
File: 412 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2019-10-11-21h36m00s710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're allowed to curse on this site.
I don't care for peas as I've already tried them.

>> No.14091162

I know, but then you just have chill out and be yourself then get the hell out as fast as possible. Show yourself then get out of those places, it is what it is.
I never liked being in "occasions."

>> No.14091168

By not liking peas you might not like what they'll do to you. It's best to have them on your side, while owning them.

>> No.14091183
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I see you're not familiar with their commercials.
The packages were too big so customers complain about them while they're shopping and then the On Cor guy comes in and says he's family and he'll come over and everyone in the store comes over to help eat all the food.

I don't know about you but I'd want some vodka if that really happened.

>> No.14091187

I pity poor people

>> No.14091188
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You're extremely unfunny.

>> No.14091201

what do you mean by this statement?

>> No.14091202

You don't deserve Hitler dubs, also your reaction images are poor.

>> No.14091208

I spent a month being fat as fuck and eating 2 of these meals a day. At least.
Slam that bad boi on some bread with a pickle and slaw. Eat all 6 in no time.
Can go the sammich route. Or be a bawse and boil some egg noodles, and smother those mothers with the grizavy.
gingerly squiznert some old bay, and hot sawse on these.lil mugs and you set to jet.
>Turkey Slices
I aint no hater, but just stay away from these.
>Chicken Parm
Damn these mf's are good af. pardon my french. Another egg noodle delight. Or toast some breads and get your sammy on.
>Mac and Cheese
Probably one of the finest mac's I've had since I came to Murrica. Just smother it with. Like a piece of the old hat my guy.
>Penne w/meat balls
Combo up in this bitch. Blend this with some of that parm and you in the bldg.
I've yet to try the other flavors. they do not have them here. Can somone please lmk how thos jammies taste. thx

>> No.14091211

>Canadians purchase 1.7 million of the 7 million boxes sold globally each week

We even write songs about it

>> No.14091217
File: 299 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-05-15-16h20m09s663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reaction images
>doesn't know about based vlc poster
Go back to /tv/ circa 2007

>> No.14091220

Get with the times old man, it's all about soyjack/wojack images now

>> No.14091223


>> No.14091227

The best thing to add to mac and cheese is beef stew

>> No.14091236

Tuna and peas works for something that's just not hoity toit. Anyone and a cat can do hoity toit stuff but in the end who cares, it's about what you want to do if you're paying for it and making it.
Fuck em.

>> No.14091238

>Kanada Dinner
this is what passes for "dinner" in kanada

>> No.14091253

That's hoity toity as fuck you tutti frutti faggot. Cut up hot dogs are "not hoity toity". Even hamburger helper is less hoity toity than your hipster tuna. Well la di da mister french with your fancy seafood!

>> No.14091254
File: 534 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2020-05-09-22h15m46s752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting into shitty image board trends
you sound like you can't think for yourself

>> No.14091256

That's kandaia to you fowl fucks!

>> No.14091259

That sounds fucking terrible.

I only have tuna salad and that's for my sammiches.
I'm gonna cook up some chicken and veggies to put in it.

>> No.14091263

If you want to get high class pour a can of beanie weenies in your mac & cheese and stop being a finiky eater!

>> No.14091267

you're exactly wrong
but i suppose you'll never know

>> No.14091269

Dont forget the celery, fuck all I'm almost out of that and have to go to a grocery store with assholes wearing masks. It's like fuck off!

>> No.14091279

Sauteed mushrooms go great in macaronic and cheese. Also, grilled onions. Even better, both.

>> No.14091280
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I'm mostly concerned about the two different sauces mixing
Do you have any pics of this? I want to make sure it's not food gore.

I used to love going to the grocery store but now it sucks ass

>> No.14091284
File: 299 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-02-09-13h25m21s897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yea, that's a great idea.

>> No.14091297

that's exactly what makes it so great
a good beefy roux from a thick beef stew actually mixes perfectly with bechamel (which is what mac+cheese cheese sauce is)

>> No.14091306
File: 30 KB, 425x425, beefy mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have pics, but i've eaten this several different ways already, and each time it was more orgasmic than the previous
how good it tastes will depend on how good the stew is
even the "worst" stew was still okay, which was dinty moore beef stew
it's no different from the "beefy mac" things they sell in a tin at the store
except if you make it yourself from scratch it's infinitely better
the best one was with beef bourguignon of my own making

>> No.14091347

Horseradish, mustard, and cocktail sauce is good. Most people are too wimpy to deal with that but it works really good.

>> No.14091352
File: 191 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-05-15-16h19m40s666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought beefy mac was just goulash?
I've had those before and they don't have any cheese taste to them which is why I'm suspicious.

>> No.14091360

Post sister

>> No.14091362

I think it's the same base but the spices are different. What do I know?

>> No.14091368
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Keep dreaming.

>> No.14091370

I've never heard of a goulash with cheese or milk in it...

>> No.14091385

We have that too in the USA, we throw some chili and some cheese on some fritos and call it a meal. Try it out sometime before calling us out, you might just like it.

>> No.14091396

the taste changes dramatically enough that you might think it's neither roux nor bechamel. the taste is different enough from both that it is its own flavor profile. a really good one at that
one time i made it using beef stew from the storied manny's deli, which is one of the best beef stews i've ever eaten
i was literally staggering around my kitchen when i first tried the result

>> No.14091405

>"flavor profile"
Shut the fuck up.
What more buzzwords do you have?

>> No.14091408

Only a fucking faggot uses the term "flavor profile"

>> No.14091423

it just means 'range of flavors'

>> No.14091436

No, it means bullshit faggotry from some idiot with a marketing degree and a focus group.

>> No.14091636
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Yeah, that's what I'm saying. the other anon in >>14091306 is trying to say that to make beefy mac, you would just add beef stew to mac n cheese.. but that sounds wrong as fuck.

>What do I know?
I mean, I know that I have had mac n cheese and I've had beefy mac and they are very different in taste.

>i was literally staggering around my kitchen when i first tried the result
Now I'm definitely not going to listen to you. Let me guess, you're a ck alcoholic.

>> No.14091664


Darkness imprisoning me, all that I see, macaroni and cheese.

>> No.14091665

by "literally" i meant figuratively
i thought that's what this word means now?
i honestly think that particular hormel beefy mac is actually mac and cheese with that fake ass gravy they use in their salisbury steak and some ground beef and that's it
my point is that even just this changes the taste enough that it becomes its own thing, not just mac and cheese with hot dogs thrown in

>> No.14091856

what the fuck did you just say

>> No.14091871
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This came out really good so its fine

>> No.14091879

why are you eating mac and cheese over the age of 10

>> No.14091882
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Because I'm not an elitist cunt who thinks certain things are only for kids

>> No.14091890

You just reminded me of this hole in the wall restaurant near me that is run by a legit Italian immigrant who makes amazing baked chicken parmesan spaghetti. Ohh no. I'm going to have to have some now

>> No.14091918

don't do this, it makes mustard gas

>> No.14091924

I love reading the ingredients on shit like this. Its always along the lines of mechanically prolapsed pig rectums and artificially reclaimed chicken scar tissue.

>> No.14092926
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>mechanically prolapsed pig rectums and artificially reclaimed chicken scar tissue.

>> No.14092938

Pretty dece

>> No.14093018

In high school a chemistry teacher used to make us look through and know what was in "Entenmann's" shit. It gives one a second glance on things.

>> No.14093026

I never had to do that in school but sometimes I look at ingredients anyway for fun.

>> No.14093027
File: 58 KB, 548x280, entennmans-rasperry_danish_tart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more stuff in something like this Entenmann's shit than anyone in their right mind would shake a stick at.

>> No.14093030

It's in fun and horror. Lovecraftian.

>> No.14093043

You should, go through the list and at least do search engine on each ingredient. That's the thing that most big ass corporations,not all, but most don't want you to know about.

>> No.14093048
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I'm not really worried about the stuff I eat or if I'm gonna die early.

>> No.14093112

the manchild was triggered easily that day

>> No.14093387

do white american fathers enjoy breakfast food a lot

>> No.14093472

We all like wheates and toast just to piss you brownies off, just so can make a mention of it on your pathetic blogs. Guess what nation you're in? Nothing that you've built.

>> No.14093482

Are trying to make an indirect point against white people? You failed brownie, get over your pathetic self if you even had one in the first place.

>> No.14093532
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jesus christ. this is all it takes to upset you. very fragile. no wonder asians are taking over your country.
Regardless im trying to see how the Ron Swanson stereotype holds up. i didnt realize it would make you shit your pants and cry

>> No.14093541

Like blacks on twitter, whites on 4chan are aggressive, scared, and angsty. like animals backed into a corner. no scope for respectfully parsing information about their culture from dialogue over the internet.
the hallmark of retardation is getting needlessly upset over things like this

>> No.14093543

I never said that I was upset, you said that. Maybe you should wear your government masks around some more and think before posting.

>> No.14093546

>bitch uses twitter
That's the end of discussion right there.

>> No.14093550

Is this what gays call "daddy"?

>> No.14093552
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cringe CRINGE

>> No.14093557
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he's so little

>> No.14093561

This post embodies 4chan virginity

>> No.14093584
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You don't have to use twitter to know what the posts are like on there.