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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14088469 No.14088469 [Reply] [Original]

I kinda ruined one of my pots, so I need a new one. Not too sorry about pic related, since it was a hand me down from me mums, she already wanted to throw it out since the dishwasher had eaten into the bottom, making it so sharp that you can cut yourself with it, so it was on extra time anyways.
But what do I get to replace it?
Money is no object, but I don't like wasting it either, so what do I get? IKEA stuff ain't too bad normally, but normally, you can do better. But the question is: How much better and for how much more money?
If you look around the web, Le Creuset seems to be the coolest kid on the block, but how much of that meme is actually legit, and how much is just hype because they look cool on instagram?
Or should I just get some classic brand like WMF or stuff like that?
Also, I want something that I can transfer to the oven after e.g. having browned it on the hotplate before, it seems like not everything can do it.

tl;dr: Whats your favorite pot brand?

>> No.14088485
File: 131 KB, 1118x595, landing_top_banner_2.1569935936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I gotta say, pic related is really tempting, even though it's way overprized and I'm not even a Star Trek geek.

>> No.14088496

>pots, casseroles and all the other metalware
casseroles are glass, op.

>> No.14088515

Or this one…

But in all seriousness, are they really worth their money (that is, without the StarWars tax on top)?

>> No.14088524
File: 80 KB, 1000x1000, le_creuset_star_wars_Darth-Vader_ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can be metal too.

And forgot pic >>14088515 (which, BTW, is also sold as a casserole)

>> No.14088539

Not necessarily, it's more about the dimensions of the dish than the material it's made of
I shop for pans at restaurant supply shops, they sell industrial grade stainless steel pots in every imaginable size for reasonable price

>> No.14088550

WMF was never really all that amazing but is straight up garbage now. It's nicely dressed up trash materials for people who want to look at their cookware but never actually use it basically. Nowadays almost all of it is produced in China and the quality is even poorer than before, so half the time even the visuals are lacking.

That's a dutch oven, which are generally what La Creuset is most famous for.
You can use it like any conventional stainless steel pot, sure, but it's going to be a gigantic waste of energy and take ten times as long.
If you do want a dutch oven La Creuset and Staub are the typical go tos, they are about even in quality and will last a lifetime as long as you aren't tossing them around like a retard.

All Clad is the typical meme answer for high quality cookware, they are extremely high quality but will also run you a fuckton. There's a lot of other companies that have similar quality and are a bit cheaper nowadays too, pretty hard to know what's easily available where you live without having to pay out of the ass for shipping.

>> No.14088554
File: 1.60 MB, 1096x1080, powersip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I shop for pans at restaurant supply shops, they sell industrial grade stainless steel pots in every imaginable size for reasonable price
That sounds interesting, but I'd prefer to just walk 10 minutes to the city center and see what the mid and high priced homeware shops have, but if they only got shit, I'm not above going to the internet for my metal fix.
That said:
>stainless steel
As indicated by my creusetposting, I'm interested in giving enamel a try, but other than that, I'm all for steel (I guess copper is way to special for an all purpose soup-to-pulled-pork pot). Fuck non-stick cancer.

>> No.14088564

>WMF was never really all that amazing but is straight up garbage now.
I'm quite happy with my WMF silverware (though the serations on the knifes is ass, don't know how good or bad other brands are) and very happy with the huge stainless steel pan I got from my grandma that is likely older than me, but your description fits with the fact that the WMF chefs knife my parents have has the worst steel I've ever used. But I guess you can't do too much wrong with a pot, but that seems like something only worth it if it's on deep discount.
Good point on the cast iron. Didn't consider that, because, lol, soywars!!!!!!

>> No.14088573

>it's more about the dimensions of the dish than the material it's made of
i would agree to that except for that fact that if you cook a casserole in a metal dish it tastes like shit and doesn't cook properly.
needs glass.

>> No.14088615

should I season my aluminum bakeware? some of the stuff I've bought suggests I season it. I went looking online and didn't see much on it. it looks like you can season aluminum just like cast iron. I kind of want to season an aluminum pan until it is a deep black color just for the hell of it

>> No.14088620

lifetime warranty on them is pretty nice. they regularly go on sale. don't buy anything at msrp

>> No.14088625

You can theoretically season any metal cookware, it's just fucking retarded and completely defeats the purpose for anything that isn't cast iron or carbon steel.

>> No.14088655

These shops are in the city centers, not (just) huge warehouses on the outskirts. Enamel is pretty good, I enjoy using my mom's cast iron enameled dutch oven when I'm over (especially to bake bread) but the thing is unwieldy and expensive with no discernible difference in cooking times or final results (save for aforementioned bread baking). It does look very pretty though, if that's a factor
If your food tastes bad don't blame it on the vessel, glass has awful conductive properties and loves to shatter

>> No.14088663

how would it defeat the purpose of aluminum?

>> No.14089370

How the hell is /ck/ so fast?
All the other boards seem dead, but apparently, quarantine gets all the other folks cooking or what?