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14087348 No.14087348 [Reply] [Original]

>Drink coffee
>become anxious and paranoid

>> No.14087355

Then don't drink it. Simple as.
I need at least three beers to not feel that way.

>> No.14087372

Same, but I still drink it because I'm a moron. I've had panic attacks because of it, and one time even suicidal thoughts in public, so bizarre

>> No.14087373

Weak genes

>> No.14087379

Yeah, I just drank coffee an hour ago and someone parked across the street is now pacing outside my front yard. Because of the coffee in thinking he's gonna kill me but I know that's a silly thought

>> No.14087381

Why weren't you anxious and paranoid before drinking coffee?

>> No.14087386

Because I just jerked off

>> No.14087388
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My advice is to drink green tea as well during the day. Even tho it has caffeine as well, it makes me feel really relaxed, so if I drink a coffee afterwards I don't feel the negative effects as much

>> No.14087390

Coffee addiction in America is an epidemic of sorts. My sister complains that when she doesn’t drink coffee she has a headache. I never want that to be my reality

>> No.14087393

Always happened to me when I smoked weed, which is why I quit the stuff a year ago

>> No.14087403

Jesus, imagine thinking this drug addiction is anything. I feel worse about diet soda and sugar than coffee, and I don't consume any of those. Literal first world problems.

>> No.14087407

Like a lot of things in America, it's a cultural issue. Coffee addiction is seen as a profound freedom. People wear t-shirts, hats, and display bumper stickers to champion themselves as addicted to sugary drinks. I want to leave.

>> No.14087422

>tired all day 5 days a week because my work schedule fucks my sleep cycle up hard
>drink 2 litres of coffee with an added gram of caffeine every day so I don't crash my car during my commute
>feel sick and nauseous every day
>this has been going on for 2 years now
Should I just switch to cocaine? This shit is killing me

>> No.14087425

What's your schedule and commute

>> No.14087427

>sugary drink
The fuck?

>> No.14087431


>> No.14087433

That's like saying your work is stressful, then drinking 2 liters of beer, and wondering if you should switch to hard liquor.

>> No.14087449

I get up at 5:50 in the morning, leave the house around 6:30, arrive at work between 7:15 and 7:45 depending on traffic and whether I need to pull over and walk a few laps around the car so I don't kill somebody else by falling asleep at the wheel. I get home at around 18:00 and go to bed at around 22:00 and then get woken up by nightmares or whatever at around 2am and 4:30am on a regular night. Pls send help

>> No.14087450

When you get it from Starbucks filled with cream and caramel and chocolate and shit, yeah it’s sugary

>> No.14087455

Well then, that' not coffee. I don't call a bourbon milkshake whisky.

>> No.14087464

Help is on the way, I sent my dybbuk to possess you and do the job for you so you can get some sleep

>> No.14087468

I can't come in later and I can't drive a car half asleep, moving or neetbux aren't an option right now either. So for now I am stuck doing irreparable damage to my body for Mr. Shekelstein

>> No.14087470

I used to be really anxious and paranoid all the time anyway and coffee only made it worse, but once I dealt with my issues I started to enjoy coffee more again. Also helps if you don't constantly drink large amounts of it, because after a while of doing that you stop noticing the beneficial effects and experience more of the downsides.

>> No.14087472

What do you do

>> No.14087481

For a living I mean

>> No.14087485

I have the same schedule nights, twelve hours offset. I started getting sick all the time on my new schedule. Never used to get sick.

>> No.14087495

Most people who are addicted to coffee aren't addicted to black coffee. They have both a caffeine and a sugar addiction.

>> No.14087497

>drink 2 litres of coffee with an added gram of caffeine every day
That's a ridiculous amount of caffeine. Just the coffee itself is twice the recommended max limit for daily intake of caffeine. You only need that much because you started using too much in the first place and now you're overcompensating for the huge crashes you're constantly going through.

You need to taper down on your intake. Start reducing the amount of extra caffeine you add, maybe reducing it by 100mg per week until you're just drinking the coffee. Then try to cut your coffee intake by half in the same way. You don't need nearly that much. I remember how shitty I felt when I was having like 500mg of caffeine every day which fucked my sleep up and made me feel weird all the time, can't imagine what it's like to be having around 1800mg. Hope you can fix that, man.

>> No.14087514

Shitty office work, I am essential so I get to do extra shit for all the fucking breeders staying at home watching their kids
I know that feel, I haven't been sick in more then a decade before I got my new job, now I come in sick every other week

>> No.14087519


>> No.14087684

You sound like the kind of guy who tried weed once and got anxious from it.

>> No.14087703

Thank you for the actual advice anon.
I know it's really fucking unhealthy and hope that I can cut down my intake somewhat during my next vacation (whenever that might be). I assume that the withdrawal will be a bitch and a half so I am hesitant to start reducing my caffeine consumption while I still need to drive every morning.

>> No.14087707

>Can't sleep
>Drink coffee
>Start violently shaking and my heart rate goes through the roof

>> No.14087721

Same. I vow to stop every time only to do it all over again the next day.

>> No.14087822

>drink coffee
>nothing happens

>> No.14087824
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>don't sleep for 40 hours
>start to get nauseous and hear voices

>> No.14088718

>get drunk
>smoke weed
Anxious, paranoid, angry, and hungry af.
>time to go for a jog RAWR!!!

>> No.14088775

I'd probably find a new job that doesn't make you drink 2 liters of coffee and make you wonder if you should do coke.

>> No.14088882

what do you do in the weekends that make you so tired all week? i get up at 5-5.30, work at 8-16 home by 17 bed again by 21.30-23 i dont have nightmares but two children to fuck up my sleep, so im awake around 4-5 times every night for now

>> No.14090002

this but also with any kind of energy drink

>> No.14090005

This is the only correct solution, though push ups are a suitable alternative

>> No.14090012


>> No.14090030

I can drink 3 mugs and not feel even remotely anxious or paranoid. Are you some kind of genetic failure?

>> No.14090043
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shut the fuk up

>> No.14090328

It doesn't really have much to do with genetics. If someone is just normally anxious for whatever reason then a stimulant usually makes it worse. And if you drink coffee regularly you just build up a tolerance and don't get much of an effect anymore anyway.

>> No.14091261

The theanine in tea is apparently what helps lessen any anxiety you might get from caffeine.

>> No.14091287


>> No.14091310

>should I switch to cocaine?
Cocaine literally causes heart attacks

>> No.14091315

Change jobs anon.

>> No.14091350

coke only lasts like 30 minutes.

>> No.14091371

you're not supposed to steep your weed in it, man.

>> No.14091438

you must be a small child

>> No.14091977

Im opposite. This is what happens to me when i smoke weed.

>> No.14092082
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>take benadryl
>become sleepy but for some reason I still stay up
>decide to jerk off and it's the most amazing shit ever
>end up fapping like 10 times in an hour

>> No.14092096

Try taking 10 to 12 Benadryl

>> No.14092110

I've taken way more than that anon

>> No.14092155

>people having different reactions to caffeine means they're genetic failures
Saying something so retarded is far more indicative of being a genetic failure.

>> No.14092166

Imagine being a fucking drone.

>> No.14092179

benadryl isnt a stimulant, now that has to be the trashiest high, oh my god where did my invisible cigarette go

>> No.14093864

Not anxious or even energized/more awake, but
>drink coffee
>feel immediate urge to take a shit
>If I power through the urge it passes after 10 mins and I'm back to feeling normal
>If I go I empty my entire bowels no matter how digested food was up to that point

It's weird because I really like the taste of coffee but my body wants it out of the system ASAP through whatever means possible.

>> No.14093870

smoke weed to counteract

>> No.14093888

just about anything with caffeine or sugar does this to me nowadays

>> No.14093892

were you on antidepressants ?

>> No.14094318

It doesn’t necessarily cause anxiety in me but rather multiplies any existing anxiety by ten. On rare relaxing days I can drink a cup and feel perfectly okay. Otherwise I pretty much always go for decaf or a coffee alternative if I want some.

>> No.14094433

don't wait. if you wait for a good time to do it you'll be waiting forever.

>> No.14094450

drink 1 cup of coffee
>feel euphoria, want more

drink 2 cups of coffee
>intense paranoia, restlessness

coffee is some bullshit. it tempts you and then punishes you

>> No.14095292
