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File: 48 KB, 462x566, How dishwashers work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14084207 No.14084207 [Reply] [Original]

the french cooking philosophy Mise en place dictates cleaning dishes is also a part of cooking. So dishwasher threads are cooking threads!

anyone have a dishwasher they really like? are water softeners worth it? crappy dishwashers?

boosch seems to have taken over the dishwasher market but all of their reviews seem to be shills. anyu advice on buying a dishwasher!?

>> No.14084242

The best dishwashers are made in Mexico.

>> No.14084267


>> No.14084911

Those cups, plates, and utensils are something only a woman born in 1920 would own.

>> No.14085014

guess there not many dishwasher users here O_O

>> No.14085127

I'm about to use mine in just a few minutes. Not much else to say, it does good work.

>> No.14085144

I know where that picture was taken

>> No.14085168

I've lived in like 8 domiciles over the last ten years and all the dishwashers were basically fine. Same thing with fridges and microwaves. Expensive or cheap I just never had the fucking time to notice.

>> No.14085731

>tfw you pour too much liquid dish soap in the dishwashing machine and flood the whole kitchen with suds

>> No.14085740


dishwashers are for idiots. it's faster to just clean them by hand.

>> No.14085744

I remember doing that as a kid, oh no dish-washing detergent, lets use dish soap!

>> No.14085756

I did it...... 2 years ago...

>> No.14085766

>place thing in thing
>push button


>make basin full of soapy hot water
>scrub whole thing
>also get tough spots
>rinse it off
>dry it by hand
>do this 50 or so times

so no

>> No.14085791

It takes a lot of time. 3 minutes to load a washer and turn it on versus 30 minutes to do it all by hand.

>> No.14085863
File: 122 KB, 360x450, 1588552068338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any cool restaurant dishwashing stories?

>> No.14085969

>driver at Damnitnoes Pizza
>some NASCAR bullshit race
>manager grabs two best wagies to work race
>not so bad, loud as fuck
>regional franchise owner present
>and top managers
>working with some hand selected crew from region
>not much to do
>they got a hot young chick to work the till
>we all serve a purpose
>get to end of day and see why they brought me
>closing driver, so a 3 compartment master
>knocking out some dishes like a man possessed
>managers watching with pride
>chick comes over to help
>lmao, "help"
>she has no apron on
>she is full makeup
>she is in my way
>stopping me from getting done
>slowing down when we leave
>I splash her REAL good
>from the 1st compartment
>she literally turns on a heel and squeals
>literally whiny bitch squeal to the managers standing around cut table
>Her manager tells her "wheres your apron?"
>makeup running, little bit of olive on her cheek
>smelly, wet crew shirt despite not breaking a sweat all day

>> No.14086156

You're doing God's work anon

>> No.14086187

I handwash. They're cleaner that way

>> No.14086219

I know where I took your mom last night

>> No.14086263

Ive never had one as a poorfag.
Besides some times where I have people over, I never really thought about using one.

>> No.14086303

I have the dishwasher going right now.

It's a Bosch. Nothing wrong with them as a brand, does exactly what it needs to do.

Yeah I just don't see the point in doing it by hand if you have a dishwasher. Fuck all time to load and I can be doing other shit while that's going.

>> No.14087758

might turn on mine right now. Anyone else ever put things in there but dont use it often enough cause live alone, and then a couple days later all the plates and bowls are all mouldy?
I just run it with the mould still all on everything and then after it comes out clean. so 10/10 i would say

>> No.14087767

That's kind of cruel when you think about it because the mold has just started its life and you killed it.

>> No.14087809

If you know what yer doing, doing it by hand is pretty fast and easy. Assuming you have hot ass water on tap and good dish soap?

>> No.14087813

I thought that dog was a turkey for a second lmao

>> No.14087817

hmmm you're right. i might let it live. Im pro life after all.

>> No.14088737

if it takes you 30 minutes to do a sink of dishes you're not efficient enough to be at the adult table

get some elbow grease and some ethic

>> No.14088745

Anyone ever try cooking something in a dishwasher

>> No.14088757
File: 36 KB, 400x300, bad habit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ours would do that if we let her.
We put the cutlery in with the handles down, though, so we kind of have to take care to not have a puppy getting her stupid belly cut on it.


>> No.14088871

Bosch,Miele and kitchenaid are all good. Once you set your budget the biggest difference will be the racks and how they hold your dishes. If you can take a set of your common used ones to the store and see how they fit the rack spacing especially if you have non standard sized soup/salad/cereal bowls . Flat plates there isn’t much difference but rack spacing for bowls can be the difference between liking/hating a dishwasher

>> No.14088919

im too cheap to buy one. I keep looking at getting one then talking myself out of it.