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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14076685 No.14076685 [Reply] [Original]

What unitaskers have you bought that you don't regret buying?

>> No.14076719

can opener

>> No.14076724 [DELETED] 

>having a pasta machine

are you a woman or a fag?

>> No.14076732
File: 44 KB, 522x609, 81PKuJe5wfL._AC_SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bad boy right here. I like lots of fresh ground pepper and have been known to break a sweat using a traditional pepper grinder

>> No.14076740

>break a sweat using a traditional pepper grinder
jesus christ just how fucking fat are you?

>> No.14076744

My rice cooker, love it so much.

On the other end, I wish I never bought a juicer.

>> No.14076753

Robot vac, sodastream

>> No.14076788

>Pizza cutter
It cuts my pizza

>> No.14076805

rice cookers almost don't count, they can be used to cook so much other stuff if you're so inclined

>> No.14076821

A pasta machine can also be used for a variety of pastry doughs, its really a multidough roller if you ask me so its not a unitasker.

>> No.14076828

why would you regret being able to make fresh pasta?

>> No.14076862

You might fall in love with a cute girl but then she kills herself because her father, the local dry pasta maker, went bankrupt and could no longer support his family

>> No.14076870
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Did someone say cast iron?!

>> No.14076876

This isn't even worth $0.50 at a goodwill get a real pan

>> No.14076943

Imagine all the consumed teflon

>> No.14076944
File: 30 KB, 488x488, GUEST_3c92c571-f6b4-4010-8b1e-8772b2fb8120[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all it does is boil water and I already have a handful of other ways to boil water

>> No.14076948

deep fryer, its so nice to set oil temp and walk away and not have to go through a metric fuckton of oil trying to fry on the stove. only downsides are it takes up a lot of counter space and is messy.

>> No.14076987

a story old as time

>> No.14076992

My hand mixer

>> No.14076997
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It has transformed my salad game and make literally cut my potato prepping to 1/8 of the time I used to spend with less waste.

>> No.14077366

Yes but it does it efficiency and quickly

>> No.14077396

>Robot vac
bought one recently. Still gotta do work emptying it out and making sure the dumb fuck goes to the right room and does a good job but it's so nice having it be quiet and do shit while I work on something else

>> No.14077447

Potato ricer. I love that fucking thing.

>> No.14077457


>> No.14077495
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Pressed garlic is the enlightened way. Releases the juices and flavors. If you use chopped or crushed you end up having to use a shit ton to get any flavor. Also, perfect egg slices for my sandwiches.

>> No.14077549
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>this triggers the "just set a timer for 5 minutes"fags

>> No.14077558
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>Mfw my pasta's better so I cuck her dad's life

>> No.14077659

i just check time on phone.

>> No.14077665

All those pictures are overcooked

>> No.14077683

I use mine mostly as a steamer. Works great.

>> No.14077684
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>> No.14077838

A rice cooker is incredibly versatile. I regularly use it to cook chicken, steam veggies, boil eggs and of course to prepare rice. Best $20 I ever spent HOWEVER I hate the nonstick metal bowl. Been thinking about getting a new one that isn't nonstick. Got any recs /ck/?

>> No.14077842

Next you'll tell me a well done steak is actually medium rare

>> No.14077881

That style peeler triggers me hard

>> No.14077891
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>> No.14077931

Why not just use ziplock bags?

>> No.14077946
File: 85 KB, 800x800, skub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% agree. People who use that kind must have either a mental or physical (probably hands) handicap

>> No.14077950


>> No.14077960

thats a troll image I hope
with the way the tool is applied the hands should be reversed