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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14072711 No.14072711 [Reply] [Original]

When did /ck/ started to hate him? When he showed his face?

>> No.14072718

Fuck off shill.

>> No.14072762

I don't know, but I don't understand it. He makes informative cooking videos with great production. I watched his latest Basics with Babish episode and now I plan on making gnocchi this week.

>> No.14072778

When people realized he wasn't a cook, and that he was just copying other cooking videos and profiting off of them. He literally copy pastes his shit from people like Kenji Lopez and other youtube food people.

I haven't seen his gnocchi video, but I'm just going to assume it's based off of Gordon Ramsays like 90% of them are. Just go watch his and pull the recipe off the website.

>> No.14072858

For me it was when he started making it more about him and less about the food he was making. The "being with babish" stuff, showing off his totally hot new gf bro, making subtle flexes about how newly wealthy he is (Rolexes, the episode where really he just wants to show everyone that he drives an Audi,etc)

>> No.14072864

I already didn’t like him from how he was blatantly copying the look from Vsauce, but this takes it to another level.

>> No.14072876

Everything Babish does has basically become a big flex. Like the Basics With Babish series went from really simplistic examples of common dishes to basically just him trying to show off a new appliance or piece of equipment he bought.

But yeah go watch one of his first few videos and compare it to one of his more recent ones. They're a lot shorter, simpler and to the point. No padding with advertisements, bad jokes, him showing off his girlfriend and a lot less of him over complicating dishes just to show off (eg now any dish involving bread requires him making bread for some reason)

>> No.14072888

the only logical conclusion to his life is suicide.

no one respects him. only the horde of unindividuated anonymous hordes of idiots which make up his fanbase. mom, dad, girlfriend,exes likely not. chefs, food writers, recipe developers, people who enjoy beauty and good things - definitely not.

>> No.14072890

I liked his original series where he faithfully created recipes from media and then tried to improve them. In general he has had a lot of positive impacts on my cooking even if the advice and recipes are copypasted.

I do agree though his basics series is often so bougie it's like a parody.

Also because I'm a poorfuck Im very petty and jealous when I see him showering friends and family with sports cars and houses and wearing rolex

>> No.14072896

That awful shilling barbecue video was the tipping point for me. He still plops up in my recommendations, and when he does an actual movie/TV dish now and then I watch it, but his videos did get a lot more bloated and the shilling is becoming unbearable. Chef John all the way.

>> No.14072899

And when the tattoos came.

>> No.14072916


>> No.14072947
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Then for me.
It's not cooking
It's just bragging
He's not a chef, he proved that when he failed at service.
Most of this stuff he researches online and just does it himself with mediocre results.

>> No.14072974


Does anyone feel like this guy is on the verge of a breakdown or something? He seems kinda unstable and has definitely let all this go straight to his head. As other people have said, nearly everything is stolen from Ramsay/Kenji.

>> No.14073002

I remember someone posting an article where he claims to be taking anti-depressants and is the usual "let's open a discussion about mental health (that revolves entirely around me)" type stuff. Then I looked at his videos and noticed that they were getting 2-3 million views instead of 8-10 million. Tons of youtubers do that where they freak out because they stop getting as much attention.

>> No.14073009

We always hated him, but it got annoying when half a dozen threads started being spammed every day.

>> No.14073069

Basically when it turned into his vlog. I can excuse a lot of things about him (mannerisms, sense of humor, gay tattoos) but bringing his gf on for the whole purpose of showing her off, and making his show more about himself than the recipes really turned me off. I just want to watch cooking vids, not get to know the guy.

>> No.14073080


>> No.14073081

He was always trash. Also he never uses enough nutmeg.

>> No.14073084

in his newest video he's wearing 2 different rolex watches and says he just bought a house with a backyard in brooklyn. how much fucking money is this guy making wtf

>> No.14073090

He's a Jew

>> No.14073107

Why is he wearing 2 watches at the same time?

>> No.14073110

the video was filmed over multiple days

>> No.14073203

He's a rich hipster that works in media and is probably Jewish. What is there to not hate?

>> No.14073209

>When people realized he wasn't a cook, and that he was just copying other cooking videos and profiting off of them

He is literally jewish, lmao

>> No.14073217

> brown eyes and dark hair
> lives in NY
> lactose intolerant
> works in media
> pampered urbanite
> vast amount of material wealth
> suddenly saturated presence on the internet = good at (((networking))) with the likes of (((John Favreau)))
Probably. That or he's Italian but the southern ones are crypto-Jews anyway.

>> No.14074285

Not much, considering how modern economics work, he's probably paying that house for years and years to come.

>> No.14074391

I always hated that faggot.

>> No.14074433

>(((John Favreau)))
When he was on his food show, they pretty much ignored him. Got the feeling they didn't really respect him as a cook which was nice, seems like a douche.

>> No.14074503

You realize that brands give him free equipment right? It's next to near free advertising. It's not a flex if it's an ad.

I don't disagree with later points though. He's always been up his own ass but now he's up his own ass and wastes my time with it.

>> No.14074514

American (can't speak for other countries) slang for rich/ fancy. Bourgeoisie is the root word.

>> No.14074546

boogie, fat dude who eats on cam

>> No.14074551

Isn't he a new york city dwelling homosexual?

>> No.14074674

he can't be gay there is a girl in all his videos that he reminds us is his gf

>> No.14074686

Fuck this guy