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File: 533 KB, 2448x3264, BA32869E-7466-45B5-B925-37FABE4DBEB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14070949 No.14070949 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf Canada?

>> No.14070953

lmao no named is based as fuck.

>> No.14070955

Good old Loblaw's no name. You get what the label says and nothing more.

>> No.14070959

Simple as.

>> No.14070971

Str8 up, loblaws beer was the only beer that actually was cheap enough for the two buck a beer campaigns in Ontario.
It's not exactly good beer, but for the price it may as well be champagne.

>> No.14070974

They have state run beer cartels, and straight-up government liquor stores. A truly backwater race.

>> No.14071006
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Most provinces have private stores, some of which even undercut the provincial stores. Probably doesn't help that wholesale liquor taxes are absolutely colossal compared to down south.

>> No.14073131

>nooooo you can't just say what the product is you need a heckin logo and a jinglerino

>> No.14073151

>piss yellow

>> No.14073153
File: 142 KB, 400x800, original_5_0_export_dose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based af and reminds me of 5.0 but without the faggy writing on it
just cheap beer with surprisingly good quality for the price with no marketing

>> No.14073248

I have never seen that before in my life, but if I did, I would try it at least once.

>> No.14073799

this is my goto. i like the pils as well

>> No.14073930

Still worse than some of the 29 cents beers.

>> No.14074061

>Simple as
Simple as what tho

>> No.14074096

That's A buck a beer now, unless you're a commie fuck who doesn't like Ford

>> No.14074149
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no name just be like that

>> No.14074152
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>> No.14074155
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>> No.14074162
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>> No.14074176

Wow! Thanks, Google Images, for your meaningless contribution!

>> No.14074179

Some of y'all ain't know what no name is and y'all need to learn

>> No.14074211
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>> No.14074222

yeah, what's their fucking problem?

>> No.14074225
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>> No.14074233
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>Canada even fucks up cool no-brand labels.

>> No.14074236

its just store brand. whats the problem?

>> No.14074256

Grocery stores can't sell beer in Canada, the beer is only available from the Liquor Control Board of Ontario

>> No.14074263
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>le edgy anti-Canada sentiment

>> No.14074268

uhh, wrong.

>> No.14074270

>cucktario is the entirety of Canada
lol, fuck no

>> No.14074283

Being anti-Canadian isn't edgy, it's baseline.

>> No.14074289


>> No.14074330

>runs on a bread and circus campaign of planned industry
>fails to meet promise oh well we didn't really want it anyway
based not communist? doug supporter

>> No.14074339

small price to pay to live in the best cuntry in the world. I don't mind paying taxes to have what we have.

stay safe friend.

>> No.14074346

Rest of Canada doesn't have no name beer now does it

>> No.14074376

Ontario allows beer and wine sales at some grocery stores.

>> No.14074694

I'd wager cuckbec has it, who do you think the french label is for?

>> No.14074703

Everything in Canada, from coast to coast, has bilingual product labels. Even imported products need to have bilingual stickers added before they can legally cross the border.

>> No.14075526

I usually get the no name alcohol free beer
it's not too bad

>> No.14075617
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I would feel like a transient alcoholic drinking this

>> No.14075631

This is why a lot of companies like Trader Joe’s refuse to enter the Canadian market because they don’t want to produce more labels and signage.

>> No.14075763

you're an idiot. beer and wine is sold in lots of grocery stores in ontario.

>> No.14075796

He's right, though.
You cant punish people for saying correct things you think are bad bad not nice.
Well, I guess in canada they do, but :)

>> No.14075968

I like the no name potato chips

>> No.14076126

reminds me of 1980s generic brand labeling

>> No.14076210

>wholesale liquor taxes are absolutely colossal

Can confirm. LCBO prices are disgusting.

>> No.14076496

They are bomb. Cheap af. You ever have spritzup? Dr smooth? New wave cola? Mountain mist?

>> No.14076506

Well you should.

>> No.14076852


>> No.14077110

Being anti-Canadian is the boring, mainstream opinion

>> No.14077145

anti-leafism is harmless fun because they know better than to take it seriously, what with their chinese brains having much higher iqs

>> No.14077217

>No Name (TM)

>> No.14077622

I wish I could get this in Vancouver

>> No.14077672

sounds kinda stupid
Don't some brands in the USA use french and english names ? It was pretty common at least in Colorado

>> No.14077673

>not drinking wine from the bottle at parties

>> No.14078339

No name is actually a brand, they sell cheap stuff

>> No.14078352

Kinda pleasant and aesthetic.

>> No.14078357

“French and english names”? Huh?
I pretty sure they just do that because a large population of canada speaks french.You sure it wasn't Spanish you seen on the package? Who would speak french in the US?

>> No.14078483

looks like beer to me

>> No.14078583

Poor people should be exterminated.

>> No.14078603

It's actually mandatory for companies to use english and french

>> No.14078607

i only like quebec, go canadiens.

>> No.14078725

>Who would speak french in the US?

>> No.14079322

No, it's because we know we're superior.

>> No.14079642

If only it was either French or English on the package, both just looks too cringe

>> No.14079740

Canada is such a shithole lmao

>> No.14079756

you and americans are all the same, canada is just america lite

>> No.14079761

that's the spirit leaf, aim for the stars

>> No.14079785
File: 106 KB, 1600x900, 78D9AE9A-1258-4E6A-981F-5F37A0903141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s from the movie Repo Man

>> No.14079808

Post the in store prices and there will be an end to the horror

>> No.14081207

Who let Ben garrison open a brewery?

>> No.14081217

communist products

>> No.14082182

how do you trademark "no name"
thats bullshit i bet the fr*nch are behinfd this

>> No.14082220

Nuke Canada

>> No.14082269

>Canadian saying y'all

>> No.14083332

For 3 dollars per can lmao!