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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14069723 No.14069723 [Reply] [Original]

Literally who is feeding this to their children?

>> No.14069726

I bet it just tastes like Trix + more citric acid.

Also you ain't no parent shut up bitch.

>> No.14070218

People who demand to have the government pay for their insulin

>> No.14070224

won't critric acid split milk? how the fuck do they get it to taste sour?
Also anyone who feeds this to anyone is fucking retarded, parent or not. No need to project your insecurities about parenthood here, you're probably doing an okay enough job so calm down.

>> No.14070238

Americans. Jews have taken their capability for judgement. Lucky creatures if you think about it.

>> No.14070247
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anon, I...

>> No.14070637

I wouldn't, but as an adult, these things are a fucking addiction.

>> No.14070666

single mothers, but if they don't trade all the food stamps for vodka and suboxone

>> No.14070669

they have twinkie cereal and honey bun cereal too. sour patch kids sounds disgusting because who the fuck wants sour milk

>> No.14070735

How dare that faggot do what he likes, he should be miserable like me.

>> No.14070780

literally me except without the bong or the cereal or the cartoons or the marijuana or the table

>> No.14070789

>he smokes crushes
Gay and niggardly

>> No.14070790


>> No.14070805

It's more of a lower-class white thng

>> No.14070807

>Won't citric acid split the milk
You are a moron

>> No.14070859
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>be me, 12 years old
>middle of summer
>make lemonade
>drink lemonade
>drink choccy milk out of same bottle without washing
>milk splits immediately
>vinegar, also an acid, splits milk
>acid splitting milk is how cheese is made
how is that retarded? citric acid crystals dissolving in milk would split it, no?

>> No.14070912

milk is usually around a pH of 6.1 to 6.5, depending on source and freshness
drop the pH out of that range and casein (among other proteins) will start to denature and when you get a build-up of coagulated denatured proteins, your milk is curdled.
I'm sure they engineered this cereal to avoid curdling, so its probably only mildly sour/acidic and won't necessarily spoil your bowl of cereal

>> No.14070942

Not miserable, but he should seek challenges and face them, yes.

>> No.14070944
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only a few of my black friends still eat cereal. all the white hipsters I know eat avocado toast and cock for breakfast.

>> No.14071052

Satan is right. I bet it would taste decent with lemon sorbet, though.

>> No.14071221

Haven't you figured it out already? They've been testing and tweaking, looking for a way to get sour flavors and milk together, and they finally got it right, which is why there's sour patch cereal, sour patch ice cream, sour patch chocolate, and it's all the best fucking shit ever

>> No.14072168

that jar of cigarette butts is making me feel physically ill

>> No.14072221

I have never seen any of those products.
God I love being a canuckistanian, what the fuck is going on south of the border.

>> No.14072268

I legitimately hate people that enjoy things, they make me sick and I hope that fucker gets cancer

>> No.14072277

What kind of challenge are you supposed to seek on a Saturday morning? Most people have enough challenge in their daily lives anyway

>> No.14072288
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how do you know he doesn't??

>> No.14072295

>nihilist redditors have drug and sugar addictions

imagine my shock

>> No.14072297
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>What kind of challenge are you supposed to seek on a Saturday morning? Most people have enough challenge in their daily lives anyway
le based peepeepooper shut the fuck up retard. You probably don't even cook, you just prepare food for sustenance and add whatever is salty or sugar filled to your "food" so your braindead ass can even scarf it down without throwing it up. Time for your second bowl of KD this week, you're running out of disposable income to order pizza hut again.

>> No.14072304

Milk with lemon or orange juice and sugar is legit, you just need to do it icy cold and drink immediately, before the milk splits.

>> No.14072305

wtf is this real?

>> No.14072306
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>le based peepeepooper shut the fuck up retard.
Good fucking god, man. Someone asks a simple question and this is what you fucking start out with?

>> No.14072332

I do this with lemon juice. Tastes like a yogurty drink without yogurt. Using lemon curd works great too

>> No.14072334
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You search up "just let people enjoy things" on Google images you'll get an endless stream of reposts of that soi Adamtot's comic. Fuck off back to r*ddit, talk about marvel movies, and masturbate to degenerate porn. You absolute manchildren. Be ashamed of yourselves. You are 100% a disgrace to your families and also have psuedo-gynecomastia. You unironically believe eating ramen and maybe making Spaghetti once a month makes you self-sufficient enough, then you can't actually post in any of the threads unless it's about fast food or junk food (like this one). It's the reason why that one 5-guys thread is almost at bump limit. Fucking disgusting weak pitiable people itt.

>> No.14072337

kill yourselves.

>> No.14072341

ah, an internet tough guy on the loose

>> No.14072342

My sister's Ex used to eat those.
he was pretty cool, cooler than her current boyfriend atleast.

>> No.14072343
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>internet tough guy.
You've got to be shitting me. Please don't tell me you're this insufferable IRL too

>> No.14072344


>> No.14072348

Not as insufferable as the one doing a temper tantrum on a belorrusian horsehair braiding forum because someone else dared to enjoy the simpler things in life

>> No.14072357
File: 626 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2020-05-09-22h15m57s634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you answer the fucking question?
What challenges are there on a Saturday morning?
Why is going to work and paying your bills not enough to be an adult?

>> No.14072358

I mean, what else do you call it when someone anonymously writes a paragraph in a rage about what people do with their freetime?

>> No.14072363

literally yes. You more so. Not suscepting to your usual hyper-stimulus isn't being fucking miserable you absolute r*ddit faggot. It's being fucking normal.
Imagine thinking giving up fucking cartoons and like 15 grams of sugar for breakfast is "being miserable".
>simpler things
explain how rotting your brain with hyper-stimulus is "the simpler things in life". What do you work a 9-5 job and think you deserve some sort of fucking reward on the weekend for being mediocre? Good fucking job anon cope harder as you spiral downwards wondering why you're so unhappy.

>> No.14072365

Normal people don't berate others for enjoying things.

>> No.14072366
File: 317 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2019-10-10-20h25m56s343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rotting your brain with hyper-stimulus
Hey, you're the one posting on 4chan. Stop trying to act like you're better than anyone here. You're rotting your own fucking brain by posting here, dumb ass.

>> No.14072368

What are you even trying to say besides "ENJOYING THING BAD"?

>> No.14072380

>have a shit job
>not supposed to reward self after enduring terrible work week for shit pay
>supposed to be happy but can't have nice things
what is this logic??

>> No.14072383

4chan provides me with more challenge than you fucking wagie cucks ever face.
II am defending my country against reddit lefties while you are slaving away. I fight our rotten society with every social security check I pick up.
I engage with like-minded real men while you indulge your base desires by going out or eating some fancy fag-food.
Don't @ me commie

>> No.14072388

why do you feel the need to reward yourself when you've literally just trudged along in life. No seriously. There is no fucking challenge on a Saturday morning. You wake up and spend your time not watching fucking cartoons, It's not "le challenge" to be normal and take care of yourself and just DO things. Like are you fucking 7 years old? are you getting ready for grade school and need to eat your sugary cereal to keep yourself motivated enough to get through the fucking week? Like do you ACTUALLY need me to fucking tell you what you could be doing rather than watching cartoons and eating garbage in the morning.

I mean fuck it there's better things I could be doing than replying to you retards. Like sleeping. I spent like 30 minutes acting like you guys wasting my time trying to convince you that you're wasting your life by looping it just to kill time until the next big thing. Won't make that mistake again. "Enjoy" your cartoons and cereal and porn and video games and masturbate your brain cells away for all I care. Good fucking night you deplorable pieces of rotten shit. I'll be counting sheep with your fucking names on them.

>> No.14072391

Real adults just drink 3 glasses of scotch with every meal and beat the missus to deal with their terrible jobs. Only children "enjoy" things

>> No.14072396

Even watching cartoons while eating cereal is a more productive use of time than sleeping.

>> No.14072400

I still don't get what you are trying to say. I assume you are some flavour of communist and want everybody to do some sort of government-mandated activity in their free time?

>> No.14072402

Noooo you can't do anything besides working and sleeping it's not manly

>> No.14072404

That's baby talk, real adults go to war, lose a leg and their entire squad and come back to see their wife getting fucked by what used to be their best friend, garnished with bottles of cheap malt liquor to forget the nightmares if just for a few minutes.

>> No.14072405

>supposed to be happy
Are you a fucking toddler? Being happy won't help you survive after society collapses

>> No.14072408
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>> No.14072410

>coming back at all
Too much of a pussy to keep fighting by yourself I see, less legs just means less weight holding you back

>> No.14072431

>Not working multiple jobs
>not working 16 hours a day, seven days a week
>not volunteering for additional unpaid overtime
>not officially waving your paid holidays to ward off temptation and challenge yourself even more
LMAO it's like you guys don't even want to have your first heart attack at 35

>> No.14072448

Can always beg for one more deployment, just one more, one more opportunity to step on the IED that finishes the job.

>> No.14072465
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>> No.14072468
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>Eating while smoking.

Its 2020 guys, where is your 90$ Titanium Dynavap Nail.

>> No.14072475

actual mental illness

>> No.14072482

I have that same table, huh.

>> No.14072507

its reddit man children buying this not parents

>> No.14072508

the worst parts of this image in order from most worst to least worst:
cigarette butts in a jar
rick and morty
weird bamboo screen on the patio
fruit loops
dude weed

>> No.14072512

I'd say the 4chan post below it is the worst

>> No.14072518

but you agree with the ordering otherwise?

>> No.14072521

yeah rest is accurate

>> No.14072597

none of your damn business turboyank

>> No.14072599

hard agree, I didn't even see that until you pointed it out. That is fucking super cringey.

>> No.14072603

>4chan provides me with more challenge than you fucking wagie cucks ever face.
lol get the fuck out of here

>> No.14072607

that 4chin post is far more cringe than the r*ddit post desu

anyway amerilards are insane. they will cause a great depression to save some dying boomers but god forbid they ban gallon size soft drinks, giving sugar cereal to kids, etc. etc.

>> No.14072621


>> No.14072649

I miss postopia

>> No.14072759


>> No.14072763
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>> No.14072769
File: 423 KB, 1222x1630, L2kad4V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are guys on here so obsessed with guys that look like this?

>> No.14073056

didn't jimmy nutron shave off his beard?

>> No.14073183

>having the thought to take a picture of your childishly indulgent habits at home
>showing them off to the world as if it's supposed to be worthy of praise
guess what? everyone chills out on the couch with their respective snack and drink. the only people who find the need to show it off are people starved for approval and worship.

>> No.14073192

guy should've embraced his Amish/Mennonite look and gone full LARP

>> No.14073194

I'll take "confirmation bias" for $800, Alex

>> No.14073548


>> No.14073580
File: 91 KB, 514x879, 273F40CA-BA91-4713-935C-89CB00E34F68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I have not been keeping up with the cereal isle . I remember when pic related was the height of debauchery

>> No.14073984

>confirmation bias
that doesn't answer my question at all

>> No.14075081
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