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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 428 KB, 618x390, 1358304950813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14064992 No.14064992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he wears a mask in the supermarket

>> No.14065390

>getting the plague to own the libs.

I genuinely hope you or a close family member of yours dies. Just listen to doctors, fuck your "freedom".

>> No.14065422

I genuinely hope you get the help you need and that you find peace and humanity in the end.

>> No.14065436

It's actually pretty cool. I was already disgusted by breathing the same air as some people and now I can wear one without giving a fuck, plus it obscures my identity slightly. I also don't want to kill my dad who would surely die if I transmitted that shit to him. Anyone not wearing a mask is a braindead moron in my mind.

>> No.14065455

anyone else getting acne from wearing a mask?

>> No.14065459
File: 2.70 MB, 400x225, rc_an (90).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the plague
How's that social distancing from reality working out for you?

>> No.14065462

>it's just le flu bro!
*lung tissue dies off*
*testicular function inhibited*
>heh, nothing personnel, libtard!
*coof* *coof*

>> No.14065464

Its an excuse to put on my bane cosplay mask that actually works as the filter part of a gas mask

>> No.14065467


>> No.14065474

They don't let me in without it.

>> No.14065485

Who are you quoting?

>> No.14065519

I don't have a mask. I wear a t-shirt over my face, origami'd into a ninja get-up.

>> No.14065559

>He goes on anonymous image board to shame people for wearing masks

>> No.14065579
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Yeah, it's fucking pathetic. Had some old bitch doing deer in headlights when I walked in the door, because she didn't know to go left or right to keep "social distancing," before moving herself.

Imagine shutting down an entire country over a little coof, when there's 80% asymptomatic, and less than 1% hospitalization rate. So much for the land of the free.

>> No.14065631
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>That fucking gif
Dude. You posted cringe.

>> No.14065652

I wear a bandana over my face with a ten gallon hat. If you're not going for the train robber aesthetic you're doing it wrong

>> No.14065656

I have asthma, so I'd really rather not stress my already damaged lungs by catching La Rona when I'm out getting my grilling and bar supplies.

>> No.14065672
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>> No.14065677

>Just listen to doctors

doctors are unironically literally actually almost all fucking morons, they don't know anything, they don't care, whats worse is that they actually know actively harmful falsehoods that are designed to harm by malicious actors, fuck doctors, i hope they all choke to death.

doctors were the original con artist profession, along with witch doctors and astrologers and priests. avoid doctors, ignore doctors, hopefully some day we can lynch all doctors.


case in point, anyone wearing a mask has no conscious awareness, they're just a empty human NPC actor.

>> No.14065685

>case in point, anyone wearing a mask has no conscious awareness, they're just a empty human NPC actor.

>> No.14065690

he posts a fucking robert deniro meme lmfao

>> No.14065696


robert deniro is such a punk bitch. i hate him so much. i want to run him over in my lawn mower.

>> No.14065699

Some old guy yelled at me for not wearing one. If you're that paranoid of this thing you should stay home

>> No.14065711

>His son's a niggermutt

>> No.14065719

lel, I was walking in the hardware store with a few weeks back and intentionally coofed a few times when I saw a bitch with a mask. Really rustled her jimmies.

>> No.14065727
File: 346 KB, 490x274, rc_an (185).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude. You posted cringe.
Oh, the ironing.

>> No.14065730

>Just listen to doctors

Yeah listen to a bunch of faggots that put zero thought into anything and just follow flow charts.

Average lifespan for doctors is the mid fucking 50s.....

Yeah just listen to doctors bro, don't be anti-science bro, don't bother remembering where the term blow smoke of the ass came from.

>> No.14065737

wearing a mask is peak aesthetics, just goes to show that this board is full of amerilards who only wear jorts and sneakers.

>> No.14065740

People are petrified of this virus. The media really fucked their heads up. Look at this idiot who thinks these side effects are legit and not just anomalies >>14065462

>> No.14065742


this. fuck doctors. they legitimately do not save anyones life. they are a fucking menace.


fuck off, NPC.

>> No.14065748

kill yourself nigger, i was prepped by january, masks, bombshelter, the whole shabang. you're the fucking npc, keep seething.

>> No.14065752

Normies calling /pol/acks NPCs is peak reddit.

>> No.14065759

Hello, I'm one of those men.

See, unlike the skinhead untouchables who inhabit this site, I grew up and became a normal human being with healthy relationships and a good career.

I don't have a problem with gay people.
I don't have a problem with brown people.
I don't have a problem with Muslims.
I don't have a problem with Jews.
I kinda sorta respect the holyfuckinghell out of modern women.

In other words, I'm not a pea brained toddler repeating history as farce with an orange fucktard who puts children into LITERAL concentration camps.

I'm not pissing my pants scared at the idea of women having more voices, more votes, and - GASP - more control over worldly affairs.

I'm not cucked to the cruel, nonsensical, evil ideas cooked up by shitty white men a hundred fucking years ago, or the shitty sexist morals all but beaten into us by our shitty fucking forefathers.

I'm free of toxic masculinity. Fuck yes, you will be hearing that phrase a whole fucking lot over the next ten years, and it will become law.

So suck my asshole, you fucking cowards. Go real deep and suck like I know you secretly want to.

Fascism is so fucking dead after 2020 you won't even be able to smell its oozing corpse.

Your world is thrashing around on its deathbed as we speak.

It's gone for fucking forever as soon as the rotten Cheetoh is gone.

Here, have a look inside my crystal ball.

I see a whole fucking lot of bold, pissed off, beautiful women tap dancing on your skull for the HELL you inflicted on them the past four years.

And men like me will be right there at their sides just laughing. Mocking. Drowning you in heaps upon heaps of your own shitty shit.

>> No.14065765

>what happens when you don't take your antipsychotics

These are the people who need to get the wall

>> No.14065766


you literally believe shit you see on TV and the internet like a fucking moron. you were easily manipulated by the psyop.


pol is not a good example of free thinkers.

>> No.14065772

This pasta is stale, tell the cook.

>> No.14065773

Food and Cooking?

>> No.14065782
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>> No.14065789


Oh yes that is the answer take some poison because some doctor says to.

>> No.14065803


>everyone that disagrees with me should be swallowing pills that cause permanent brain damage.

this is a good summary of doctors attitude and worth to humanity

>> No.14065900

Still hearing those voices and believing that you're always being individually monitored? Stop taking your meds! That'll show the Deepstate:tm: !
Who would you go to besides a doc if you got in a car accident, or busted your head open after falling? Or had a bout of severe food poisoning that was literally killing you?

>> No.14065918

Masks are to prevent you from spreading it. The idea is if everyone wears them, then the amount it spreads will be reduced. They don't do much to protect you from being infected, since that can happen from more than just breathing it.

>> No.14065929

You just experienced 2 months of corporate fascism.

>> No.14065933

>These are the people who need to get the wall
>t.Gun fearing leftist NPC that wants evil orange man to take all the guns away to keep him safe from the evil orange man

>> No.14065937


>Who would you go to besides a doc if you got in a car accident, or busted your head open after falling? Or had a bout of severe food poisoning that was literally killing you?

a veterinarian down the road, he sets bones for 100 bucks, i don't know how much he charges for pulling a bullet out and suturing it. and he sells antibiotics, painkillers, etc.

and the only reason he has to sell antibiotics is because the faggot government doesn't let people buy them at walmart.

a surgeon can be useful at times. a veterinarian or medic or like, your average fucking housewife, can do most of the stuff that people actually need done. some drugs are good. for food poisoning, cocaine will work wonders.

doctors are fucking useless and have no purpose except murdering, lying, and thieving. FUCK doctors. they're all fucking niggers.

>> No.14065940
File: 37 KB, 600x600, viper2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are unironically literally actually almost all

>> No.14065947

>>>14065748 #
>you literally believe shit you see on TV and the internet like a fucking moron. you were easily manipulated by the psyop.
>>>14065752 (You) #
>pol is not a good example of free thinkers.
In January tv was telling people it was a nothingburger. You can't rewrite history for those who actually lives through it you dirty kike rat.

At least pol knows what the Jew actually is and what they are doing to society. The Zognald bots are just JIDF on overtime pay who crossover with redditors.

>> No.14065952
File: 520 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2020-05-09-09h59m01s384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks both parties are fucking annoying?
One of my friends posted a rant recently about how mad they were that people were going to the grocery store and only getting 1-2 items.
Like how the fuck do you know if those people have cars or not? Not all of us have the luxury of having a fucking car to stuff a bunch of groceries in.
I didn't say anything to her but I'm kind of pissed that she judges people the way she does because she thinks she needs to be elite fucking mask wearer.

But standing around outside holding a gun and not wearing a mask is pretty fucking stupid too.

>> No.14065958

>They don't do much to protect you from being infected, since that can happen from more than just breathing it.
>t.Moron NPR listener
Masks are a critical part of proper PPE, you fucking dunce.

>> No.14065960


they were saying it was a nothingburger while a bioweapon was slaughtering wuhan. and then they turn around and say that the common cold in the rest of the world is a something burger.

they were lying both times. they will NEVER TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT ANYTHING. ever. their job will not be complete until nobody believes anything true.

pol doesn't know shit. it's just retarded kids.

>> No.14065961
File: 152 KB, 640x480, 1495578982336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's proud to be an idiot

>> No.14065976


>he's scared of the flu this year

>but not last year

>or every year before that

everyone i see wearing a mask i know is an idiot and moreover a coward and not to be trusted. anyone wearing a mask is the kind of person that reports neighbors to the gestapo or the smersh

>> No.14065982

>pol doesn't know shit. it's just retarded kids.
>t.Fagnostic Kike Rube

>> No.14065984

Nah. I love my guns, and I think the average laborer needs to be effectively armed and trained to take the means of production for ourselves and to eliminate any threat to the health and well-being of the proletariat.

>> No.14065986

based schizo retard

>> No.14065989


wow amazing combination of terms for jews you put together there haha really showed me that pol is smart good post good post my dude

>> No.14065992
File: 202 KB, 978x1024, 1586590525613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I'm just sick of everyone. Just look at how much of a fucking pissfest this thread is.

>> No.14065997

>everyone i see wearing a mask i know is an idiot and moreover a coward and not to be trusted. anyone wearing a mask is the kind of person that reports neighbors to the gestapo or the smersh
>t.Xhang Tsung

I don't care at this point whether it's real or not but I'm not going to be the fool to die of bat AIDS for being an actual retarded. I had my gas mask for the day your kike masters come with the teargas for me and my wrong think anyway.

Stay dumb, normie scum.

>> No.14066001

Like most things, the answer is somewhere in the grey between the two extremes. However, not wearing a mask is infinitely more dangerous than being overly cautious (dickish) and calling people out for perceived slights.

>> No.14066005

>average laborer
>t.Retail/Fast Food scum
I'm an actual laborer and I will be planting scum like you when the time comes commie scum. Fucking zog slave.

>> No.14066010


>i don't care
>i'm just scared of what the TV said

you're totally not the one that's actually retarded and totally not red flagging yourself to people who have their shit together that you're unreliable and untrustworthy.


oh no not danger! scared of TV ghost danger!

>> No.14066012

109 countries. 109 countries can't all be wrong about your cancer, Schlomovitz.

>> No.14066018

>infinitely more dangerous
People are making fun of you because you insist on using hyperbole like that.

>> No.14066019


i bet you can go on for hours like this

>> No.14066030

Swing and a miss again, schizo. Even then, the people in those fields do more actual work and direct good for communities than any executive, so they're my friends.

>> No.14066031

>>i don't care
>>i'm just scared of what the TV said

I don't watch television you vile Jew rat. 4chan is the only media I indulge in. I'm actually a Christian Fundie that despises devils like yourself. You JIDF disinfo rat.

>> No.14066035

Would Jesus want you on this website? Be as honest as you can, funDIE

>> No.14066037


you watch TV by osmosis. you're deranged and dumb.

>> No.14066040

>Would Jesus want you on this website? Be as honest as you can, funDIE
Indeed he would. He came for the sinners, not self righteous antichrist rats like you kike.

>> No.14066044

Why are so many people on this board paranoid delusional schizophrenic types?

>> No.14066053

I got to fix my tacos brb kike shills.

There's always a couple of you gatekeeper rats on every site in the internet despite being 1% of the population. You all talk the same too. Sloppy job Mossad.

>> No.14066055

Nutritional deficiencies?

>> No.14066056


they're not. you're just a dickhead and not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.14066062

>Honestly, I'm just sick of everyone
I've been sick of everyone for awhile now.

>Like most things, the answer is somewhere in the grey between the two extremes.
Yea but there are so little people who can actually understand that. Almost everyone I know is either one of the extremes.
I hate people so fucking much.

>> No.14066065

Fence sitters are the worst.

>> No.14066070

I mean, they didn't even reply to anyone directly so you don't even know which side of the argument they're on? You're just making assumptions about who they're calling "paranoid delusional schizos".

>> No.14066079
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Well extremists are the reason why so much shit is going on.
I bet you're just trolling for a reply though.

>> No.14066085


either way, they're wrong. practically, they're referring to people that disagree with them. this is very common. schizophrenics are not common.

>> No.14066101

>they're referring to people that disagree with them
which was who exactly?

>schizophrenics are not common
They are where I live. They're called homeless people.

>> No.14066123


If you don't want to wear a mask outside, fine.

If you want to visit people, go to a business that voluntarily stays open, go for it, whatever. Who gives a shit.

When you go to a business that asks you to wear a mask, not wearing one is basically saying fuck you to the owner and everyone in it.

I have a convenience store on my street owned by a 90 year old vietnamese woman. Despite the fact that she's plastered "don't come in without a mask" all over the entrance, you still have mouth breathers coming in without a mask or anything.

Just admit you're a huge asshole, it's ok.

>> No.14066166

Coronavirus is a liberal hoax.

>> No.14066176


checked and this

>> No.14066182

Dude, I don't think my lungs made crackling sounds as hoax. That was the worst cold I ever had in my life.

>> No.14066185


wooooow you had a cold haha we better stop life as we know it! this is new!

>> No.14066192

Can you not read?? My lungs made CRACKLING sounds.
I went to Urgent Care TWICE.
Shut up you dumb asshole.

>> No.14066197

>he actually a) caught it and b) suffered symptoms from it

ohnononono how does it feel to be part of the 0.01% of the country's population that gets to be counted for the fearmongering statistic ahahahaha

>> No.14066200
File: 1.45 MB, 956x1080, redwing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so what, i've had worse flu's. you're just a pussy. i kept going to work. they're really breeding them WEAK now...

>> No.14066201

And where are you getting that number from exactly?

>> No.14066208

Did I say that I stopped going to work? no, I actually kept going to work until that job didn't exist anymore.
I'm not a pussy at all and I've probably endured more shit than your fucking flu, bitch ass.
This isn't a "who's had worse" argument, the argument was if it's a real thing or not.
Seems pretty real to me because I'm not a fucking schizo crossposting from /x/.

>> No.14066215


you're complaining about your lungs crackling to me during a cold like it means something. you're a bitchmade pussy and your skin is as soft as a babys bottom. fuck off, you nigger. i don't give a fuck about your pitiful fucking travails. i hope you really do catch a REAL virus and get dead. don't need more like you.

>> No.14066221

Masks are more about curbing asymptomatic people spreading the virus than keeping you from catching it. They help a tiny bit in that regard but only if the coof droplets get in the mask and not, say, your eyes. A mask on an infected person does a world of good keeping that shit to themselves.

>> No.14066257
File: 244 KB, 1908x1146, 23773278-0-image-a-12_1579784331717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not complaining you fucktard. I'm saying it's real when other people are saying it's fake.
Only morons like you can believe that other virus' exist but this one is fake.

You seriously think nothing bad happens after pic related?
You're just trying so hard to be fucking contrarian.

>> No.14066282


it's fake.

the wuhan plague was the foundational truth that the media constructed the lie upon. all big lies require big truths. something happened in wuhan, but it was contained successfully, in part due to its virulence, in part due to the CCP's iron fist crackdown.

then the media goes and calls the common flu a pandemic on the assumption that it's the same thing as what was released in wuhan. people buy it because pol did all the grassroots legwork for them.

the media outdid themselves this time. they made pol lie for them. pol isn't that smart.

>> No.14066297

This is my issue too. If masks are so good, why weren't the people browbeating the non-wearers wearing them ever before in their entire lives? Oh, because this is way worse. The number of deaths has increased 1.8% compared to this point last year!! (Actual numbers, I checked.) And that's not even talking death rate, just total deaths, so it's probably even lower since the population is higher than 2019.

And a year from now none of those fags will be wearing a mask. To a lot of these people, wearing a mask is just another fad to jump on board to earn virtue points, so when the novelty (heh) has worn off and enough people have said fuck it, the urge to jump on board will have passed and the masks will be retired.

I have two respirators that filter 99.9% of sub-micron particles, and I don't wear those things or a homemade mask out of principle.

>> No.14066305

It’s a liberal ploy to make Trump look bad. Instead of looking bad, he gave us all a shitload of cash, has put China in its place and has already won the election.

>> No.14066306

When you were told to post memes encouraging people to spread a virulent disease because your jew masters would rather kill millions of people than pay them unemployment insurance, was there any twinge of humanity left inside you that said "No, no, this is at last the limit of my depravity" before you snuffed it out entirely?

>> No.14066312

The other day I went to get a burrito but I didn't have a mask and everyone in line had masks so I left.

>> No.14066313


i think that they just took the opportunity of something happening in china to stage a test to see how big of a lie they could get people to believe. it's a worldwide test of their latest and greatest techniques in manufacturing consent. they say jump and the tards say how high

>> No.14066317

You are a true cuck numale NPC simp.

>> No.14066327

>but it was contained successfully
No, I know someone who lives in China and they're still locked down. They don't live in Wuhan.
China tells lies about their country.