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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14064350 No.14064350 [Reply] [Original]

Society would be better off if McDonalds and other fast food establishments went away after this pandemic. But in fact the opposite is likely to happen because only large chains have gotten help. How does this make you feel?

>> No.14064373

I like the contrast between the sleek and elegant background with the hambeast attempting to devour the common thot.

>> No.14064380

haha hamburger press go ssss

>> No.14064388

good, restaurants are a symptom of bourgeoise decadence. at least with fast food joints, there's no pretenses, they are pragmatic and serve one single purpose.

>> No.14064392

Every restaurant is Taco Bell in the future.

>> No.14064403

What purpose is that? Other than giving us weird boners from 120 pound sluts getting their shit pushed in by 400 pound women

>> No.14064412

restaurants go out of business all the time anyways, we may lose a few "institutions" but fact is most old fashioned dining options have gone to shit in the last ten years.

lots of opportunity for people, the competitive landscape will be barren. the proportion of people who shitty fast food as more than a guilty pleasure will always be there, I dont think it has really grown at all.

I do see the irony in us torpedoing society to save the elderly and infirmed when McDonalds alone kills more Americans of all ages every year than corona could dream of.

>> No.14064415

independent restaurants will come back because there is still a market for people who want unique and regionally expressive food and dining experiences.

Having said that we are indeed entering the dark ages of food due to this retarded shit, and probably some of its the repercussions will be with us for the rest of our lives.

>> No.14064501

1. That is a pretty amazing purpose.
2. Food is meant to be enjoyed, not displayed for social prestige. Fast food is both tasty and unites both plebs and the upper class who eat the exact same meal.

>> No.14064516

it tastes like shit objectively. they load it full of stuff that makes you want another bite, but it doesn't actually taste that great. it is 0% fulfilling.

plenty of places make delicious food that unites people of all backgrounds. not fucking mcdonalds or taco bell or whatever...shill harder for this poison.

(full disclose there are times I cant resist an oreo mcflurry)

>> No.14064536

I pretty much only eat out at places that I cant match with my cooking. Theres this one german joint called Dunderbaks in Florida that I absolutely love. Otherwise I'll learn how to make my favorite dishes at home and call it after that. We live in a society where our expenses are constantly outpacing the average income. Eating out to socialize isn't really financially responsible and the ones that do it are well off or maxing dads credit card. Theres a reason every tinder whore expects a nice dinner. Its ridiculously lacking in utility and value just like them.

>> No.14064559 [DELETED] 

I could fuck a hole in the brick wall my cock is so hard from that.

>> No.14064561

this is an amazing video if you ever wrestled in high school and had to wrestle even your 185ers at 135

>> No.14064687

We need fast food joints to keep these creatures contained

>> No.14064716

Dogs need food too

>> No.14064720

I want to sniff those shorts

>> No.14064740

why would you want to get rid of fast food joints?

they function as a valuable containment and employment unit for the lowest rung of society - people you really want to avoid

>> No.14064747
File: 896 KB, 1195x1035, 1494289608419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they learned to cook they wouldn't be poor anymore

>> No.14064767

>imagine being this American

>> No.14064768

they're idiots, the whole reason they're on the bottom rung of society is they cant learn and will never not be poor

>> No.14064771

if it was just an american thing, why are there fast food joints making big money all across the world?

>> No.14064790

>Why don't you fools just buy 37 cents worth of chicken?

>> No.14064832

>yes, grocery store? I would like 5 cents worth of noodle please!

>> No.14064837
File: 72 KB, 500x565, brainlet_log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is meal planning

>> No.14064841
File: 41 KB, 474x711, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might enjoy Odette Delacroix's work, she weighs about 90 pounds and has made a career out of getting slapped around by hamplanets while wearing little to no clothes. She's pushing 30 so hopefully she's been saving and investing because the gravy train will have to end soon

>> No.14064845

Like being a nigger, being an American is a state of mind

>> No.14064880

Mr. Dunderbaks is mein shite.

>> No.14064905

Literally are these people so retarded that they don't understand the concept of spending $100 on two weeks worth of food?

>> No.14065650

Mein neger.

>> No.14065670

The convenience of fast food is also a form of gross decadence.

>> No.14065705

Then why are we comparing a $20 pizza to $100 of food?

>> No.14065806

rich people don't eat at restaurants as much as the middle class do. He ultra rich are too out of touch to be so close to common people. The rich just have personal chefs, can support stay at home spouses or family members, or eat McDonald's everyday like Warren Buffett because the rich can indulge in a million other ways. But weirdos who don't interact with regular society would never understand that.

>> No.14065844

i would like to see this bout

>> No.14065852


>> No.14066013

please guys the sauces
for the sake of the children anons

>> No.14066149

how hard is it to google "odette delacroix"

>> No.14066175 [DELETED] 

Gross dude, porn is for retards. I'm still rock hard from OP

>> No.14066188

I don't care one way or the other. I eat fast food maybe twice a year.

>> No.14066316

Is there any extreme face sitting ?

>> No.14066390

>[fast food] tastes like shit objectively
Fast food is engineered in laboratories by food scientists to be delicious. It tastes bad because you have conditioned yourself to hate it, or because you are the 1 in 1,000,000 human who doesn't micro-orgasm to salt, fat and meat.

Which is more likely?

>> No.14066434

Pizza Hut if you're outside the US

>> No.14066461

So, why would anyone eat out? Having people that did not pay attention in school fix your food is a recipe of danger. I travel weekly, I bring my own food, we grow and raise our food for a reason.

>> No.14066466

Demolition Man (1993) reference. Word.

>> No.14066483

I’ve only eaten at these places when I’ve had to scrApe the bottom of the barrel for food . The one dollar nuggets and the chicken sandwich with a coupon

>> No.14066605

>120 pound sluts
120 pounds is a fatass woman

>> No.14066639 [DELETED] 

You have to be 18 to post

>> No.14066651

>Fast food is engineered in laboratories by food scientists to be delicious.
To be cheap and delicious. The cost cutting part is what can make it not taste great, especially if you eat it too often because it's also not the most nutritious. A lot is also designed for people with fucked up tastebuds who drink a lot of soda.

>> No.14066690 [DELETED] 

Get out of my mind what the fuck I decided not to post

>> No.14067014

Was there a remake that I somehow missed?

>> No.14067796

He's right though

>> No.14067802

>being anti beogeoise
>saying actually smart shit
hair brain

>> No.14067811

Restaurants have been coming and going since the dawn of civilization, and the more restaurants that go under the more opportunity there is for new restaurants.

>> No.14067817

>he does not know about how poorly america is planned out
>he does not know that there is a fast food shop around almost every corner but barely anywhere to buy affordable grocerys.

Obesity in America is as much a cultural/eduaction problem as it is a infrastrucure one

>> No.14067828

conveniance and to add variety to meal, when i get bored of pasta i pop in to macky ds and spend 99p on a chicken burger.

>> No.14068074

4chan is a male space
pls go

>> No.14068095

This is 4channel, and /ck/ is a female board, dummy.

>> No.14068182

autism: the post

>> No.14068193

based ceekay queens

>> No.14069387

NO. I don't want low class "people" going to establishments I frequent.
Stay in your lane.

>> No.14069546 [DELETED] 

I don't believe you actually know any women besides your mom and her friends. I would bet all of whom are in excess of 200 lbs. Maybe a short teenage girl that ways 120 pounds could be considered a fatass.

>> No.14069609

My mom weighs under 100 pounds. Her friends weigh different amounts but none of the overweight ones are still alive.

>> No.14069634

He thinks the once percent goes out to eat lol

>> No.14069639 [DELETED] 

If she's not a midget, ask her how much she weighs.

>> No.14069640

Lol my gf is 95 pounds shed be puking in the trash at 110 let alone 120

>> No.14069645 [DELETED] 

95 pounds? gf? LOfuckingL

>> No.14069648

I just told you what she weighs. I hope your family gets its diet and health issues sorted out

>> No.14069649

Shes 5 feet tall thats healthy bmi virgin

>> No.14069650 [DELETED] 

Oh, okay, so she's a midget.

>> No.14069651

Just because youre a big fat fuck who gets no pussy doesn't mean everyone else is

>> No.14069654

stop dating middleschoolers

>> No.14069655 [DELETED] 

I'm 230 pounds of muscle you manlet.

>> No.14069656
File: 65 KB, 634x411, 1414409895653_Image_galleryImage_Britain_s_fattest_woman_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14069658

Post physique with time stamp

>> No.14069659

Midgets are 4"10 and lower

>> No.14069660 [DELETED] 

I know it's a meme around here, but I actually am, which gives me a chuckle.

>> No.14069662

Post hair line fatty

>> No.14069665

Post it

>> No.14069669

Shes 24 and at least i get laid

>> No.14069675 [DELETED] 

I'm not that vain I don't take photos of my physique. Only photos I have are with other people, so I can't.

>> No.14069676

Does your dad actually work at Nintendo too?

>> No.14069680

>t. Lardass

>> No.14069683 [DELETED] 

Not sure what that is supposed to mean. My dad died from the Wuhan virus last year.

>> No.14069688

>isnt vein
>brags about fake body to try and shame a guy with a gf
Youre right youre just a sad faggot

>> No.14069692

Fat people are the biggest liars i swear
You have to go back

>> No.14069694 [DELETED] 

It's called bulking. I have like a quart of bacon fat I keep meaning to get rid of, but I always end up reaching for the goose fat for the same purposes. I guess you could call me a schmaltzass.

>> No.14069697 [DELETED] 

LOL the guy admitted his "gf" weighs less than 100 lbs...that's either a child or a midget

>> No.14069699

Youve been bulking the last 20 years Augustus please stop eating all the chocolates

>> No.14069703

And the other guys mom was under 100 obviously youve never had a gf that wasnt a ham beast slam pig

>> No.14069704 [DELETED] 

My strength is so immense I would manhandle you...it would be hilarious to anyone watching.

>> No.14069711

You're gonna die of a heart attack

>> No.14069714 [DELETED] 

Where are all these tiny alien people from? Are we talking about South Korea or something?

>> No.14069715

Except you’re socially inept so you wouldnt even dare touch a twink for fear of eye-contact.

>> No.14069720 [DELETED] 

Probably. I get carried away.

>> No.14069721

Not amerilard for sure.

>> No.14069722 [DELETED] 

Nah. Anyway, what does social aptitude have anything to do with holding you down and making you my bitch?

>> No.14069805

Is this from the second season of The Last of Us HBO?

>> No.14070092

Cool blogpost.

>> No.14070217
File: 19 KB, 675x325, 289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14070223

> Obese whale pushing around skinny girl

why is this not a hate crime?

>> No.14070230

>why is this not a hate crime?
Because no blacks are involved. Only American blacks get special legal institutional privileges like that.

>> No.14070720

Actually we're American, just not "REAL UHHHMERRRRICAN" (read: inbred flyovers who are more afraid of a vegetable than killing their own grandma)

>> No.14070926


>> No.14072602

there's nothing wrong with eating fast food

>> No.14072620

Thanks for bumping this thread to inform us, OP.

>> No.14072716


>> No.14073675


>> No.14073682

Feels good, fast food establishments are containment boards for minorities and poorfags who can't afford a simple meal + tip at a decent restaurant.

>> No.14074069


>> No.14074303


>> No.14074323

>/ck/ outing themselves as brainlets, readlets, historylets, philosophylets and all other manner of stupid by thinking that "bourgeois" means the 1%

heckin ooferino

>> No.14074326

a commie shilling for mcdoodles

what a time to be alive