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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14063314 No.14063314 [Reply] [Original]

Share your restaurant ideas/dreams.

>> No.14063335
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I want to open a small sandwich shop that also sells fries. Sandwiches are easy and quick to prepare. Every month I'd have some meme expensive sandwich that hipsters will eat up . Good plan?

>> No.14063349
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my restaurant idea is JOLLIBEE

>> No.14063350

i don't have any dreams or aspirations

>> No.14063384

Food truck/trailer where I specialize in tacos and pizza and stay open late for the stoner crowd because everything but Jack and Taco Hell close by 10pm.

Have maybe 3 types of tacos. A few pizza toppings. Build my own towable pizza oven out of carbon steel, powered by either wood or coal. I live in the deep South and there good pizza is almost non-existent and good tacos are few and far between.

>> No.14063395

Would you say that having a food truck is better than owning a small restaurant?

>> No.14063399

Sounds nice to me, might wanna look into it a bit more, though.

>> No.14063401

based doomer

>> No.14063405
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what should i look more into exactly?

>> No.14063414

>Would you say that having a food truck is better than owning a small restaurant?
Yes. Because you are mobile and can set up at high traffic intersections and pull up stakes and cater to concerts/festivals/sporting events/weddings/birthdays etc. So much more flexible. And the overhead is surely much lower. You're not married to a single location or under contract and locked into a shitty lease. My mom ran a successful dougnut shop before the owner retired and my sister is going to open up a doughnut truck. She already has a very lucrative pet grooming business but she is getting tired of handling large dogs. It's bad for her back. It may be something we can split. She does morning slinging doughnuts and I do dinner- 3am drunk patrol.handnoff the truck to her at 4am.

>> No.14063436

My dream idea already exists. I just want a used book store that doubles as a bakery and bistro, maybe a liquor stire too. Imagine, spending all day sorrounded by books, coffee, cheese and liquor. It’s what I do everyday anyway.

>> No.14063466

doughnut truck sounds like a fire hazard on wheels

>> No.14063476

>doughnut truck sounds like a fire hazard on wheels
They already exist. You can buy them equipped and ready to roll.

>> No.14063502

My dream is to open a ramen restaurant that isn't a shitty cash grab run by phlips or hipsters and isn't an over priced zoomer trap.
I will hand make the noodles. I will serve 3 types of ramen: tonkatsu, shoyu and red miso. I will have puffed rice at the table and water pitchers will be placed on the table as well when the guest sits down.
I will not hire people with tattoos, or dumb anime thots. The staff will give a hearty, but not absurd “Irasshaimase!” when you enter. The wait staff will not except tips. I will only hire nice Christian girls who are genuinely happy to see the customer. If you are rude you get throw the fuck out. You pay upfront, and no comped anything. I will only play 70s, 80s, 90s, jpop/rock on the radio.

>> No.14063514

Is this supposed to be a Korean take on mutt food?

>> No.14063587
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I want to open a restaurants where only the heterosexual, nationalist ethnic locals would be allowed to eat.
All the minorities, the gay “people” and the commies would be kept outside and if they tried to enter they would gladly be beaten up not by the security guards but by the patrons who collectively felt the need to protect such a peaceful and homogeneous place from the contamination of the lesser species and ideas.

>> No.14063621

So you want to open a Jewish Deli?

>> No.14063644

indian burritos i thought about this like 12 years ago so i bet it has been done and is very pretentious by now

>> No.14063677

I wanna open up a home-based mini-pizza joint. Basically delivery/order based in order to serve the people in the neighborhood. Nuthin fancy :3

>> No.14063685
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no, it's purely, 100% Filipino made, with a Filipino heart

>> No.14063704

That's so cool. Will your wife and children help? How many kids do you have?

>> No.14063711

Is he going to eat all of that by himself?

>> No.14063722

I once had a dream where I was in a restaurant where you had to win a quiz before ordering.
If you won you got to pick whatever you wanted to eat, otherwise the restaurant owner got to pick for you.
It didn't matter though because he was a very nice guy and even if you lost he would make sure you were given something you would enjoy.

>> No.14063736


>> No.14063762
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its a she
Sandara Park

>> No.14063786

I used to go to a giropizza place (idk if they exist outside Italy but you pay a fixed amount of money and you get unlimited and different pizza at your table until you’re full) where on Friday there was a live quiz show where every table was a team (they asked to enter your team’s name and they added it to the live scoreboard) and got one remote with 4 buttons, then as you were eating they asked questions for the game and you had to choose the right answer pressing the correct button.

At the end the winning team (max 4 people) didn’t have to pay for their dinner, the 2nd one had to pay 50%, the 3rd got free beverages and so on.

They used to have thematic games with different prizes. One day my table got the 3rd place and we won 2 lottery tickets and we won 200€.

It was super cool, however this place misteriously and suddenly closed even if it was always packed. Mafia probably.

>> No.14063793

What the fuck is a €?

>> No.14063806

A currency that is worth more than your dollar

>> No.14063822


>> No.14063823

ok so these are multicolor cereal, they are shaped like pic related, they are called queerios (like cheerios)

>> No.14063827
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fuck, forgot pic

>> No.14063838

Fuck that sounds good.
I fucking love a quiz,
I don't mind pub quizzes but I always end up drinking too much and end up turning into predrinks and going to a bar or club afterwards
The idea of a pizza buffet with with a quiz sounds fucking dope.

>> No.14063855

specialty coffee shop that's also a bit of a media hub -
high-end analog audio setup in the main room playing vinyl at a reasonable volume,
curated library of short story collections, literary journals and things that can reasonably be read in an hour or two
cinema room that has a film playing at all hours of the day
host literary & academic events nights

>> No.14063878
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Okonomiyaki. Osaka and Hiroshima styles with traditional ingredients, cheese-filled which I had in Kyoto, and then a few fusion styles like Italian /Mediterranean / Indian inspired.

>> No.14063896

So you want to open a gay bathhouse/drag troup?

>> No.14063970

2 wasn't enough

>> No.14063988
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I am a 30 somethings incel trying to get my life together. The only thing keeping me together is my shitty "essential" job and me trying to swim upstream in the American University system.
I just want a wife and kids, and a stable career. The ramen restaurant dream is an outgrowth of my frustrations with American ramen.

>> No.14064028

I want to make a restaurant where you are forced to hike to it if you want to eat there. Up a mountain or somewhere remote that takes minimum 2 days to get to. Doesn't matter what I make but it will be the best tasting for they have ever had.

>> No.14064085
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I want to open a titty bar that has a breakfast bar.

>> No.14064090

always wanted to make riceball stand but pretty sure that wouldnt fly too well in mercia

>> No.14064201

Yes it would, depending on location.
There's a grocery store near me that sells these stupid bullshit $5 prepackaged riceballs.

>> No.14064317

>Build my own towable pizza oven
That's funny.


>> No.14064335

I've never been to a strip club but I'm sure I've seen people on this board talk about one that did some kind of breakfast special. Legs and Eggs maybe?

>> No.14064362

is there any weeb areas in Mercia? You could open one up there.

>> No.14064393
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>Legs and Eggs
was thinking bacon and boobs, but this works too.

>> No.14064410

Restaurant where you come alone and pick type of food you want: italian, japanese, slav, american, whatever. Then you get paired with someone who picked same food as you. So blind date kinda thing. You can also rate the person and if they are nice they'll be paired with more people. Thinking about, it doesn't have to be a restaurant! It can be an app where pick a local spot and paired with someone who picked same, and you can't decline. If you don't show up 3 times you get banned. What do you think?

>> No.14064423
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I always had this dream where if I was ever a millionaire or extremely rich where I don't care about losing money because it wouldn't put a dent into my wealth, I would open some kind of super noodle restaurant. This restaurant would serve Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese style noodles at an affordable price. The likelihood of such a project would probably be very hard which is why it requires fuckyou money to hire a large team, a large plot of land to build such a place, and other expenses. It would be opened 24 hours with lots of teams of dedicated cooks switching shifts, etc.. This idea came to me one late night as I tend to crave wanting a tasty bowl of noodle soup but every place around me closes at the 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM time frame. It would pander a lot to weirdos like me that love the very late night atmosphere.

>> No.14064484

I always thought it would be cool to have a fantasy-styled "Dwarven" eatery. Like, with decor inspired by traditional fantasy dwarven shit- very angular, sturdy, simple, geometric, stout. The actual meals would be meat-and potatoes type fare, but with a heavy focus on mushrooms and root vegetables of various kinds, and with strong beers providing the liquid base for most of the meals. Drink list would also focus on strong, dark beers, with meads and other fun stuff like that.

I realize that the idea of trying to run a fantasy restaurant as anything other than a gimmick is retarded, but i've always thought it would be cool.

>> No.14064486

Sounds fucking awful, especially if you're trying to make it a dating app.
As a restaurant, I don't think the market for singles looking to have a meal with a total rando is that high (and that's all you'd get, couples and families wouldn't go there) and as a dating app, Tinder is already king shit of fuck mountain.

>> No.14064563

Do you have to pay for the sex?

>> No.14064637

There's still money to be made in the UK opening an actually good Barbecue spot.
9/10 BBQ places here don't have a smoker.
It's literally just oven roasting and slathering with sauce.
Then they act surprised when people won't pay premium prices for shit they could make at home.

>> No.14064662

That's because good southern boys that know how to make proper BBQ would never step foot in a place like Londonistan.

>> No.14064692

My dad used to run a German style restaurant. Homemade mustard, root beer, brats, and polka music was always playing. I was a busboy. Some day I'd like to open it again

>> No.14064717

Nah, it's mostly just because retro-fitting a smoker into a tiny British building is expensive and hard.
Building a bespoke place is similarly hard, and next to impossible in an urban area, where most of the customers are.
Best bet would probably be converting an old industrial space, but most of those have been converted to flats, or knocked down.
Barbecue isn's fucking magic, you just need a smoker and a decent meat supply.

>> No.14064733
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>Nah, it's mostly just because retro-fitting a smoker into a tiny British building is expensive and hard.
Bullshit, y'all just retarded. It's literally a 1x2 meter box.

>> No.14064737
File: 580 KB, 861x582, Screenshot_20191208-200210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sub Saharan Africans literally do it.

>> No.14064743

why does that cat look like a corgi?

>> No.14064779

You wanna try doing that in a dense urban setting with much stricter planning / development laws, in a country without cheap subsidised feedlot meat, and see if you can make it cost effective?
Imagine you're trying to put one of these places in manhattan, but the average consumer only has ohio-level income, and doesn't really know anything about barbecue, or really care.
It's an uphill battle.
I think it can be done, but it's a lot harder than doing it in say metro-atlanta, or incest canyon virginia.

>> No.14064785

Incest Canyon HS class of '04 represent
Go Sisterfuckers!

>> No.14064791

That's literally in the San Francisco Bay Area. Not a 3rd world shithole like Londonstan or Jew York.

>> No.14064810

M8, sanfrancisco isn't particularly dense by european standards. And it has a much larger body of upper-middle class yuppies who want their "down-home authentic" meat products.
London wages are lower, space is much much tighter, and there is much less demand.
There are also laws against making people work in a tiny smoke-filled box without a big expensive ventilation system.

>> No.14066486

steal linus sebastian's idea of the lootbox restaurant

>> No.14066495

I want to open a place which sells only French fries (of varying serving sizes) with a nearly boundless number of sauce options

>> No.14066520

My dad talks about opening a pizza place sometimes, he makes one of the best pizzas I've ever had but his mexican food he makes is close. Guy is white as mayo but can make the best mexican I've ever had. In general he is the best cook I know yet he is a farmer. Idk how that happened.

>> No.14066525

Nice rotisserie place that has a few sides and maybe a daily special simple classy dining an american family can eat guilt free at everyday without breaking the bank

>> No.14066555

I often entertain the idea of running a takoyaki/okonomiyaki cart.

>> No.14066576

Back to /pol/ werner

>> No.14066588

i would make a restaurant that sells homemade potato chips, with many different flavors.

>> No.14066593

who is the semen demon ?

>> No.14066624


Please stay on topic.

>> No.14066635

I'd love to open a hotdog restaurant where all the waitresses are transwomen with huge cocks clearly visible through their tight pants.
They'd all need to have huge tits too.

>> No.14066655

>restaurant/brothels where you can openly proposition the waitresses aren't allowed to exist openly anymore

>> No.14066683

Want a whoopin?

>> No.14066789

the opposite of conveyor belt sushi. instead of the food moving around the restaurant, the tables are on a conveyor belt that moves. when they get to the end of the conveyor belt, their meal is done.

>> No.14066827
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>> No.14066851

it's a filipino burger and fried chicken chain. The food is quite sweet.

>> No.14066912

It could work in hawaii but you'd be competing with the ABC stores in honolulu and all the other aunties who sell them at their small stores.

>> No.14066932

I would be a regular.

>over priced zoomer trap

yeah this is my current ramen haunt. no other options

>> No.14066949

A pizza place where you make your own pie.

>> No.14066988

I dunno. I just want to help my local Mafia.

>> No.14067098

I would never want to run a restaurant but I like the idea of a carryout place with a small menu of hearty sandwiches and rice bowls with your choice of grilled protein (probably chicken, beef, or mushrooms) and grilled vegetables (red onions, broccoli, mixed peppers, cabbage, pineapple). French or Italian style bread depending on what's locally available, sticky white rice, a few kinds of cheese (Pepper Jack, provolone, American), a variety of sauces. Icy cold cans of Coke products and seltzer.

>> No.14067115
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An in n out/chick fil a type fast food chain with a simple menu specializing in Japanese sandwiches

>> No.14067160
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it's called PAIN and it specializes in violent popping foods that explode in your mouth and hurt it bad and make your mouth bleed so we serve you your own blood, its in Delaware, I'm the owner Rod Angel

>> No.14067165

I've seriously been looking into this restaurant idea. You start by choosing what kind of french fry you want (russet, golden, sweet potato, green bean) as the bed or base layer and then you choose your toppings. Obviously there'd be an open kitchen like chipotle but here's what drives it home...70's theme aesthetics. Almost like tapping into the historic disco fry shops from New Jersey. Decorations could include disco balls, light up floors, and other retro memorabilia.

>> No.14067167
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Been literally dreaming of eating at a place like this, hope it happens for you anon

>> No.14067171

Call it Wappa Jap or Nip Wedge

>> No.14067177

Delivery only restaurant, you can only get food delivered to your house by phonecalls or using an app.

>> No.14067190

i call it Eat With A Mannequin and you have to eat with Mannequins and pay for their food and a lucky lady diner gets to come meet with me in my office in the back (I'll be dressed as a mannequin)

>> No.14067200

Tell me about the beverage selection.

>> No.14067436

They deliberately breed genetic defects into them. It's fucking appalling.


>> No.14067454

one time i was thinking about the concept of opening a restaurant where one of the things on the menu is the option to let the kitchen decide which food item to serve you instead of choosing yourself, the tradeoff being you get it at a significant discount
you could use this to sell of certain extra items that didn't sell as well as expected during a given inventory cycle

>> No.14067482

I'd call it Old World Blues or something, and serve classics like omelette Arnold Benette, pressed duck, scotch eggs, steak diane and the like. I'd like the entire dining experience to be a LARP of the old days of culinary excellence, doting on the customer and have them feel much classier than they might be

>> No.14067490

I was thinking of a restaurant that is a big round circular table bar, and in the middle is the kitchen staff that makes the food and takes the orders, and people just sit around and eat.

>> No.14067521

A meme NYC small place for people eating alone. I'd call it Single Servings and only seat people individually. No groups no moving tables together. No conversations between customers or between workers or between employees and customers. No small talk or servers dropping in on tables to check in. No tipping. Sign on table to let a server know when a customer needs something.
A lone person comes in, orders food, eats, pays and leaves.

>> No.14067524

the only way this could work out financially is
>over priced zoomer trap

>> No.14067534

Similar concept, but the pretentiously high end restaurant I used to dishbitch at had 'experimental' Tuesdays. The customer got 1/3 off the normal set menu rate, and we had to use up whatever ingredients we had excess of. the chef advertised it to customers as testing out new menu items with purpose ordered stock items, but he was lazy so in general it was just a slight twist on on the normal menu e.g. pesto lamb rack -> Morrocan lamb rack

>> No.14067548

I would like to bring America's vending machine game to Japan levels. Need a sandwich, there's a machine nearby, different sodas, right on the corner. All sorts of very convenient things at a relatively cheap price. The problem with is that "urban youth" will constantly be breaking these things to steal the food and other goods.

>> No.14067626

Japan already has a vending machine restaurant

>> No.14067641

Good reading skills. Take a certificate of participation.

>> No.14067646

That's some high level hipster shit right there

>> No.14067658

having a food truck that sells curries of various flavors and spices in the US
its something that a lot of people haven't tried out and are probably more inclined to trying than say something like a gyro (even though gyros are fucking amazing)

>> No.14067680

Zoomer trap ramen places are the fucking worst.

Last time I was up in Portland for a business conference, I decided to hit up some small ramen store that was downtown. That was my mistake, as I already knew better than to go anywhere downtown (its all hipster zoomer bait)
The noodles were overcooked. There was no tare that was used as the base. The broth tasted like ass, it was overly salty like it was just bought from the store and reduced. The "soft boiled" egg that I got was hard boiled, and the worst offender of all, they cut the fucking noodles (like 3-4 inch segments)

>> No.14067728

restaurant called Cathouse and they serve this

>> No.14067729
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Monday's is a casual dining experience that serves Lasagna and Lasagna fusion food. Our slogan will be two really stereotypical white people saying "I hate Mondays" super sarcastically. Still working out the rights to Garfield for the mascot. Maybe we can get away with a cheeky generic cat that isn't orange.

>> No.14067733

Enjoy your weeb and bugmen customer base

>> No.14067740

There's a place pretty similar to this in New York City on the upper west side, around the 72nd St subway entrance. They only have pork chasu ramen in 4-5 styles, the store owner is a really young girl and the whole staff yells "Irasshaimase!" when you enter. It's pretty nice and seems to get a lot of lonely old people going in to eat alone and contemplate their lives