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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14063095 No.14063095 [Reply] [Original]

Why are white men cooking youtubers so pretentious and naturaly unfunny?

>> No.14063113

Trendy white dudes usually are.

>> No.14063116

Because cooking is a job that is supposed to be designated to a woman. So all you get is effeminate men.

>> No.14063140

josh has good recipes but i hate his memery with a passion

>> No.14063145

I would watch his videos if they were shorter, but I understand that he's playing for his audience and making money, so I don't fault him for that.

>> No.14063151

so this is what texas boys look like nowadays, huh

>> No.14063180

he's got good muscles but i hate his face and hair.

>> No.14063194

because you watch the gay ones

>> No.14063376

pretty sure he isn't white. Josh is also a fuckwit

>> No.14063471

White men? That’s a Jew bucko

>> No.14063481

why do faggots care about e-celebs?

>> No.14063493

show me some good shitskin ones then

>> No.14063497

Binging with Babish isn't really super funny, but hes my favorite cooking youtuber. A lot of the stuff he makes makes me extremely hungry.

>> No.14063517

Because you are uncultured and have a stunted world view.
Nice try rabbi.

>> No.14063524

Because, being trendy, affluent, and white requires you to be unfunny - as a lot of humor is rooted in the subversion of idea's, and preconceived notions, or it's the airing of otherwise offensive ideas. This is extremely antithetical to being 'woke', trendy, politically correct, etc.

Meanwhile, only trendy and affluent people are pretentious enough to believe they should have a celebrity on youtube. It becomes a perfect circle.

>> No.14063530


>> No.14063619

As much as I like this guys videos I don't think I can trust someone who looks this smug holding a piece of meat.

>> No.14063632

>he doesnt know THE REAL DEAL

>> No.14063733

i hate that pretentious cuck, what a faggot

>> No.14063739

oh another chosen one

>> No.14063757

Well, I would rather say that being very trendy and "in the know" is usually a substitute for lack of personality; you have no real defining qualities so you have to create a very visible style.

>> No.14063789

Inagine thinking this when Chef John exists. You’re pathetic and gay, anon.

>> No.14063790

You're probably resentful you don't have any hobbies besides playing video games and browsing 4chan.

>> No.14063792


>> No.14063798


>> No.14063810

josh is a boy, bruno is a seasoned man

>> No.14063812

Is Chef John white?

>> No.14063813

I like it.

>> No.14063825


>> No.14063829

everyone's "personality" is a facade they put on for the world, no one sees your actual personality, the fat fuck eating tendies while fapping to 18 year old skinny twinks getting double teamed by big black guys

>> No.14063844

>naturaly unfunny
they don't have to be funny to disarm sensitive white audiences.

>> No.14063849

his girlfriend is pretty cute though

>> No.14063865

literally virgin vs chad

>> No.14064021
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, DEDF8504-0FE9-4A3C-8094-D5F226068A49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How cute, he really thinks his onion rings are better than a real Krispy Kreme

>> No.14064102

now look at how thick that is
that's thicc with 23 cs
*bass boosted thicc with a zoom in on his ass in sweat pants*

>> No.14064109

Brad and Claires donuts > his and krispy kremes combined

>> No.14064113

Who are some MoC foodtubers I should subscribe to?

>> No.14064151

Jews aren't white you flaming buttfucker. You deserve to be shoved in an oven right next to him

>> No.14064171

>praising Chef John when Bruno Albouze exists

>> No.14064179

I mean he make good food. Dunno what his appearance and opinions have to do with it.
Um... thanks?

>> No.14064183
File: 2.16 MB, 1834x1069, wiseman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sweet I get to post this picture again

>> No.14064193

>w h i t e f r a g i l i t y

>> No.14064246

how can he be jewish when i watched him eat pork and shellfish

>> No.14064257

>Chef John

>> No.14064293

fresssssssssssshly ground black pepper

>> No.14064296

>praising Bruno Albouze when Justin Wilson existed

>> No.14064343

It is annoying but I think they can be overlooked considering the quality of the content.

>> No.14064406

>praising Justin Wilson when Mr. Ainsley Harriott, MBE still exists

>> No.14064898

their asses have been pumped full of alton brown's cum thats why

>> No.14065033

Man his looks like absolute shit, it's so weirdly thin and why is the hole so huge

>> No.14065098

He looks like he's got the muscles but he needs to cut, badly

>> No.14065139


>> No.14065159


>> No.14065242

hey, today we're cooking the steak from (movie). Thanks god (movie) invented steak

>> No.14065262

He's an ex-fatty but he's making a mistake getting into cooking. It's hard for ex-fats to keep weight off especially in a career like cooking where he's regularly making sweets and stuff. He lifts sure but he's got a pretty serious gut growing out and I think he's just gonna get fatter and fatter and never cut.

>> No.14065266

because they're white

>> No.14065321

He’s from LA, so if Californians keep moving to Texas than yes

>> No.14065510

he's hilarious

>> No.14065517


>> No.14065544

>so pretentious and naturaly unfunny?
Its like you have literally never watched Brad from Bon Appetit

>> No.14065632

Brad is unfunny and would otherwise never be watched if not for his producer but literally nobody could accuse him of being pretentious dude

>> No.14065640

people like him are the reason why i'm anti-semitic

>> No.14065654

I admit a huge part of the appeal of brad comes from the brilliant editing, but hes still pretty funny

>> No.14065687

This fucking guy is beyond annoying. He is the most pretentious elitist mother fucker Ive ever seen cook something and then video it. If he just made high quality shit and didn't do anything else, fine, they're pretty good recipes and I don't have a problem with that.

The PROBLEM is this fucking faggots inability to contain how goddamn proud he is of the shit he makes. I half suspect he fucking jerks off to his own videos and moans whenever he shits on something he doesn't like. My favorite retarded shit he does is his new series where he recreates fast food into a "fancy" version.

If that shit was on its own I would like it, but this insufferable fucking cocksucker will NOT concede that fast food has even a fucking MOLECULE of usefulness. He buys panda express and shits on it for 5 minutes. "Ugh this is so gross, I actually can't eat this, no, we can do better then this." Are you fucking retarded? Of course you can do better then this you elite fucking mongoloid. You just spent 50 dollars on ingredients and 35 minutes cooking literally a single fucking plate of orange chicken. Are you actually this fucking disconnected from reality that you truly believe THIS is the goddamn apex of cooking?

Like goddamn sure dude, sorry us fucking retarded plebians merely spend 10 dollars on 3 different entree's and a pound of fried rice, I'm so sorry we don't go out of our way this fucking much every time we want some orange chicken. Fucking cocksucker. Obviously if you put this effort in it will taste better, but he seriously believes we're all fucking stupid and deranged and don't want to go through the effort, like we all have lucrative Youtube careers instead of working 8+ hours on our feet, commuting, and then not wanting to spend this much effort at home.

Annoying fucking cunt.

>> No.14065703

top zozzle, goy

>> No.14065707

i saw a video of this guy once and god he really has a really annoying way of talking, i tried looking at his other videos and he just sounds unbearable, it's like he's trying to sound humble but at the same time smug about the stuff he does

>> No.14065710

he's also a jew

>> No.14065739

thats not true at all considering you have people like Gordon Ramsey to that fat guy in the restaurant who cooks and I forgot his name.
I think what really happens is you get metrosexual men who are pretencious narcisists and think they are special because they cook or have this hobby. This guy in the picture looks smug as fuck but its likely if you took away his kitchen, his gourmet knives and all his recipes he would be seething on the floor with nothing to work with and just give up.

These people dont actually love cooking they love using Cooking as an ego boost and something to boost their status as its a way for them to show off how cutlured and sophisticated they are in an extremely superficial manner that has no heart and soul

I think ultimately it isnt their fault its just these men grew up in circumstances that led to that kind of development and value system. Perhaps they will learn to better themselves.

>> No.14065764

wow I also hate jews. DAE into Adolf Hitler and the Nazis???

>> No.14065768

Wtf, Brad is a fucking mong. 30 minute videos of him just iver-exaggerating every little thing and going spaz for camera. Fuck that. Very little of BA videos are actually food ir cooming. Most of it is e-terntainment for the dopamine-fried youtube generation.

>> No.14065802

This desu. I don't care much about personality when it comes you YouTube cooks, but this guy just rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.14065810

He sounds like he has a mouth full of bans when talks.

>> No.14065827

It's a metaphor for his lifestyle choices

>> No.14065833

I just care about the cooking. Harping on personality and all that is loser shit. It's like skirting around a hobby to pretend you're into it. That or you're just straight up a lonely hater. Either way, it's loser shit.

>> No.14065834

i feel very uncomfortable about the latent antisemitism on this site

>> No.14066043

>doesn't cater to your sense of humour
>has his main audience come from Instagram and tiktok
>is a zoomer and caters to other zoomers

>what a fucking loser

youre all retards

>> No.14066072

The average jew doesn't give a shit about staying kosher unless it lets them make goy feel bad. My last boss was a jew who loved bacon and baby back ribs

>> No.14066205

>Wtf, Brad is a fucking mong
haha what man? he is fun
>. Most of it is e-terntainment for the dopamine-fried youtube generation
as opposed to what?

>> No.14066216

>he thinks those are nice muscles

233lbs pure. You dont know nothing

>> No.14066487


>> No.14066501

I made his focaccia bread a while back, turned out pretty good. Even if his memes are stale, he seems to have good recipes so you can't really knock that.

>> No.14066522

>he relies on holes to cook his meals
Maximum cringe my dude.

>> No.14066625
File: 154 KB, 1024x768, 1538532360759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are white men cooking youtubers so pretentious and naturaly unfunny?
>Joshua (((Weissman)))
Because they aren't white.
If you feel a natural disgust response towards him you might be an antisemite.

>> No.14066657

Fuck off.

>> No.14066982

Lol, cope.

>> No.14067009

He sounds as sooth as the highest quality of butter

>> No.14067030

Don't like it?

Don't watch it

>> No.14067090

[spoiler]I think you're being unfair to them.

>> No.14067821


>> No.14067827


How are you meant to focus on the cooking with all the fucking stupid voice and camera effects? It's shit you'd expect from a CoD montage vid not a fucking recipe. It's loser shit.

>> No.14067904

>I want to settle down now and have babies

>> No.14067972

"camera effects"

You can skip the B-roll buddy

>> No.14068264

but that's a calicuck

>> No.14068279

>respecting anyone who makes a living off jewtube, let alone a fugazi faggot ass fucc boi who knows no fundamental culinary techniques oe ingenuity of original content; just replications of mass produced shit whislt le phanny twerking on the counter literally get cancer

>> No.14068284

the hole cutter was too big, I don't know anyone that has 1 inch round cookie cutters

>> No.14068290

but nice try darkie