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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 532 KB, 1600x1326, Australia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14050048 No.14050048 [Reply] [Original]

How did a country with barely any culture produce probably the best cafe culture in the world?

>> No.14050054

they imported them.

>> No.14050101

as much as I love straya and love how they banished the plague that is Starbucks from their holy soil; France just so far and away has the best cafe culture and its not even remotely close.

pays to be like 90% white though

>> No.14050110

WWII refugees.

>> No.14050119

France has a bistro culture, which is not the same thing.

>> No.14050137

france has a famous cafe culture but terrible coffee IMO

ive lived in both aus and france and aus has far superior coffee

>> No.14050148

Wogs. Big southern European postwar migration and the widespread adoption of cafe culture. Maybe we were primed by the importance of the pub as a third space or maybe it was just such a big demographic impact that it was bound to happen. Either way I'm glad we fucked off that meme dark roast shit.

>> No.14050155

third place*

>> No.14050172
File: 140 KB, 1300x700, shutterstock_375169162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a melbournefag right?
By cafe culture you mean hipster faggots paying 15 dollaroos for a soy light vanilla chai beverage in between sucking dicks?

>> No.14050179

No. Get out more.

>> No.14050180

>only hipsters buy coffee

cringe bro cringe

>> No.14050198
File: 21 KB, 380x250, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your "cafe culture" bros

>> No.14050205


>> No.14050211

I've got a gf, your move cafebro

>> No.14050217

Based, but Shell/Coles Express coffee is better and cheaper

>> No.14050225

Bet she doesn't kiss ya.

>> No.14050227

globalization. Now kindly go fuck off.

>> No.14050285

that would imply the entire globe has the same culture dickweed

>> No.14050298

The best cafes in Europe I found in Brussels, the country is a shithole disaster embarrassment but the coffee was amazing and they had so many nice cafes

>> No.14050301
File: 374 KB, 1365x1295, lauren-tsai-promotes-fxs-legion-at-wondercon-2019-on-day-1-held-at-the-anaheim-convention-center-in-anaheim-ca-on-march-29-2019-photo-by-richard-chavez-picturelux-T291DR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the Italians and Greeks important their cafe culture to Autralia that had no coffee culture before. Add a love for tea and hanging out in the pub, it was a natural transition to hanging out in a place and drinking coffee.

That doesn't exist retard. Most people actively drink flat whites or lattes. Melbourne may be a black hole for the arrogant and condescending but decent coffee can be found even in dead end towns in the bush. Typical milennial, just hating on shit they don't undestand and deriving an unwarrented sense of self-importance. Fucken poofter

>> No.14050302

Melbourne fags are pretentious but it's not like you can't get good coffee and a chat just about everywhere. Your post is worse.

>> No.14050326

No, a globalized 'world' means the known world is connected somehow through trade or cultural divides are broken down and they intermingle.

The Bronze age was a globalized world, wherein the 'known' world within a certain reach of populations and societies were trading and immigrating and mingling with each other. Australia having a 'coffee' culture is a form of globalization, a plant that was first cultivated and, extorted for profit, and then exported from Africa is now a niche pass time, and indulgence in a completely different continent.
Again, now kindly go fuck off.

>> No.14050339

that is painfully reductive

>> No.14050354

Doubtful. Painstakingly reducing 'globalization' to basically:
>Global homos and imgrants killed my economy

is a cope. And easy way out of realizing how the real world works. It's a safety blanket.

The reality is, coffee culture is a product of hard working entrepreneurs who wanted to profit a fuck ton from the alkaloid of caffeine dense plants. Just like how tea ruled the world once.

>> No.14050366

I'm not arguing against your definition of globalisation but merely reducing a nation's coffee culture's existence to just globalisation is reductive

>> No.14050370
File: 11 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greggo approves!

>> No.14050376

Everything we do now has a history. Australia never had coffee, and it got there somehow.

And now it's a big deal. Which is a result of globalization.

>> No.14050380

globalisation doesn't make a culture receptive of a product

>> No.14050406

Beef stew and a pint

>> No.14050415

>90% white
I wish

>> No.14050417

youre an idiot

>> No.14050420

>the country is a shithole disaster embarrassment

>> No.14050447

>Global homos and imgrants killed my economy
they have and are. workers arent Australians and property is unaffordable.
Never been to sydney. Entire suburbs are chinese or indian. Europeans will go from the current 70% of Australia's population, to 50% by 2035.

>> No.14050475

>a pint
from a cafe?

>> No.14050478

>they have and are. workers arent Australians and property is unaffordable.
That is the Liberal party's doing ya dunce. It's because the Liberal party has a bunch of investment property owners in their ranks, so they ramp up negative gearing so they can earn passive income on vacated properties by claiming tax rebates.

Immigrants are out hustling to earn a living and you are bitching about them on a knitting forum. These are the same arguments levied to the wogs post WW2 and they are considered an integral part of Australian culture today.

Immigration isn't a fucking issue you retards, it's the fucking LIBERAL PARTY. If you hate immigrants FUCKING VOTE LABOR AND THEY UNIONS WILL PROTECT YOUR WORKING RIGHTS. The Liberal party are the ones that made it easier to cheap labour to be imported into the country on the 86 visas; and underming worker's rights.

Strong unions, means less jobs for immigrants, means less incentive for immigration. But you spoiled lazy fucks are content picking up the doll instead of taking shitty jobs like driving a taxi or risking livlihood on working your hands to the bone on an enterprise.

>> No.14050500
File: 167 KB, 634x744, 6200920-6391343-image-m-10_1542257080786[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14050507
File: 52 KB, 680x465, Chinese Provence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14050519

Wogs are european. Yes, they even look european and have cultural connections.
Whereas Indians and chinese dont even look the part.

>Labour=Strong Unions
HAHAHAHAHA. When Howard started this mess, did they take to streets? When labour got in, in 07 did they stop migration? No, it doubled. When Abbot made immigration explode, did they protest? Nah
Modern Labour has done nothing for workers. They may as well be Liberal party 2.0

>> No.14050561

lol this nigga is 17 years old

>> No.14050563

refute it

>> No.14050570

already did>>14050519

>> No.14050651
File: 18 KB, 815x431, Look at that spike under Liberals.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is Labor you fucking moron, if you are going to slander the party get the name right.

>When labour got in, in 07 did they stop migration? No, it doubled.

No, it nearly doubled under Howard from 00-07 you illiterate buffoon. 60,000 increase under Liberals and under Labor only 10,000 from 2007-2010

>Modern Labour has done nothing for workers
Except protect Australia from an economic recession in 2008, protect worker's rights, introduce the current stimulus package via a Labor economist, handle the aslym seeker issue properly, yadda yadda yadda. Go suck the Telegraph's and Murdoch's cocks.

>> No.14050713

>It is Labor you fucking moron, if you are going to slander the party get the name right.
It's "the dole" you fucking moron, if you are going to slander the ~3% of working-age adults that need to be unemployed at any one time to prevent inflationary pressure so our economic system works get the name right.

>> No.14050736

>Muh boat people
Talking about legal immigration you fucking idiot, not boat people. You know, the hundreds of thousands that enter Australia each year. God you just move the goal posts.

>GFC stimulus
Whilst good. Labor did nothing to restructure a shit economy reliant on constant growth. Literally liberal 2.0

>> No.14050741

Arm the proletariat

>> No.14050742

What? What the fuck is cafe culture? Go drink another cask and get killed by the local widlife on dreamtime, cunt.

>> No.14050758

Thanks for the spelling tip

I didn't move the goal posts you cunt (duh you can't have multiple talking points duuuur), I just used that as another talking point. If you actually moved your greasy arm to the mouse and clicked the link you'd find that immigration boomed under Howard and kept it's steady rise under Labor.

>literally Liberal 2.0
You mean to say that the Labor plans for the NBN, the carbon tax, and investing into Holden to produced electric motors didn't happen when the Labor party was kicked out after three years!? You mean a decade of Liberal party has resulted in Australia dropping from 3rd strongest economy to past 30?

You mean selling Australia's mineral and land rights piecemeal to foreign powers is better than a few immigrants? Based big future coal under Abbott, (also big thanks to ol' howard for deregularing mining allowing the magnate boom to continue t. gina rhineheart). Three years of Labor was resoundedly more beneficial than a decade of Liberals.

Go hop on the govermental waste of a lifetime in NSW. Ride that multibillion dollar light rail built by Korean contractors into the sunset you beautiful cunt.

>> No.14050763

>Thanks for the spelling tip
That's OK, I thought if you were being a smarmy quibbling cunt there'd be no harm in joining in.

>> No.14050768

no worries, it's all fun and games

>> No.14050772

Jesus, nobody cares about the irrelevant politics of a failed state.

>> No.14050781

Then why are you replying?

>> No.14050788

Labor aren't perfect, they instituted essentially a culture tax by taxing the fuck out of ciggies and booze fucking over poorer consumers, and I don't care if people criticise them, they need to be critiqued but I just hate the Liberals and people defending them so damn much.

Aside from gun control, what exactly have the Liberals done for Australia? Their whole existence just seems to be 'in power for the sake of it'.

>> No.14050790

To add perspective to your fifth world continent.

>> No.14050794

>a few immigrants
30% of the population and growing to 50%
>strongest economy
In the GFC.
>privatisation and outsourcing
No shit. I dont support it one bit.

>> No.14050798

>gun control
you wormy cocksucker

>> No.14050837

Australia has always had huge migrant numbers. Most still are British, Kiwi, and South African. But yes, I do not like the huge immigrant numbers either but as long they assimikate I have no problem. But the point being that Liberal caused the boom and and are continuing it, three years of Labor can’t change that.

Thye were doing something right to survive the GFC when other died

>> No.14050842

you can still get a gun, dickhead. i used to go roo shooting with my uncle all the time

>> No.14050854

>depending on your local magistrate
>they may allow you a WWII era inspired weapon
>of course with the proper certifications and registrations

>> No.14050860

They cant and dont. Theyre literally Asian.
yeah, but it's a pain in the bum to get them. also, all the good ones are banned

>> No.14050866

You believe that but I bet you still make fun of seppos for school shootings. Aaah double think

Not every dickhead needs a gun, but I have nothing against gun

>> No.14050872

nah, I know heaps of Filipinos and Viets whose kids are very australian,look at dudes like luke ngyuen or natalie tran, those second generations voets fit in well

>> No.14050884

You are neutered, and then thank the vet for removing your balls.

>> No.14050889

This is without a doubt the stupidest thing I've read all day. Are you so geographically uneducated that you've never heard of the countries of Italy, Spain and Portugal?

>> No.14050895

theyre not Australian.

>> No.14050904

how are they not? i’d rather hang out with a second gen viet australian than a silver spooned private school cunt like malcom turnbull, cunts that seem like they are straight out of english nobility

>> No.14050928

theyre Asian.
Also, who says I would be supporting a globalist?

>> No.14050932


>> No.14050934

I didn’t, I just hate those sort of upper class aussies. I just don’t hate Asians like you I guess? I mean fuck the country China and all that, but I know some pretty cool Chinese Australians as well

>> No.14050936

Spain and portugal have awful coffee tbf, their pastries and some other foods can be good but other shit.... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.14050941

>theyre Asian.
So? Chinese arrived in Australia about 50 years after whities. Why do you have such a narrow view? Who gives a shit where someone comes from so long as they're not deadshits. Doesn't mean we should allow unchecked immigration, but they're here to stay and are often pretty cool.

>> No.14050947

>Cool Chinese
No there isnt. If they cant get their own country right, why the fuck are we taking them in?
They have zero cultural or ethnic connections to us. They dont share a history.
They were only allowed in because some cunts wanted to give mortgages and sell houses.

>> No.14050955

>50 years after
and were promptly kicked out again.

>> No.14050972
File: 309 KB, 1907x1147, 1562059340611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.14050973

Their own country was fucked by one guy, fucken mao ruined a perfectly neat country and culture.

it should be noted I only know hong kongers and cantonese

>> No.14050974

Pretty weird that you faggots seem to think that within 50 years retarded abbos are local wildlife (true), you're natives (I guess), but Asians are invaders (lel). Tell me again, what distance is it between the Angloids, the British Rah, and the bugmen are in relation? Face it, you're now the same as South African expats clubs.

>> No.14050977

Yeah I don't agree with unchecked immigration, especially not to sell off shit to rich cunts. But also we didn't kick them out. Not discussing it anymore though, it's not why I come to 4channel, especially not fucking /ck/. Suck my dick cunt.

>> No.14050985
File: 194 KB, 650x813, 1533440913772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mao ruined china
tell that to the serfs. he just made it worse
>ching chong, let me in white man
Europeans are native Australians, because we built the fucking country. Australia didnt exist before that.
Of Course colonisation was wrong, but that's not an excuse to let happen again.

>> No.14050995

Yes we did and it was the reason for Federation. Ever heard of white Australia? Because business owners were bringing in chinks to work for pennies.

>> No.14051005

dude that is a false equivalency, you know very well modern immigration is different to 17th colonialisation

>> No.14051021

yeah, hundreds of thousands of Asians coming in each year. Australians being replaced by foreigners. Demographic changing in cities.
Sure sounds like we're being taken over.

>> No.14051056

I am talking to a child, aren't I? As in, under 25 and with an underdeveloped palate, correct?