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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14041157 No.14041157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is she eating?

>> No.14041160

My heart out.

>> No.14041163
File: 19 KB, 500x394, moreofthisplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslim girls are so hot compared to tattooed drugged up leather faced western thots

I can see why so many young men are converting to Islam

>> No.14041165

what kind of food will attract a cute 6/10 muslim gf bros?

>> No.14041172

Muslim isn't an ethnicity

>> No.14041174
File: 180 KB, 577x960, tumblr_d008bf82c0907bafc897dc8853fc2a56_8a8845f7_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turkish delight
Rose water

in before jealous tattoo thots start screeching about how they're actually men because "real women" have rolls and tramp stamps and are drunk all the time

>> No.14041181

Its two ethnicities. Black and brown.

>> No.14041182

You'd think from the fact that there are asians, near easterners, and africans being posted ITT that this would go without saying, and yet here come the leatherface tattoo thots raging about "genetics" and "unreasonable standards"

>> No.14041197

This thread has me hard as a rock. But they're not as pure beneath that clothing as is being claimed. The Muslims I've been with were wilder than any white girl. They're just better at keeping up a facade.

>> No.14041210

The facade matters though. All I want is a female who I can be proud of having next to me in public, who won't embarrass me when she gets too drunk at a family gathering and starts swearing loudly or talking about sex or drugs or "I have no filter lol", or who gets excited instead of scared or angry when strange men catcall her in public, or who smokes, or wears trashy revealing clothes, or who doesn't submit to my will. A girl who understands why covering up her sinful body is 1000x more appealing than a slut who shows off her labia to everyone who cares to look.

Also who is not fat obviously but that goes without saying.

>> No.14041216

Strawberry cheesecake, obviously.

>> No.14041218

nice tits

>> No.14041220


>> No.14041222

>who doesn't submit to my will
anon I...

>> No.14041225

....are a qt muslim girl and would like to apply?

>> No.14041239
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>Muslim girls are so hot compared to tattooed drugged up leather faced western thots
>I can see why so many young men are converting to Islam
Baptists are toppest tier and they're not even going to Hell for being apostate infidels like Muslims though.

>> No.14041242

is this one of those weird youtubes where a pervy redneck whores out his daughters for views?

>> No.14041246

you're looking for something that doesnt exist anon

>> No.14041250

We all know those whores would have sex with a strange man if given the chance.

>> No.14041251

And that is why I haven't had sex in 8 years while everyone else is already married and divorced and spends half their free time in court arguing over custody

>> No.14041261

What a dummy

>> No.14041271

>Baptist girls
>anything but whores

>> No.14041277

>mormon girls
>anything but whores
i think im noticing a trend here

>> No.14041278 [DELETED] 

> All I want is a female who I can be proud of having next to me in public

LOL cuck

>> No.14041322

Is /ck/ the most Jewish board?
I think so.

>> No.14041329

halal shit on a stick

>> No.14041331

She can put her halal shit on my stick
And then lick it off

>> No.14041336
File: 87 KB, 1242x1394, gigahabib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its Baklava and stuffed dates.

Dare I say based

>> No.14041340

Salmon on a bagel

>> No.14041344
File: 911 KB, 680x850, giga habibi 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet she's swedish.

>> No.14041348

he's basically looking for a literal slave and they exist, he just won't like where they come from because he probably thinks he's too good for them. not excusing the shitty behavior of people but trying to make someone a slave seems like a bad idea compared to pushing them to want to do better.

>> No.14041349

ٱللَّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ even his hands are ripped

>> No.14041357
File: 375 KB, 592x398, 18456748636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a slave to your vices, not everybody is and certainly the one who can resist the urge to act like an animal is of the freest spirit


>> No.14041358

That's a good one, they should do "Somewhere over the rainbow"

>> No.14041373

Search for Indonesian teen on your favorite Porn site and you'll see plenty young beautiful Muslim girls flashing tits and pussies.

>> No.14041384

>You are a slave to your vices, not everybody is and certainly the one who can resist the urge to act like an animal is of the freest spirit
that's basically what i'm saying, you should want people to do better on their own instead of saying you just want someone who will submit to your will like a slave as that other poster said

>> No.14041394

She looks Irish, maybe Swedish.

>> No.14041398

Some Indonesian qts fled to Mexico to get rid of rape and opression that those types of goverments promote.

>> No.14041403

>walk into vegas and youll see lots of christians gambling
pretending for appearance by definition

>> No.14041411

Harmless vices, nobody is perfect.

>> No.14041438


>> No.14041571

casual sex isn't foreign to these whores lmao

>> No.14041584

kinda looks like a wicked desert my gandmother used to make. basically it was a layer of ground graham crackers, whipped cream..and topped with strawberry jello. so good...

>> No.14041600 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 828x824, 1588151580588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam women suck because they're dirty and simple minded. Underneath the clothes are filthy mudflaps y'all would want to call a pretty pussy
No thanks fag kek

>> No.14041639

It's the same for all bitches, nobody is "holier than thou" yammer yammer yammer.

>> No.14041654
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what about jewesses?

>> No.14041701

She's fap worthy

>> No.14041706

Yeah but would you rather marry her, or >>14041157

>> No.14041716

I don't know, I'm not the marrying type.
No chick would want to marry me.

>> No.14041735
File: 304 KB, 540x396, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw didnt eat parmigiano my entire life until 2 weeks ago because I thought the rennet is haram
my expectations were higher than what it turned out to be, its just an ordinary hard cheese after all

>> No.14041736

I really can't see any chick in her right that would want to marry someone such as me.

>> No.14041753

Imagine having a qt Muslim wife who wears a hijab and never had sex with you or even kissed you before you married her but then after getting married she always wanted to have sex with you because she’s been a virgin her whole life.

Haha wouldn’t that be gross hehe ha

>> No.14041764

if her pussy stank like all women I'd make her wash it with lysol every day even if it means she can't have babies. the shame of having a barren womb would allow me to emotionally manipulate her. I mean give her much needed emotional support lol, I'm a nice guy don't judge me

>> No.14041772


>> No.14041778

image being retarded, indian chicks are cute from time to time. They like us white bois.

>> No.14041802

All three have black boyfriends I'd stake my life on it

>> No.14041813
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left or right

>> No.14041818

why would I marry a girl before inspecting her butthole
I like camgirls because they show everyone their butthole so we can know what we're missing

>> No.14041831

Mutts Law
Nice try, rabbi.

>> No.14041885

its all boards
this whole site gets worked hard

>> No.14041941

Strawberry shortcake?

>> No.14042587 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14042756

>every woman
>anything but a whore
Muslim chicks risk being stoned to death to bang MuhamChad next door on the side. It's just in women's biological wiring.
Mutt's law.
Seems that way.

>> No.14042772
File: 222 KB, 800x600, 1576953188490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14042819

holy mother of right I forgot the name but I had some from this Arabic bakery next to my doctor's office and the girl at the front was cute, too. I'm muslim like she is so at least I have some hope...

>> No.14042881

far right has a lot of meth in her blood.

>> No.14042905

The one in the middle looks like she's wearing a bluetooth vibrator controlled by her dad

>> No.14042915
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>> No.14042959 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 637x715, 9991398c0720e4e21144f9f123d71a8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14042971

Biggest cocksucking whores on the planet. They are absolute trash. They gave the world feminism and destroyed the planet in like 2 generations.

>> No.14042975

Are there camels in Pissrael?

>> No.14042979

You're just jealous.

>> No.14042988

That's just lame and shows your jealousy. How pathetic can you be?

>> No.14042989

>You're just jealous.
Jealous of home wrecking- lower form of life than prostitutes? At least whores get paid. Jewesses are insufferable cretins that hate God and hate the role of women in a traditional civilized society. They really are garbage.

>> No.14042994

Damn, you're a seething weirdo. It's coming out of your pours. Chill bitch.

>> No.14042999

Do you have running water? If so take a shower and chill.

>> No.14043003

>Despising the destruction of Western Civilization brought on by subversive Jewess trash


If I got kicked out of 109 bars would it be my fault or are the barkeepers just antimemetic?

>> No.14043004 [DELETED] 

Imagine a world without incels

>> No.14043010

You see it differently than I do, I don't suck up to arabs or palistinians the way that you do. Fuck islam!

>> No.14043011

I too would love a world without islam.

>> No.14043022

Being on on food board talking about jewhoes? Yeah pretty pathetic. Oh are you here.....

>> No.14043029

You seem to have a lot of issues, have you considered shock therapy?

>> No.14043030

>You see it differently than I do, I don't suck up to arabs or palistinians the way that you do. Fuck islam!
Muslims are actually nice people, Christians and Muslims have got along fine until the Rothschild banking Jews decided they wanted to LARP as Israelites and steal Palestine from the indigenous Semetic Christian and Muslim people. It's the Jews and the Jesuit Catholics that have caused all the turmoil in Palestine.

>> No.14043039


>> No.14043040

>Christians and Muslims have got along fine
Ever heard of the ottoman empire and the crusades, Ahmed?

>> No.14043041

More issues, have you considered that you're a poor sack of shit that blames others for your problems?

>> No.14043044

The destruction of western nations.

>> No.14043047

I couldn't give a flying fuck about palestine, why do you? They and some arabs attacked Isreal, that's a fact that you can't deal with.

>> No.14043063

Why shouldn't they. They just want their land back, is that too much to ask or fight for?

>> No.14043064

You might want to clean your dirty diapers sometime instead of blaming others you filithy fucking diaperhead.

>> No.14043074

Catholics aren't Christians. Catholics murdered the actual Christians.
Maybe if your hooknose satanic God hating Reprobate kinfolk weren't murdering millions of Palestinians in the past 70 years the world could have peace...
>I couldn't give a flying fuck about palestine, why do you? They and some arabs attacked Isreal, that's a fact that you can't deal with.
Israel attacked their neighbors first, you dirty fucking lying rat fink. Jesus was right about you, you're children of the devil and the lusts of your father you will do. Including posting kike whores on a cooking board you disgusting judenrat.

>> No.14043080

Do Islams have anal?
Would she be above shitting in my mouth or in a condom, freezing it and then wrecking my ass with it?
Asking for my dad btw

>> No.14043078

Oh they're land back? hahahahaha
You really are not only deluded but stupid. They attacked Isreal and Isreal made a buffer zone, what would you do if attacked by asshole diaperheads?

>> No.14043081

>Catholics aren't Christians. Catholics murdered the actual Christians.
Cope, protestants don't like you either.

>> No.14043083

Muslim girls LOOKS nice, but under that robe they are all hairy and super smelly, because tradition.

Why anyone would ever touch that is beyond me, but I guess since muslim men are used to goats and camels it' s okay.

>> No.14043088

They likely haven't learned the art of showering or baths yet.

>> No.14043090

Stupidity is big in this one. I fear hope is no option, maybe a bullet or cyanide.

>> No.14043093

Seethe, sandman.

>> No.14043096

>Oh they're land back? hahahahaha
>You really are not only deluded but stupid. They attacked Isreal and Isreal made a buffer zone, what would you do if attacked by asshole diaperheads?
Go back to Russia you fake Jew piece of shit. God rejected your incestors and sent the Romans to BTFO you christkillers in 70AD, then when your dirty rat incestor Bar Kokhba claimed to be the Messiah and blaspemed Jesus you got utterly wiped out and sent to be a plague upon the whole of humanity. Where your rat incestors murdered 60 million Russian and Ukrainian Christians with communism via your NKVD. You don't belong in Palestine. And you aren't Israel. You're a satanic fraud and Hell awaits you all.

>> No.14043108

Op here, I've also never been on a date and have never read the Quran

>> No.14043109

Russians are our friends, but if you must ask and clearly you're a moron, most of my family is Swedish, Prussian, and German, we're really American for a ton of generations. What the fuck are you, you pathtetic scoundrel.

>> No.14043122

>my family is Swedish, Prussian, and German
You're nation wreckers. You aren't any of those. You simply got kicked out of all those countries and now you're fucking up another host country aka America.

>> No.14043128

You should, chicks are cute and can help you with your weird issues. Then you wont need to blow up buildings and other people.

>> No.14043135

Such harsh words from someone that doesn't identify. You're pathetic, admit that you are.

>> No.14043142

You can wash dirt off a pure virgin but you can't wash the filth out of a filthy vile whore

>> No.14043143

You're just jealous that not everyone makes minimum wage like you do.

>> No.14043152

That's from "you can bring a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink"

>> No.14043155

As a pseudo Christian I once was dated this Muslim woman. We wined, dined and fucked. She was pretty cool. And yes, she said she loved Allah.

>> No.14043162


>> No.14043163

The absolute state of Jewish posters.
This is a cooking board aka an art form. Something your diseased minds are incapable of. Please leave and go somewhere you can actually contribute like teaching other people how to steal old lady's pensions on >>>/biz/

>> No.14043169

Boo hoo, you're a jealous homo, just admit it.

>> No.14043180

You're so jealous that the only thing that you have left is deflection. You're lame and you suck, you just don't realize it yet.

>> No.14043205

Addendum: I also get a hard on talking bs I have no clue about. OK I'm a 13 yo sad fat kid...can you blame me?

>> No.14043218

I can't blame you since you've never made any money for yourself, someday you'll get out of your mother's basement, it wont be today.

>> No.14043274

>you've never made any money for yourself
What is it about the degenerate Jewish mind where money is the end all and be all of everything? And we all know Jews never work for a living. They only make money by cheating and scheming other people out of the fruit of their labor. The closest you'll get to a working class Jew is a deli owner. And I'm sure they got that thumb on the scale at all times.

>> No.14043285

I'm not a jew, but someday you'll stop blaming others for your problems. Since you said that you're 13 you're not allowed on this board.

>> No.14043522


>> No.14043536 [DELETED] 
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Same. But incel white reactionaries would have to go too.

>> No.14043549

Arab is
Paki is
Syrian is
Just like Jews are
Middle easterns

>> No.14043591
File: 716 KB, 824x906, consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how much leftists love using "reactionary" as a derogatory

>> No.14043610

I remember when Re ddit was spamming the same sorry of shit ten years ago
And people say this place has changed

>> No.14043627

Love how you don't know the actual definition of

>> No.14043636

>le incel
I don't even agree with him, but jeez, get a new bag reddit. Not everyone you disagree with is a virgin. It comes off as solipsistic projection.

>> No.14043639

>(of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform.
Anyone who opposes your evil

>> No.14043654

>literally wants to ethnically cleanse me
>somehow, is still the victim
poor oppressed white male gamer ;_;
life is so unfair for you!

>> No.14043677

>literally wants to ethnically cleanse me
Where did i say that you fucking retard.

>> No.14043710

oh sorry I forgot, I'm the real racist for not wanting to be in a mass grave

>> No.14043728

You keep using these arguments like i am setting them up but i have not said anything about mass graves, nor have i accused you of being a racist. In fact i haven't said anything to do with race at all. Not sure why you are so obsessed with it.

>> No.14044027

its künefe

>Saladin captured Raynald and was personally responsible for his execution in retaliation for his attacks against Muslim caravans. The members of these caravans had, in vain, besought his mercy by reciting the truce between the Muslims and the Crusaders, but Raynald ignored this and insulted the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, before murdering and torturing a number of them. Upon hearing this, Saladin swore an oath to personally execute Raynald.[106] Guy of Lusignan was also captured. Seeing the execution of Raynald, he feared he would be next. However, his life was spared by Saladin, who said of Raynald, "[i]t is not the wont of kings, to kill kings; but that man had transgressed all bounds, and therefore did I treat him thus."
>Saladin preferred to take Jerusalem without bloodshed and offered generous terms
>An unusually low ransom for the times (around US$50 today) was to be paid for each Frank in the city, whether man, woman, or child, but Saladin, against the wishes of his treasurers, allowed many families who could not afford the ransom to leave.
>Patriarch Heraclius of Jerusalem organised and contributed to a collection that paid the ransoms for about 18,000 of the poorer citizens, leaving another 15,000 to be enslaved. Saladin's brother al-Adil "asked Saladin for a thousand of them for his own use and then released them on the spot."

as usual, mercy is wasted on christrats
>Richard the Lionheart, King of England led Guy's siege of Acre, conquered the city and executed 3,000 Muslim prisoners, including women and children.

>> No.14044058

I'm no christfag, but don't act like you're kind is any better as a whole; I'd argue to the contrary, if I had to choose a side.
There's assholes in every sect, and, to a lesser extent, good people.
That said, even though I'm not religious, somehow I hate modern atheists just as much, if not more than the religious types.

>> No.14044117

it's pretty clear what your end game is. you can play dumb today, you can play "just being ironic" tomorrow, you can do the "no ur the racist" the next day, you can go "there's no such thing as race so I can't be 'racist'" the day after. I no longer care what you say. I watch what you do.

>> No.14044123

Her religion's rejection of female freedom

>> No.14044130
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>> No.14044132

Not him, but Jesus man, stop with the strawmanning and actually engage in the argument in good faith.

>> No.14044142

>Drop your children off at DontCare
>Work as a typist and call another man sir all day

>> No.14044175

Lots of white muslims in southern european countries (bosnia, turkey, etc) and white passing muslims in the levant (syria, lebanon etc)

>> No.14044188

what obligation do I have to engage in "good faith" with someone whose entire internet persona is constructed on engaging in bad faith arguments to avoid having to appear to have any consistent principles that might be open to attack? especially when they want me dead

>> No.14044191

Turkey isn't Europe and Bosnia is a Turkish rape baby country.

>> No.14044202

You're projecting, mate. Ease up on the Alinksy tactics.

>> No.14044209

>you're projecting
yeah we covered that option, remember?

>> No.14044260
File: 2.71 MB, 1024x1112, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

history is riddled with examples like the one above
daily reminder that no muslim country ever invaded the US or britain or germany, none ever nuked civilians or incited world wars
none started proxy wars for profit etc
None of them started a literal war to enforce selling drugs in a foreign country which tried to resist just that, like the british, also christians, opium wars
USS Maddox, RMS Lusitania, USS Liberty, the Nayirah testimony, the evangelical american history is a throne of lies serving as casus belli
the christian west has always been a bastion of subjective tunnel vision and hypocrisy

I dont like russians either, but I know that they never once set out to conquer european soil by themselves, but the french, germans, polish and swedes, maybe more, did try and in parts succeed the reverse.
Yet theres a german saying that goes "der Russe steht vor der Tür", the russian is just around the corner and if youd ask, people will pretend the conflict has always been two-sided, same with christian and muslim conflicts.

>> No.14044514

Based and allahpilled
DUH no one is saying that it is
Kafir cope

>> No.14044568

You were replying to another individual, and you still weren't making a valid argument regardless. You were strawmanning. Projecting about projecting is still projecting (lol).

>> No.14044583

>we didn't make it to Germany so our slaves don't count!
>also, nukes or something
Didn't even read further. Formulate a real argument. Muslim brutalization of what they consider infidels to this day. Don't cherry pick from the past three millennia.

>> No.14044615

>I dont like russians either, but I know that they never once set out to conquer european soil by themselves
Not that I disagree about the perfideous Albion, but that is patently false. The Jew Bolshevik scum had planned on taking over Europe via communism since before WWI even broke out. Then after the war they sent their rat agents to Germany to try their communist revolution there and failed. The Soviet Judao Bolshevik scum are the worst motherfuckers on the planet responsible for the murder of at least 60 million people. The real Holocaust not the fake fabricated one the Zionists use to justify stealing Palestine and murdering the indigenous Christians and Muslims of Palestine.

>> No.14044622

Off topic threads are cancer and against >>>/ck/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.14044633

how the fuck is this still up

>> No.14044645

>Kafir cope
You're the cultist that belongs to an apostate offshoot of Christianity that contradicts all Hebrew and Christian scriptures. And follows a literally Joseph Smith and his golden plates Mormon tier retardation. Where your "prophet" was literally illiterate and that is painted in the light of it being some sort of virtue and proof that his "writings" were inspired... While contradicting everything in existing scripture and contradicting the prophets.

If you actually had an open mind you would read books and seek truth and eventually you would become Christian and follow the teachings of the Messiah.