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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14039933 No.14039933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how yall holding up?

>> No.14039942
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Drunk as fuck the last month straight. Turned down job offer today. Probably drink myself into a coma

>> No.14039943

Currently 15 years sober, or about to be in a few months anyway.

>> No.14039948

How the fuck did you manage to turn down job. If I wont work a month I'll starve. Where do you get money

>> No.14039950

how are the aa meetings?

youre lucky i cant even get a job now

>> No.14039955

Too rich to work, chaps.

>> No.14039961

More like AAy lmao.

>> No.14039967

Miserable. My steam backlog isn't helping me and all my online spaces are dry of worthwhile content. The news depresses me and I don't feel fulfilled in any way despite having all this food. I'm just getting older and unstimulated and I'm sitting on NEET/Trump bux that I can't even spend on anything that I would want (travel)

>> No.14039977

Should i finally buy rdr2?

>> No.14039981

I wouldn't advise ti.

>> No.14039990
File: 496 KB, 1092x792, 1993494123423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do you even get addicted to alcohol?
just listen to your body
"oh my body felt terrible from drinking too much last time, so I am going to drink more right now."
"oh my body felt terrible from drinking too much last time, so I am not going to drink until my health condition recovers."
this is why I can't sympathize alcoholics. To be suffering from alcoholism l, you literally have to consciously make the former DECISION so many times through the clear signs of your body telling you to stop

>> No.14039992

Did you like the first? If so, then yes. It is literally RDR, but better.

>> No.14039996

I never played the first one, I've only played GTA.

>> No.14040004

That is the perfect game for the current situation, get set up with some good grub, whiskey and get pulled into the game.

>> No.14040006
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>tfw birthday
>tfw 24 years without alcohol
Feels good man

>> No.14040007
File: 93 KB, 1280x980, 1586212230633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got drunk before work for the first time of 2 years binge drinking almost every day. no one suspected it and i even brought more booze with me to drink during work. after the alcohol wore off in the afternoon i suffered a horrible anxiety attack where i thought it was a heart attack and i had to go to the ER where they gave me valium for my anxiety and ran tests on me to make sure it wasn't anything to do with my heart. they sent me home and i binge drank again and got suicidal and my family had to intervene. i'm now 2 days sober and i'm going to start therapy and treatment for my mental problems as well as my dependence on alcohol as a coping mechanism. it's been a wild ride y'all.

>> No.14040016

Drink all you want just not at work bro, not worth losing a job especially in these times.

>> No.14040017

You should move on to GTA2. That's where the series peaked.

>> No.14040021
File: 107 KB, 680x530, C9462443-B49F-41F0-8D9E-E58BEFB70747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a couple beers with some chicken wings tonight, it was nice.

>> No.14040024

It's one thing to be in bed all next day from a good night of drinking, it's another to think you're dying from an alcohol withdrawal-related panic/anxiety attack. Seen that shit firsthand, it's not good. Keep going down that road, and you're actually going to kill yourself.

>> No.14040027

no i need to get sober, at least for a while as i get help for my mental health. i might be able to return to drinking for leisure in the future but right now it's caused a lot of problems with responsibilities (such as me dropping out of college and shutting myself inside away from the rest of the world). i haven't been able to go out and date people for the past year because i spent every day holed up in my room with liquor and depression.

>> No.14040028


>> No.14040029

So? Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes, and you can take or leave it as you please.

>> No.14040032
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>> No.14040034

Absolutely based.

>> No.14040035

No, I'm talking he is literally going to kill himself. He is going to die of renal failure, his liver is going to stop being able to process much of anything, and his heart muscle will become so incredibly weakened that he may very well die of a heart attack in his sleep, especially if he is already having anxiety attacks which put undue stress on the muscle to begin with.

>> No.14040040

i'm not really a drinker. i like to sip spirits throughout the day. never more than a teaspoon at the time but i do start right in the morning.

>> No.14040052

sometime its good to tell people NO.

>> No.14040066

Dude - all you have to do it know its an alcohol come-down induced panic attack - then you power stance and tell yourself youre ok for 6 minutes and it goes away - until the next one, but you'll be fine once you get the shit out of your system and get some actual rest.

now you know. - but dont fucking drink at work.

>> No.14040075

it was terrifying because while i've had anxiety attacks before they weren't near this caliber, i legitimately thought i was going to die, i lost all feeling in my fingertips and i was shaking violently while driving a company vehicle and i had to pull over and call 911.

>> No.14040082

Sounds like going sober for a while is best for you. wishing you the strength and luck to pull through it and get your shit on track

>> No.14040109

Just have a beer bro whats the big deal anyways chill out

>> No.14040113

they have been allowed again for a while now. Check the latest archives there are alck threads archived with 300 posts from just a week ago.

nice try fag

>> No.14040129

Link to them.

>> No.14040328


>> No.14040337

there's one in my old city that meets at 10+ every night and fulfilled my need for group interaction. there were 60+ people there on a nightly basis. i used to drink because of loneliness so it was pretty helpful. haven't found a decent one in my current city

>> No.14040354

Blogshit threads are cancer and against >>>/ck/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.14040439
