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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 350x350, harney-sons-coconut-ginger-vanilla-tea-premium-teas-canada__82807.1539996108.350.465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14033631 No.14033631 [Reply] [Original]

whats your favorite tea? Recently bought some darjeeling, pic unrelated

>> No.14033662

Fucking love rooibos. its so god dam refreshing. drink it up to 3litres a day.

>> No.14033918

My favorite go to this year has been a shou puer. Nothing fancy, just a decently aged 7572. Sheng is fine too, but too hard on my stomach as I don't eat breakfast. Nicer in the afternoon.

>> No.14035341

Waiting on some Assam tea to make a better quality Chai with, the Darjeeling I have isn't cutting it.

Also got some herbal cinnamon plum and ginger turmeric now i'm digging.
Yamamoto-yama green tea I have a few left of, always was partial to that one.

Recent moved to Korea so I really need to get out and find some good shit here that isn't awful red ginseng. Any advice?

>> No.14035345

can anyone recommend me some tea to get me mum? :3

>> No.14035376

It's ceylon black or nothing

>> No.14035540

How do I keep my cup warm, broe?

>> No.14035560

Drink coffee.

>> No.14035616

Anything except ceylon black.

>> No.14035674

Yorkshire Gold Loose Tea

>> No.14035748

I do. Variety is nice.

>> No.14035759

I get 3 kilos of Welsh Brew and keep it in a big sack in my cupboard. Does me for a few months, cheap and tastes good.

Been considering growing my own chamomile flowers to dry and brew, anyone done this?

Also anyone else use a French press for tea? Works way better than a teapot imo.

>> No.14035950
File: 94 KB, 800x935, 2007_xg_tejiboxtuo_bao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xiaguan Te Ji Raw Tuo. Perfect sheng puer, I drink it everyday now.

>> No.14036092

I just drop the leaves on a big mug. If it's too bitter I add more water, and if it's too weak I add more tea.

>> No.14037137

Posting related links cause other gen is overly edgy for fucking tea.
/tea/ FAQ:

previous thread

>> No.14037211
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Sipped down the some of my old 52 teas brews. Peppermint coconut patty was good, but didn't age well flavor wise. Just had the white tea Christmas cookie, which held up better. Was a good mix of warm spice with almond flavor that didn't overpower the base.

>> No.14037814
File: 21 KB, 387x461, 1588467580593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already a tea thread up you dope

>> No.14037848

For my daily drinker I have Yunnan black tea or a tea from Sri Lanka that is yummy.

More luxurious is a Taiwanese Mi Xian black tea or Li Shan oolong.

>> No.14037866

True, but its cringy even for 4chan.

>> No.14037879

The OP pic is ya....fine I'll use this one.
Has anyone ordered Wuyi Star? Got a little pack from a co worker in the past and was pleased with it. Strangest thing was I resteeped it about 10 times before it lost flavor.

>> No.14037940

I just tried the chiran shincha from kettl today. This is my first experience with both proper fukamushi sencha and any kind of shincha, since I got started with Ippodo last year.

I was very impressed as soon as I opened the bag. The fresh smell is incredible, an inviting combination of fruit, grass, and spices. Possibly the best smelling dry leaf I have ever sniffed. Unfortunately, I was less impressed with the flavor. It seemed to lose that fabulous complexity in the cup, turning into a satisfying but simple cup of sencha with a pleasant fruity aftertaste. Still objectively excellent tea, and I’ll try adjusting my brewing parameters to preserve more of the notes, but I’m more excited to try Ippodo’s asamushi shincha when it arrives hopefully in June.

>> No.14037944

Harney and Son's Queen Catherine blend. It's just a nice black tea blend that I've enjoyed for a while. I like keemuns and breakfast blends.

>> No.14037964

A good Taiwanese high mountain oolong tea and I'm happy

>> No.14038011

my favorite tea i've ever tried was himalayan 'sencha' from udyan teas. it was fishy, grassy, and quite bitter if i remember correctly but i loved it, wish i could get it without paying 30 dollars for shipping. idk if it was really my favorite but definitely a contender. sticky rice flavored sheng puerh and blue people ginseng oolong are probably my favorites, shoutout to vital t seattle

>> No.14038021

Roasted Dandelion Root Tea, Jasmine Matcha Green Tea.

>> No.14038029

Rooibos is good but better for women, Rooibos lowers testosterone especially at high doses

>> No.14039271

Dandelion root is so oddly good.

>> No.14039395
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Let us know. I have never been let down from o-cha and have some shincha of my favorite tea from them ordered, plus some 2019 gyokuro. I'm loving puerh so far but found myself missing what sencha has to offer recently.

>> No.14039452
File: 106 KB, 679x679, blueberrywildchild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been my go-to for the past few months now. It's tangy and sweet, although not a true "tea". Tiesta's lavender chamomile is pretty great too.
When I want actual tea I reach for my Harney & Sons Earl Grey

>> No.14039471

thank u anons~~ ^-^

>> No.14039586

I was just memeing btw. Ceylon black is pretty good.

>> No.14039610

Where do you guys get your loose leaf tea from? I've managed to find one shop in my area that sells it and the leaves are all broken to hell

>> No.14039718

I order my tea like I order my panties, straight from japan and vacuum sealed to preserve the flavor

>> No.14039853
File: 569 KB, 750x1334, 7580CF01-68CF-4803-A4B5-02854E6C96C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brewed my first organic japanese Sencha tea today, tastes fantastic, many anons on here helped me pick it. The stuff I get in the package is moist and not dry like people said it might be based off this picture.

>> No.14039905

what the fuck is that lmao

>> No.14039995

can you describe the taste
does nip tea taste better than chinese in your opinion?

>> No.14039998


>> No.14040061

based mods deleting that piece of shit bread

>> No.14040062

It depends what type of tea you want to compare but from what I’ve heard Japanese tea is more popular in general.

I don’t like matcha and this stuff I just got is very nice tasting. Try some Japanese Sencha i really like it.

>> No.14040584

yea, sencha is being mentioned quite a lot in this thread. Imma try it.
it's just that I have quite a bit chinese tea coming through...

>> No.14040849

That picture looks like sticks and broken bits.

>> No.14040941


I love this oolong

>> No.14041177

such salty people about images..

>> No.14041196
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Got me some duck shit and frozen summit oolong

Who here /high quality/ chads.

>> No.14041205

Why do so many of you retarded faggots exist on 4chan specifically?

>> No.14041512

It’s just a sample picture anon I don’t know why it triggers so many people on here the tea i got in the container is much better looking I just didn’t think it mattered to show it.

>> No.14042130

How long is sencha supposed to last without going stale? Bought 200g of some stuff that arrived in mid/late April, only drank about 1/4 of it so far. Afraid I'm not drinking it fast enough and it'll get gross.

>> No.14042150

snapple w/ delsym

>> No.14042236


Around a year, ideally less than that, though if it's sealed you can refrigerate it to extend that.

From the sound of it though it seems like you probably ordered 2019 sencha. Depending on how it was stored before shipping it may still be "fine", but be aware you probably got something closing in on a year old already.

>> No.14043211

depend, assuming last harvest with good storage you probably have a good month or two before serious loss in quality. if it smelled fresh when you got it it was stored properly and you shouldn't worry

>> No.14043222

anyone here tried himalayan green from vahdam?

>> No.14043239


Part of the issue with this is that I wouldn't really trust anything that doesn't list the varietal, prefecture, and harvest year/month. If you like Iot, I'd highly recommend looking into places that deal exclusively in Japanese greens, and I'll bet your mind will be blown.

>> No.14043302

i like their spiced 'detox' green tea, never tried a straight green tea from them. daily Darjeeling and smoked Assam is what i usually buy

>> No.14043437

I like green oolongs, like high mountain oolongs from Taiwan, they can be amazing. A good powerful black tea is always acceptable, like a Chinese black tea or Ceylon black tea. White tea is also awesome, silver needles is the best but Bai Mu Dan is also great.

>> No.14043473


Do you have any recommendations on sites for this anon? I especially enjoy Sencha so I’d have to have that as an option for ordering.

>> No.14043494

O-cha.com is a good site for sencha. Also https://www.ippodo-tea.co.jp/en/

>> No.14043765


Doubling down on o-cha. Never had a bad experience, and their shincha just went online.

>> No.14043790


Also, if you order any sencha now-ish you should make sure it's shincha. Anything else is going to be from last year and there's no reason to get old stuff when freshly picked stuff is out there, unless you're extremely budget conscious, in which case most of 2019's harvest is currently marked down.

From o-cha, I highly recommend Yutaka Midori and San no Ma, as well as their Kabusecha. From those, only the Yutaka Midori is shincha right now, though, and everything else is 2019 material.

>> No.14044224

>Want to buy oolongs and pu-erh
>Don't want to support China
It's a tough life boys

>> No.14044355 [DELETED] 

this tea is the ultimate yellowface jew trap. everything except designated export teas is almost guaranteed to be overpriced if it's from china/taiwan

>> No.14044931

Dargelings are pretty close to oolong.

>> No.14044943

has anyone received their shipment from YS, and if so when did you order

>> No.14046035
File: 3.34 MB, 2592x3488, 1535667868550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only another country produced high quality oolongs...

>> No.14046317
File: 126 KB, 457x807, tea order 19.04.2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting on this, my order in feb took 6 weeks. im not panicking over this till late july

>> No.14046802

English Breakfast, no discussion

>> No.14046836

What sort of blend of English Breakfast though?

>> No.14047331

Anyone got any orders arrived from yunomi life, o-cha etc.? I know yunomi life has some kinda postal scheme but I'm too brainlet to figure it out.
Supporting small Chinese tea-growers isn't supporting the Chinese state anon

>> No.14047491
File: 191 KB, 400x300, IMG_20200507_174945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a 10 year old "golden peacock" pu erh cake for 15 euro at a local tea shop.
Can't wait to taste it.

>> No.14047828


>> No.14047849

This shincha makes me feel like I’m drinking a potion of life. Instantly makes me feel better in a way other types of tea do not

>> No.14048654

I have that dragon well, it's really nice

>> No.14048763

How do Indian restaurants make masala chai? I've tried homemade recipes + several different brands and they never turn out as good as the tea I get at restaurants.

>> No.14049053

where do you live that they sell puerh?
it's still pretty rare in europe you know

>> No.14049640

Small town in Lithuania, the few tea shops here are handled quite well.
Was gonna buy a bag of loose pu erh or gunpowder again, but noticed the few cakes they had on display.
The cashier was quite surprised when i asked to see them.

Tastes better and richer than the loose pu erh they sell.

>> No.14050948


>> No.14050957
File: 47 KB, 425x425, lavenderchamomile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking some of Tiesta's lavender chamomile tonight. Sharing with my fiance for more tea fun.

>> No.14050986
File: 1.03 MB, 3460x1580, 20200507_234817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scratch that with the fiance bit, the motherfucker won't have any with me yet I made a nice pot of it.

>> No.14051048

Am I a pleb for drinking Twinings?

>> No.14051062

Eh, I'd say it's down to your preference and convenience. Although once you go loose leaf it's hard to switch back to bagged teas since there really is a fresh/better tasting difference imo.

>> No.14051328
File: 10 KB, 320x320, 5fd2c06f558321eff612bbbe455f6fbd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

>> No.14051469


I'm in the US, ordered from o-cha on the 6th. Package is currently in Tennessee and scheduled to arrive by 10 PM on the 8th.

>> No.14051488


I thought that was gonna be a load of shit when I first saw the tracking on it but goddamn. I hope o-cha sticks with FedEx moving forward. It was maybe 10 bucks more than Japan Post and is getting here in 2 days.

>> No.14051636
File: 1.97 MB, 1488x2105, Lithuania.(Female).full.1834423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eastern europe has richer tea culture than the west I suppose

>> No.14051645

except england of course, but they drink shitty bagged tea mostly

>> No.14052039

Eastern Europe ain't any different senpai
although they are jumping onto that french-style flavoured-blend bandwagon hard

>> No.14052993

Made some milk tea the other day with some cheaper formosa oolong I had laying around and wanted to get rid of. Turned out pretty good. I think I'm gonna try it with some green jasmine pearls today, or maybe one of my more expensive blacks. Just for shits and giggles. Might even try it with some pu-erh for kicks. Anyone ever done any whacky experiments with milk tea? I'm curious how they turned out.

>> No.14052999

Harney & Sons is a pretty decent cup for the price. They had a variety called African Autumn, which was a rooibos blend that was fucking fantastic. Can't find it anymore, though.

>> No.14053404

Nice teapot

>> No.14053632

Thanks anon, it's cast iron so it holds heat incredibly well. One of the best Christmas gifts I've ever received.

>> No.14054048

Cocks. Up your bum. Raping.

>> No.14054433
File: 82 KB, 397x807, yuunan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 steeps into some 2010 Yunnan Sourcing Yi Dian Hong Ripe. 205f starting at 25 seconds. Turns out my 100ml gaiwan is actually like 82 so I dialed back the dose a tiny bit 4.45g. Pretty good so far, but my palette is btfo from espresso desu. Can anyone give me a rough brew guide to experiment with?

>> No.14054453
File: 2.83 MB, 5488x5408, mei leaf Handy Brewing Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use mei leaf as its easier compared to YS's guide

>> No.14054484

just looked at this and realized i do none of this.
5g/100ml for everything
Puerh/Hei Cha = 10sec +5 @100c
Raws i might to 3-4 infusions at 10sec before increasing time if its very strong
Black = 20sec +5 @90c
Oolong = 20sec +5 @100c
White(not bud) = 20sec +5 @100c
White(bud) = 15sec +5 @85c
Green = 15sec +5 @80c

>> No.14054516

8 infusions? You gotta pump those numbers UP. Nah but seriously, thx. I'll tweak and see where I end up. I've just been brewing +5s as many times as I can until I'm drinking hot water.

>> No.14054523

Nvm I'm stoned. Printing that guide out now. 20 infusions sounds much better. I've been getting ~12 starting at 25s.

>> No.14054534

I also just use 5g of leaf for everything

gaiwan is about 100mL, maybe less with leaf, don't really care as I prefer a stronger brew over a weaker one. I got a bit longer with brews than you, starting at like 15-20 seconds for everything, a bit longer for pearls or pu-erh on the initial steep, but then I bring it back down again

20 infusions sounds a little whacky but 10-15 wouldn't be unreasonable for a decent pu-erh

>> No.14054538

yeah i do ~15 infusions of everything unless its a really good Puerh, because my kettle holds about 15 infusions worth

>> No.14054607

I love Earl Grey and white tea, both are really taste, and easily improvable with a touch of vanilla.

One trick I've learnt recently is a 'spoonful of jam' with the tea. Apparently it's how the russians do it, and I gotta say, it improved the green tea experience for me.

The one thing im afraid of really, is that I think the Confinement might have killed one of my local tea shop. Used to go there once a month to buy some Tea in bulk, but the place clearly wasn't running on alot of money.

Im very afraid I'll have to rely on David's tea if the place closes down.

>> No.14054690

desu I quit counting after 8 and just brew at 50s repeatedly until I feel like I don't want anymore tea.

>> No.14054914

you could try buying good leaves that don’t need flavoring.

also puerh is disgusting and you freaks who like it should get another general. makes me sick at my stomach to read all these posts about chinese compost drinkers

>> No.14054953

I bet you smoke cubans before they offgas too.

>> No.14055362

I bet you smoke.

>> No.14055513

I've literally never tried puerh before
What's the problem with it?

>> No.14055530

its drunk by bull dyke lesbians to fuel thier spousal abuse

>> No.14055546

Almost any red tea from the wuyi mountain. 5+ year white tea is also exceptional if sorted properly and maintained in its bing form.

Look at half the fags in this thread calling their debaucherous infusions tea.

>> No.14055557


Ignore the bait. Puerh as a designation encompasses such a wide range of tea that saying "puerh is bad" is pretty ridiculous. Young raws have more in common with greens than difference, and on the whole other end of things you have old ripes that it seems like that anon takes issue with. The entire space in between is replete with variety.

>> No.14055577

Puerh if cared for and prepared properly is the pinnacle of tea. Nothing can compete with it, that being said though, it's incredibly difficult to perfect Puerh

>> No.14055674

The thing I make is pretty much a desert drink but fuck is it good.
>strong Chai tea
>add in condensed milk
>tiny bit of regular milk
>sprinkle cinnamon on top
I don't care if I get called a faggot, it tastes good.

>> No.14055728

I try to avoid anything rated under 94 these days.

>> No.14055945

There's a lot of bad puerh out there. Also, even good puerh can have earthy and cavernous tastes that a lot of people really dislike.

>> No.14057160
File: 1.55 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_20200508_111618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this as present
unfortunatley can't use it for anything else than puerh

>> No.14057249

I've tried making my own caramel milk tea. Black tea with homemade caramel sauce. Turned out pretty good, not quite the same as what I've had in boba tea shops though.
Sounds tasty anon

>> No.14057495

I have a rather hard tap water, with a pH around 8. I am missing out on something by using it to brew my tea?

Also, are there strategies to slow down habituation to great teas? I always grow bored of my favorite teas with time.

>> No.14057746

I've got the same kinda water, and the answer is FUCK YES. Holy shit, it was so bad that when I moved back here I thought my tea had gone bad during the journey or something. It was only when I started using bottled water on a whim that I realised it was the tapwater ruining everything.
I know teautists say filtered water is better than bottled water but if you wanna test it for yourself just buy some bottled water and you should be able to see a huge difference. You can then buy a filter if you want to.

>> No.14058082

Yes, get a brita filter and a small separate kettle for tea.

As for habituation, buy smaller amounts of a greater variety and explore the wide variety of tea.

>> No.14058092

Is there any reason to use a filter over just buying bottled water

>> No.14058140

the best water for tea is reverse osmosis filtered water with a small amount of magnesium sulfate and baking soda added to it. You are probably not enough of an enthusiast to bother with this so bottled water, although inferior for a number of reasons, will do.

>> No.14058290

Because not everyone is as opinionated as >>14058140 and buying bottles get's expensive.

If limescale is the problem, remove the limescale.

>> No.14059065

does anyone know where to get good lapsang souchong? i have some from upton that i use for my russian caravan blend but it's quite understated on its own, none of the richness and complexity of the unsmoked one i got from teasource

>> No.14059185

Getting awful uppity about buying a $7 aquarium gh/kh test kit.

>> No.14059204


>> No.14059836

Absolutely based.

>> No.14059847

I have some wuyi star tea and am very happy with it! It's good for the price. Lots of vendors selling it on eBay.

>> No.14060019

what makes the best iced tea

>> No.14060138

heat some water in a stovetop, add cardamom, ginger, star anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, black peppercorn, sugar, and milk. i've also used coriander, honey, vanilla, almonds, liquorice, rose petals, and salt, but that's the basic recipe. i like cooking the spice blend just right before adding tea. get a good strong assam for the base, it can be a blend of different blacks but you definitely need assam to get the flavor right

>> No.14060213

before i get shot for saying this i have to disclaim that i don't consider iced tea 'real' tea so it's not a sin for me to say my favorites for this category would be blackberry or blueberry flavored black tea

>> No.14060279

What kind of iced tea?
For sweet tea, Lipton or usa gold teabags
For iced tea in general, uptown imports makes a Darjeeling and ceylon iced tea blend
For cold brew iced tea, a nice Chinese green like dragonswell or a very light first flush Darjeeling, maybe a Moroccan mint blend of a nice gunpowder green and macerated fresh mint.

>> No.14060297

Roasted barley.

>> No.14060304

how do you cold brew a dragonwell?

>> No.14060322

Thanks anon

>> No.14060395

Put it in cold water overnight, a generous teaspoon to a quart of water is a good starting point.

>> No.14060405

What in the goddamn is a quart of water, that sounds like some goddamn east india trading company era shit
>equal to 1/4 gallon
Well, that does make sense.

>> No.14060445

I laughed at this way harder than I should have.

>> No.14060594

now you have to decipher which gallon he's talking about, 4.54 litres? 3.78 litres? or 4.40 litres.

>> No.14060781

I just buy quart jars, i dunno what to tell you.

>> No.14060844

128 ounces.

>> No.14061871

us dry gallon, gallon, imperial gallon?

>> No.14061907

imperial, US, US dry

>> No.14062003

What's you guys' favorite decaf tea? I love tea but for whatever reason I only really get the urge to drink it at night.

>> No.14062004


Hojicha. Very comfy.

>> No.14062520

dandelion root desu, cozy and smokey

>> No.14062526

>that french-style flavoured-blend bandwagon
No thanks. I don't want some wannabe food perfumer mess with my tastebuds. > muh tasteless pointless visual flower petals

>> No.14062580

how I feel about it too my man but that's what took up an entire supermarket ailse in the latvian supermarket i went to

>> No.14062759

I feel like the French stuff is still a step above the bag-of-trail-mix-with-a-spoonful-of-tea-added we tend to get in the US.

>> No.14062822

what does white tea taste like? i want to try it but it seems pretty expensive

>> No.14062841

Most of it is too delicate to taste like much, maybe like a subtle flowery hint.
That said I did have one at a tasting that was as bold as any green.

>> No.14063107

a high quality white is smooth and clear, typically not very strong but should be quite full in the mouth (maybe comparable to a light sencha or very mellow aged puerh). the taste itself is quite mild, generally somewhere around floral/honey/nutty. avoid cheap whites (including most white peony imo), i'd try looking for a less expensive silver needle cake

>> No.14063179

I've only had pretty cheap stuff and it tastes of a fruitcakey, sweet raisiny flavour. It's very distinct, totally unlike the other tea flavours.

>> No.14063248

Why should I not buy cheap white tea? I recently bought some inexpensive white peony and thought it was pretty good (It was not a delicate tasting tea it had a nice rich earthy flavor to it) but I am a new tea drinker so my tastes might be naive.

>> No.14063631

An anon here recommended the 2013 YS
"Autumn Ye Sheng" a while back; I picked up a cake recently and was fairly impressed, it's very roasty and savory, I would have thought it was a lot older than it is. Thanks for the suggestion.

I'm not sure where that anon is coming from, I have had very few bad experiences with white peony. Same with most of the lower-grade whites (shoumei and gongmei).
Silver needle is nice and all, but for the money you spend on a nice one you could get a higher quality bai mu dan or shoumei. Though it depends whether you're comfortable with the more robust and darker low-grade white tea flavors or if you much prefer the sharp, crisp notes, in which case silver needle is probably the way to go. Also, silver needle is generally best drunk young, maybe a year or so after harvesting, but white peony and other lower-grade whites are better suited to aging.

>> No.14063705

Can somebody share a nice Chai Latte recipe? Recently bought some and have no idea what do to with it.

>> No.14064070

Nice, that cake is pretty good. One of my favorite smokey puerhs.

>> No.14064138


Might have been me, who in turn got that rec from another anon. If you like that I'd also recommend the 2009 Xiaguan Cang Er Yuan Cha. Very smokey but in less of a meaty way than the Ye Sheng. Also has cinnamon and vanilla going for it to my taste - much more similar to a mild Scotch.

>> No.14064234

considering the surge in popularity and demand for white tea it wouldn't be surprising if there are lots of cheap teas mass produced now

have a very cheap cake from fullchea coming in
looking forward to trying it
maybe I'll be positively surprised
have never really tried white tea

>> No.14064400
File: 1.23 MB, 3000x4000, yAMosdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super into white teas over the last year.
A good Shoumei or Gongmei cake can be honey/fruit/wheat flavors.

Personally I don't like bud heavy white teas, its all about the leaf.

>> No.14064780

do you prefer to use lemon slices or lemon zest in brews?

in cold terms i find zest has a much more noticeable lemon flavour but slices gives it a sweet sharp citric kick

>> No.14064847

>do you prefer to use lemon slices or lemon zest in brews?

>> No.14065124

adding lemon to tea is bong though

>> No.14065130

adding milk n sugar is
lemon isn't a thing here

>> No.14065167


>> No.14065187

senpai I am from the UK and I have not seen anyone add lemon to tea

>> No.14065265

as am i, less common than milk and sugar but still a thing

>> No.14065299

never seen it my man
what part?

>> No.14065412

The norf

>> No.14065418

could be it, i'm a home counties ubermensch

>> No.14066365

YS keeps having sales and I'm still waiting on my Trump bux. Gay.

>> No.14066993

what's a good tea to get me jacked and stay on a long fast?

>> No.14067041

this or one of their cheaper ginseng teas. the taste and aftertaste/feeling in the mouth is great and it has a very noticeable 'high'

>> No.14067462

it looks really weird, not like tea at all
looks more like stuff you would find in the forest lol

>> No.14067466
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what is the best tea to make ice tea?

>> No.14067499

lipton, if you're from the south

>> No.14067514

well, they also have lipton in europe
but I meant proper lose leaf tea
I guess green tea would be best for that purpose, but which variant?
I also tried an Oolong tea which tasted very 'fresh' and 'fruity' (no idea how best to describe it), so that might also be an option...
any ideas

>> No.14067518
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pic related

>> No.14067637

I just read about 'hui ga'. For those unfamiliar with it this might be interesting: https://redblossomtea.com/blogs/red-blossom-blog/focus-on-the-finish-what-is-hui-gan

For experienced tea enthusiasts: What are your experiences with hui gan? Do you use the concept to analyse your taste? Do you know other interesting key-concepts on tea like this?

>> No.14067715

Ma huang (ephedra sinca)
Great energy, very stimulating. Legal but you have to import it from overseas due to FDA regulations.
This is not medical advice, do not consume products that contain Ephedrine if you have heart problems.

>> No.14067731

why do americans assume everyone is american
it makes me ANGRY

>> No.14067734

From what I have read hui gan is one or the more important criteria that the Chinese use to judge the quality of puer.
I certainly pay attention to it when drinking puer. It's pretty hard not to because some teas will linger for ages. I really enjoy the experience and it's one of the things that really sold me on puer. Sometimes I can take one sip of tea and still taste a very strong lingering sweetness even 10+ minutes later. I guess it's pretty important because if you are drinking slowly you end up tasting the aftertaste much longer than the tea itself. It's also fun to mess around with taking different sized sips, or doing that coffee tasting slurping thing, and seeing how it changes the flavor and intensity of the aftertaste.

>> No.14067744

it's an american world, you're just living in it
or rather, an american board, what do you expect

>> No.14067754
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what's the best bong tea? i tried yorkshire tea and barry's gold, they were both really good

>> No.14067760

The best Bong tea is autistic single-estate darjeeling
The best supermarket Bong tea is probs Twinings or Yorkshire Gold I guess

>> No.14068204

I found Sainsbury's Gold Label loose leaf and Tesco's Assam to be the best generic supermarket loose leaf out there. Twinings is decent enough but is either on par or a little worse for the money. Yorkshire Gold loose is also good. I honestly haven't really gone in for more expensive British blends of teas so it's something that I need to explore more.

>> No.14068365

Twinings Earl Grey for winter, any cheap shit for iced tea honestly

>> No.14069069

clouds and mist is best green iced i think, hard to find a reasonable deal on most chinese greens though. sencha is great as well. for oolong i reccomend four seasons, cheap and sounds like what you're describing

>> No.14069285

cant stand Yorkshire Gold loose. just swallow the small extra cost and order from vahdam, you'll get good leaf that can take 3 infusions

>> No.14069426

this vahdam, harney, upton, etc are all cheap as fuck for the quality if you just want breakfast tea

>> No.14069444
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Oh boy.

>> No.14069457
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Shincha and then some 2019 gyokuro.

>> No.14069471
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Yutaka Midori shincha.

>> No.14069554
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Here's steep two. It's very subtle following o-cha's newly recommended guidelines for it, namely a reduction in brewing time and temperature. Brings out the sweeter, brighter notes in it, but I like my fukamushi to be brothy, so next go around I'll probably revert back to the longer brewing times and see what that does for it.

>> No.14069557

Damn that color is very vivid.

>> No.14069567

Dang, almost like tea is made out of dried leaves that sometimes grow in forests

>> No.14069577


Yeah it's wild. That's without any post-processing apart from portrait mode on a Google Pixel.


Okay, first impressions now that we're through 3 steeps. The low brewing temp (165F) and time (30s, 15s, 60s) bring out some of the more subtle flavors of the tea. I'm specifically being reminded of really good seaweed salad that you might get at a sushi joint. It's good, but also a lot brighter than I remember it being in the past with a 175F temp and 60s, 30s, 90s brewing times.

As I said, I like brightness in an asamushi sencha but want my deep steamed stuff to be thick and brothy. Next go around I'll try with extending the brewing time out to the old times, and after that I'll probably try the new times but with the older temperature, and see how all that treats me.

>> No.14069585

I love the aesthetics and standardization of Japanese tea packaging.

>> No.14069793

Anyone try the Japanese whiskey tea from Harney and is it actually good?

>> No.14069938

Sounds based desu senpai

>> No.14070196

OH BOY! belgium is gonna start shipping overseas again tomorrow. My custom ordered and commissioned gaiwan and cup combo are on their way! fuck you Corona!

>> No.14070206


Hell yeah! Let us know when it gets here. I really want to get some teaware commissioned.

>> No.14070225

Well, I got mine from here https://www.etsy.com/shop/PotterybyIngeNielsen

and I'll be sure to

>> No.14070248

holy hell that's a vivid green
I like your teapot too, anon. Any heads up on where I can get snag something similar?

>> No.14070258

Oh just message the store owner and you can commission it through the messages there or her instagram. Its very straight forward, and she's very patient while you work out exactly what you want.

>> No.14070274


That teapot and tea are both from o-cha.com. That specific pot isn't available anymore but they have a lot of nice looking stuff.

>> No.14070303


>> No.14070392

the pancake will not be denied

>> No.14070410

How I yearn for it, I've been waiting for two months. But it looks gorgeous, and like a pancake.
if only I had some of white2teas waffles to brew in it when it arrives.

>> No.14070525

i haven't tried a whiskey flavored one but the lapsang style black tea i got on yunomi (ithink) was very good

>> No.14070577

Can confirm I've had that one from yunomi and it was good. It had a savory saltiness that reminded me of salmon.

>> No.14070605

I'm breaking into tea and the bag of earl grey I got is running low. Been having it over ice with honey. What should I follow it with? Ceylon, Assam, English breakfast? Should I replace bergamont with lemon?

>> No.14070649

Second flush Darjeeling, for a light fruity black tea. Russian caravan, a blend sold by many tea companies, for a Ceylon - Assam blend with a hint of smokey lapsong. CTC Irish breakfast for a strong bracing morning tea that needs milk.
Xiaguan te ji tuo, at least 5 years old, for when you are ready to try puer.

>> No.14070657
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Guys I fucked up. I was brewing Gyokuro for the first time and I accidentally steeped it at 160F instead of 60C because I wasn't paying enough attention to the units. I didn't think tea could taste this bad. Really had to force it down. Did the second steep at the actual correct temp and it was significantly better.

>> No.14070660
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My girlfriend told me to tell all of you to drink genmaicha

>> No.14070668

crazy how 10 degrees do that

>> No.14070681

Chamomile foxtrot!

>> No.14070709

Your body pillow isn't real

>> No.14070717

bek houden jeanne pieter

>> No.14070731

My girlfriend told me to tell you to tell your girlfriend that genmaicha sucks and you're also just halving the health benefits of the green tea

>> No.14070783

All other teas have similar "health benefits" to green tea, if anything fermented teas like ripe puer are the "healthiest" but scientists have only done studies on green tea because hippies have memed it as being the "healthy" tea.

>> No.14070937

Nah, genmaicha is based. And if you drink tea for some dubious "health benefits", you're a certified dumdum.

>> No.14070964

anyone know of a good ashitaba tea, i cant find it anywhere. other than the one brand on amazon that comes in a black box.

>> No.14071154


>> No.14071279

not a tea person
stupid question but can you reuse loose leaves that where used in making milk tea? or does the milk effect them?
assuming making another batch of milk tea

>> No.14071292

Why not pour the milk in after you remove the leaves?

>> No.14071320

Oh wait. I think I misunderstood. You're using only milk and no water.

>> No.14071672

i dont think so

>> No.14071710

Are you cooking the tea in the milk? If so you are probably getting all the flavor out of it and it's not worth reusing.

>> No.14072340

So you brew the tea in the tea pot and then pour it into the glass container before pouring it into your cup? Why not directly from the tea pot into your cup? Do you use more than 150 cl water?

>> No.14072362

Some questions:

What are the general differences between tea buds and tea leaves?

What is the distinctness of 'wild tea trees'?

I know about some basic categorizations of tea like white, green, oolong, varieties of puerh, red/black. But I see YS also uses 'Hei Cha' and 'Purple Tea'. How should I understand these?
And is yellow tea really exclusive? Is it worth to try it?


>> No.14072386


Yeah, that's something that isn't endemic to Japanese tea brewing but I borrowed it from gongfu. With Japanese tea you'll typically have a kyusu and teacup of similar volumes such that you can empty the former directly into the latter. I don't have a teacup that big (just some thrift store mugs that I don't like using as much) and I also like the more Chinese style of drinking tea in shots. This kyusu holds 180 ml of water, and the pitcher just acts as a holding vessel between it and my 50 ml teacup.

>> No.14072419

>What are the general differences between tea buds and tea leaves
they have different taste, smaller generally being newer growth, things like green/sliver needle (white) pick the smallest leaves and a bud is a bud. aged tea is generally the larger leaves
>wild tea trees
bit of a meme, sold as old trees therefore better tea is the trees will have more roots to suck up nutrients, also better quality leaves. tree age claims are probably false, same as saying a vineyard have been producing wine for a thousand years, doesn't automatically mean its going to be better
>white, green, yellow, oolong, red/black.
level of oxidation from least to most, oolong is also fermented. red tea is what we in the west would call black tea, Chinese call it red due to the color of the liquid vs Hei Cha aka dark tea which gives very almost black liquid
a style of tea that is sundried and aged(fermented). come in two styles raw and ripe, ripe puerh is wet pilled(composted) for 2 months to rapidly age the flavour to something similar to very only raw puerh
>Hei Cha
wet piled like ripe puerh but came first
>Purple Tea
a mutation that makes the tea leaves look purple
>bug bitten
leaves that have been bitten by bugs causing the leaves to generate chemicals that add flavour
>And is yellow tea really exclusive?
no? just more uncommon that other types i think, its in between green and black so most just drink one or both of those
>Is it worth to try it?
sure, try them all and see which you like the best or keep a bit of everything and cycle round

>> No.14072421

>ripe puerh is wet pilled(composted) for 2 months to rapidly age the flavour to something similar to very *old* raw puerh

>> No.14072429

I'll pass on the deliberately rotten tea thanks lol

>> No.14072436

but it tastes so good, like sweet vanilla wood and so smooth

>> No.14072455

Best forget about blue cheese, sauerkraut, kimchi, vinegar, kombucha, and pickles then, dipshit.

>> No.14072460


And bread for that matter.

>> No.14072463

And basically all alcohol.

>> No.14072596

thanks again!

So is purple tea mainly a variety in color or does it have specific other traits, flavor, smells?
Has someone on here tried it?

>> No.14072608


If I'm not mistaken, the 2013 YS Autumn Ye Sheng that I and others have tried is a purple mutated leaf but I don't really have any idea what role, if any, that plays in the flavor. I'm still seeing "purple" and "wild" being used seemingly interchangeably various places and don't quite have their meanings nailed down.

>> No.14072630

I have committed sin against tea and liked it.
Instead of brewing western, I used an aeropress to mimic gong fu brewing.
I'm on my 5th round of tea and I can see the appeal of gong fu over western, especially for shorter steep teas.

>> No.14072927

>8g ball oolong per 150ml
That shit would be bursting out the top

>> No.14073049

Use a teapot and add the milk to the cup.

>> No.14073051

Don't forget aged meats.

>> No.14073536

Kettl has more shincha for sale today. If you like the straightforward tropical grassy sweetness of fukamushi sencha you will be pleased with what they’ve got.

>> No.14073538

if you drink tea for the health benefits then i will personally come to your little tea(cuck) shed and end your life with a puer knife
not so healthy now, eh?

>> No.14073927

HOLY SHIT, /TEA/, YOU WERE RIGHT! And I should have known it.

>>14057495 here. With containment and reduced business activity, water consumption has decreased, residence time has increased, and water companies had to maintain the decaying free chlorine level in pipes, often resulting in more chlorinated water on tap.

I just got a Brita filter and descaled my kettle as advised here. I think I have to taste again 30+ YS samples I got last month: the cheap ass loose leaf pu er with clean water is now on par with my memories of some fancy aged cakes before the filter.I didn't want to face it but I'm glad I asked.

>> No.14073933

*after reflexion, while the chlorine part is true, disregard it, I doubt it impacts (near) boiling water.

>> No.14074008

so would >>14073927 be exaggerating the taste difference?

>> No.14074059

No, Limescale definitely still sucks.
Chlorine evaporates in boiling water too fast to matter.

>> No.14074081

Holy shit! Your girlfriend's really good at putting makeup on.

>> No.14074121

After years of drinking Chinese teas, the other day my O-Cha shincha order came in and I got to give Japanese greens a shot. I enjoy the taste, but this stuff is hell on my guts; how can I enjoy it without the nausea? Empty of full stomach doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

>> No.14074234

Even little japanese grannies handle that stuff no problem. You must have a fucked up gut. Take probiotics, eat more fiber and less fat

>> No.14074298

little japanese grannies lived through nuclear holocausts and die at one hundred and eighteen years old

>> No.14074811

Is loose leaf actually better? Seems like a hassle.

>> No.14075057
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Yutaka Midori shincha by way of o-cha round 2. Kept the brewing times the same (30s, 15s, 60s) but upped the temp to 175F. This is getting more like what I enjoy. Deep brothiness, a little but of astringency, very sea-weedy. Next go around will be 165F with long steeps, then we'll try 175F with long steeps.

>> No.14075142

Yes. There are teabags with half decent tea in them but they are very expensive and have to be special ordered anyway. The stuff they use in teabags is the equivalent of what they sweep off the factory floor after a batch of tea is processed.

>> No.14075147

Describe the broth. Seafood? Vegetable? Beef? Chicken? How thick and viscous is the liquid? Any nuttyness?

>> No.14075149

Give me the no bullshit best method of preparing tea at home?
I just pour water that starts to boil into a teapot and it turns out fine, but I know I could be doing better.

>> No.14075225

for western get a teapot with a leaf holder or even use a gaiwan, 1tsp/2g of loose leaf per 200ml, 3-5mins at 90c-100c for black, 80c for green. remove the tea from the leaf so you dont over steep. thats the no bullshit method, leaf quality is going to be the biggest factor and even cheap loose leaf is going to be miles better than bags

for the best way to brew tea, gong-fu same as above but 5g leaf / 100ml water, much shorter steeps say 20sec and multiple steeps say +5 seconds each time

>> No.14075226


Very much seaweed. The liquor is mildly thick, very cloudy. I suspect that will increase at high temp long brew time. The way I just brewed it, it starts straying into those deeper brothy sea-weedy flavors, but still has a little bit of grass and green apple to it.

>> No.14075260

Tea is the physical manifestation of no bullshit, it's not like coffee where you've got autistic science and weird shit like pourover technique.
MOST NON-BULLSHIT METHOD: put some tea in your mug. Fill your mug with water of the appropriate temperature (80 for green, 90+ for oolong, 100 for black). Congratulations. When you've drunk until there's only a third of the tea left, refill with hot water.
LEAST NON-BULLSHIT METHOD: gong-fu. You can make a whole ceremony out of this, but it boils down to putting a lot of tea in a small cup and filling it with hot water (90-100) for a short amount of time (20 secondsish). Even this method is pretty non-bullshit, 'cause you should experiment around with how long and what temperature with each tea. You can reuse the leaves many times, just add a bit more time for each reuse.

You also have stuff like mug-infusers, teapots, etc., but they're pretty self-explanatory. Just don't bother with teaball infusers, they're too small to work well.

>> No.14075321

wait you just put looseleaf tea in a mug and pour water over it?
How do you deal with the floating bits, I don't want to eat my tea.

>> No.14075323

If the water's hot enough and you've got full leaf then leaves don't float

>> No.14075336
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Well I just did a cup of genmaicha and all the tea sunk but the brown rice remained floating.

>> No.14075345

also opinions on a Gaiwan?

>> No.14075347


You generally don't grandpa style Japanese teas.

>> No.14075361

btw thats called grandpa style and its was originally done in gaiwans then lids were invented to hold the leaf back instead of using your teeth as a filter

>> No.14075369

I tossed out my gong fu set. All I need is a kyusu and a chawan.

>> No.14075387


>bragging about throwing perfectly fine things away

The decadence.

>> No.14075458

You have a kyusu you recommend?

>> No.14075464

Gaiwans are fun. They don't have to require a lot of pomp and circumstance. It takes a little while to find a comfortable way to hold the lid, and you will dump some nearly boiling water on your hand at least once while learning to pour. But once you get the hang of it it's easy and it's fun how the teas flavor evolves and changes with each brew.

>> No.14075476

Gaiwans cost like £5 and they really change the way tea tastes. For me it's a no-brainer.
Eh, it's called grandpa style in the minuscule western internet tea-autist subculture, and purely because of that one dude's blog about his grandpa.
Gaiwan literally means lidded bowl, but yeah, that was their original function. Gongfu is a weird regional thing which took off in the 70s.

>> No.14075487

Spoonfeed a brainlet here, if I like breakfast teas what type of loose leaf do I get? Didn't realize you could just put it straight in a mug with hot water.

>> No.14075569

Yeah that's how I drink all my tea lately because I am lazy. These are all decent suggestions, especially the puer, you should be able to get a tuo for $10 shipped on eBay. And i would avoid the CTC irish Breakfast because it might come out too bitter.

>> No.14075581

I’m wrong handed so there’s only a couple options out there. I have ippodo’s overpriced banko style one, but I got it when you could still order from japan so it was cheaper and it does look really nice. Otherwise artistic nippon has a lot of tokoname style kyusu that have the best internal filter imo but... you can’t buy them right now

>> No.14075592

You can still get stuff shipped from Japan via DHL and FedEx. It's just expensive and only some places offer those methods.

>> No.14075596
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alas, no more free little statues but good tea

>> No.14075626

I am legally obliged to recommend you the black gold bi luo chun sold on yunnansourcing if/when they release the 2020 harvest and it becomes viable to order online from them. It's malty as fuck so it'll suit you best if you like super assamy blends.
Bear in mind I don't know wtf is going on with online orders. I'm just using what-cha 'cause they ship from my country.
I'm correctly handed too, so I reckon I'm only gonna get a kyusu when I get rich and can have one made for me.

>> No.14075682

something assam based, its strong and malty in flavour. most tea bag/brands are going to be a blend of different teas usually from africa because thats cheaper
vahdam is a good source for good cheap indian tea and they have a lot of different types

>> No.14075888


I'm really liking the 2017 xiaguan tibetan shit export one of you recommended months ago.

>> No.14075917

>2017 xiaguan tibetan shit export
Based, describe it. Is it smokey?

>> No.14075946

u sound like you broke up with chinese teas, ?

>> No.14075953


>> No.14075958

I buy cheap bagged tea in the supermarket.

>> No.14075959

friendship with yunnansourcing OVER
o-cha is my best friend now

>> No.14075966
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I like drinking rose bud tea. Sometimes I'll even throw a couple of chrysanthemum flowers in there for added flavor. Call me a faggot I don't give a fuck.

>> No.14075974

I can't think of anything which ripples with more raw testosterone than drinking flowers

>> No.14075993

I don't think rosebuds contain phytoestrogens and they have a nice spicy flavor iirc.

>> No.14076002
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for me it's Mei Leaf

>> No.14076034
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sencha powder, chiran sencha, tsuen sencha musashi, organic kabusecha kurasawa, guricha
i'll post tasting notes if anyone is interested

>> No.14076162


For sure. I may brew up some of the Yame gyokuro real quick and I can report on that too.

>> No.14076226


Most curious about the Chiran and Musashi.

>> No.14076260
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Wow, that hit like a freight train. Geez. I'm not even entirely sure how to describe the flavor, exactly. I may have to wait a few more rounds before I try to analyse this. Strong is the thing I'm getting right now, and just a lot more deep and round than...well...really any other tea I've had, I think.

>> No.14076272

did you already like gyokuro beforehand? I love sencha and matcha but gyokuro is too much for me.

>> No.14076280


This is my first time trying it. It's like everything I enjoy about fukamushi but turned up even more.

>> No.14076483
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I'll brew some up rn to give you more accurate notes.


I really need a tea tray.

>> No.14076532

Haha i use a paper plate too for chipping tea off of cakes.
Those bricks are super affordable, i have been thinking about buying a few kilos to hoard.

>> No.14076540

Any tips or advice for breaking tea from a cake without a proper pick?

>> No.14076581

i use a small dull knife, for cakes i work from the inside rather than the edge. where i live is quite humid and i find the cake/bricks become easier to break up after a month or two. i prefer knives as you can stick in and twist to loosen everything up

>> No.14076612

Def worth it. I had to order some more shit to ensure I get to keep a few bricks aging. Came out to like $25 shipped for 5x250g. If I'm reading it right, these tibetan export bricks are mainly scraps from their much nicer bricks? If so I'd compare them to roller's blend cigars/mixed filler cuban sandwiches like the tatuaje serie p foils.

Very smoky, rich deep flavor. I'm only starting out into purehs but this is more than drinkable. Nice cooling sensation on the inhale too.

>> No.14076635

drinking the musashi now. it's very clean feeling, more so than any tea i've had to my memory. has a basic flavor in a good way, hits all the typical notes of a sencha and well rounded enough that i don't taste notes of anything particular, maybe just a bit grassy and creamy. very long residual pleasant feeling after sipping, neither intense nor shallow. like sweet spring water, very natural and simple

>> No.14076636

I like a brand of Ceylone tea called Do Ghazal

>> No.14076676

Sounds good anon, thanks for the tasting notes.

>> No.14076691
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I lose track, but this is about 10th steep. Still enjoying it. Big thanks to the anon who recommended it. Was originally intended for kombucha but fuck it.

>> No.14076713

Oh yeah that was me lol. Glad you like it!

>> No.14076714


Thanks. Is that a 2019 or did they release a shincha?

>> No.14076729

chiran now. somewhat thick, smooth and leans more towards brothy than astringent. good flavor. slightly chemical taste, might not be noticeable to you but especially after the organic kabusecha the slight unnatural feeling of pesticide use is quite loud. not to dump on this tea specifically, the feeling is still quite nice and the flavor is great. typical green deep/warm sencha taste like the previous one but with a more flowery, maybe slightly honeyish taste. good if you like a complex flavor but i think i was spoiled by the previous tea

>> No.14076746

sorry i was actually reviewing the organic kurasawa shincha, not the 2019 musashi. i'll post a review of the musashi in a minute

>> No.14076928

Is David's tea really bad? Where else could I buy a nice breakfast sweets tea to try? David's has a cardamom french toast that is my favorite tea ever. Would like something similar. Strong vanilla, honey, maple, graham cracker flavors.

>> No.14076957
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what if i buy loose leaf and bag it myself

>> No.14076973

The /tea/ thread approved place to buy flavored tea is mariagefreres.com
Generally I would advise against flavored tea entirely but if that's what you want the frogs do it best.

>> No.14076978
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There is an app for that

>> No.14076982

thanks, I'll check it out

I think I'm only interested in flavored tea, sorry if i'm not faggy enough

>> No.14076995

lol, this is way too expensive, faggy bullshit

>> No.14077002

kys yourself poorfag

>> No.14077005

im not poor its just more important to spend money on energy drinks than these supafaggy ass teas

davids is good and expensive enough

>> No.14077021

That's fine, all I will say is that if you get into nice tea's you will be shocked that some of them aren't flavored. I've had teas that taste like chocolate, dried plums, peaches, smokey whiskey, seaweed soup broth, it's pretty wild.
You might get some other suggestions overnight, this is a pretty slow thread. I don't really think David's is the worst, but there might be some other options that aren't as expensive as the stuff from the frogs. You are right it's expensive as fuck, I almost never buy tea that pricey.

>> No.14077073

have some leftover on amazon account from gift card, what black tea $20 or less is good?

>> No.14077081

>kys yourself poorfag

smells like an addict

>> No.14077178

>No, Limescale definitely still sucks
this, tbqhwymf

>> No.14077179 [DELETED] 
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reminder that these threads are made by some tranny on Twitter:

>> No.14077299

Get some puer. This is an official store from the best ripe puer Maker in china.

>> No.14077311

Feels good to be a lefty with based ambi tendencies so I can use any kyusu.

I tried some gyokuro again a little while back and the first sip of that green shit literally made me cough. Pretty nice.

>> No.14077535

stop posting your own twitter

>> No.14077738

fuck off back to twitter non-female

>> No.14078282

My package from What-cha has been held up since April and my stash is running low. What are some good US domestic vendors?

>> No.14078341

Oh yeah, just remembered there's Upton. They'll do the trick.

>> No.14078351

I used to drink lipton tea but it unironically just tasted like slightly bitter water so I started putting milk in it and it was actually okay. I thought that was a weird thing to do and was pleasantly surprised when I learned it was as common as using sugar and even better in a cup of decent tea.

>> No.14078419

Verdant tea, delivers fast
Yunnan sourcing US, also pretty quick
Crimson lotus Seattle inventory, but only if you like raw pu-erh, cheapest are probably the space girls cosima and feist. Both are pretty nice.

>> No.14078466

harney has some good blends. venetian tiramisu looks good

>> No.14078509


O-cha is delivering from Japan to the US with a 2 day turnaround via FedEx. I payed 28 in shipping to the East coast.